100% Spider-Man- The Successful One / Chapter 3: Doom

章 3: Doom



"Life is hard…"

"Why are you whining?"

"For no reason. Just felt like it."

School ended and we're on our way back home. MJ was walking happily, happy that her first day wasn't bad but the same couldn't be said to me. I was due on almost all my homework so yeah… my time will go to waste.

"You're weird." MJ snickered.

"Then why are you still holding hands with me?" I smirked while raising our hands, this time she was the one who actively tried to hold hands with me.

"I like weird things." She smiled.

"And that's not weird?" I raised my eyebrow.

"But I'm a girl, Parker." She smirked. 

"Damn it."

We had some small talks till we reached our houses, where we bid farewell to each other. Still it's pretty weird to say goodbye when we're just opposite to each other.

I unlocked the door and entered the house. Both May and Ben are working, May's doing some community work and Ben's a mechanic. Their earnings are not bad, it is enough to cover our living expenses but the debt is still there. And I hate being in debt.

I went to my room and dropped my bag on my bed and washed my face. I went straight to work and checked if the other guys sent their sprites and thankfully all of them did. I soon started modifying the sprites to make them a bit more perfect and started my work.

I was so deeply concentrated to the point I had no idea how long it had been, I only snapped out of it when I heard May open the door. I went downstairs to meet her and asked how her day had been and some small talk.

Then I went to work again, the algorithms behind the fighting mechanisms are pretty complicated to make but nothing impossible. I worked till 8 PM and called it a day.

"Damn.. I need to buy an office chair." I cracked my neck and stretched my hands wide after a good day of work. 

"Peter! Come have dinner dear!" May called me down in perfect timing just as I was starting to get hungry.

"Yeah May." I answered back and put my PC to sleep.

May made lasagna and of course in true May's fashion they weren't normal. She put mayo and mustard on it. I hate to say it but it was kinda fire. 

"How was your day dear? Did Mary like the school?" May asked with twinkling eyes. 

I remembered the incident with Flash and Rose and lied with a smile, "Great as usual and MJ didn't openly hate the school at the end of the day, so she probably likes it."

"Ohh… 'MJ' huh? You are already that close? You are faster than Ben, Peter." She said while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Pfftt..!" Ben spat the water he was drinking, "I thought you just saw me as a friend back then!" 

"Oh come on, I was literally throwing myself to you!"

I quickly and the last bite, "I'm done. I don't want to hear your love story."

I sure as hell don't wanna hear their young steamy adventures. I still sometimes hear the moans from downstairs and that is already enough to make me gag.

"Yawn~ damn this homework" What is even the point of these homeworks? Most of these answers are on the internet.

*Ringgg!* *Ringgg!* I looked at my phone wondering who would call me at this time.

Pushing myself off my chair I went to get my old samsung phone. It was MJ who called.

I picked up the call and looked at her room from my window, there she was standing smiling and waving her hand at me.

[Hello Tiger.] She spoke through the phone.

[Tiger? Where did that come from?] I asked while enjoying the sight of her in her PJs. She was wearing black shorts and white crop-top. 

[You always call me 'MJ' so I'll call you 'tiger' from now] She smiled.

[Whatever…] I shrugged, [I have work so tell me why you called] I asked.

She suddenly stopped speaking and looked at me from her window with an odd look.

[What?] I asked.

[You're totally clueless aren't you?] 

[About what?]

[You really are!]

Now I'm totally confused.

[This is called flirting idiot!] She facepalmed much to my embarrassment.

Fuck I didn't even notice. How the hell was I supposed to know? She was the one who called.

To still play like the cool guy I tried to manage [Um- yeah ha I already knew, Just don't have time for all that. Yeah]

[Oh… really?] 

[Yep!] I nodded. 

[Then bye, you seem busy. I'll talk to Liz-]

[No I'm not, I can talk and work at the same time] I ain't letting her go. 

We talked till midnight on Skype while she was playing League and I was working on Undertale. Honestly I can't even remember what we talked during then but we were literally talking for 4 hours. I made 3 maps at that time too. I again asked some guys on Fiverr to make the music I wanted, I paid each of them 40$ for it. In total it cost me 200$ but I will earn it back soon.

