
Chapter 4: Golden Omurice!

With such a simple exam, both Tsuna and Soma started moving.

The exam room resembled a bustling professional kitchen, with rows of gleaming stainless steel countertops, each equipped with its own array of gas stoves, ovens, and kitchen utensils.

Despite the spacious layout designed to accommodate multiple participants, only two of them used the workstation.

Tsuna saw that the kitchen was clean and well-maintained, which made him nod in satisfaction as he muttered, "Now, let's see what kind of ingredients they have over here..."

"I guess they were called the best culinary academy in the world for a reason."

As he slowly approached the ingredients counter, Tsuna raised his eyebrows in amazement at the sight before him.

Multitudes of ingredients were arranged perfectly.

He could even spot some of the rarest ingredients rarely seen in Japan on display.

"They sure are rich," he chuckled as he immediately decided to make a certain dish.

He then gathered what he needed into a basket and took it to his cooking counter.

"Humph, what a country bumpkin," Erina lightly muttered to herself as she observed Tsuna's amazement at the kitchen's offerings.

Annoyed, she glanced at her watch and mumbled, "...I might not be able to watch today's episode."

Looking at Tsuna, who then fetched a kitchen knife as he didn't seem to carry his own, made Erina's annoyance about being unable to watch her current favorite romance series on TV transfer over to the guy she considered worthless.

Veins bulged out of her temple.

"He doesn't even have his own knife..."

"...and that stupid-looking guy, does he even take this exam seriously?"

As she turned to the other participant, her annoyance seemed to reach a new level as she observed the simplicity of the guy's ingredients.

However, both Tsuna and Soma didn't seem to care about Erina's reaction as they immediately started to cook!

In a swift movement, Tsuna prepped his workstation, the array of ingredients laid out like a painter's palette.

Yet, a dilemma loomed—no day-old rice in sight.

"I've already expected this since the beginning but..."

Tsuna was about to make an Omurice.

And to make a good Omurice, he has to prepare a day-old rice as the main ingredients.


This didn't stop him as Tsuna immediately put on an apron and pondered a solution to ensure his fried rice retained its coveted texture.

"...Oh? That seems like a good idea," he muttered as his eyes suddenly lit up with an idea.

Tsuna immediately went on to cook the rice in a rice cooker.

He adjusted the rice-to-water ratio with measured precision.

Hisako furrowed her eyebrows while standing beside Erina as she saw this. She was totally skeptical about what Tsuna was doing.


However, before she could even think of what to comment about it, her eyes suddenly widened in disbelief.

The diced chicken seemed to float in the air, along with finely chopped onion and carrot, as Tsuna moved his hand along with the knife in such precision and swiftness that it left even Erina looking on in surprise!

"Whoa! Tsuna is actually so good..."

Even Soma was no exception as he glanced at what Tsuna was doing in amazement.

Then, he focused on his own task, chuckling, "Let's go. I can't lose to someone I just got to know!"

After a while, Tsuna saw that the rice was ready and smirked. His eyes flashed as he immediately turned on the stove.


Both Erina and Hisako's attention was now fully focused on what Tsuna was doing.

Diced chicken danced alongside finely chopped onion and carrot, their vibrant hues mingling in the aromatic embrace of vegetable oil.

Not only that, Tsuna suddenly turned on another stove as he then prepared his glace sauce.

His movements were smooth!

"Time for you to go in," he mumbled, his movements never halting for even a second as he put the rice into the skillet.

With a flick of his wrist, Tsuna infused the skillet with the tangy allure of soy sauce, coating the rice in a darker sheen.

Seasoned to perfection, the fragrant medley awaited its crowning glory—the omelette.

Eggs cracked and whisked, Tsuna poured the golden mixture into the heated pan, all while still cooking the rice on the side.

"He cooked them all at the same time!?"

Hisako widened her eyes in shock.

After seeing what Tsuna was doing, she knew he was making an Omurice. Although it was not exactly a legendary cuisine, it was something that was acceptable for an entrance exam.

Especially seeing how skillful Tsuna actually was despite his shabby appearance when he arrived back then.

She couldn't help but think, "...This guy is the real deal!"

With finesse, Tsuna coaxed the omelette to life, its edges crisping as wisps of steam danced in the air.

Tsuna then unveiled his creation—the fusion of omelette and fried rice, a harmonious marriage of flavors and textures.

He coated his creation with a sprinkle of chopped parsley as the demi-glace sauce cascaded over the glistening surface.

"There you go..."

Tsuna shouted with a big smile on his face.

"...This is Ito's Special, Golden Omurice!"

He placed the bowl of omurice down in front of Erina, who looked at him in surprise before she scoffed and looked away in embarrassment, her cheeks flushed red.

She pouted and commented, "Hmph, I admit you have good technique..."

"But.. You made one mistake!" 

Erina calmed her embarrassment and looked smug this time, feeling confident that Tsuna wouldn't be able to please her God's Tongue!

She took a spoonful of Tsuna's Golden Omurice and narrowed her eyes at him, "For a perfect omurice, you need to have a day-old rice. So, you clearly have neither the time nor the prepared ingredients today..."

"...This wouldn't taste as go---!?"

Her words were cut short the moment she took a mouthful into her stomach.


Suddenly, her vision seemed to blur, and the taste shattered her soul, transporting her into another world where she felt like she was a fairy dancing in a dream.

The flavors exploded in her mouth, swirling and dancing like a complex melody.

"H-how could you retain that texture..."

Erina couldn't believe what she had just tasted. She looked at the omurice in disbelief before turning to Tsuna, who smirked at her.

She widened her eyes as she realized something and exclaimed, "No way! You... You actually used a lower amount of water to make the rice drier..."

"That's correct!"

Tsuna nodded, slightly surprised that Erina could immediately guess what was going on in a flash.

"...You could think of that in such a short time..."

Erina muttered in disbelief, finding herself unable to stop herself from continuing to eat the omurice.

However, as she went for another spoonful, she suddenly realized something.


She looked at her empty bowl of omurice that Tsuna had given her a while back, mumbling, "...I've already... eaten all of it?"


Erina slowly turned her head to Tsuna, who asked, "Can I take it that I passed the exam?"


She looked at him in a completely different light than before, her eyes still wide open in disbelief.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


