35.89% Ballad Of Blood (R-18) / Chapter 11: Ch 11 The Washing Of Sin

章 11: Ch 11 The Washing Of Sin

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[Many hours later miles east of Elisnore]

An Aelven man walked slowly into the serene waters of a slow flowing river in the midst of a dense hilly forest.

A set of blood drenched clothes sat in a neat pile nearby.

As the white haired man entered the river the water around him turned a distinct crimson color, the sticky blood being cleansed from his smooth white skin.

Before long A tall Aelven woman dressed in tight hunting leathers approached sheepishly before her voice called out.

"Kalinik....I found some more Chlorogalum....I can wash your clothes with it if you'd like."

The woman spoke while looking at the bathing man, he was chest deep in the water so nothing uncouth was being shown.

The Aelven mans silvery gray eyes turned and locked onto the Woman's Deep green eyes.....He seemed to appreciate her beauty for a moment before answering.

"Thank you for offering Natalka, If it really isn't that much trouble I'd love if you'd do so."

The man's smooth voice responded with a kind smile, something which anyone would have thought impossible if they had seen what he'd done to those in the Lord's castle at Elisnore.

"O..Okay I'll get right on it.." The woman spoke with a happy smile and slight blush.

She had seen how tired the man was after all he'd done, and all the miles of hard terrain they'd crossed in such a short amount of time.

The woman moved cheerily to the drenched clothes and grabbed the entire pile, She was surprised that even though the Mythril Epaulets and vambraces were completely caked in the dark blood, they still glimmered beautifully.

She had only ever seen Mythril a few times in her life, and it's properties never ceased to amaze her.

Eventually she reached the waters edge and sat atop a smooth large stone before taking the Mythril pieces and dipping them into the water, After a few gentle rubs with her soft hands the incredible pieces of armor were completely clean.

Then she reached over and grabbed the usually green robe which was now a dark disgusting color, the thick scent of human blood filled her nose as she dipped the robe into the water.

the blood seemed to fall off the Hooded robe as if by magic.....Natalka almost couldn't believe it and lifted the hooded robe from the water....It was completely clean.

"What the hell....." She murmured before reaching over to grab the noble looking green tunic, she immediately dunked it into the slowly flowing water, once again the thick dried blood just flowed away in the water while leaving the fabric completely clean.

"...Is it....Enchanted clothing...." Natalka muttered...Enchanted armor existed....She knew it was done by the Rune smiths....But enchanted clothing was something Natalka had never even heard of.

She looked over to the Handsome White Hair and knew deep down that he was no normal Aelven man.

"Who are you Kalinik...." She whispered to herself softly before moving to clean the rest of the clothing.

A few moments later the Aelven woman heard Kalinik's voice call out to her.

"Natalka look away I'm about to come out of the water." His smooth voice sounded in her ears and immediately she looked away while covering her eyes.

Even though she had seen every part of his body, Natalka felt a deep sense of embarrassment at the thought of Kalinik walking out naked so close to her.

She heard Kalinik drying his body with a cloth, Natalka wished for nothing more than to turn and look at his incredible body but knew she couldn't

After a few long moments she heard his voice again.

"Alright you can stop looking away." He spoke, she turned back and saw that he was now wearing a fancy white robe....Surely something he'd taken from Elisnore Castle into his curious golden pendant.

"Nice robe, I'm Sure the lord of Elisnore will miss it greatly..." The woman spoke with a gentle smile while washing his trousers next.

"I'm going to lay down and sleep, thank you for washing my clothes, I'm sure you'll make your future husband very happy." Kalinik spoke before moving toward the large tree hollow where they had decided to sleep in that night.

Natalka became completely flushed like a tomato at his words.

"M...Me....A....A.....W...Wife....." She spoke softly with a shaky voice and blushed face....but that only lasted a few seconds before the thoughts of what awaited her back in Valewood...An arranged marriage to who she thought was a disgusting man.

