
章 23: ch 23

Lumine immediately approached a male player and asked, "Did you choose the traveller to be the brother or the sister?"

" I'm a guy, so I chose the brother of course," the male player replied without hesitation.

"Oh, wait aren't you the Traveler's sister?"

Lumine didn't pay any attention to the player surprise and look directly at his phone screen. The character was in the middle of the holy lyre plot point, and even though he choose the brother character, the plot and experiences were still the same.

Lumine had thought that by selecting Ather it would allow her to play the story that led him to become the abyss orders [Prince], but it seems she had over thought it. Different identities, but the same experiences everything was purely because they woke up at different times leading to different experiences.. in male player storyline, she would've become the Abyss Orders [princess].

It was a fate of opposition, Lumine still remembered how many years ago when she and Aether had tried to leave this world together, only to be stoped by that unknown god. They were defeating sealed separately, Plunging into a -filled Slumber. Now after many years she had awakens on this continents and lost all her powers. It seems her brother has a weak and much earlier I must've gone through some life changing experiences, what exactly it happened? Perhaps she would learn all the answers in this mobile games story.

After realising this, Lumine calmed down.

" are you okay?… at least we found a clue about your brother." Paimon said coming over to comfort her. Lumine gave a faint smile, indeed, she had acted very impulsively earlier. After apologising to the male player, Lumine returned to her seat.

After a short rest, Lumine realised an important question. "Paimon, do you think that since Taylor is the one who created this story he might know the truth?"

" Well… Paimon thinks it's quite possible!" Paimon rubbed her chin while analysing. "But Paimon Doesn't think he'll tell you directly. How about we first find out what kind of person Taylor really is? What if… he's the unknown god took away your brother?"

"Well… that's not very likely…"

A female player who open the door of the gaming café and walked out. She had a faint smile on her face, having had a wonderful experience inside the gaming café. However, she hadn't walked very far before golden haired girl stopped her.

"Huh? You want to know my impression of mister Taylor?"

"Haha, do I even need to say it? Mister Taylor is undoubtedly attractive and talented man in all of Mondstadt!"

" I'm not going to hide it; One of the primary reasons I come to the gaming café is just to catch glimpse of mister Taylor."

" he's so young, Talented and wealthy… ah, if only could marry him…"

As the female player spoke, her cheeks flushed, and it seems she got lost in her romantic daydreams.

Lumine: 😑

Paimon: 😑

Next they intercepted several players that were leaving the gaming café, All of him had had nothing but high praise for Taylor. Some believed he was the greatest figure to appear in Mondstadt in the last century.

Developing a mobile game, such a groundbreaking endeavor has had a profound impact and completely the lifestyle for many of Mondstadt's residents.

Some believe that Taylor is a silent guardian deity of Mondstadt. He protected Mondstad, defeated the Fatui harbinger, and even saved Dvalin. These achievements are even more glorious than those of the Traveler in-game. In any case, the players have a great deal of respect, admiration and love for Taylor.

Many female players even wanted to work at the gaming café for free, but Taylor rejected them, citing "we have enough staff right now" so many female players envied Eula. She could spend the whole day with Taylor and even live together at the gaming café.

" it seems that Taylor is indeed an impressive figure in Mondstadt" Paimon exclaimed. " Paimon wants to find an opportunity to ask Taylor directly, whether or not he will give us any answers, we'll ee should at least try."

"Yeah, let's ask together!"

The neighbouring store had finally been renovated. The seating, rooms, layout and everything else were completed to Taylor highest standards. Taylor walked in and looked at around nodding and satisfaction. Whether it was the ambience or the style it met his aesthetic standards.

" The new storefront is finally about open." Taylor opened up his system and spent 1 million points to confirm this as his second store. Now his daily Mora income was in the tens of millions, so here was not sure of money in any way. He then spent 40 million points to buy 100 PCs and phones, equalling 100 gaming stations. The second store had some additional designs compared to his first store, Such as private rooms and rooms with beds catering to the more higher end customers. Anyway the space in this store was enough.

Of course, The prices were slightly higher than the base rate of 10,000 mora per hour, but the truly wealthy customers wouldn't care about the Time fees and were more willing to put their money in wishes.

The gaming stations were all set up. Next was the staff he needed to choose for this branch. Taylor already had a perfect candidate in mind. After confirming everything was in order, he walked his second shop, only to see Lumine and Paimon Waiting outside. These two have become members of the story enthusiast faction since they started playing the game.

They were completing commissions during the day to earn Mora And then came to the gaming café in the evening to progress through the story. There dedication was truly touching.

Unexpectedly, they were waiting outside the store at this time.

