23.63% HP/DxD: Raven / Chapter 11: Lab Chaos and Treasure

章 11: Lab Chaos and Treasure

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Word Count 1700

Okay i think there was a mixup but what the heck I'll release the chap. I was going to release a bonus chapter IF we reached 250 by 6pm. When the Stones reset. Not When we reach 250 stones xD



The Cauldron blew up, making smoke apear all around it

*Cough. Cough*

"Right, Atempt #28 of creating a new potion has Failed. The potion should the effects of Nurishment and Regeneration Potion to make a Training Potion for the muscles. As taking multiple potions at once to achieve this effect gives minimal results."

I'm trying to make this potion so I can train more efficiently and for less time, while still getting good results

I am a wizard, not a bloody barbarian. But even I recognize the need for a fit and strong body. The stronger the body, the more mana it can contain.

I heard a clever tactic 'If you want to make something efficient. Get a lazy guy to do it, he will find the most efficient and easiest way to achieve the task'

And I am extremely lazy when it comes to exercise. I love magic, I can keep doing it all day long. But I hate exercising. Hell, I convinced Melinda to enchant a metal plate to make it into a hoverboard because I had 'sore muscles' and wanted to experiment with magic.

I'm never getting off this thing, it's so freaking convenient.


Sweet. It's done.

I leave my potion station and go over to my chemistry table. Where all sorts of Vials filled with liquids were bubbling.

Some of the vials were over a flame.

I head over to the 3 containers I prepared earlier

They contain

Sulfuric acid, Hydrogen peroxide and Nitric acid

All three of these acids are used to resolve metals. Sulufirc can resolve almost all of them, while nitric can resolve steel and hydrogen can resolve tungsten.

Now the reason for me having these?

Trying to make a new acid that can eat through magical metal. I'm trying to use these acids as a base and go up from there. You never know when you might need to melt Magic/Mana-suppressing handcuffs.

I like how my brain automatically assumes I will do something stupid that might land me in that position, so I'm preparing for it in advance

I also made some good old sodium hydroxide, the acid that is used to resolve corpses. Just reach it to a boiling point, dump the corpse and in a few hours it's gone. Again you never know if I will be low on magic so I can't vanish the corpse.

*Blp, Blup, Blp*


there goes another experiment in the making. I head to the corner of the room to a cauldron that was in a closed-off Area made by Runes.

I started that experiment a few days ago. The Cauldron was filled with dark purple liquid. That let out a purple gas which was destroyed by a few runes. But anyone with a brain can tell whatever was in that cauldron must be poisonous. And they would be right

The goal is to create the most potent poison I can make.

I have been running calculations on that thing for days. Adding Venom and Poisonous plants at specific intervals.

I messed up a few times so I had to run calculations on how to fix it or I just make a new batch and avoid making the same mistake

This is Cauldron #11

The others couldn't be improved or returned back before I messed up. Making them failures. But still poison is poison. And mine was stronger than average so I sold it in the black market to get some of my money back.

The feedback I got was a surprise, people.. well mercenaries and assassins are happy with the poison. So it wasn't a complete waste of time, even made a bit of profit.

I return back to the Training potion.

Ahhh. Right... I just blew the last supplies I had for this potion. Now I need to go get more. The ones in my garden need more time before they are ready.

Maybe I can make some sort of magical fertilizer or a Pot that increases the growth speed. I mean I am a Potter


That was such a shitty pun.

"Harry dinner time!" Hope yelled out as she was claiming up the stairs

But I have been burning through my money for my experiments. And selling too many diamonds would lower their market values.

And I want to buy a Sail Boat. I learned from the black market that its the best way to evade the Aurors or anyone after you. Live on a boat. Expand the space inside but leave one room. And in that room, you can keep Expanded Trunks for all of your luggage. Since you can't bring an expanded object into an expanded room.

Things go boom.

Small stuff like a money bag or satchel aren't a problem. But trunks and suitcases are.

*Snap, Snap*

Hope started shaping her fingers in front of my face "Harry you are lost in thought again. It's dinner time"


"Sorry. I was thinking about stuff. Mostly my money problem. Damn those goblins and their stupid laws. As soon as I can I am taking all of my money out of that damn bank"

Hope had a thoughtful look on her face

"Say Harry. Voldemort took a lot of money both from his followers and his victims, right? But a man like him wouldn't go to Gringots so where did he put his money"


Blank. My mind went completely blank.

Voldemorts stash. Hope is right. It never occurred to me. That paranoid fuck would never trust a bank. Let alone his followers to keep his money. So where did he put it?

I instantly go to Vold.net

This whole time I have been focusing on his knowledge about magic while ignoring everything else. This time I focused on the money and treasures he stashed.

