56.41% Ballad Of Blood (R-18) / Chapter 19: Ch 19 Another Kind Of Beast

章 19: Ch 19 Another Kind Of Beast

(NEW!!!! New Valia images posted to [Reddit.com/user/bosniaksmasher] these images are FULLY uncensored.....check it out as an addition to this chapter since it is lemon chapter. )

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[Valewood, Feasting Hall]

Natalka and Valia sat far from the feast in a quiet corner as the boisterous townspeople danced and drank with abandon

Both of the exceptionally pretty women were whispering amongst each other as their guards stood with a watchful eye from nearby to keep the drunken rabble from interrupting them.

"Natalka I already told you No." Valia whispered with blushing cheeks at what the fair faced young huntress was asking while shaking her head 'no' cutely.

Then a saddened look came upon Natalka's pretty face before responding.

"B...But....But Auntie Valia I want to see it in person...Its only fair because you're going to sleep with him soon..." Natalka begged with her best mimicry of puppy eyes...from the look on Valia's beautiful face it seemed to be working.

Valia's resolve, which always had a weak spot for Natalka trembled at her request from seeing her so saddened.

"Stubborn Girl.....You and Kalinik will be married before long and you'll experience it then." Valia spoke as firmly as she could manage at the moment but the lack of resolve was instantly noticed by Natalka and she took full advantage of it.....

Natalka's eyes watered for a long tense moment until a single tear fell down Natalka's lovely cheek.

The sight of which made Valia's resistance crumble apart into nothingness.

"Fine!....Fine....Dont cry..... I'll let you watch just don't cry....." Valia spoke warmly while bringing Natalka into a soft hug.

Valia's huge squishy tits pressed against Natalka's modest but perky breasts while voluptuous older woman hugged Natalka lovingly whilst patting her back softly like a mother would.

"Little Natalka....I really don't see why you want to see your Fiancee sleep with an old woman anyway...." Valia sighed out with an exasperated tone after giving in to the request.

"But Auntie Valia, You're not an old woman....An old woman couldn't have these...." Natalka spoke while moving her mischievous hands toward Valia's big soft melons.


"Ahh~.....Stop that young lady." Valia moaned out softly while scolding the naughty little Aelven lady.

Natalka removed her hands sheepishly before speaking once more.

"It seems you are forgetting something Auntie.....You are the most beautiful woman in Valewood....If you really were old why would Kalinik choose you over all those girls who were practically throwing themselves at him?"

Natalka spoke warmly and it brought a beautiful smile onto Valia's face who had been nervous about her age after Kalinik said he'd take responsibility for her.

"B...But...." Valia was about to make a rebuttal but Natalka moved her mischievous little hands once more but this time toward the Milf's meaty hips.


Natalka gave them a playful squish which made Valia blush a bit around her cheeks.

"Natalka stop doing that~" Valia scolded the chestnut haired woman once again.

Natalka held her hands up in defeat before speaking.

"....'THAT'.... is why he was so drawn to you Auntie Valia....when we traveled you know what he told me his dream always was?" Natalka asked with a sly smile as the older woman's intense curiosity was seen clear as day.

"W...What was it..." Valia asked sheepishly, her attention solely on Natalka's words.

"....He wants to be a Father.....He saw your wide hips and knew right away..."

Natalka spoke at a whisper so only Valia could hear her.

"Knew....knew what?" Valia asked with bated breath.

"...He knew....you'd be perfect to fill with his seed....He wants you to bear his children.....Tonight he will make you his breeding cow~"

Natalka spoke with a mischievous tone while poking Valia's soft hips and big squishy melons once more.

Valia, upon hearing Kalinik's supposed plans for tonight started to become more and more red by the second as she imagined herself becoming a brood mare for such a formidable and loving man....She could already imagine her Belly swollen and heavy while carrying his children.....

Valia's panties started to get soaked in her sweet and fragrant Love juice....Natalka could smell the arousal in the older woman instantly.