" Taylor about the mobile game… i've been playing it for the last two days and I have some questions I want to ask. Can you please answer them?" Lumine asked sincerely.

"Hum, go ahead but I can't guarantee I'll be able to give you the answers you're looking for." Taylor replied.

" Taylor, I want to know if the story in the mobile game has any correspondence to reality." Lumine asked.

" of course, when I was creating the story, I used the current Tayvat continents as the building blocks." Taylor replied.

With this affirmative answer, Lumine Needed to take a deep breath. this confirmed that her brother was indeed currently with the abyss order.

"Well… Taylor, can you tell me more about my brother?"

Taylor chuckled expecting this question. He approached Lumine and put his hand gently resting on her head, leaving her slightly surprised but not uncomfortable. He patted her head and made her hair a bit messy.

"Do you know where that flower on your head came from?" he asked.

" I've been wearing it ever since I woke up" Lumine replied. Suddenly she seem to realise something. " Are you saying that my brother put this flower on my head? Does it… hold some significance?"

" You see my dear Lumine, there are some answers that even if I told you right now, you would have great difficulty in understanding what they mean," Taylor said in his deep voice. " Your brother has already had a journey throughout the seven Nations of his own, so before you find all the answers, You will need to accumulate enough experiences to reach the so-called "endpoint" were you will have an answer to a question that may or may not be the same as his."

With that Taylor left, Leaving Lumine and Paimon With a mysterious and profound impression. It seems like he had said something Important, it also felt like he hadn't said anything helpful at all. Lumine Over his words repeatedly in the many days to come until the moment when all her experiences aligned with his words, And she would have an epiphany. After all is this not the charm of an enigmatic one.


In version 1.0 the adventure rank had its first Ascension quest, unlocking more gameplay features. First and foremost character levels could be increased further. Most players main characters had already reached level 40.

Teresa, their characters level cap beyond 40 players need to complete the adventure rank Ascension quest. This quest featured the challenging dungeon with the final boss being an Electro hypostasis. For players who had been fighting Hilichurls and slimes this was undoubtably a formidable challenge.

On one of the walls in the gaming area, several articles have been posted on this section of the wall. Initially there was only one article - A comprehensive strategy guide for challenging Dvalin, detailing the bosses mechanisms and effective strategies. At the bottom it credited "guide teacher - Lisa".

As time passed more and more players began posting their own compiled strategies on this wall. This included articles like. "Venti's character usage guide", "analysis of master Diluc's constellations" and "grandmaster Jean's team compositions". In addition to the authors insight there was also many other players comments on the pages.

Gradually, this will became a platform for communication among the players, Becoming quite the unique site within the gaming area. Recently, many players were discussing the Ascension quest for adventure rank 25. With the collective effort of the player sharing their experiences and theories the domains strategies for the Ascension quest were finally perfected.

Newbie players with stand in front of the strategy wall every day, Reading and learning from it. The top players believe that whether or not you could go beyond Adventure rank 25 it would create a significant gap in your teams strength compared to before. Once she broke screen not only did the adventure rank cap increased to 30 but also the weapon level, the character level and the talent level camp were raised to 60 and 4 respectively. Newbies might be newcomers, but they had dreams of becoming experts.

The second group of players didn't want to fall behind in the new Version update. Therefore, every strategy posted on the wall attracted repeated views from these new players. Although the damage from the electro hypostasis was high, with strategies available the players new to Hamlet and could clear the domain within the time limit.

However, this was just the beginning after the adventure rank Breakthrough, The game truly unveil it's more tedious gameplay. Character ascension materials began required drops from world bosses Such as the Cryo regisvine, electro hypostasis and Anemo hypostasis. These powerful enemies Became the waking nightmare of many players. Sweet Madame's were in high demand and not a single pigeon feather could be found anywhere in front of Timmy.

The result of this situation was the value of support characters skyrocketed. Taylor made some slight adjustments during development and since the café had not yet extended to outside Mondstadt, Characters from outside Mondstadt Temporarily excluded from the gacha pool. Mondstadt characters for almost all available. There was currently five characters with healing abilities: Jean, Barbara, Diona, Bennett and Noelle.

Jean's value was naturally undeniable. She was a well-rounded character, and after unlocking her talent "wind companion" each attack restored a bit of health for all team members making her the teams instant healer. She was held as the "Mondstadt Wind Spirit".

However, Jean was a five star character which made her quite expensive to get. Coincidentally, the fourth star character Barbara received a lot of the players of affection. Barbara is also the favourite idol of many of Mondstadt's residents. Among the four star characters, she was the only one with an ultimate animation.