Around 1 AM MJ could no longer hold on and said goodbye, even though I was getting a bit tired so I also called it a day and slept after staying awake for more than 34 hours. My stamina and mental capacity shocks even me. I should test my own capabilities sometime after I earn a good amount.

The next day MJ came over to wake me up, and she didn't tell me, deciding instead to just stop by.

I was snoring into my pillow when she threw the door wide open and zippered, "morning sunshine!"

"Wha?!" I yelled in surprise jumping out of my bed ready to fight. I had a bad dream about MJ and Felicia standing on the opposite sides and telling me to pick one of them to marry. God… I pray that I'm never pushed into that situation.

"Oh, it's you MJ, sorry about that, nasty dream," I grumbled rubbing my hair, but she however didn't say anything. She was staring at me, "MJ? You okay?"

"Damn Tiger I could look at that abs all day" She was literally drooling at my abs. Like usual I wasn't wearing any shirt.

"Pervert." I just snickered and went to the bathroom to pee and brush. I was used to her antics and this didn't surprise me a bit. A part of me honestly wanted her to see me.

"Oh, like you weren't staring at my exposed belly last night." She shot back.

"I'm a male dude. I can do that and won't be called a slut." I replied back while peeing, directly on the water just to make her annoyed.

"Can't you aim at the side? The noise is annoying!" She shouted, I could hear her booting up my PC.

"This is something all men do." I lied to mess with her.



"I never knew…" She totally believed it. What a naive girl. "What's your password?"

Fuck… why is this pee not stopping!?

"Hey I asked you"



"It's bigdickenergy" I muttered.

"What? I couldn't hear it"

I sighed, well it's not like I care if she saw my history either. After all, we're gonna do that stuff one day… hopefully. I flushed the toilet and exited the bathroom while saying, "It's 'bigdickenergy' , no space and all small."

"Really dude?" She asked me with a 'seriously?' face.

"If you wanna confirm I can show." I slightly lowered my pants. She immediately blushed and looked away.

"No need, I believe you. I saw… 'that' standing when you were asleep."

I blushed slightly at her comment, even though I'm pretty unashamed hearing a girl say it still makes me feel a bit shy. "Well that's my morning wood, men generally have that in the morning and just to make it clear, generally morning woods aren't fully… 'standing'." 

"I see…" She said, Things got a bit awkward as we both went into silence and I could hear her heart beating faster and her ears were getting red too. She didn't show it and just continued to browse through facebook.

Meanwhile I decided to let her be and went to the bathroom to have a bath. Do I think it was weird to have a girl in my room while I was bathing? Yes but MJ wasn't just any girl. She's… my friend. For now. I shaved off the beard that was starting to grow all over my face. Teenage man…

I got out of the bathroom and saw her looking at the pictures on my PC.

"You looked so cute when you were a ki-" She looked at me and her mouth instantly stopped. She looked speechless at my hot body. While that bitch Rose thinks I'm a wimp, that mainly because she's a Twilight fan. Her beauty standard is being a femboy vampire or werewolf.

"Did I rock your world?" I smirked and proceeded to look for my fit for the day. 

"Wow, your closet is practically empty." MJ commented looking at my closet.

"Oh, sorry for not having like 17 underwear and 20 pairs of pants." 

"I didn't mean it like that, but" She pulled out a yellow shirt of mine, "You literally have only 4 shirts and this is the only one that is not black or white. What are you gonna wear for an important event?"

"Well If I'm invited to the event then I'll ask someone from our class to lend their dress and if I'm not, then I ain't even going." I took the yellow shirt from her hand and put it on. "What time is it now?"

"About 7"

Well that's quite early for me.

"I'll wait downstairs." MJ understood that I was gonna put on my pants and left. What a thoughtful girl if the roles had been reversed my dick brain would have taken over my logic.

I soon put on the rest of my fit and went downstairs to eat whatever abomination May has made. Thankfully it wasn't too extreme. Where the hell did she even make strawberry waffles taste like vanilla? Anyhow it wasn't bad. But anything dripping with that much amount of maple syrup would be good.

The rest of the day was kinda boring. I handed in all my homework and got a good score, now my final GPA won't be bad. Gotta have that good score if I plan to go to college, which I don't. But who knows my decision may change in the future so it's good to play safe.