"~You want that~...Dont you Auntie~....."

Natalka spoke while moving her hand onto Valia's belly.

"~You want him to breed you.....to put a baby in here~...."

Natalka spoke low with her hand on Valia's soft navel.

Valia's lower half began trembling at the thought of being bred, meanwhile the scent of her sweet fragrant love juice filled the air around them.

"W..W...We need to G..Go...." Valia spoke with a trembling voice and soaked panties before standing quickly and heading out to her large home in the northwest side of the hill, her female guards followed close behind as the woman began walking to the exit.

The Six Rangers which stood guard over Natalka saw that she was following Valia and walked up to her for instruction.

"Orders Miss." The first Ranger asked while standing at attention.

"One of you stay here and tell Kalinik to head to Valia's home....the rest of you can escort us there right now...."

Natalka ordered.

The Six Rangers nodded before they all looked at each other with weary eyes, none of them wanted to stay and speak to the beast if they could help it.

they didn't dislike Kalinik but that white haired guy made them all queasy when around him.

When around the beast they felt like goats around a bear....The bear might eat berries for weeks but the day it wants meat any resistance would be futile...

Almost simultaneously the Six Rangers threw their hands forward into a game of pseudo rock paper scissors and played to the last man.




"Ah Fuck..." Second ranger Aidael spoke from under his helmet as the other Rangers giggled at his unenviable task before escorting their lady out of the feasting hall.

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(Mc Pov, Some Time Later)

I finally reached the feasting hall after leaving Caranea's home.

Just as I was about to enter, two piss drunk Aelven townsmen stumbled out and almost bumped into me.

One stopped in his tracks and stared at me with his glazed drunken eyes, the intoxicated Aelf threatening to fall over at a strong gust of wind.

"H..Hey..P...Pretty Girl...W...*HICCUP.....Wanna come home.....*HICCUP.... with me....*BURP....."

The drunken man spoke with blushed cheeks, his friend who stood beside him seemed to be slightly less drunk because stared at me with furrowed brows for a long moment.

Then a flash of realization flashed across his face and the Aelf turned deathly pale.

"I...I..ITS.....I...ITS THE BEAST!!!!" The drunken guy yelled and stumbled back a few steps....Then he burst forward to my right as he attempted to run for his life.

The inebriated man didn't make it very far however, since after bumping hard into a small apple tree he dropped unconscious like a sack of potatoes.

The other drunk screamed out in terror while pissing his pants as his friends words were finally fully processed.

"AHHHH!!! NO...NO I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!!" The drunkard screamed in a panic while stepping backward, each step left a small pool of piss on the ground.

I thought he might make it far but within moments the pissing man fainted from fear and dropped hard.


The drunken sod fell hard but was lucky his head landed on some other drunkards missing shoe or he would've cracked his skull on the cobblestone.

"Fucking idiots." I spoke while stepping over the fainted drunkard as the puddle of piss grew ever wider.

Once inside the hall i saw dozens of Aelven townsmen completely unconscious, all strewn haphazardly across the hall.

Some laying flat on the tables on top of plates and half eaten food, other drunken sods were under the tables while using a tablecloths as blankets and loaves of bread as pillows.

Others were bunched up in a corner while cuddling with each other.

as I looked around the hall I saw and smelled the pools of vomit which peppered the entire hall.

I looked around the room a bit conflicted at what I saw and unsure of how to feel about such a sight...

As a Serb a good party was in my soul.

but seeing these Aelves blackout drunk with puke all over their clothes went a bit too far even for me.

Then I heard someone Giggle in the distance and turned to look.

 I noticed the Second ranger Aidael kneeling beside a group of unconscious men with a small brush in his hands.

The Ranger's paintbrush flowed quickly and skillfully as he painted onto the faces of the unconscious Aelven townsmen.

I approached the man until I was just a few feet behind the Ranger, he seemed so enthralled in his work that he didn't notice my approach.