Next there were many players investing in Diona. With her shield and healing capabilities, she was a qualified support character able to do it all. As for Bennett, he was completely neglected to the point where the players who dream would jokingly complain, "why was I so unlucky to get this guy? Malacca must be terrible today!" Bennett had anticipated this situation, But experiencing it firsthand still left him feeling frustrated and saddened. Becoming a character in Taylor's game with a dream come true for a great many people.

Whether it's a five star or a four star character, each of them have their own unique charm, And every character has their own group of devoted fans. However, it seems that Bennett in particular didn't receive any favourable attention from the players. Even when he goes to the gaming café, he often faces complaints for many players which has made him somewhat apprehensive about the place.

Today, Fischl Had intentionally brought Bennett to the gaming café. "Fischl, Timmy Grey to go on adventure together to your homeland, The "Immernachtreich" why did you bring me here?"

"Cough… my homeland has temporarily sunk into the sea of sinful desires, and as the witness to the ' cleansing eye' of this Prinzessin, you shall experience the reversal of fate here," explained Fischl.

"Eh…?" Bennett scratched his head. Following this Prinzessin's guidance, he saw essential article on the strategy wall titled, "the most overlooked four-star character - Bennett!" These bold words caught his eye.

{ I believe that the recent recent Adventure rank Ascension quest has made everyone realise how important support characters are. Currently, the only usable healing characters are grandmaster Jean, Barbara and Diona. However, today while fighting the Cryo Regisvine, I suddenly thought of Bennett he had been off mining. Most players think Bennett isn't very useful with no impressive damage and only a healing skill that can't even full party heal, he does have a Pyro vision right? Even if he's not very useful using his elemental skills to put the Cryo regisvine into a weakened State should be possible right? But who would have thought that this attempt to lead me to discover Bennett's real strength! My Diluc's Ultimate skill damage, which was originally hitting just over 700 Increased straight to over 1000 when standing within Bennetts ultimate skill area! And this is with Bennett only level 20, Without any enhancements or improvements! I immediately went to consult with Lisa who said she'd already been using Bennett in her team comps. Lisa even believes that Bennett could in fact be a five star support disguised as a four star! Why would Lisa give Bennett such high praise? Please see the detail analysis of Bennett skill mechanics below.}

The analysis of the skill mechanics was a bit too hard-core for Bennett who just started playing the game to understand. But he was greatly amazed on the second page there were so many comments left behind by other players.

" I just found out today that Benett ultimate skill smashes a giant thumbs up, haha! I hear by bless Bennett as the "thumbs up guy!"

" I tried him out, standing inside his ultimate feels like an absolute takeoff!"

" I was constantly tormented by the Cryo Regisvine, but now that I've added Bennett to my team, The Cryo Regisvine trembles in fear."

It seemed that Bennett reputation was undergoing a significant change, and he couldn't help but feel surprised by the sudden change in attitude.

" no Jean, no Barbara but I accidentally discovered my Bennett was already at constellation 5 and adding him to my team completely changed my game experience!"

" I was wrong, Truly wrong… I used to neglect Bennett but now I can only hope to pull Bennett from the Gacha."

" Who could've thought this unlucky guy was actually the five star Pyro Archon in the game!"

" Bennett, The Pyro Archon, he can heal, support and damage. He can do it all by himself he must be the true six star character for this game!"

Reading these players comments Bennett was stunned. He couldn't believe that he had turned the tables because of this game.. has no become a useful character that everyone wanted.

This surprise came to suddenly for him, And for a moment he couldn't entirely accept this was reality. " Y— you want me on your team?" His own voice came from beside him. Player is controlling his character excitedly slapped his thigh and had to see Bennett standing nearby. " Bennett, your way too strong man!"

"Come on tell me, did you bribe Mr. McCall to make you so powerful in the game!?"


With the explosion of the Bennett article, It seems that all the players were reevaluating this character. This directly shattered the preconceived notion that five star characters must be stronger than four star characters. Many four-star characters began to receive widespread attention.

On this day, another piece of exciting news was released. Taylor's second game Café was officially open for business! Was equipped with a whopping 100 gaming stations. Finally there was no need to rush to grab a station early in the morning or stay late into the night. To celebrate the opening of the new storefront Taylor also gave a recharge.. "recharge 100,000 mora you get 100,000 mora, recharge 200,000 mora and you get 300,000 mora…" this triggered a frenzy of recharging on their accounts.

In one of the seats in the new storefront the maid Noelle stared at her computer screen without blinking. She was operating her own character in battle. Her Amber eyes Reflected a bright gleam. Like her usual work even when playing games she was extremely serious and focused. So much so That Noelle Didn't even notice that someone had already started standing behind her watching her play. Her battle ended and the monsters in this domain were cleared. She went to the illusionary tree to collect rewards. Noelle smiled happily.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C23
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


