33.96% The Adeptus Custodes(DC) / Chapter 18: The Unification Wars Begins.

章 18: The Unification Wars Begins.

When Justinian bought technology from Wayne Industries he made sure to check it for bugs and viruses. There were several as Bruce had wanted to see what Justinian was up to. He failed, of course, but it made Justinian want to cook up a Vanus Temple Virus to fuck with Wayne Enterprise, but he held off for the time being. 

Rather than messing with Bruce, he spent all his time in training, research, and inventing. Now that he had an operational laboratory his research speed was quick. It didn't matter what he was researching as he had an advantage normal humans didn't have. 

Simply by being a Custodes, he had a brain that could process ungodly amounts of information in milliseconds. A regular Space Marine had a brain that was compared to a Super Computer. Just the Astartes were works of art and their intellect was without question.

However, they were mass-produced weapons while the Legio Custodes were individual works of art. The Emperor had used Dark Age of Technology genetic engineering and his own Psyker Biomacy to produce every single one. 

His genetic material was fused into each Custodes and a spark of his power was fused with each Custodes' soul. It was how the Custodes were not just the greatest warriors, but scholars, architects, and philosophers.

Justinian was no exception and he was even greater than even the greatest Custodes, Constantin Valdor. He had Magic and Psyker abilities making his brain even more advanced. The complexity and size of the calculations he could run with his mind meant that even Batman and Luthor could only reach a small fraction of his intellect.

Plus, he could link his soul to his computer to his helmet which was a very useful ability. There, Ddraig, Albion, and Justinian could spend days at a time with millions of terabytes worth of data flowing between them.

All the while Justinian was manufacturing new technology of the 41st Millenium. To increase his information Ddraig and Albion shared the knowledge they had of their past hosts. This gave Justinian far more knowledge of magic than before.

From Alchemy, Enchanting, Runes, Glyphs, and even more powerful types of magic from their world. Darkness Magic, Space Magic, Time Magic, Dimensional Magic, and so much more. 

Using all this information Justinian began a massive Industrial Revolution. The first thing he worked on was a Plasma Reactor used by the Adeptus Mechanicus. They were used to supply power to Void Ships, Hive Worlds, and Forge Worlds used by the Mechanicus. 

Through a Nuclear Fusion Reaction Justinian had enough power to fuel his entire city, lab, and more without running out. The reactor had been buffed with Runic Enchantments, and Psymagic Formations causing it to be able to run more power without any higher risk. 

Once he had all the power he needed he began to place street lights in New Cadia City. Giving the Martians lights in their homes was useless since White Martians could see perfectly fine in the dark. 

That was why they needed very little light so he only placed a few lights to drive away the darkness in major areas. For the most part, most of the power went to supply Justinian's Lab. From there more and more scientific, Psychic, Magical and Psymagical advancements were cooked up. 

Once his Shapers learned what they needed they began to build massive factories where they could begin Mass Production of technology on Mars. Since New Cadia City ran on Plasma Fusion Reactor energy there was zero pollution. 

The little waste that was produced was disposed of through magical means. Now with proper factories that meant Justinian no longer needed to buy technology from Earth. He had all he wanted and his City could be self-reliant now.

President Buren was surprised when the Gate that Justinian had built was turned off and moved to the new embassy that had been built in DC. Trade was cut in half which the President didn't understand. He had gotten used to the trade that was going on as the metal that was sold was of higher quality than even the best alloys produced through science alone. 

He got his answer when a member of Justinian's Honor Guard came to meet with the President. When the Martian came to the White House he did so in a new set of Psymagic Power Armor. The sight of the suit made the President realize why trade had stopped.

Justinian had all he needed from them and now could manufacture his own better technology. The Martian had given a quick and direct message to the President. 

"We no longer require technology from Earth." 

The Martian did not even wait for a response before he returned to the Embassy to take the Portal to Mars. After that, the rest of the money Justinian still had was spent on other items.

Textiles, lumber, food items, lots of seeds, and even animals. When the animals were transported to Mars they wore enchanted collars that protected them from the Martian atmosphere and temperature. 

The other main item was water because most of Mars' water was stuck in the ice caps or underground in small deposits. If Justinian wanted to get oceans on Mars he would need to start somewhere and buying massive amounts of water would suffice for the moment. 

Of course, he would first have to deal with the terrible magnetic field which was why he had been cooking up a spell for that. He had not cast it yet as he wanted to get his forces armed for the wars that were going to come up. 

Through his research and that of his shapers, they had invented a massive Psymagic Forge which allowed the production of Psymagical alloys. It forced metals that would not mix to fuse into new metals that didn't exist in nature.

