89.58% Djinn System / Chapter 43: James may be Evil

章 43: James may be Evil

The passengers started to calm down after flying for 15 minutes. In the beginning, they all looked like they were going to die at any moment even though Draven gently raised the platform, kept it balanced, and gradually increased speed. This was a luxury he didn't afford his own citizens and they were still freaking out. After another 30 minutes the mountains started to come into view. They were still a ways away from Ironforge but he was glad to be back in familiar surroundings. Draven decided to take a short cut and go over one of the mountains instead of going around he and James did this on the way over to Sanctuary as well. A large shadow was cast over the peak of the mountain as the Flying Brick soared over it. 

Unbeknownst to Draven a Pair of orange eyes opened wide and smelled a large variety of prey all gathered up for it. Crawling out through an opening near the Peak the large creature spread it's wings and and began to chase after the Flying Brick. Draven had the platform flying behind him to make sure he had a clear view in front, he also did this so he didn't have to watch some of the people puke along the way. "Help its a Dragon he heard someone screaming. "Are they just now realizing that he resembles a dragon?" he wondered as he turned around to look at the idiot who screamed that. What Draven then saw made him both happy and perplexed. There was a large Dragon-like creature flying behind them its arms were wings and it had two hind legs and a very long neck leading to a ferocious raptor-like head. 

Juvenile Wyvern 

Level 20

Health 35000

Mana 15000

"So it's a Wyvern" Draven thought. This was a creature closely related to dragons but were inferior in every possible way. Draven wanted its XP Orb for the juicy Dragon SP but he had to maintain the Psionic magic keeping the 2000 people from falling out of the sky like a sack of potatoes. He could still attack with dual casting so he mentally anchored the platform to the side of the mountain he had to stay close otherwise he would lose the connection with it. James was already pouncing on it. A black mist came out of his hands and began to cover the Wyvern it looked more sluggish than before seeming to struggle to continue to flap its wings. It landed on the side of the mountain and began to breathe fire towards the passengers. 

Draven quickly created a torrent of wind causing the flames to be pushed into the rocks. He then raced toward the Wyvern and kicked its head while expending a lightning rune in his leg causing the kick to be so powerful the entire long neck of the Wyvern flew backward before causing its head to slam against the ground. James then dived in landing on its neck pinning it against the rocky surface of the mountain. It sprayed more flames which hit James dead on. The heat was too much for him to handle even with his fire resistance so he was forced to resort to covering the entirety of his body with scales. 

James then grew out his claws and slashed against the creature's neck leaving deep grooves in its scales. His curse magic was about to wear off so he wanted to finish this quickly before it could fly again. James had cursed the Wyvern to reduce its stamina to only a fourth of its total amount. James was well aware that flying cost a lot of stamina and to lug something as heavy as its body he knew a lot of stamina would be needed to keep it airborne. Curses had a cooldown and a time limit. Seeing the little damage James did when trying to cut it Draven decided to take a different approach and crush it instead. Draven flew up and found a large boulder that he tossed into the air before jumping on it and using both lightning runes in his legs to launch the boulder at an incredible speed toward the Wyvern's head. It smashed into its head with great force blood could be seen trickling from underneath the boulder but Draven wasn't done as he landed on the boulder with as much force as he could generate squishing its head even more. 

<It's dead now Draven.> 

Draven then swooped down and looted its XP Orb, several wyvern teeth, scales Tendons, meat and so much more. According to his Carving profession everything on a Wyvern could be used for crafting or other professions he even noticed that he had a large amount of its blood in his inventory. "You can have the Orb since you can use the SP but the next bronze orb is mine," James said while looking greedily at the Wyvern corpse or what was left of it after the system carved out its materials. "Sure thing next bronze ranked is yours," Draven replied. 

James then walked over to the corpse of the Wyvern and placed his hand on its body. swirls of dark magic whirled around the wyvern. The rest of the flesh it still had on its bones began to fall off and even the bones that were removed grew back. within a few moments a skeleton Wyvern stood in front of James with glowing yellow eyes. 

