82.85% New Valyria / Chapter 29: Chapter 28: Arc 2, Ice

章 29: Chapter 28: Arc 2, Ice


Bran Stark


Bran stood on the bow of the 'Dragonwolf', looking at the ice-covered ocean. Bran liked the ship, but what confused him was the scratch marks on the bow and the deck. Even if Bran was wearing the layers he was, he was still freezing. The only time he wasn't was when he was close to Summer. Bran turned around and looked for Jon. He found him standing beside Val, Sandor, Gendry, Gerion, and Arthur.

Bran walked towards them and saw that they were all just as cold as they were… minus Jon. They were all wearing armour covered in bear fur, and all carrying a sword, greatsword, or a Warhammer. Jon was carrying Blackfyre, Val was carrying a spear with a tip of valyrian steel, Gerion was carrying a bastard sword with a lion head pommel, orange leather handle, and normal guard, Gendry was carrying Stagsfury, Arthur carrying a longsword with a lion pommel and a white leather handle, and a guard with two more lions for the ends, and Sandor carrying a great sword with dog head for a pommel, orange leather binding for the handle, and a guard that had two more dog heads.

Bran stopped beside his brother, listening to their conversation, not understanding anything. Jon was quiet as the others talked. Bran could tell Jon was thinking because of his brooding face. Jon looked down at him and smiled. Bran smiled back and went to speak when a guard came and spoke.

"Commanders, Head Commander, and Lord Bran." The guards said, getting all of their attention, "We're here, and there is something you would want to see."

Bran walked as Jon left to the bow of the ship. Bran followed and what he saw was what looked like what was from Old Nan's stories. On the land ahead was spiders the size of horses, and walking corpses, all of the smokey blue eyes.

Bran felt a shiver go down his spine as he watched as all the corpses turned to them.

"Everyone gets a bow, and arrows with a valyrian steel tip!" He heard Jon yell, to the men on the ship. And soon everyone on the ship had a bow and about 12 dozen arrows, even Jon.

Bran counted the dead men and found that there were a hundred of them.

"Boy." He felt someone grab his shoulder, he turned and saw the half burnt face of Sandor, "Take these." He shoved a bow into his arms, with about two dozen arrows and his dagger, "Your going to need them."

"Nock!" Bran heard Jon yell, and all at one each person nocked an arrow, "Draw!" Jon yelled, everyone drawn their bow, "Fire!" And each person let the arrow go, and all hit a dead man, or a spider. This happened for around an hour, until most of them were gone.

Bran followed Jon around as he commanded his men to do this or that. Until he turned and looked at him, "Bran go join Gendry, and others. I will be their soon. I just need to give off the last bits of orders." Bran nodded and ran to join the others.

He joined them on, and followed them onto the row boat, and left. He didn't know what he was doing until a few seconds later, and he looked back to the ship noticing Jon was still their.

He turned around to Sandor, and asked, "Why are we leaving Jon behind?" But then realized that Sandor was just as confused as him.

The one to answer the question was Gendry, "Because of that." He pointed to the air. Bran followed his finger and found nothing… until a shadow showed up, and a loud roar.

"What in the FUCK is that!" Bran heard Sandor yell.

Gerion answered, "That my friend is a dragon. And 'that's' name is Sydnor."

Bran looked wide eyed at the dragon, and watched as it landed on the bow. The dragon was pitch black, with golden/amber eyes, with gold mixing into the colour. And holy fuck was he big. Bran watched as Jon walked over to the dragon, and started to climb onto it.

And before long they were on shore with Val, Sandor, Gendry, Arthur and Gerion finishing off the weights off. Bran stayed behind and watched, yelling out to each of them if they had one behind them, are close to them. Then he heard screeching coming from the forest. He looked over and saw the misty blue eyes, and a lot of them, running right at them.

Everyone got in front of him, with their swords drawn. And was he right, there were shit tons of them. And then the black flames came. Bran looked up and saw Jon and the dragon there, with the latter's mouth wide open spitting fire from it. He looked wide eyed at what was happening in front of him. Each of the corpses that were running at them were slowly turning to dust.

This continued for half an hour, until the dead men stopped coming. The dragonfire still glowed bright, even if it's colour was that of the void. Bran continued to watch the dragon and his brother, landed with a thud and sending snow all over the place. Jon slowly got off of the dragon. But more importantly was what was going on in his mind.

'What does this mean?' Bran thought.

Bran watched as the dragon flapped its wings, and entered the cloudy sky of the bitter cold, and beyond. Making it impossible to see the black scales. Jon walked towards them, and stopped in front of them.

"We only have a few more minutes until 'he' comes here. We need to leave, I saw away around them. Stay close to me, and we might actually survive this." Jon spoke in a commanding voice. Everyone nodded, and followed Jon. Bran stayed behind until Jon turned around and waved him over, "Come on Bran. We don't have long until they get here."

