50% Reverend Insanity-Blood Venerable Ascension / Chapter 59: Fated talents

章 59: Fated talents

Some quick announcements guys

First, I encourage everyone to go and be a member on my Patreon that I create and also you can rest assured that I will not post exclusive chapters there now nor will I post them in advance on Patreon, just as it is free to be a member :) : patreon.com/CreedFollower

secondly, it's something that if you use discord you already know, but if after posting this chapter I receive another 100 power stones today I'll post another chapter today that I have prepared in advance

And lastly, I recommend everyone to check out this new Reverend Insanity fanfic

1. Reverend Insanity: Mystery Prying Immortal Venerable by Moist_BedBugs

2. Reverend Insanity: Otherworldly Demon Venerable by fotohhatab


"Isn't the first Blood Path Immortal Gu in the world the Human Blood Gu that appeared in the Legends of Ren Zu?" After hearing the words of the immortal toad, Chen Wei asked with great curiosity. He had always wondered if it belonged to the Blood Path or the Human Path since reading the part of the Legends of Ren Zu where this Gu appeared, but he had never been able to get a concrete answer until now.

The words of Kuang Luo To reminded him of this Gu, which he now believed belonged to the Human Path instead of the Blood Path, making logical sense now that Chen Wei thought about it. After all, the Human Blood was never mentioned by Giant Sun when he was crazily searching for Blood Path Gu in the novel.

Moreover, the Human Blood Gu was not used alone by Ren Zu; he also used the Human Soul Gu, which was never mentioned in the novel either. Additionally, the way the soul was cultivated usually involved animal souls, just as Spectral Soul's grand method was to create a Desolate Soul.

Hearing Chen Wei's question, Kuang Luo To's face became extremely serious, and he exuded the aura of a great elder about to impart significant wisdom to a junior.

"And what did I say?" Kuang Luo To asked with a serious expression, as if his last words had never left his mouth.

"As I said before, we will create the first Blood Path Gu since the time of the great human ancestor Ren Zu. Kekekekek!!!" Chen Wei was left speechless by the shamelessness of the toad, who obviously forgot about the existence of the Human Blood Gu.

"Yeah, sure..." Chen Wei murmured softly after Kuang Luo To finished laughing, which left the room in an uncomfortable silence as he wondered how an immortal of the wisdom and information path could forget something so basic.

"The Legends of Ren Zu? Why are you taking this children's bedtime story seriously?" Feng Hua asked the first question that came to her mind, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

She says this because it is common knowledge that when Ren Zu created humans, he used the Human Blood and Human Soul in the Derivation Gu. And according to The Legends of Ren Zu, these Gu inhabit the strongest human blood as well as the strongest human soul.

"Ah, what a great question! For you mortals who can't see Mount Tai, the Legends of Ren Zu are the greatest inheritance of the Human Path that exists!!" Chen Wei saw Kuang Luo To answer happily, seemingly relieved to find an easy escape from his embarrassment.

Of course, for Chen Wei, this was neither a great surprise nor new information, as a reader of the novel, he was always aware of the depths of the Legends of Ren Zu, which were extremely valuable even to Venerables.

But for the three girls listening, their expressions showed disbelief. They never imagined that the simple story, which even a mortal child knew by heart, could be the greatest inheritance of this Human Path they had never heard of before Kuang Luo To mentioned it.

"And speaking of inheritances, I have to deliver yours! Of course, I need to verify your talents first." As he spoke, the crystal ball from earlier appeared again, floating above him.

Chen Wei's attention was once again drawn to the crystal ball, which he imagined to be a killer move. He planned to ask Kuang Luo To about a mortal version he could use in the future to greatly benefit the vigorous development of the He An Clan.

"Well, well, who wants to be first? Kekekeke," Kuang Luo To asked with great curiosity in his voice. Chen Wei thought it was probably curiosity about the talents of people he knew were fated to become powerful.

"Hmph! I am Wei'er's wife, so I will go first." Chen Wei looked strangely at Wang Mei, who called him that for the first time, besides declaring loudly something everyone knew: that she was Chen Wei's wife.

"Kekekkeke, you got yourself a jealous one, didn't you, my disciple?" Kuang Luo To walked as a person would despite his toad body, approaching Wang Mei with the crystal ball following him.

"...I don't see what's jealous about just stating a fact, right, Chen Wei?" Wang Mei said, blinking innocently like a girl who didn't know what she said wrong.

"Kekekeke, maybe yes... maybe I'm just used to the subservient attitude of the women of the northern plains," Kuang Luo To said, handing the floating crystal ball to Wang Mei.