I watched with great amusement as the Aelven Ranger drew dick after dick on the faces of each unconscious man with a wide grin on his usually emotionless face.

"Very Impressive." I spoke aloud, the Ranger turned slowly but when he saw my face.


The Ranger screamed like a little girl and jumped back in fear at seeing that it was me.

I just giggled at the sight and watched while Aidael patted his body as if checking if he was still alive when he saw that he still had all his limbs he looked at me sheepishly while trying to hide the paintbrush behind his back.

"S...S...Sir....H..Hilandar I didn't mean to....to...to...." The Ranger stuttered in fear before I cut him off.

"..I Don't care what you're drawing on them, Natalka and Valia, Where?..." I asked and the man sighed in relief before speaking.

"Sir Hilandar, They were going toward Valia's home on the northwest side of town....Its the big one..... made of marble." Aidael spoke while avoiding my eyes as best he could.

"Very well, as you were." I spoke before turning around and heading back out while avoiding the drunkards and their numerous puddles.

But before I left the hall I heard the rangers voice.

"S...Sir Hilandar...if you could keep this a s... secret from the commander.... he'll punish me with barley porridge for a week if he finds out..." Second Ranger Aidael spoke nervously.

"Your secret is safe with me as long as you write 'Valir was here' on a few of them at least."

I spoke and immediately i saw a wicked smile appear on the Rangers face as he giggled to himself with evil intent.

"As you say Sir Hilandar." Aidael spoke and gave me a salute, his voice oozing with excitement at being able to pull a little prank on that asshole Valir.

I made my way out of the hall and down one of the many winding streets.

Eventually I reached the right place.

I walked toward the main gate where two female Aelven guards stood watch.

They gazed at me for a moment and blushed before opening the gates without question, their Madame had already given her orders after all.

"T....The Madame Awaits You...S...Sir Kalinik..." The Senior female guard spoke out with a deeply blushed face and gestured for me to enter.

After I was walking toward the front door the Female Guard rang a small bell which hung at her waist.


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[A Bit Earlier, Valia's Manse]

Valia stood in her huge walk in closet while wearing the most lewd underwear she had ever seen....a bright purple micro bikini that lodged itself deeply into her plump pussy lips and soft thick Ass while her pale skin glistened under the candlelight.

Her puffy pink nipples threatened to spill out if she made any sudden movements.

The wind that flowed over her beautiful voluptuous body send shivers of excitement and shame through her body.

"N... Natalka...a...are you sure...." Valia asked nervously while looking into a polished silver mirror as her curvy erotic body was shown in its full glory.

"It's perfect... everything is perfect...." Natalka spoke while eyeing Valia's huge juicy boobs as which were on the verge of falling out.

Valia noticed Natalka's gaze and blushed deeply while failing miserably to cover her goods with both of her hands.

"Don't look at me like that~" Valia spoke in protest but Natalka just smirked

"If I'm looking at you like this imagine what Kalinik will think.....I hope you're ready to be bred Auntie Valia~" Natalka spoke with an mischievous grin as Valia squirmed in excitement at the lewd thought until something broke them out of their conversation.


Both of them heard the magically bound bell ring from its spot nearby.

Both women froze for a moment before Valia spoke in a panic.

"Go Hide! Hurry! He'll be here any second!" Valia spoke in a panic while rushing over to the her nightstand where a bright purple lipstick and small gray phial sat.

Each step made her erotic plump body jiggle beautifully.

Valia grabbed the phial and uncorked it before drinking it all at once.


Once the antidote was in her system Valia grabbed the vibrant purple lipstick and spread it skillfully on her plump red lips.

The Powerful Aphrodisiac was skillfully mixed into the lipstick by Valia herself.....not even she could notice its taste apart from the fruity sweet flavor.

After hurriedly checking herself in a small bedside mirror Valia ran toward her bed and laid down in a seductive position just like Natalka had suggested....