Bran nodded and ran over to them. When he got there Jon brought an arm around him, and lead them into the forest.


Robb Stark


Robb sat at the head of the hall, listening to his father's lords. Beside him were his brother Rickon, and his best friend Theon, and his step mother Ashara. Robb was utterly bored, but he knew he had to do this. So he listened and did the best he could. Soon every lord was satisfied, and left the hall. Leaving Robb and his family.

Robb leans back into his chair, and released a tired sigh. He heard scraping of chairs on the stone floor. He opened his eyes and saw Ashara standing to leave. He was confused at first but then saw who was standing in the hall.

"Mother!" He heard Rickon shout. Standing and running over to her. He embraced her, and his mother kissed him on the forehead. Robb stood and walked over to his mother.

"Mother." He said in his cheerful voice. His mother looked up to him, and smiled.

"Robb, Rickon." She gave him a hug, "I hope you have been doing well." She looked back to Theon, "And you as well, Theon."

Theon stood, "I've been doing just fine, My Lady." He said with a smile.

Robb looked down to his mother, "Mother it's good to see you again but why are you here?"

"I came on the request of my father." A sad look grew onto her face, "He's not doing well. And he would love to see his grandsons." She looked around, "And where is Bran? I heard he stayed in the North?"

"He went to King's Landing, mother." Robb responded.

She looked up to him, "Ohh." She had a sad look on her face. But soon it turned to a smile, "Well that is to bad. Maybe I can go visit him in the south." She looked down at Rickon, "How are your lessons going, my sweet?"

Rickon went to answer but was stopped by the Maester himself, "His lessons are going as well as one hopes, Lady Catelyn." Maester Luwin smiled, at his previous Lady Stark.

"Maester Luwin." His mother smiled at the aging Maester of Winterfell, "It's good to see you."

Robb watched as Luwin stopped beside him, "Likewise, Lady Catelyn." He looked over to Robb, "A raven from your Father, Lord Robb."

Robb saw both his mother, and brother perk up, he looked to the Maester, "Thank you, Luwin. Any other ravens?"

Luwin nodded, "Actually yes, two in fact." He pulled two scroll out of his sleeve, "One from Lord Karstark, and another from…" he stopped and looked over to his mother, "Jon."

Robb saw the look on his mother's face, and knew that her thoughts on his brother hasn't changed. He nodded, taking all three scrolls from Luwin's held out hand, "Thank you Maester. You may leave, if you have other things to deal with."

The Maester, "I'll stay. I've done everything I had to." Robb nodded, and sat down at his chair. He opened the scroll from Lord Karstark and looked over the contents.

'Lord Robb,

I send news of a pack of over a hundred wolves in the forest surrounding Karhold. The forest surrounding Karhold has held wolf packs, but none like this. And if my scouts are to be believed, the pack is lead by two direwolves, plus one more. They said that one direwolf has red eyes, and white fur, and the other a grey with amber eyes.

I also have news that my daughter, Alys, is pregnant with a child. I believe I know of whom who impregnated my daughter. Because she wouldn't have given her maiden hood to anyone but this man. And I also believe you know of whom got m6 daughter pregnant.

Also if you ever have trouble with ruling Winterfell and it's stubborn lords, all you have to do is call, and I will come and help. We are distant kin.


Rickard Karstark

Lord of Karhold'

Robb smiled, at hearing that Alys was pregnant, but he was still confused at whom would get the Lady pregnant, and whom she would allow to give her maiden hood to. But then he remembered a visit to Karhold years ago, and a dance for a name day. Then it clicked to him, and the next thing he knew he was laughing.

Robb calmed down, and grabbed a paper from beside him and wrote a response to Lord Karstark. When he was finished he looked up with a smile, "Lady Alys Karstark is pregnant."

Everyone smiled, and nodded. But his mother asked, "Who is the Father?" She asked.

Robb smiled at his mother, and told a white lie, not feeling good about doing it, "A Northern Lord, Mother." She nodded.

Robb grabbed Jon's scroll next noticing the different stamp. He shrugged and opened it and only read the first two sentences.


If you are reading this first, please read the scroll from Father first. This isn't for your eyes yet.'

Robb was confused at first but trusted his brother, and placed it onto the table and opened the scroll from his father, and read the contents.

'My Son,

I have dire news for news for you, and Ash. But before you read further, please understand that what I did was for my family, and my sister.'

Robb was confused once again but kept that in mind. But when he started the next sentence that all left, and he felt anger, and sadness grow inside him.

'Jon isn't your brother, he is your cousin. He is the son of my sister Lyanna and the prince Rhaegar. Rhaegar didn't kidnap Lyanna, she left of her free will, and they got married in front of the Old Gods. Jon isn't Jon's real name. His real name is Daeron Targaryen.