"HAHAHAHA you are my first undead servant bow down to your new master!" James yelled out hysterically. The Bone Wyvern did as it was told and bowed to him. Draven facepalmed after hearing his dad recite the lines of some third-rate villain. Draven was almost too embarrassed to look toward the passengers. But as he did he saw they were now terrified of his Dad thinking he was some evil overlord who was going to turn them all into skeleton slaves. He had to admit though a skeleton Wyvern was pretty cool. James then hopped on its back and ordered it to fly behind Draven next to the Flying Brick. 

Draven had already unanchored the platform and had resumed their flight. James was now lying on his back within the space between the spikes that protruded out of the Wyvern's spine. "How long can you keep it?" Draven asked his Dad. "Until it dies even then I can resummon it if I spend the full mana cost of turning it into my servant. Which was quite a lot I'm almost completely drained so I'm taking a nap now." James replied before closing his eyes. After another hour they could finally see Ironforge coming into view. Shortly after the guards began to frantically ring the bell as a large skeletal Dragon-like creature was approaching Ironforge.

"You see that! Look how far we are away from the barrier and the guards are already alerting the town to danger and gathering reinforcements. If I don't go down there and show my face they will start launching attacks before they let that creature get anywhere near the barrier," Draven yelled back to his passengers. "That's how you defend your home. Take notes as all of you will be on guard duty until you can integrate yourselves with how I do things. Once you can secure your own income you may leave the guards if you wish and rent a home." Draven stated. "What does he mean by rent? is he going to charge us to have our own home?" he could hear many voice their dissatisfaction but Draven didn't care they would learn soon enough. He told James to hold back for a bit while he went down and explained the situation.

Draven landed in front of the barrier and placed the Flying Brick down. "It's Draven! Do not attack hold your spells!" Draven could hear Frank yelling from atop the walls. Frank then dropped down and landed next to Draven with a loud thud. "I'm assuming that undead monstrosity is yours?" He asked looking Draven in the eye. "Actually, that's my dad's new pet Wyvern. He was excited to get it but now that I think about it I have no idea where he is going to put it." Draven said genuinely confused about what his dad was going to do with that thing. "Great now we have two people with freakishly strong abilities." Frank sighed. "You should be happy! People with freakishly strong abilities are the reason why we are the strongest town on the planet. I plan to make as many of us as freakishly strong as possible." Draven said as he threw out a small stream of fire into the air to let his Dad know he could come down.

„All of you get out of the flying brick already or are you planning to make that your new base camp?" Draven called out to the people of Sanctuary. Hearing Draven they immediately jumped out of the Flying Brick glad to be on solid ground again. Jordan get up here and meet Frank the rest of you wait there Draven yelled out. James landed as well and hopped off the back of his wyvern to stand next to Draven. Jordan ran over to where Drave and the rest were standing. "Here's the Deal Frank our Iron town is about to become a Bronze Town and triple in size. That means we need a lot more guards. I have brought a lot more people that you need to turn into guards.They are a bunch of entitled lazy pieces of shit that need to learn our way of life." Draven said without blinking an eye. Frank took a moment to look at those people who seemed scared and looking at the ground. "So I'm going to promote you and all the current guards to Officers including this guy," Draven said pointing to Jordan. "I want you to personally train Jordan here so he can learn how to be a better leader. I'll let you know what being an officer entails later but it will be worth the headache of having to train all these people. That I promise."

Frank smiled after hearing that. "I look forward to hearing all about that," Frank replied feeling a bit giddy about getting a promotion. "I also plan on having all newcomers go through this process so not everyone who becomes a guard at the beginning will stay as a guard to make room for the next group that needs to learn how to survive here. Focus on instilling new habits and the need to improve and protect what we have built. If they want to stay as guards afterwards you can choose who you want to keep. The rest will be required to earn their stay and pay their rent like everyone else. Like I did with all of you they get a week of free living so in that time break them down and build them back up. If you think that's not enough time then extend it but I don't want anyone thinking they can mooch off of the system I want them in and trained and out being productive. 

Frank nodded. "No worries I was in the Navy for 15 years ill give them a proper Bootcamp experience. Frank said as he was already deciding on what drills and team-building exercises to put them through. "I'll leave you to it then you have full authority to train them as you see fit." Draven was very happy to have Frank now he seemed to be highly reliable. 