I witnessed a good school fight though. It happened in the sports grounds where a typical Jock named Aron started fighting with a boy named Tyler. Aron sucker punched Tyler when he wasn't looking and Aron stumbled a bit which was an opportunity for Aron to continue with his attacks. But unlike Aron, Tyler had actual friends, one of whom tackled the jock so hard that a 220 pound guy like him fell down.

The rest of Tyler's friends also came to support and started to absolutely beat the shit out of Aron, one of them was about to use his skateboard too. I stopped the fight from escalating quickly though. Tyler and his friends didn't retaliate much since I was an acquaintance with most of them. (Mostly helped them with hard topics)

But I got booed by the crowd of bunch of NPCs who were looking for a fight, teenagers are out for fucking blood man. Well it's not like none of their opinions mattered anyway, MJ patted my head and said I did a good thing and it was enough for me. Do I sound like a SIMP? Yeah, that's because I am. 

Anyway that was the only memorable thing that happened today, MJ patted my head.

After the school ended MJ and I went to our houses by walking as usual. Though we stopped at a local cafe to have some coffee, hot chocolate in my case. I don't like coffee. 

"So is this a date?" I asked her while acting like I was still drinking my hot chocolate. I finished drinking it a long time ago and didn't want to look awkward while MJ wasn't even half done.

"Kinda. If you want to." She simply shrugged. 

"Should I pay the full bill if it is?" 

"Huh? Why would I want that? I ain't broke." She took a sip, "But If I'm broke you should be ready to pay."

That's… fine.

"Unfair but understandable." She's much better than the girls I used to date.

"Happy that we can come to an understatement." She smiled.

We had some small talks about current trending topics like celebrities, movies and the internet in general. The Stark expo is the next big thing that's gonna happen. Maybe I should pay it a visit, and look at the arc reactor in person. Arc reactor is the next big revolution in energy so I should look into that. 

I don't know how this world's Tony Stark will be though, the media is still painting him to be a playboy billionaire with an ego proportional to his bank balance. But who the fuck still believes in media? 

"See ya later Tiger."

"You too MJ."

We went to our homes after splitting the bill. Even if I had to pay for the bill my feelings for her wouldn't have changed for a bit. At the end of the day, she is my ideal waifu who made my heart go Doki Doki. 

I entered my home, and was a bit surprised to see the doors unlocked. Aunt May seems to have come back a bit earlier. I went inside and saw her glued to the TV in the living room.

"Aunt May, what's going on?" I asked.

"It's terrible Peter, some kind of fight broke out!" she cried pointing to the TV. I turned and gasped.

It was news coverage of a battle happening in the middle of Madison Avenue. I saw a man dressed in metallic armour with a green cape around his shoulders raising his hands into the air throwing lightning out in arcs.

Suddenly a fire bolt came flying down and crashed into the man. However the armoured man grabbed the fire bolt and threw him into a big giant orange rock thing an- what the fuck?, that's The Thing!

My eyes widened they were the fucking fantastic four! And the one they're fighting is none other than Doom.

"What the.." I immediately went to my room to think calmly of the situation.

No matter in what way I see it this is dangerous. Both Reed and Doom are the big cause of troubles, Reed with his stupidly unsafe experiments and Doom because duh? He's Doom. Not to mention Reed's kid who's also stupidly overpowered. Damn those writers! 

If I was a retarded MC I would have dived into this situation, but sadly I have a brain cell. There's no reason for me to do so too, yes I'll help people but this is the fantastic four. They get into more fucked up situation than this and still manage to survive.

I booted up my PC and ran the application I made which makes it possible to watch any television channel. Well Peter made this, but you get the point. I switched to the news channel and saw the fight still happening, though it didn't look like the fantastic four were anywhere close to winning.

Doom was trashing them. Susan was already on the floor and god damn that as- no! I shook my head to get rid of the unholy thoughts and saw what was going on.

Johnny was on the air attacking Doom with multiple fireballs but none of them really worked and Doom was throwing lightning bolts at the Thing who didn't even seem to be fazed by them but that's the problem, Reed was fighting against the thing. There could be a chance he was mind controlled but considering his variants I wouldn't say that he's innocent at the first look.

"Well they're fucked…" I tried various channels to see different points of views and in all of them, Doom was getting closer and closer to Sue. 