Moments later I got a few locations. Safe houses. Caves that have been hidden by the Fidelus Charm. Mountains of Galleons, Gold and Gems.

*CLAP* "Harry!"

Hope claped her hands gaining my attention "Harry are you OK? Did you eat or take some untested drug you made? Should we see a healer?"

I looked at her face and grinned "Hope you beautiful clever GIRL!" I put my hands under her arms and I lift her up while spinning her

"Hiii" Hope squeaked from surprise. I put her done and give her a kiss on the cheek before dashing away "Thank you Hope. Go out with Melinda and buy yourself anything you want. I'll be back soon"

Hope just started at Harry's back with a red face while holding the cheek that Harry kissed 'What just happened?'


Ben Macdui the second tallest Mountain in Scotland. Near one of the snow-covered peaks a magic circle formed in the air and a boy appeared and landed gracefully on the rocks

Harry smiled as he looked down at his feet. "Yeah teleporting in the air is so much safer. Imagine if I teleported inside a mountain. Yikes. Not a fun thought."

Now let's see. Large rock with a sharp edge. 5 steps to the left. Then 10 right then 7 left. Clear the snow in front of me and say the Parselmouth password

$ Voldemort is the greatest wizard in the world $

*Brrrrrr* The ground started to shift, revealing a hole in the ground with a ladder.

Sigh such an unoriginal password. Frankly, you'd be better off to make it as...

Well, there is an idea. One which I will definitely use

I'm going to make a dummy safe with the password 'Open Sesame' just for laughs. Then I'm going to make the safe and the sounding area blow up.

Write that down, write that down. 

One Mental note later. I start climbing down the ladder

The entrance is merely guarded by The Fidelus Charm a few muggle and wizard repelling wards.

Everything inside on the other hand is filled with the worst wards, charms and poisons known to man.

Normally the wards would be tied to the password. So when you say the password all of it shuts down. But Voldemort was one paranoid bastard. He made it so that each ward must be individually brought down. Since he was so skilled and powerful it only took him 3 minutes to do it

I proceed slowly as I dismantle the defenses according to Tommy Boy's memories.

10 minutes later I arrive at an exact replica of the Chamber of Secrets. The giant 5-snake vault door. 

$ Open for the Heir of Slytherin $

Harry hissed in Parseltongue. He 

The Stone door starts to rumble. The 5 snake heads retreated backward. Unlocking the door.

I enter the door and produce a few Lumos orbs to light up the place.

"Holy Shit" 

This scene looked like it was copied from Scrooge McDuck's vault. Or Smaug's lair. 

Gold Coins were scattered everywhere. Galleons. There had to be hundreds of thousands in here. The light from the Lumos bounced off the gold creating a golden hue.

On top of the coins, there were chests filled with Gold and Silver Bars. Gems. Jewelry and all sorts of treasures. 

Book Shelves with all kinds of rare magical books. Same with the plants. Magical ingredients put under strong Stasis Wards.

And it didn't end there. The deeper you went. Artwork, Statues, Sculptures, and Ancient suits of armor. Weapons. 

There was only one thought in Harry's mind. Ka-Ching

"Oh yeah. Money problems are definitely solved. I need to get Hope something nice. Yeah, I'm just going to give her some of the jewelry in here. Now to start packing things up"

Harry put his hand in his bag and brought out dozens of miniature Trunks. He turned the trucks back to their original size and started filling them with all the treasure,

"I need to act fast and get to the other safe houses as well. I'm not going to leave a single Knut for Voldy. Who knows what he will do with all that money?

I am in no way stealing this for my own personal benefit. Nope~.

It's all for the Greater Good~



Hahahahaahah. This is freaking AWESOME!! I AM GOING TO BE FILTHY RICH!!" 


I like the line at the end. I would definitely react like that. Just pure euphoria. 

Years of robbing his followers and other people. All of that treasure belongs to the MC now. 

I just decided to give him money straight from the start. Since I started thinking of MC robbing the Death Eaters. Then the thought went to 'where did Voldemort hide his money'?

There is no such thing as an Ancient Slytherin Vault. The Founders predate Gringots by 500 years. Their descendants might have opened an account 500 years after the Founders died. But by then most of their descendants probably spent all the money. 

Hell if there even was any money, Hogwarts must have cost a fortune. The founders probably put everything they had in that castle. 

Back the the present the Gaunts were poor as hell. So he didn't get anything from them. 

But there is no way a man like Voldemort who grew up in poverty would ever allow himself to be poor again. So he must have safe houses and money stashed away somewhere.

Yeah, and that lead to this.

What do you think of this?

Alcoholic_Panda Alcoholic_Panda

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