You see I made a promise to my sister when she died. She made me promise to protect Jon, from King Robert, and if I didn't Jon would be dead, like his brother and sister, and I didn't want that to happen to my nephew. So I brought him home with me claiming he was my bastard, not knowing what might happen when your mother meets him.

Please don't be angry with me, I now you two grew up like brothers. And you still are. Jon knows of who he is, and has told me he still sees me as his father, and as all of you as his brothers and sisters. Forgive this old man, for not telling you years ago, but if the news got to Robert, he would have killed all of us.


Your Father


Robb was speechless, his father, Lord Eddard Stark, the believed most honourable man in Westeros, told the greatest lie the whole of Westeros has seen. But slowly it dawned on him. Jon wasn't his brother, he was his cousin. Robb felt deep sadness grow inside of him.

His mother noticed, and asked, "What's wrong Robb?"

Robb looked up to his mother, "It seems we were-" Robb stopped, remembering what his father said at the end. Robb picked up the scroll and turned to the hearth, and threw it into the fire.

'Now no one will know.' Robb said to himself. He looked back to his mother, "It was nothing Mother."

Robb picked up Jon's scroll, and continued where he left off.

'If you have read the scroll from father. Everything is true. I'm not your brother by blood, but I am by soul. That is the same for all of you. All of you, from Cregan to you, you are all my siblings.

Also I'm sure father didn't put this into his scroll, but I have three dragons. Yes Robb, dragons. I brought them back when I was in Valyria. But those aren't the reasons why I sent this scroll.

Robb in the near future something big is going to happen. Something that will either put you and me against each other. But I don't want that. I don't want to fight you Brother, I want to see you safe, and out of harm's way. But soon, the south is going to want the north to kneel, and the north won't.

To make this short. Gather the Banners of the North. Man Moat Cailian. The North is going to go to war with the South, and I don't want you to be surprised, and unprepared.

Soon we will meet, and when that time comes, I won't be Jon Snow, I will be Daeron Targaryen. When that time comes, don't be stubborn, and listen to me, as much as you can.


Jon Snow, Your Brother'

And so Robb listened to his brother, and looked to the Maester, "Call the Banners, Maester Luwin. Tell House Reed to man the Moat. War will come soon. The war with the South, and North."

Robb saw that Maester Luwin was shocked and so was everyone else in the hall. But soon Luwin nodded, and returned to the Rookery, to send the ravens.

Robb stood grabbing the scrolls and threw them into the fire. He left the hall, ignoring his mother's call, and Rickon's confusion. And beside him was Theon, confused yes.

All that was going through Robb's head was, 'What do you mean, Jon? What is going to happen to cause a war?' And Robb's answer was a heavy blow of wind sending his hair flying, and cold air into his face.


Mance Rayder


Lorath was theirs, the battle took only one day, until the Smallfolk turned on the leaders. Mance walked beside Tormund, as they walked the city, handing out food to the smallfolk. Mance stopped when felt a huge gust of wind blowing. Mance knew what it meant, and turned around and walked back to the camp. Tormund doing the same.

When hey got there the men were already packing, and getting ready to go. He walked to the Captain's Tent. And entered and walked towards the map. And very other commander entered. He looked up, and asked, "Did we get a raven."

Joeanna nodded, "Yes." She held you her hand, which had a scroll in it. Mance took the scroll and read the contents.


Everything is turning. Soon the War of the Five Kings will begin. And I plan to be apart of it. My orders are below, but before you read those. I have news.

I have sent Jacaerys, Aerea, Jason and Aliandra to Dorne with Ari. The Mountain is dead. The Hound is apart of the Brotherhood. And I'm going North, beyond the walls, with Val, Gerion, Arthur, Gendry, Sandor, and my brother Bran. I don't plan to be there long, but up there it is constant Winter. I will try to return quickly once I got my brother to Bloodraven. Until then these are my orders.

Send the fleet to the Iron Islands. Show them that they don't have the biggest fleet. Show them that they are mere ants, under the Brotherhood's feet. Show them why they are forgotten.

Send 35000 of the men to the North, tell whoever is leading that army to go to Moat Cailin. Send 15000 to Dorne, all under disguised as smallfolk. Placed the rest, 10000, onto the fleet.

Tell Joeanna that everything is okay, and that I miss her dearly.

Head Commander

Jon Snow

Future King Emperor of Valyria'

Mance threw the scroll into the fire, and started giving orders to the commanders in front of him. Jack Worraps was sent to get the fleet ready, Tormund was sent to do what he knew best, Joeanna was sent to gather the men to get ready. And Mance stayed in the tent and got everything ready.

Perseus_Blackfyre Perseus_Blackfyre

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