"Why is he getting near her? Is this a plot point or something?" 

Where is Iron Man when we need him? I searched for Tony and that bastard was in Bangkok.

"Well the S.H.I.E.L.D and military will come here anytime. I'm not ready to get hurt by some random stranger unless I'm Saitama or OAA blessed me with pre-retcon beyonder level powers."

Soon the fight started getting stale with Reed trying to contain the Thing and I have to say, the thing here looks more like the thing from that shitty new take in Fantastic Four. He's huge and no matter how much Reed tried to coil around him, it was useless. 

Anyway I let the news run in the background while starting with my work. What can I say? The grind never stops. The S.H.I.E.L.D will obviously take care of Doom pretty soon. After all, they have been researching Thor's hammer for a decade so they should have some pretty neash weapons. If they fail there are always mutants who are around.

"Undertale is almost 40 Percent completed. I'm sure I'll be able to finish it in a month and the beta version will be ready to go." I muttered while looking at the calendar, I'm planning to release it on a sunday.

'4 reported dead and multiple injured ones…' I heard the news reporting, not gonna lie it made me feel a bit guilty. 

Could I have saved them if I went there…

'No!' the moment I reveal myself to the world it's gonna be game over. The Oscorp could already be spying on me considering I was literally bitten by their spider, not to mention the hospital which indeed did take my blood for testing. The result they gave showed nothing abnormal thanks to them taking it just a few minutes after the spider bit me.

Still… I could have saved them…

"Gosh this world is fucking with my brain… I actually feel guilty for some stranger" I chuckled, a deep part of me really wants to be a hero. After all, which guy didn't want to be one when they were young? I'm getting this manly urge to show off my strength, but knew more than well what it could do to me. 

I'm not Tony Stark or Stever Rogers, both of them have responsibilities which are not to be overlooked. But I'm not them… like not at all. I've seen most of the fucked up universes many of which 'I, Peter Parker' died or something worse to the point death seemed more tame.

From becoming a zombie to…. I hate to even think it but… getting cheated on by… fuck I hate the writers.

"Haaa…" I just closed the RPG maker and turned off my PC. "Fuck I'm getting pissed for no reason." 

I got off my chair and looked at my own face in the mirror, it's still weird… I'm almost fully assimilated with this new life within a week… hell it's just been about 4 days. 

"Fuuu.." I slid back my long hair, I should hit the barber. My hair's getting a lot messy.

'4 reported dead'

"Fuck I need to chill." 

'Multiple inju-'

Why the hell am I hearing those words again and again? Is fate trying to correct itself? Or is the stress getting to my head?

I put on my hoodie and got out of my window and sat on the balcony to relax. The sun has already set and the moon and stars have already appeared in the dark blue sky.

This sky is a lot more beautiful than the sky I'm used to. There are probably trillions of beings outside this world… I'm such a small part of this vast majority of life. Humans are special… yet so insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Like the Owlman would say, 'It really doesn't matter.'

In a way he is true, but he couldn't be more wrong either. 

"Heh" I chuckled, finding it funny that I'm getting philosophical. This is mainly due to creating the 'Underworld'. It reminds me of the time I saw Supereyepatchwolf's video about. Some of the characters in Undertale are aware that they are in a game.

Just like me who's aware that I'm in a fictional verse. Yet they can live happily, I really love the game for that. Its characters are… alive. I may have created them in this world, but they are already created in my old world. Does it mean that there could be a world they created even before my own world.

Are they even just a creation of a creator? Universes and possibilities are endless… so maybe I'm…

"Fuck… what's happening to me?" Is this what an existential crisis is? Is this what Deathpool feels? Just wish I don't become Dreadpool at the end.

"Maybe I should go for a walk to calm down my mind." I hopped off the balcony and climbed down the house. Jumping down will cause unnecessary troubles.

For a moment I saw MJ glued to her PC looking at some forums. Must be nice to not have an existential crisis.

I went for a long walk in my barefoot, this isn't LA so I don't think I should be concerned about used needles on the ground. Who knows maybe I'm immune to diseases, considering my blood may very well be radioactive.

