
章 20: ch20

" What kind of plot is this…!?" Ellin's three companions eagerly began explaining, Ellin roughly understood the current situation now. This was Venti's character quest, The main party was currently observing other peoples imaginary friends, and she had become the subject of one of the observations in game. Although it wasn't an important story appearance, Ellin was still quite honoured. However, it was very embarrassing that her companions had now discovered that her imaginary friend was acting grandmaster Jean.

After Ellen had done some swordsmanship training together with the traveler. She asked.

" thanks… shoot, I've got so caught up here. I forgot there's something I was supposed to do today!" Ellin continued, "Ugh… but I'm so sore from training, I can hardly move…"

" Honorary knight, could you deliver a message to Jack for me?" Ellin asked, "he's gone adventuring at the temple of the lion with Stanley today." She continued, " Stanley is a truly legendary adventurer, Renowned in all of Mondstadt. He once set foot in the Mare Jivari."

Mentioning this great adventurer, Ellin's tone was filled with admiration and respect. As the traveller, they were happy to take on this task without hesitation. Saying this four players behind Lisa, including Ellin, we're very excited.

One of them exclaimed In excitement, " sure enough great adventures, like Mr Stanley can also appear in this game's storyline!"

If Lord Barbatos was the object of the peoples faith, then Stanley was the idol of the young adventures. That's why they seem so thrilled. Lisa, on the other hand remained calm, her knowledge and life experiences far past what these young kids had experienced.

In the temple of the lion, The team welcome the appearance of the fifth trial character — Venti. Although players, could briefly try Venti during the main storyline battle against Dvalin, The situation didn't allow for Ventes tree power to be fully utilised. Now in this domain players were given the chance to use Venti under semi-normal conditions.

However, for many players, whether Venti was strong or not didn't matter. After all, he was Lord Barbatos! How could they not wish for him? Furthermore, Venti banner was limited, and if they didn't pull them during this limited time banner, they may never get another chance!

In this domain, there were also many hilichurls, slimes and other monsters. Lisa, with the intention of testing Venti skills started a battle. After just one battle, She realised the Venti was overwhelmingly powerful. As long as she activated, his elemental burst, all the monsters in the area would be sucked in and killed. The ability to gather and damage enemies was unparalleled, He was incredibly powerful beyond their expectations!

After experiencing his play style, Lisa admitted that having Venti in your team, made it significantly easier, weather in battles in the open world or in domains. It could be said this having Venti and not having Venti, was like playing two completely different games!

In recent days, many players believe that after obtaining a Diluc, They could rely on him to breeze through most of the open world and Domains, making progress in the storyline much faster than those who didn't have a Diluc. However, Lisa did not agree with this notion. In her view from a skill, mechanism perspective, Diluc Wasn't irreplaceable. With a certain skill level and constellations, even a four star character could perform as effectively as a Diluc. However, the appearance of Venti as a character made Lisa realised that this character's skill mechanism was truly irreplaceable, powerful crowd control abilities, a decent damage output, and the ability to regain elemental energy for the team. Venti design was unquestionably deserving of a limited five star character, and even more fitting for his identity the Anemo Archon, Barbatos.


After Lisa gave this high praise for Venti, The three young players have been hesitating on whether they should pull Venti on their joint account immediately decided they must obtain a Venti now. They had originally planned to accumulate more primogems to try and snipe a Diluc from the standard banner. But now even Lisa, Their gaming teacher, was saying all this so it was decided they would get a Venti.

Returning to the game, after clearing several enemy camps, The group discovered Jack and Stanley in a concealed room.

"I was so sure I was about to die!" Jack said while catching his breath.

" to be fair, that could have gone either way… So — you must be Jack the adventurer, I assume?" Venti asked.

" yes… who are you?" Jack question.

" Actually we came looking for you." Said Paimon.

"Ellin has a message for you she said she won't be able to join you today to plan out your next adventure together. She'll join you some other time." Said Venti.

Hearing this, Jack scratched his head awkwardly. "Oh I see… I feel bad you to come all this way to find me… and then had to rescue me…"

However, Stanley he was standing nearby, seemed more annoyed. "Huh? I don't see what all the fuss is about. It was nothing that I Stanley couldn't have dealt with by myself."

"Whoa, you're Stanley? You're that legendary adventurer? Renowned In all of Mondstadt? Who once set foot in the Mere Jivari!?" Paimon exclaimed in amazement.