"Jason, Norman, and Todd get down here and give me a hand with the newbies! Three guys dropped down and followed Frank towards the people from Sanctuary. „Jordan you are Frank's shadow from now on until I say otherwise learn as much as you can from him." Draven said with a stern gaze. "Okay got it!" Jordan said feeling excited to have a purpose and be a part of something successful and larger than himself. He rushed over to where Frank was and fell in line.

Draven and James then walked into town James tried to sneak the Wyvern in with him to show off but Draven gave him a hard-no on that. he didn't want to incite a panic for no reason. James then had the Wyvern land on a nearby mountain and told it to come to him if it saw him leave town. Draven was excited to upgrade the Ironforge and flew over to his office and placed his hand on the terminal.

<The Terminal is asking if you wish to upgrade Ironforge to a Bronze-ranked town. You will need 20 tonnes of stone and 5 tonnes of Iron as well as Copper.>

Draven looked at the Storage Trade Center and the metal was not an issue at all but not a lot of people farmed stone it just wasn't worth the effort for carrying the weight when they could be carrying metal that was worth a lot more instead. There was about 9 Tonnes worth of Stone and Draven was sure he had farmed the vast majority of it himself. Draven then hopped back out and went toward the nearest mountain and started to continue the man-made tunnel he had started digging. He figured it wouldn't hurt to have a shortcut through the west side of the mountain. It led to a forest area and maybe his people would want or need to traverse there in the future so he farmed stone by building this tunnel whenever he was done he would breathe fire on the walls until they melted together to create a sturdy cavern wall that wouldn't collapse.

After collecting 30 Tonnes worth of stone Draven placed it all in the storage trade center of the town. Eager to get the ball rolling Draven went back to the terminal in his office and hit accept. 

<Construction will begin shortly. Duration is 12 hours. Citizens who are in the way of construction will be teleported to the Adventurers Guild.> 

Draven could hear a rumbling coming from the town square and saw a horde of bots coming from the Storage Trade Center and started getting to work. "Well, this is anticlimactic I was kind of hoping for it to just magically be done as soon as I hit accept," Draven said out loud. Not knowing what to do Draven ate the Wyverns XP Orb. 

<You hit level 23 and gained 1291 Dragon SP> 

"Nice I should start scouting the peaks of the mountains more often!" Draven exclaimed in delight. He had seen James down in the kitchen earlier probably making Dinner so Draven decided to check the terminal for any new messages or maybe dip into the auction house. No other Iron Towns had been established. He was wondering how long it would take until they started popping up nonstop it had to happen sooner or later. Searching for the Iron Towns himself to harvest their cores would be too time-consuming. 

He then opened up the Auction House and started looking for weapons. His claws had served him well but as the creatures got bigger they became more and more useless. he wanted something large that would have been able to chop off a portion of the Stone Elemental or sever the Wyvrn neck in one go. So a two-handed great sword was the obvious choice. If he had ridiculous strength then he wanted to wield a ridiculously large weapon like some anime character. It was easy enough to filter for ultra-great swords and regular greatswords. This was the real world although very magical regular physics still existed so getting a regular weapon and swinging it fast will not form some wind blade that makes cuts 10 times bigger than the sword itself. Which was the reason for wanting a gigantic weapon it was needed to kill gigantic things.

After hitting search of course the Auction house first had to show him the most expensive things in the universe so he sorted from cheap to expensive and saw a few options that were reasonably priced. 

Giant Breaker - 20,000 Gold

Titans Wrath - 35,000 Gold

Wyvern Slayer - 67,000 Gold

These were the three cheapest on the Auction house. He was intrigued with the Wyvern Slayer not because it was the most expensive of the three but because it was made from the Scales of a Wyvern meaning it was sharp enough to cut through its scales. The other two were basically huge chunks of metal with a handle. Draven looked at the money in the Trade Center it was very profitable as they received a cut from every transaction made. with over 400,000 Gold in the bank and having over 30,000 on his person he bought the Wyvernslayer. The large Pillar next to him started making weird sounds before opening up showing that it was actually a place where auction house items were sent to. Draven pulled out his new sword and it was gigantic. It was clearly made from the Scales of a wyvern. The Scales didn't even need to be sharpened as they were sharp enough as is. The way the sword was made showed that it had characteristics of a saw as the scales were not forged to be a smooth edge but jagged edges that would tear and shred instead of cut cleanly.

"Now this is what I'm talking about!"

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C43
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