Meanwhile, Natalka rushed into the nearby shoe closet while making sure the door was left cracked open just enough so she could see everything.

Natalka stared at Valia in awe at the beautiful Woman and her bombshell body who waited nervously on the bed.

Then both women heard the distinct faint jingle of mythril pauldrons approaching from down the hall.

Both women waited for what seemed like an eternity, their nervousness made their hands tremble lightly until....


Both women heard the knock, Valia who was laying on her large bed took a deep breath to calm her nerves then spoke aloud.

"Come In My Dear~" Valia spoke seductively.....

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[Mc Pov Moments Earlier]

I opened the front door of the home and instantly noticed a trail of rose petals that led inside, The sweet scent of Valia filled my nose instantly and send a quiver down my body at the thought of that tantalizing woman.

I stepped inside slowly and began walking along long the trail of flower petals.

I continued a bit nervously up the grand stairwell until coming upon a large hardwood door where the sweet scent of Valia was the most dense.

I moved my hand forward and knocked twice lightly.


I waited for a long moment before I heard Valia's enthralling voice resound.

"Come In My Dear~" I heard her sweet voice then turned the door's handle and pushed it open.

As soon as I looked inside I froze in place with my eyes wide open in amazement.

There she was.

Her Plump Soft Breasts almost entirely bare save for the thin fabric which barely covered her perky pink button nipples.

Her smooth glistening stomach and bare navel seemed to entrance my attention as my cock throbbed while imagining all kinds of uncouth things.

Valia's wide squishy hips seemed like perfect handles for when I rode her hard and my mouth practically watered.

Her Thick milky white thighs made my cock swell as she seductively moved her legs to entice my attention.

The purple underwear she wore was nearly nonexistent and only just barely managed to cover Valia's plump pink pussy as she moved seductively to sit up.

"Kalink~" Valia's seductive voice resounded in my ears and instantly My hands started removing my clothes without a second thought.

Valia stared at me with warm yearning eyes from the large comfortable bed as the candlelight shimmered off her distinct purple lipstick.

As soon as all my clothes were off I walked forward until I was standing at her bedside.

Valia's erotic body glistened in the candlelight.

"Kiss Me~" Valia purred out as I stared down in amazement of her beauty

Soon our lips were locked lovingly.

Her soft plump lips seemingly far more sweet than before due to her lipstick, The taste was almost addicting.

It didn't take long before my greedy tongue pushed into her delicious mouth and began slowly savoring her delectable sweet flavor.

While we kissed my hands began to wander slowly onto her soft warm body.

As one hand moved down toward her lovely hips the other moved onto her Warm squishy melons while my fingers took hold of her perky nipples which were barely being concealed by the purple micro bikini which seemed a few sizes too small.



My hand skillfully squeezed one of her perky nipples and gave it a gentle twist which beckoned forth a lovely moan from my Curvy Milf.

Instantly my heart skipped a beat.....She was irresistible.

We continued kissing for a few more minutes before I climbed onto the bed.

As we separated our lips, A long trail of her sweet spit stretched between us.

Valia's perfect face was completely flushed as she stared up at me with her vibrant eyes full of Love.

I moved my face down toward her perky nipples and gave one a playful bite while my hand teased and flicked the other.



She called out softly for me to stop but her enthralling voice only made my loving attacks increase in intensity for a few long minutes.


"I'm Too Sensitive~"


Valia's sensual voice moaned out as her legs pressed hard together as her sweet fragrant love juice sprayed out of her tight little pink pussy through her nearly nonexistent thong.

Her legs trembled and her body writhed in ecstasy while orgasming from her nipples.

her sensitive touch depraved body melted under my tender caresses and skillful tongue even more easily than I was expecting.

I moved back a bit to bask in Valia's tantalizing look as she recovered from her orgasm...As I stared with loving eyes I started feeling my chest and face become warmer....