"Are you from the northern plains? Are immortal toads common there? I heard that the men of the northern plains are uncultured barbarians; is that true?" Before anyone could say anything, Yu Lian, always curious, fired off questions like a machine gun.

"Yes, of course, I'm from the northern plains. Can't you tell by my masculinity!!" The small toad, just over 30 centimeters tall with a slim, fragile body that would seem harmless even to a mortal child, spoke proudly.

"And just so you know, little insolent girl, I'm a pure human... this toad form is just a life extension method... that I unfortunately had to resort to." Kuang Luo To's previously loud and cheerful voice grew quieter as the light green toad seemed to want to turn red with embarrassment, or so Chen Wei imagined, seeing his expression.

*Cough* *Cough* "...So can you tell us the meaning of the images in the crystal ball Mei'er is holding?" Chen Wei quickly tried to change the subject, not because he wasn't interested in Kuang Luo To's past, but because he thought it more important to test their talents and receive the promised immortal inheritances.

Of course, despite his appearance, Kuang Luo To was still an immortal. So, while he was speaking with Yu Lian, he not only easily activated an immortal killer move but had also already reached his conclusions by seeing and sensing the aura of the images in the crystal ball.

"Hhmm, really impressive as expected of the wife of a Venerable..." Kuang Luo To said, observing the crystal ball intently.

Chen Wei, standing beside and also looking at the crystal ball, saw a vast and infinite sea of crystal clear blue water, exuberant and magnificent. But even more impressive were the behaviors of its waters: some areas had furious storms that seemed to want to destroy the world, while right next to them were calm seas with not the slightest breeze, repeating throughout the sea.

Of course, he could not perceive the emotions of rage, sadness, happiness, love, desolation, hope, and others that the different regions of the sea transmitted. At this moment, only Wang Mei and Kuang Luo To could feel these complex and constantly changing emotions.

"Kekekeke, it seems you will cause a great innovation that will affect the path of that old hag Star Constellation..." Kuang Luo To declared with a wide smile, like a child who had just received candy.

"Emotion Path... I suspected as much. Actually, I feel it even more strongly than my talent in Water Path." Wang Mei had expected to have great talent in the Water Path since she had constantly received praise for her skill and quick learning in cultivation.

What could be a slight surprise to her was the Emotion Path, which she had never heard of before from others. But after talking with Chen Wei before, she learned about this path, which had significant connections to the Wisdom Path, and since Chen Wei himself had noted her talent in this path, she expected this talent to appear as well.

"Hmmm, well, about the Water Path, I have a Rank 7 inheritance I got from a subordinate of mine in the past..." Kuang Luo To said as a bright white light appeared in front of his face, probably the effect of some Information Path killer move, as he reviewed the various immortal inheritances he possessed.

"And well, for the Emotion Path... I'll separate the parts related to emotion from my Rank 8 Wisdom Path inheritance!!" Both Wang Mei and the others who heard Kuang Luo To's declarations felt extremely shocked, especially Chen Wei, who, among all the mortals present, had the greatest understanding of the immense value of a Rank 7 inheritance and parts of a Rank 8 inheritance.

"...I... don't know how to thank the honored immortal, but I am truly grateful from the bottom of my heart." Wang Mei, who, thanks to Chen Wei, had some notion of the value and rarity of an immortal inheritance, spoke with great emotion but did not attempt to bow in thanks due to her pregnant state.

"Kekekeke, well, I accept a kiss... I heard in the stories of your world that this would turn me back into a human man Kekekekeke." Kuang Luo To spoke while laughing nervously as Chen Wei stared at him, questioning whether it was worth punching the small toad.

"...well, let's leave the jokes aside. You, the irritated girl, are next." Kuang Luo To quickly moved away from Wang Mei when he sensed that Chen Wei had decided it was indeed worth the punch and approached Feng Hua.

"Yes, immortal... toad..." Feng Hua spoke with a certain inner dissatisfaction but did not let it show in her voice to avoid irritating the toad as she took the crystal ball in her hands.

"Ohh!! Kekekkeke, this is really incredible... I found a compatriot, I would say." Chen Wei heard the toad's words but did not understand their meaning, even as he looked at the crystal ball himself.

In the crystal ball was the image of a sky full of great tornadoes and winds, with endless gales moving incessantly through the skies as if to destroy the heavens in their unending fury.

But once again, there was something that Chen Wei himself could not notice. Only Feng Hua and Kuang Luo To could see the detailed information about the strongest to the smallest winds assaulting the sky like powerful sovereigns.