The result was a few tried and true recipes. They were named Adamantium, Beskar, Transparasteel, Mithril, and Orichalcum. The recipes were a closely guarded secret and the metal that was produced was used in the production of Power Armor, New Psymagic Nemesis Force Weapons used by his Honor Guard. 

Besides metal, they also began the production of ceramics like Ceramite, and Plasteel to be used alongside other armors. Each of Justinian's Honor Guard received Power Armor and Weapons even a Primarch would beg to use. 

The Soldiers got lower quality, but still mighty Power Armor and Psymagic Force Weapons. As for the Shapers, Justinian began to teach a few of them the magical arts which took the very talented. 

These new Martian Psymages were allowed to do their research which was then given to Justinian to expand his knowledge. This was why Justinian wanted to make a New Imperium to expand his knowledge. 

If he ever wanted to rise to the Sphere of Gods, he had to start somewhere. He had to be smart like John Constantin and powerful like Trigon. That is why for 6 months, Justinian's constant progress caused other Martian city-states near them to take notice.


Almost a year after he came to this reality, Justinian had not just developed his knowledge, but his strength had jumped to a new extreme. His soul had finished its ascension and evolved into a Dragon-Worthy soul.

His Golden Custodes soul had not changed all that much, other than causing his Magical and Psyker abilities to receive a massive jump. Even his Soul Bound Gear had received an evolution from being housed in a much stronger soul.

Ddraig and Albion had received the opposite and their Dragon Souls had gone through a small mutation. They had taken power from Justinian's Soul which caused them to gain a spark of gold in their souls. 

This caused the two Heavenly Dragons to slowly, but surely start growing stronger. It was only a matter of time before they became Dragon Gods which would cause the three of them to grow stronger together. 

At the moment, Justinian underground as the Fortress above ground was still under construction. However, it was going to be complete in a matter of weeks and then it would be a perfect military complex to set off Void Ships which were still in construction. 

The resources to make a single Emperor Class Battleship were massive, but it would be worth it to expand into the solar system. Currently, he had his eyes closed as he sat on his Crystal Throne which had grown larger by feeding on his Psychic and Magical Energy. 

The amount of information flowing through his mind at the moment was massive but comfortable. His Honor Guard had grown and now it had an even 50 in it and they were all surrounding him. 

Each one was wearing their advanced Psymagic Power Armors which were covered in runes and glyphs. Small Psymagic Crystals were placed under the plates of armor causing the Elite's strength to increase by 5 times just in their armor. 

(Images Here)

As usual, Remnosh was sitting on his lap, but for once she was asleep. She had not had time to sleep in the past weeks as she had been in training. She had undergone several Rituals he made to increase her strength and he had shoved a massive amount of magical knowledge into her mind. 

He had taken time to teach her how to use Psymagic Personally and she had no time to rest. All that had drained her and she had taken to napping when she got time. This was one of those times and despite her being in her own Power Armor she was light as a feather to him. Even he had taken this chance to take the first nap he had in months. 

After not sleeping since he arrived in his reality his sleep was quite deep. However, it was interrupted when one of his soldiers ran up the pyramid in his own Power Armor. When the Martian reached the top he fell to his knee and placed his hand on his chest. 

(Image Here)


Justinian and Remnosh both woke up instantly and they were not happy. Remnosh especially as she had not slept in weeks. She sat up and spoke through her vocal distorter. 

"What is your message? Your Lord was resting." 

The Soldier kneeled further and spoke. 

"Forgive me, but it is of major importance." 

Justinian reached down and placed a hand on her shoulder. Through the Psychic Pillar he knew what this soldier was trying to say, but him saying it in person was just respectful. 


"My King, the Laborers in the western mines were attacked by slavers from another City State. The Soldiers stationed there killed a majority of the Slavers, but captured their leaders." 

Justinian snarled as he looked at the soldier. 

"Drag them here to my feet." 

The Soldier used the Psychic Net to send the order and in a matter of minutes, he saw 10 more Soldiers in Power Armor dragging an Elite up the pyramid. They had stabbed several enchanted chains through his body causing the Martian to be at their mercy. 

When they reached the peak, they tossed the Slaver at Justinian's feet. Remnosh got up and she stepped on the Martian's back breaking it. The Slaver grunted in agony as the chains had been stabbed through his limbs, neck, joints, and even his chest. Her breaking his back added to the agony. 

"Make him look me in the eye." 

Remnosh grabbed the Martian's head and pulled back to force him to look up. Justinian leaned forward on his throne causing his golden slitted eyes to glow like two suns. 

"Do you know who I am? Probably not if you attack my servants." 

Only through Martian tenacity was the Elite not dead, but he knew fully well who Justinian was. Ever since he had arrived, Martian warriors from several city-states had fallen to him throughout Mars. 

Never had he expected to be leading a raid into a city-state taken over by the Bane of Martians. 