I took one look between her thick thighs to her most precious place, The thin purple panties she wore were entirely drenched in her fragrant love juice which made my mouth water and cock throb.

I grabbed either side of her panties before slowly pulling them off of her perfect lower body.

When her panties came free my eyes couldn't help but be locked on her perfect pink pussy as the wetness of her sweet honey glistened in the candlelight.

I saw her quiver under my mesmerized hungry gaze for a long moment.

My hands grabbed onto her knees and slowly separated them and I saw the panic in her eyes as my face started moving between her perfect thighs and toward her dripping little hole.

"No~....Kalinik....Don't~" Valia's eyes widened in shock as my mouth neared her pussy then my tongue came out and gave her sweet warm pussy a long lick while enjoying every droplet of the delicious nectar.

"Ahhhhhh~" She moaned out beautifully while her thick thighs squeezed around my neck hard as her hands grabbed my shimmering white hair in a panic.


My tongue began licking and flicking every inch of her glistening pussy as she bucked her hips involuntarily from the pleasure.

"No~ No~ Too Much~"


With every passing second more and more of her delicious love juice would fill my mouth.

I greedily savoured every last drop while her euphoric moans echoed loudly on the walls but my tongue only became more animated.

"Please Kalinik~ Wait~"




"KALINIK I'M CUMMING~!!!!!" Valia's orgasmic screams filled the air as her perfect body bucked like never before, Her honey hole began squirting her delightfully sweet love juice into my waiting mouth.

*GULP *GULP *GULP GULP....*GULP ....I drank every last drop of the delicious nectar like a ravenous wolf as her passionate moaning echoed from all the walls and leaked out into the rest of the home.

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[In A Nearby Closet]

Natalka watched wide eyed at what was occurring just a few feet away from her.

Caranea had told her about sex, and a few of her friends who'd gotten married gossiped about their husbands in bed.

but nothing she'd ever imagined was as lewd and shocking as what she was seeing only a few feet away from her.

Without realizing it Natalka's thighs began rubbing against each other while her little virgin pussy began dripping with her fresh honey.

"K...Kalinik...." She muttered under her breath as her thighs began to rub together faster and faster with every passing moment.

Her body quivered and She had covered her mouth with her hand to prevent any noises from spilling out.

She also noticed Kalinik's cock would throb and swell more and more with every passing second while his skin became more and more tinged with red.

'an aphrodisiac no doubt....Auntie Valia you didn't need that to have him ravage you.....' Natalka thought as she watched Kalinik closely all the while her white thighs rubbed and her virgin pussy dripped its honey.

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[Mc Pov]

My chest was hot and my breath ragged.....my cock swollen like never before....I knew something was wrong.

I looked down at my cock and it was swollen and veined while throbbing powerfully as if it were alive.

My skin tingled all over my body and my heart beat hard and fast.

Meanwhile my mind was full of nothing but an uncontrollable desire to hilt my meat deep inside of Valia and spray my seed deep inside of her.





My breath grew more ragged as I tried to control myself but before I knew it I had grabbed Valia's legs and dragged her towards me harshly as she let out a panicked scream from her sweet mouth.

"AHH!" She shouted as I dragged her towards me 

I looked down at Valia and saw the fear in her eyes while looking up me with her beautiful blushed face which took me out of my trance for only a moment.

"Valia....I....Cant Stop...." I managed to heave out before I spread her legs apart forcefully and placed my swollen meat against her warm honey hole.

My throbbing Tip pressed against her dripping wet pussy and my hips pushed forward...

Her dripping wet pussy lips stretched lovingly around my tip as I pushed forward and the deep blush on her face became even more intense.


Valia let out a loud erotic moan just beside my ear which made my mind lose itself even further into my primal desires.

Before long my shaft was being squeezed hard by her warm wet walls until my sensitive Tip Kissed her cervix and pressed against it gently.