This is the main reason I didn't try and kiss MJ that day, I'm well aware of that Iteration where she was poisoned by me- well not me but 'me' ,and died painfully. I need about 1000$ to buy a good and efficient radioactive detector. I don't wanna buy the cheap ones, considering how important this is.

"Now that I'm thinking all of this… my life is not that great." 

The only things I'm looking forward to in life is making Undertale, Fear & Hunger and hopefully Ready Player One, earning money to clear out debt and make May and Ben go on a good long vacation around the world on an expensive cruise. Hopefully getting together with MJ.

"Becoming Spider-man is none of the above" Still I feel a lot of responsibility towards those 4 deaths… I'm sure If I had really rushed the moment I heard the news I could have saved at least one of them. Fifty tons of Newton of force behind my punches would have been enough to at least stun Doom for a second…

I pulled out my phone.

"God if I did this I really can't go back anymore…" I hesitated to open chrome. I really didn't want to know if the fight was still going on… or if someone else had died.

But I did open it in the end, and that changed something in me.

'9 reported dead and multiple injured-' I didn't even read it fully and turned my phone off.

"Fuckkk…" I immediately crouched down on the side of the road, both my hands on my face. I feel really strange, it's almost as if an invisible hand is choking my neck… it's a bit harder to breathe too…

"You ok kid?" I immediately felt a warm hand on my shoulder.

I turned up to see who it was and was immediately shocked, "Sta-"

"Sushhh kid, let me speak." He shushed me with a bright smile and patted my shoulder.

"You have a good heart kid, something which is rare in this world."

"Good? Me? I don't think I am a good guy…" I chuckled, I did more than some deplorable things…

"That's exactly why you are one." He smiled again, "It's not about what you think of yourself in this case… It's about what others think of you. " He poked at my heart. 

"People like you will always be cruel to themself and suffer in life due to that,"


"But they'll bring a change to this world that resents change. Their hearts will attract and bring out other exceptional people like them."

"But I'm not a hero! I'll never be one- I can't be a hero!" I shouted, getting emotional.

"I never asked you to be, all you need to be is yourself." He smiled again and this time I saw his eyes full of wisdom behind his shades.

"Tell me, who are you?" He walked behind me leaving me to think for a while.

"Pe-" I stopped in the middle.

Who am I? Am I… wait what was my previous name!? What was I before this!? I can remember! I'm sure I remembered my previous life! I'm not just Peter Parker. I'm… I'm… I"M WHAT!?

"What happened to me…" I muttered, "Tell me what happened to me!? WHY AM I EVEN HERE!? I'M NOT JUST PETER PARKER!" I shouted at him who still had his smile.

"Exactly… you're not just Peter Parker… you're more and could be much more." He patted my shoulder and I immediately felt a sense of relief… like I was… like my brain was working fully like the clouds which blinded my sight were now no more.

"Just remember you could be much more." Saying that his form slowly started to vanish.

"Wait tell me why did you put me here!? How can I be a hero!? TELL ME HOW!?" I shouted but just now noticed the large crowd around me. Where were they before?

'What the hell just happened?' I started walking, ignoring the people who were looking at me weirdly. 'Was it just my imagination?'

No… I still remember what he told me… what did he mean by that?

Should I- no… am I really worthy to be a hero? Do I have what it takes? Am I willing to take the risk? For some strangers whom I'll never meet in this life more than once? 

I don't believe in all that heart nonsense, I'm definitely not a hero… my heart isn't that pure. If it comes to May or MJ for some stranger's life, I'll gladly save them over the stranger every time. Even if it makes me a sinner. Even if May or MJ hated me for that. Even if I hate myself for that.




Before I knew it I was standing on top of a building on Madison Avenue. A couple hundred metres away from where the big fight was taking place. The military was already here with tanks and helicopters. The whole place was fully being evacuated and the air was… electric. Doom was in the air, floating with a translucent sphere of electricity around him.

I don't know what happened but he seems to be supercharged with cosmic or whatever energy they have. Reed was already on the floor and Susan was now awake. They were desperately trying along with the military to contain or harm Doom only to no avail.

The only one dealing any good damage was Johnny who was barely on flame now. Some parts of his body weren't in flames and Doom wasn't even paying him any attention he was busy taking something which I can't hear while destroying the tanks and helicopters.

'It's just a single leap..'

If I ever take this leap my whole life changes… Am I ready? 