"Father....Why'd you have to chose that bastard to betroth me to....Good thing Kalinik is coming with me....or I'd never have gone back...That Bastard Valir wont win an honor duel against White Hair and that beautiful sword....." The Green eyed beauty murmured to herself just as she finished washing the last piece of clothing.

Once she was done, Natalka set down all the clothes nearby before pulling a long cord from her pack then tying it tautly between two trees and hung all the clothes there carefully.

Then Natalka picked up the pieces of mythril armor and walked to the tree hollow to finally get some sleep.

As she neared the hollow she could hear Kalinik murmuring something, she reached the hollow's entrance and saw that he was fast asleep atop one of their soft furs, set a foot away was her own.

Just as she was laying down Natalka heard Kalinik murmur something again.

".....Tari.....Uncle Siemnovich....Ulagar...No....No.....Dont leave me...Dont die....Please..." Natalka heard his words clear as day.

Her big green eyes looked at him....tears were streaming down his handsome face as his body twitched and trembled.... she felt her anguish in her heart.

She couldn't let him suffer whatever horrible nightmare he was going through so she moved her own fur closer and wrapped her arm around him snugly.

"Its okay Kalinik....It'll be okay..." She spoke softly and almost immediately his trembling stopped just before falling into a deep sleep.

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[Dream Sequence 3]

[April, 1992, Maglaj Ridge, North of Kupres, Contested territory modern day Bosnia]

Krv could be seen rushing along a long trench network while carrying a large crate with both his hands, his trusty Akm slung over his back as all around him were the sounds and smells of war.

*Bang *Bang*Bang*Bang*Bang*Bang





The loud explosion from an enemy t-52 tank shell impacted the green hillside dangerously close to a small Serb.

His face covered by a black balaclava was peppered with soft earth as the concussion from the shell tossed him onto the soft earth falling over the large crate which he was carrying.

All around him the snaps of enemy AK47 and PKM Fire was heard as he picked himself up from the ground and checked his body for any shrapnel wounds, but soon he realized he'd been left unscathed. "Fuck....I need to hurry.." Krv muttered as he moved to grab the large crate once again.

Before long the soldier lifted the heavy box once more, a 9M14 Malyutka missile contained inside, then hurriedly continued through the winding trenches.

All along the way were mostly unknown soldiers of the 5th Corps of volunteers and a handful of Arkanovci, all firing Dshk Heavy Machineguns and Ak-47's onto the enemy Bosniaks and Croatians only a few hundred meters away.








The yelling and gunfire was thick in Krv's ears as he continued past the various entrenched soldiers before the enemy t-52 fired once again.



This time the tank shell hit far in the distance behind the young man, Shouts calling for a medic could be heard in the distance.

Eventually the Little Serbian took a turn towards a small side trench where he was yelled at by a handsome dark haired man with a moustache.

"Little Krv Hurry with that missile!!! We need to take that Bosniak Shitbox out quickly!!!" Tari yelled out.

when Krv reached just beside the missile launching system he set down the heavy box, his arms trembling from exhaustion.

Tari pulled a screwdriver from his webbing before prying open the wooden box, Inside under some packing was a beautiful missile, it still smelled of the soviet factory where it was made.

Before long the missile was set onto the 9P11 launching pad rails and the targeting wire attached to its rear.

"Siemnovich, Distance!" The steely voiced captain, Ulagar asked while looking through his targeting system and holding onto the control stick.

"1470 meters Captain! well within range!" The Grizzled man yelled out while looking through his binoculars range scale, luckily for them the tank had been tracked from the first missile, this missile would surely finish it off.

Then Captain Ulagar's cold voice was heard counting down, the three other men moved away from the missiles rear and covered their faces into their arms to avoid the spitting flames.




The loud rocket engine on the small but powerful missile roared and it flew perfectly off its greased rail.

The still exhausted and panting Krv peeked over the trenches edge and saw the small bright flames emerging from the missile as it flew towards the tank far in the distance.