My arms wrapped tightly around Valia's body and my mouth locked onto her smooth neck as my hips began thrusting passionately into her tight pussy as she let out squeals and moans of pleasure.








"AHHH~" "AHHH~" "AHHH~" "AHHH~" 

I continued railing her nonstop as she mewled and moaned in ecstasy with every loving passionate thrust.

Her cervix began to slowly open up and begin sucking on the tip of my cock, it begged for my hot seed to fill her fertile womb as we both lost ourselves to the pleasure.

My cock was lost in a sea of hot and wet ecstasy.

Valia's warm soft body pressed tightly against me as we reveled in our impassioned lovemaking.

As we made Love it felt as if nothing except for us and our love existed in this world.









"AHHH~" "AHHH~" "AHHH~" "AHHH~" 

Valia's tight pussy squeezed and swallowed my cock greedily, but I did not know how much time passed only that she Orgasmed twice until I finally felt myself close to cumming.

Every soft warm ridge in her lovely pussy massaged my cock as if it were made just for me as we made love and it finally brought me to the edge.

Valia's eyes widened as She felt my cock Swell and Throb.

The tip of my cock managed to find its way into her deepest parts just as she was having her hardest orgasm yet.

"I'M CUMMING~ I'M CUMMING!!!!~" She screamed out loudly as her hot loving pussy clenched tightly around my cock like a vice just as my meat entered her womb and kissed the back of her most precious place.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!~" Valia screamed out loudly, Her orgasm far more intense than her inexperienced mind knew was possible

My mind was also lost in the ecstasy as my sensitive swollen cock began spurting ropes upon ropes of thick hot cum deep into her fertile womb.

*SPURT.... *SPURT.... *SPURT.... *SPURT....

*SPURT.... *SPURT.... *SPURT.... *SPURT....

*SPURT.... *SPURT.... *SPURT.... *SPURT....

Our bodies were locked together desperately as Valia's womb began to fill with more and more of my thick hot cum.

Her Womb Filled to the brim with steaming hot cum which made her mind become lost in an Otherworldly Orgasm due losing herself in the pleasure of being filled like a brood mare.

*SPURT.... *SPURT.... *SPURT.... *SPURT....

My semen began to spill out onto the sheets after her womb overflowed and couldn't take any more of my hot seed.

Valia's sweet moans were ragged and heavy passion filled cries of pleasure.

After the final spurt of semen was unloaded inside my beautiful Voluptuous Milf I managed to regain a sense of sanity as the animalistic desire to breed was vented slightly from my system.

I looked down at Valia's sprawled out body and pulled my cock out from her overflowing pussy after seeing the significant baby bump which was showing at her navel.

Instantly a torrent of hot semen poured forth as if a floodgate was opened.

I panted heavily and watched as the seemingly endless thick cum began to pool heavily between her thighs and at my knees....





I breathed raggedly until I heard a rustling noise over at one edge of the room.

I turned my eyes immediately to spot a slightly cracked closet door...only now did I realize Natalka was watching us the entire time and I called out to her for help....

"N..NATALKA....T...THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME...I...I CANT STOP....." I managed to speak out through my ragged breath and strangely reddening skin.

She looked at me in shock before standing from where she was and taking a few hesitant steps out of the closet.

"Kalinik.....I think Valia drugged you..w...with an aphrodisiac.....W....What do I do?"

She asked and instantly my mind grew hazy with an animalistic need to breed her as well.

but I still had enough control not to jump on her and pin her down.

"R..RUN....RUN OR I WONT BE ABLE TO HELP MYSELF....GO....GET HELP...." I spoke with ragged breathing before my cock began aching once again and my mind was lost once more into the breeding mania.

Natalka immediately rushed out of the room and slammed the door behind her.

only then did I realize I was standing at near the door with my arm extended as if I had been reaching to grab her.

but luckily she managed to get away....

Then I turned back toward the bed where Valia's erotic cum filled body lay limply. . .