"You tried to enslave my people and now I will enslave you. Tell me where do you come from?" 

The former Slaver did not speak and closed his eyes. Remnosh raised her left gauntlet and placed her Storm Bolter on the back of his skull. 

"Speak or I will blow your brains out." 


Before she fired, Justinian raised his hand. 

"I have ways to make him talk." 

She smirked as she got off his back and took some distance. The Slaver glared up at Justinian with a confident grin. 

"My people do not break easily outs-

Before he got done Justinian aimed his hand at him and fired a stream of Psyker 'Warp' Lightning at him. It was gold and purple and when it struck him the chains forced through his body caused the agony to start to cook him from within. 

The Slaver's agonized screams were bellowing, but Justinian's Honor Guard merely glanced at him like he was a bug. Justinian rested his chin on his left hand as he continued the torture. He stopped after a few moments as the Martian looked quite crispy. 

"You know this is just a game to me. I could just dive into your soul for the information, but I want to have fun. Tell me and the pain stops. I might even let your soul pass on if I feel like it. Or I catch it and use it in my research."

The Slaver looked up at Justinian in horror at the words, but he was too slow. Justinian fired another stream of Warp Lightning to torture not just his body, but his mind as well. The Martian screamed and screamed until the pain was too much. 


Justinian stopped the stream and turned to his guard on his right. He had renamed them all and shaped them by hand. 

"Helbrecht. Where is Andoving?" 

The giant Elite turned to him and spoke. 

"25 Kilometers to the West, my King. Population of 180,000. They are one of the bigger City States in this region of Mars." 

Justinian smiled and leaned back onto his throne. 

"It appears we found our first volunteer." 

Justinian dived into the Psychic Net and spoke to the people of his city. 

'My subjects, we were attacked by another City State who wished to enslave my people. I will not take this lying down, prepare for war. They thought they could enslave my people, but it is they who shall be enslaved. BE READY!' 

It was silent, but Justinian could feel the fervor for war coming from the Psychic Net. From his pet Predacons, to his Honor Guard, to his 20,000 Soldiers, and even more the War Shapers. White Martians loved war and even a large number of laborers had been armed and conscripted for war. 

This was going to be a day to be remembered in Martian history when the Unification Wars began. Justinian opened his right hand and his Guardian Spear appeared in it. He slammed the butt of his spear down as the signal. 

Preparations for War were beginning and he knew just how to get the perver going. 

"Laurania. Come here." 


His Honor Guard for the most part was mostly male because they were normally stronger. Remnosh included the number was only 5 and each one had cut off because of their skill or strength. As for Laurania, her psychic power was powerful and her fervor in battle was extraordinary. 

She walked from the back of his guards and kneeled at his throne. She looked up at him with eyes that glowed gold much like his own. She had a smile, but behind that smile was pure malice to his foes. 

"I have a job for you. Go down to the city and start recruiting more Laborers to join the Guard. I know several of them are itching to prove themselves." 

She smiled and placed her hand on her chest. 

"By your will my King, I will instill in them the desire to fight in your name, my Divine Master."

(Image here) 

She got up and began to descend the Pyramid. Much like who he named her after she was kinda religious and she had begun to see him as a god. He wasn't a god, not yet at least.

[We will get there soon. Albion and I are growing stronger alongside you and it is only a matter of time until take that leap.]

{Or he might become a god before us since he is being worshiped by a few of the Martians. He might as well be a Divine Being since he is the heir of the Emperor who had god-like power.} 

[True. How do you feel about your impending ascension, my friend.] 

'When you two say soon, is that human soon, or Dragon and Custodes soon?

[Dragon soon.]

{Custodes soon.} 

'That means that it is still decades away.' 

[But think of how powerful you are now compared to when you arrived. You unclocked your Balance Breaker and your previous limit was 20 Boosts. You are starting to reach levels of power that very few heroes can face.] 

{He is right. Any hero who fights you has to deal with the fact you can keep doubling your power and any power you can't contain can be vented through the Divine Dividing. You can steal their strength and double that making you a nightmare in a fight. 

You have unlocked more Psyker abilities and your knowledge of the magic arts has improved.}

'That is true, but why rush? We have time my friends.' 

He sat back on his throne as he could feel Laurania down in the city giving a massive sermon. He could hear her from back here as she had begun to push for the worship of Justinian in New Cadia City. 

All worship of the Martian Gods was not allowed by her as the true divine had arrived. He smiled as worship was an actual energy that he could use to push himself to the path of godhood. 

(Turns out Justinian's size is of no issue. Through Psyker Biomancy which he is inheriting from the Emperor, he can change his size as he wishes. He can become as tall as a Titan or as small as a normal man. Darkseid isn't the only one who can become giant.)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C18
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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