The three men held their breath and crossed their fingers while looking at the rocket fly while Captain Ulagar was grimaced while trying to control the little missile toward his target.

Twelve seconds later they all watched intently as the little malyutka impact on the t-55 tanks turret from the plume of smoke which emerged.

for a second the men thought it had done no damage until the entire tanks turret flew ten meters into the air from a huge explosion inside the crew compartment.


a few seconds later they heard the explosion sound reach them and a loud roar was heard from the cheering Serbian soldiers in the midst of the nonstop machine gun and mortar fire.

The tired and still panting Krv smiled under his balaklava while gazing at the beautiful explosion just before pulling his Akm from his back and setting it on the trench embankment.



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[Tree Hollow Somewhere In Terrium, Morning]

[Mc Pov]

Damn I slept good tonight....My dream is fading quickly but I still remembered the feeling of the missile crate straining my arms...and that explosion....wow....

I awoke comfortably, to a beautiful birdsong in the dense forest outside and the sound of the gentle flowing river nearby.

Immediately I noticed a warm body pressed tightly against me and a trail of drool all over my chest.....Guess she got cold in the night.

I didn't wish to wake Natalka since she was sleeping so soundly so I wrapped my arm around her soft body and closed my eyes once more.....

Perhaps another hour of sleep wouldn't be so bad.....

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[Elisnore Forest many miles away]

The mob of armed peasants walked slowly back to town, their hunt was a complete failure....they even lost one man from being stung by a Red-lipped Hagspider and having his blood pour out of his seven orifices.

At the front of the Column was the Lord of Elisnore himself, Flanked by Jericho the Wizard and The Knight Captain Evander, behind them were two dozen armed and armored guardsmen who walked with groggy eyes and sore feet.

They all wanted to get home already, and couldn't believe that their lord had them wandering the woods for an entire day and night.

After half an hour they could see the the town of Elisnore itself far in the distance, the gentle wind flowing in their faces seemed to be a small reward from Barthos himself for going out on a knife ear hunt, even if it was unsuccessful.

A few minutes later a iron rich sickly sweet scent wafted over all of their noses as they neared the town even more.

"What the fuck is that stench!" The haughty Lord spoke with a scrunched face as he pulled a handkerchief from his saddlebags to cover his nose with, his muscular Destrier chuffed in annoyance at his masters retarded antics.

"It Smells like a fucking battlefield my Lord....The smell of death..." The Burly Knight Captain Evander spoke from under his plumed armet.

For a few more minutes they all stayed quiet on their groggy march but one amongst them seemed to sense something was wrong.

Jericho, the old wizard then spoke. "My lord.....There's no smoke plumes coming from the town...." He spoke with concern in his voice.

"So fucking what? Does that help me get this fucking stench out of my nose?" The lord asked haughtily.

The knight captain stared intently at the town, he wasn't as wise as Jericho but now he realized none of the homes had smoke plumes from their fireplaces....All the while his nose filled with the stench of death.....His eyes widened in realization.

Then Knight Captain Evander shouted while spurring his white stallion forward. "M..My Lord...We need to hurry!!! Something has happened!!!"

The lord looked at his knight captain as if he were an idiot until the old wizard spurred his small bay colored mare forward with an urgency The lord had never seen.

"Hiyaa!!! Go Peanut!!! Faster!!!" The Wizards old voice yelled out and the old mare moved with surprising swiftness down the dirt road.

The lord didn't know what was going on, he turned to his four other mounted men and they had equally puzzled looks on their faces.

"Fucking hell...You Four On Me!!!" The Lord yelled out before spurring the powerful dappled gray mare from under him.

The landscape zoomed past the lord as the powerful horse charged forward at an incredible speed....He'd spent a fortune and made many favors to get the giant steed and now he was proving his worth as the stallion's giant hooves sent streams of dirt flying rearward during his powerful gallop.

before long the Lord reached the outskirts of Elisnore and saw peasants strewn out in the fields, the Hay and earth around them darkened with blood....Most were sliced limb from limb.