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[Natalka Pov, Moments earlier]

I saw the crazed look in his eyes as he leapt at me from the bed with a Mad desire and only just managed to get away....

'I need to get help....I need to get help or Auntie Valia will get hurt' I thought before reaching the entrance of the home and frantically opening the door.

There were two Aelven Guard women standing just outside who jerked in surprise at seeing me.

"Miss You Look Scared, Whats Wrong?" One armored woman asked with great concern.

"It's Auntie Valia!!! She Gave Kalinik an Aphrodisiac!!!" I yelled out in a panic but the two guardswomen simply blushed but didn't seem concerned.


I screamed out and immediately the two guardswomen turned to each other in shock as to what to do.

"I will go get some whores from the South end! Madame Natalka come with me or they wont listen!" One armored woman spoke hurriedly.

"I'll Go keep him off the mistress until she's back!"

The other Woman spoke before rushing past me along the trail of Rose petals.

before I could warn the heavily armored woman she was already gone. . .

Before I could chase after her the other guardswoman was pulling me along out of the estate in a hurry.

we ran down the hill as fast as out legs would take us towards the south end.

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[Thirty Min Later] [Scarlet Marked Whore Pov]

I fucking hate uppity bitches like Natalka but she offered us five gold pieces each for a special customer....I couldn't be more excited!!!

A dozen of my fellow Scarlet sisters and I finally reached the Fancy mansion after running the entire way and rushed inside, All of us panting heavily with exhaustion but the money being paid made it worth it.

The guardswomen let us inside quickly and that Uppity bitch guided us along a pretentious trail of flower petals on the polished hardwood floor.

Eventually we reached a fancy wooden door and the sounds from inside were shocking.... animalistic grunts and the pleasured cries of a woman being railed hard.

The Uppity Bitch Natalka opened the door to reveal a mess.

The respectable Madame Valia was splayed out on the bed in starfish position, an obscenely huge pool of semen around was her legs and spurted all over her beautiful curvy body.

The Grunting I'd heard came from nearby and I turned to look.

The most handsome man I'd ever seen was ramming his cock mercilessly into an Aelven guardswoman from behind.

'Fuck I need That' I thought while watching the armored woman's blissful expression as her tongue stuck out of her mouth.

The woman squealed in pleasure at the ruthlessly hard fucking she was getting.

Half her armor was ripped apart and her hair was completely disheveled as the Handsome man mounted her from behind like an Elk during the Rut.

Then The handsome man thrusted hard and buried himself into the guardwoman's deepest places then began cumming hard into the Aelven Guards womb as the woman moaned and screamed in pleasure.

I watched in amazement as the Man came for what seemed like an eternity.

His volume was so obscene that his thick semen began spurting out of the Aelven woman's pussy and onto the hardwood floor beneath which brought a quiver to my very soul.

Me and my Scarlet sisters stared in amazement as the man finally finished and pulled out of the half conscious armored Aelven woman who simply collapsed into a cum soaked heap on the floor.

His monstrously huge cock only softened for a moment before swelling back up unnaturally.

I noticed it immediately.....Someone drugged him with an Aphrodisiac but this was not normal in the slightest even for the most powerful aphrodisiacs around. . .

"Go on Girls....You'll get payment when he's back to normal." the uppity bitch Natalka told and we all smiled at the challenge.

All of us rushed into the room excitedly.

None had ever been with a man this handsome and we'd be sure to show him what we could do....

When the White haired stud saw us enter his eyes became feral and made all of us freeze in our tracks as the door shut loudly behind us.

We all stood frozen for a long moment until the ravenous beast chose his newest victim.

He jumped onto Scarlet Sister Nina like a wild beast and bent her over the bedside table before ripping her dress apart like a wild beast and thrusting his semen covered cock mercilessly inside.















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(Auxiliary notice chapter posted beside character chapter)

[Reddit.com/user/bosniaksmasher] for the uncensored Valia images

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット







レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C19
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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