

It took Mike another 3 days to pass the next level of training. It was made more difficult by the fact that he had to limit the amount of time he spent in the training pod. If he lost track of time then Shuuji would make the training twice as hard for that day when he finally did get out.

Hand to hand combat took another 2 days. During which he got his butt kicked by everything from Zakus, to Ginns. Armed with swords, heat hawks, maces, shields, spears the training program used them with a high degree of efficiency.

Mike fought them repeatedly until he not only was proficient with the weapons but could counter if they were used against him. Each weapon held unique advantages and disadvantages.

The training was tiring and it showed, Both Daisy and Cassandra commented on it and even Coulson asked if he was OK Suggesting if the order was too large to push back the delivery date from the next week to next month.

Mike assured him that the order was almost complete and would be on time. He then made a mental note to check on that. He had forgotten due to being busy training.

After school he entered the cockpit again. This time was for Firearms Training. The simulator put him in the Strike again. This time he started in a room full of rocket launchers, machine guns Beam Rifles and every other projectile weapon you could imagine.

As he ran through each weapon he began to categorize them and what situations they might be needed for.

After the range The simulator changed to a city. Warning him of incoming threats he saw a massive amount of suits attacking from all directions. Mike grabbed a beam pistol and began to fire at the oncoming enemies.

Falling behind a building and using it for cover he shot quickly. Closing in he grabbed a fallen machine gun off a zaku and began shooting rapidly.

Move shoot reload repeat. Mike fell into a familiar pattern. If he was careless then snipers would take advantage shooting for any exposed area. Gradually he adapted becoming more proficient.

After school the next day he began under water training. Gloating through the water he was amazed by the details that the training pod had created.

A highly detailed coral reef surrounded by thousands of fish and sharks. He was so absorbed exploring it that he failed to notice the ZnO attack him from behind ending the simulation.

Restarting this time he tried to fight but realized that beam weapons were ineffective. He found physical weapons such as daggers and harpoon guns were more practice.

This training did introduce him to 360 degree combat. He had to not just think left or right but also up or down. This fight would be beneficial for the final training.

Slowly he got used to it and even began to enjoy the freedom to do as he pleased. Up down left right he fought till it became second nature to expect an attack from all directions. The harpoon gun took getting use to. He also discovered that concussion charges were more effective than shrapnel and fragmentation charges.

Once Mike started the flight training he found just how different it was. He had to be careful of the thrusters or he would overshoot. Gravity, meteors etc led to whole new kinds of danger. This was before the simulator introduced enemies. Dodging and blocking became more difficult when you also had to calculate in your head the speed and direction of both your suit and your enemies.

Then there was defending an objective from attack. Mike failed the first time because he dodged a blast which in turn hit the objective he was defending destroying it.

He also got used to reentry training. The cockpit heating up significantly. He had to train again and again till the action became second nature. Only then did he pass.

After completing the final training g he emerged. He had less than a day to get the order ready for SHIELD. He checked that the automated systems had done their job. He left a surprise in the system. Both mechanically and in its software.

The first triggers a thermal reaction if they try to take it apart, fusing all the important systems together. This would render the GN drive into a useless lump of metal.

The second failsafe would allow Mike to remotely shut down the gn drives if they attempted to use them against him.

He also included a "gift" for Fury. Disguised as a desk ornament it was a model of the GN drive that would light up a room. It also contained a transmitter that would allow Haro into SHIELD's network.

He limited the scope to monitoring communications. He did not want to attract the attention of Zola.

After checking on the order Mike accepted his rewards. In a flash of light the Strike appeared in a hanger that was equipped to load all it's equipment at a moments notice.

The RAG-79-G1 Gundam Marine Type appeared in the underwater portion of the base.

Both suits had been converted to use GN drives, and the drives could go into a "stealth mode" limiting the light that was shown.

Mike then ate dinner with Shuuji before going to bed. He activated the last reward and experienced tremendous pain that made him pass out.

He grew several inches, his hair changing color. His body grew extra nerves and his muscles became more dense. Chemical changes occured increasing Mike's potential several times over.

When he woke up he felt like he had been drinking the night before. Stumbling to the bathroom he looked in the mirror. Shocked he stared at the unfamiliar face. Mike now resembles Kira Yamato.

"Well Fuck. Now I'm going to have to re do those ID pictures again." Mike said not sure why that was his first thought.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C10
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