I have a basic plan to defeat or at least have a chance against Doom. From the looks of it he has a huge ego, it was evident from the fact that he was taking his sweet time to enjoy his victory and talking his villainous monologue to his former friends.

And I plan to use that, on the way here I stopped by a hardware store nearby and made an emp bomb from my old PSP and a camera and some batteries. I don't know if it will be enough to fully nullify Doom or if it will even affect him, considering the lightning's cosmic or possibly magical origin.

'But this is the only shot… If I die then…' 

I took a deep breath, getting used to the web on my face. I used it to cover my identity and took this decision knowing how stupid and suicidal it is. 

'Then I'll regret it later'

I took the jump. 

I fell freely head first, the wind was much stronger than I imagined but it didn't stop me from speeding up to the ground. I wasn't scared or nervous, I was… free. From any kind of restraint… My heart was beating fast, but my emotions were perfectly calm.

My senses were more active than they ever were, I could almost sense the whole structure of my surroundings. I subconsciously knew which are the places I could shoot my webs and the time it would take to reach the said places.

*Skrtt!* I shot a web perfectly at the top of a building, and swung for the first time. It came to me almost like a second instinct. I feel liberated and free.

"Woooh!" I shouted with true excitement.

*Skirt!* I swung with my left hand again, this time I got even further and did some flips in the air and landed on the surface of a building. 

"Huu…" I let out a breath and looked at my own reflection on the glass surface. Though my face was covered in webs except some holes for my eyes, I could see my own grin on my face.

This surprisingly made me happy.

"But this is no time to enjoy it." I shook my head and ran up the surface of the building, it was a bit harder than running on the ground. 

*Skirtt!* I webbed a military helicopter knowing that it could easily handle my weight. I used it to travel near the fight.

The whole place was devastated. Cracked roads, destroyed cars, shattered glasses everywhere and fallen light posts.

I dropped from the helicopter and got on top of a building near the Floating Doom who was having his 'Enlightened One' Moment.

"... I alone-"

"HEY TIN CAN!" I shouted at him, stopping him from his talk.

He looked at me and instantly I could feel my spidey-sense tingling slightly. "Why are you this edgy bro? What happened to you?"

"That's none of your business… bug." He dropped a lightning at me but I was quick enough to dodge.

"Sheesh, ever heard of patience man? That was dangerous." I kept on annoying him, while looking around to see if something could be used.

"Doom doesn't need patience." He got near me and started throwing lightning.

"Yeah-" I started jumping around to dodge all the lightnings, while the lightnings are fast he's fucking predictable and honestly a newbie to this. While I'm no better either, my reaction speed is much faster and my reflex is too quick.

"You're screwed in the head pal." I shot a web at his face, which pissed him even more.

"Doom will end you!!" Damn he's like a kid. He ripped off the web easily from his mask.

"Then try and catch me." I hid behind the 


He stopped flying and landed on the roof with a loud thud. 

"Doom will squash you!" He threw a lightning at me but as I said he was predictable.

"Gottcha!" I smirked.

The lighting he threw activated the emf bomb which I placed nearby, making it explode creating a 3 metre large explosion of pulse. I placed it there hoping he'll land there, otherwise I was planning on somehow getting him there.


"ARGGGG!" His electric field became a bit unstable and he was holding his head probably in pain.


I shot two webs and used it as a slingshot and pulled back hard and launched at him. I kicked his metal chest hard, making him fly off the roof. My legs hurt like hell but I was still able to walk.

"Fuck I can't believe that worked." I looked down the roof and saw him falling down. His electric field was still unstable and he landed on the ground creating a large creator.


I didn't stop and also jumped down using my webs as a rope. I landed next to the Thing who now seemed to be ready for another round.

"I don't know who you are but thanks for the help" He said with his deep and grunty voice.

"He's not down yet." I could hear his small movements inside his suit.

"Well then I'll make sure he's done." Ben cracked his fist and was about to beat Doom.

"No." I stopped him, "I don't think touching him is a good idea."

Ben looked at me for a bit, but honestly I didn't expect him to follow my instructions but he did. 

"Got an idea?" 

I smirked, "Yeah. But that fully depends on the fire guy's state."