"Ah, Information Path, unfortunately, it's a pity it's not your primary talent... but anyway, I will give you my complete Rank 8 inheritance!!" Kuang Luo To declared emphatically, promising to deliver a Rank 8 inheritance that could spark endless blood baths if it were known to the outside world,but that Feng Hua will receive it like this without even having to lift a finger for it.

"Well, that also includes a rank 7 inheritance from the wind path that I have... So tell me, wife of my di-! Hey, you insolent girl!!" Kuang Luo To shouted in surprise after Wang Mei flicked his head as if he were some small animal and not a legendary rank 8 immortal.

Chen Wei, seeing the whole situation, could barely breathe as his heart beat faster than it ever had in his life. His mind raced, thinking of how to convince the immortal toad not to try to kill Wang Mei for flicking him.

"...Hmm, a disrespectful little girl really flicked me... she's lucky I didn't feel any pain..." But to Chen Wei's relief, who was prepared for Kuang Luo To's fury, the immortal merely muttered with a downcast expression while rubbing the spot where Wang Mei's flick had hit him.

"Well... I thank the honored immortal for this inheritance," Feng Hua said with a complicated expression, watching the legendary immortal walk like a wounded puppy after being scolded by Wang Mei, who had an innocent appearance and didn't seem very threatening.

Chen Wei remained on guard as he watched the small toad, now with a melancholic expression, walk towards Yu Lian with the crystal ball floating behind him and moving into her hands.

"Well... curious girl, I see you have talent for both the Wood path and the Poison path," Kuang Luo To said to Yu Lian with an excited expression again, as if he, a legendary rank 8 immortal, hadn't just been physically reprimanded by a girl who was only at rank 2.

"Hmm, I would imagine my talent for the Wood path because of my previous world, but... isn't the Poison path the path of assassins and demonic Gu Masters?" Yu Lian asked with complicated emotions while looking at the crystal ball.

In the crystal ball was the image of a vast, endless forest that spanned the entire world without end. Unlike normal forests, it was made up of trees with purple leaves and a large amount of poisonous and harmful plants growing on the ground.

"Hmm, your talent has something to do with your fate in this world... besides, just because a certain path is used mostly by assassins doesn't mean it has a demonic nature, kekekeke," Kuang Luo To said as a bright white light appeared again in front of him while he searched for inheritances related to these paths.

"Well, fortunately for you, I have a rank 8 inheritance for one these paths... but it's a Poison path one, unfortunately for you...also I got it from an immortal from the eastern seas thousands of years ago, kekekeke." Yu Lian, hearing this, felt a bit disappointed for not having a rank 8 inheritance in Wood, but she quickly dismissed these feelings, remembering how lucky she was to obtain an inheritance from an immortal.

"Well, then, everything is settled for now!" Kuang Luo To said, striking his staff on the ground, causing four distinct colors of light—blue, red, purple, and white—to shoot towards Wang Mei, Chen Wei, Yu Lian, and Feng Hua respectively, entering their minds.

"This is an information path metho—" Chen Wei started to say in surprise, seeing the red light entering his mind, but before he could finish his words, he fell unconscious for a moment, then woke up again as if not a second had passed.

"This... I have so much new information about the blood path... is this the inheritance?" Chen Wei asked Kuang Luo To after approaching Wang Mei and confirming that she and the baby were both healthy, just like him.

"Well, yes, but only the mortal part of the inheritance, as I will have to perform a much more complicated and time-consuming killer move to transfer the immortal part in a way that doesn't overload your little mortal minds, kekekeke," Kuang Luo To said, hopping to his luxurious armchair in the middle of the study and experiment hall.

"Well, we have time, so it's all right... but not too much time, so don't be lazy in learning, kekekeke," Kuang Luo To said, striking his staff on the ground, causing a large door to appear on the wall as if an illusion was being lifted.

"Well, prepared for this, I have arranged a very luxurious room for you all... really something to be envied, kekekeke... the bed is enough for four people to sleep comfort—!!" Kuang Luo To stopped mid-sentence when he felt a strong chill down his spine, as if he were under the gaze of a deadly beast. But what he saw was just a short girl with an innocent appearance and a cynical smile staring at him.

"Well... if you all prefer, I can make separate rooms..." Kuang Luo To said, striking his staff on the ground, creating two more doors, one on each side of the first door.

"The Immortal is truly wise and magnanimous..." Wang Mei said, stopping her stare at the small toad, who was sweating coldly under her gaze. With an innocent smile on her face, she took Chen Wei's hand and walked with him to the middle door, while he still had a look of disbelief at the scene in front of him.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C59
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