Immediately the Lord felt his stomach churn....It was just like the corpses of Sir Reibard and his sons....

"HIYAA!!! FASTER BALIUS!!!! FASTER!!!!" The Lord screamed out in a panic, as he neared the gates of Elisnore he saw two of his guards leaned against the walls, holding their severed heads in their hands with an arrow through their eyes.

The powerful stallion charged through the gates and immediately The lord saw the crippled villagers who remained home were strewn across the town all dashed to pieces.

He felt his heart pump hard and his stomach churned as he charged directly toward his castle but saw The Wizard was stopped in front of the church, With his hand over the Bright red orb that hung around his neck on the iron chain.

The lord turned his warhorse in the direction of the church and before long the beast had reached the front of the church whose doors were burst open.

A thick sickly sweet stench of death and gore was flowing out of the churches open doorway and just inside the Lord saw piles upon piles of corpses, each more butchered than the last.

Streams of dark blood were sprayed up the usually white walls and the lord could hear Jericho praying as tears ran down his old wrinkled face.

"Barthos God above all....protect us from the darkness.....defend us from evil....Only your salvation is true.....Barthos God above all....Protect us from darkness.....Defend us from evil.....Only your salvation is true....Bar...."

Jericho prayed as if in a trance and the Lord couldn't stand it a moment longer, he whipped the huge warhorse around and charged toward his castle.

In only a few long moments he reached his castle, its drawbridge already lowered and the one eyed gate guards severed head was set neatly atop the battlements, its one good eye seemed to look down at the lord in contempt as he charged through into the courtyard.

Immediately he spotted Evander The Knight Captain, his handsome face and short blonde hair fully visible for the first time, Evander's eyes were wide open and his face a ghostly white....it looked like he was muttering something but The lord could not hear him.

The short lord dismounted quickly and rushed forward to his knight captain.

"EVANDER!!! WHERE IS MY WIFE!!! WHERE!!!" The Lord yelled out in a panic while shaking the tall knights heavy shoulders.

"m...my lord...the lady....she.....she.....in....your room...my lord....." The knight captain spoke out as his body trembled in shock.

Almost instantly the short lord was running though his small castle's hallways, Every few meters was another servants body sliced to bits, the walls around them covered in streams of dried crusted blood.

Before long he reached his chambers, the door only slightly open.

He rushed inside as the silver embossed door slammed hard onto the stone walls.

Just inside he saw two dangling feet swaying from the ceiling both were caked in dried blood which had dripped down onto their marriage bed, forming a four foot wide pool of crimson.

The lords entire body trembled as he slowly looked up along the bloodied feet to the body which hung from the ceiling by its own intestines....Its face entirely peeled off exactly like with Sir Reibard and his boys.....

The lord dropped onto his two knees and began to weep loudly for a few long minutes, eventually he managed to look up and noticed the bookcase which sealed his vault was slid aside, the thick iron door inside was slightly open.

He walked up slowly to his dark vaults entrance and slowly pulled the heavy iron door open....


all gone...

Painted on the Wall of the vault was a message, likely written with the blood of his own wife.


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[Minutes Later]

Out in the courtyard a large dappled gray horse sadly whinnied while nosing the corpse of his stable boy who'd brushed his coat, and cleaned his hooves countless times.....the one who stole apples from the kitchen on occasion to feed him.

Then a loud thud and crunch was heard only a few feet away, The warhorse turned its large thick neck to look at what the noise was.....His master, Jumped from the fourth story, his neck broken and head crushed by the fall.

'dead' the horse thought, looking back at his master's broken body once more 'free' the beast thought before turning its head around and biting at his saddle straps vigorously.

before long the saddle straps were free and fallen onto the bloodied cobblestones.

then the Destrier walked to a nearby fence and hooked his bridle on one of the posts before wiggling it off.


The horse thought just before trotting out of the courtyard towards the main gate of Elisnore and out towards the open world.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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