"You don't need to worry." Johnny landed near us, with his full body in flames. "I'm not done yet." He looked at me and smirked, "So, I guess you're like us too? I go by Human torch, what are you?"

"I go by spider-man but that's not important." 

"Spider? That explains the we-"

"Be serious Johnny!" Susan also landed next to us, her dress was torn on most parts and face was bloody. If we weren't in this situation I would have definitely thought she was hot. "So what's your plan?" She asked.

"I'm aware of the basics of your powers from what I've seen, and in the time I fought the tin can I noticed how hot his suit was. Do any of you know what that suit is made of?"

"Haha! Flame guy and tin can" Ben laughed.

"I've seen it. It's Titanium." Sue replied.

"Fuck… then the melting point is too high… flame guy can you make the titanium melt?" I asked Johnny, I'm going to use the movie method but since this is an AU, Johnny may not be that strong.

"You can bet on it." He smirked, "Though it will make me reach the ignition temperature and-"

"The air will burn." I finished his sentence, "Lady you used force fields right? Can you contain the temperature in your force field?"

"Lady?" Susan was surprised by the way I called her but soon got over it, "Yeah I think I can?"

"Then that's the plan, me and him will shoot cold water from the water hydrant after the tin can melts!" 

"On it." Johnny immediately flew above Doom and started shooting him with high temperature. But Doom stood up and started walking forward but he was soon stopped by Susan who created a force field around them. Trapping both Doom and Johnny inside the force field.

Johnny and Doom were shouting something but the force field nullified all sound inside it. Johnny was no longer shooting flames from his hands but releasing them all over from their body, it was so bright to the point the light caused the glass around to melt.

"Your call." Ben said to me while being ready in a nearby water hydrant, I was standing near another water hydrant. Two is always better than one.

I nodded at Ben and waited for Johnny to stop. 

"Arggg… I can't!" But Susan was already bleeding from her nose and her heartbeat was erratic.

"Please hold on for a few more seconds lady, his electric field may have come back." Considering he survived a 70 story tall fall, he is probably alive due to cosmic bullshit.

My senses were all warning me about my imminent doom and I was fast enough to pull Susan towards me and pulled myself and her near Ben to stay safe/

"I.. can't." Susan immediately fainted and suddenly the whole place was engulfed in a wave of heatiness I've never felt before. Ben was also quick and covered both of us with his body.

"That was a failure…" I muttered while feeling how hot it was, I covered Susan's body with my own. Thank god Ben was nearby. This plan miserably failed and I overlooked such a crucial thing and almost killed them due to my mistake.

"Ouch.." Ben stood up and opened the cover.

Damn this guy is built different, all that temperature and this is his only reaction?

"Are you two ok?" He asked us.

"I'm ok, but she fainted." I gave Susan to him since the road was melted and sticky, except the pace I was standing on.

"Um- sorry about that…" Johnny came near us.

"No time for that, we should finish that tin can." I looked at Doom who was still alive, mother fucker was standing with heaving chest while metal was literally dripping from his skin. I don't know if it was his mutated skin or was a suit made by him artificially. But that got to hurt right.

 I looked at Ben who understood the assignment and kicked the top of the water hydrant off.

*PSTTTSS!* Water shot out with high pressure which Ben used his legs to aim at Doom.

I too used my webs to go near another water hydrant, standing on top of some webs to avoid the molten road. I pulled off the water hydrant with a bit of effort and used a nearby car's door to aim the water at Doom.

"Tzzzz* All the water was turning into steam immediately. We continued to spray the water for a while till the steaming stopped.

I stopped aiming the water at him and Ben also did the same. I slowly walked closer, to have a closer look. There he was standing, imprisoned inside his metal suit which was fully charred.

"You bug.." He was still alive with his eyes full of fury.

"Yeah.. yeah." I just shot an awful lot of webs on his face hoping it would suffocate him. I ain't gonna openly kill in public.

"Damn…" I sat on the warm floor near him, "Never thought this day would go like this."

"No cap bro…" Johnny too came out of his flame mode and laid down on the floor.


I tried writing some character development stuff and mystery for the first time so please feel free to leave your criticism. I know I'm not the best on it.

And the fight was also a first for me, I tried seeing other novels for ideas but this is all I could do. Was it good?

Also see ya, have a good day.

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次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