"Hehehe, The very same!" The middle-aged man said, with a hint of pride in his voice.

"Hahaha! I must say, it's an honour to meet one as legendary as yourself." Venti, chimed in.

Perhaps due to everyone's carefree talk, Stanley and Jack regained their spirits. The danger from the monsters, just moments ago seem to have been long forgotten, and they intend continue, moving deeper in.

" So. I'm guessing you mostly came here because you wanted to hear my adventure stories, am I right?" Stanley asked in an unsurprised tone.

" no, we really were just looking for Jack." Venti replied.

" What!? do you know who I am? I am Stanley renowned adventure of Mondstadt!" Stanley exclaimed.

" Yeah I think we got that." Venti interjected.

" Well your attitude says maybe you don't got that! I am Stanley, The living legend! Stanley he, who braved the Mere Jivari!"

"Enough already! Stop namedropping yourself every time you open your mouth!" Even Paimon was starting to get inpatient.

With the traveler and Venti accompanying them, there were no unexpected events on this adventure. As they neared the end, Venti whispered over to the Traveler, " Traveler, I believe I have made a small discovery. could I ask you to use the nirnama detector once more?"

Using the detector to observe, there was no imaginary friend around Jack, but surprisingly, mama scars all over his face appeared beside Stanley.

The man had a staunch determination on his face, looking like a truly experienced Adventurer.

[it fits Stanley's description of himself. I knew there was some weird about his story.]

"Oh? You thought so too, huh?" Venti said also seeming to have noticed something amiss.

At this point, Stanley excused himself from everyone and left. Jack then approached the Travelers group of three and asked, " do you still have time to spare?"

" What is it?" Venti inquired.

" a few days ago, Stanley got drunk and told me a secret — Something he's never told anyone before."

" the weapons, he took on his adventure all those years ago… they were none other than those ones wielded by Mondstadt's greatest hero, Vanessa herself! The sword of brilliant valour, and the shield of magnificent honour!"

" I don't know whether you'll believe me, but… apparently both the sword and shield are still right here in Mondstadt, overing, Dadaupa Gorge!"

" since you guys are the experts at this… can you come with me to try and retrieve these two legendary armaments?"(TN: it's weapons, but I think armaments is more fitting.)

[why did he abandon them in the wild, then?]

"I don't know, outstanding individuals always come with their quirks, right?"

"If I can just get a hold of something impressive enough to show my family, what I'm capable of, Maybe they'll finally come round to the idea of Me being an adventurer…"

" I can't bring myself to tell Stanley about it, Because my reasons are so selfish… but I swear I'll give the weapons back to him as soon as I'm done."

"Aw, Poor Jack… let's help him out!" Paimon said with a touch of sympathy.

[hard to say no after that sob story]

"Venti, you coming to" Paimon asked.

Venti rubbed his chin, showing a hesitant expression. "Mm… I don't know…"

" oh, One more thing — I have this bottle of rare vintage wine that I had someone fetch for me a couple years ago. Help me find these armaments and it's all yours!"

"Dadaupa Gorge, Was it? Let's hurry, There's no time to lose!"


Indeed, as expected of the resident drunk bard, he had an immediate change of attitude upon hearing there was wine to be claimed.

Next following the quest prompts, they arrived in Dadaupa Gorge.

After clearing out the Hilichurl camp, they found what was called the "sword of brilliant valour" however, it looked nothing more than a worn-out and rusting Sword.

The "shield of magnificent honour" was not much better, being a battered and cracked piece of circular wood.

Even Jack, he had been initially very enthusiastic, thought the shield was too worn out.

Then Venti began his act once again.

"And Yet, my bard's intuition tells me that this is none other than the shield of magnificent honour."

"Warriors wear their battle scars with pride, and shields are no different."

"Surely an intact shield is one that has shied away from the battlefield. Is it not the broken and splintered shield the one that has fought in countless wars and lived to tell the tale?"

Whether the Traveler and Paimon Believed it or not, under Venti's words, Jack became completely convinced.

With clasped hands, he sincerely said, " guys, thank you so much! I can't believe I actually found them!"

"Mom! Dad! Check out the legendary armaments I found!"

Excitedly, Jack ran off, eager show his family his achievements and recount Venti's words, leaving a very sad Venti winless.

After Jack left, Venti called out to Stanley, he was hiding behind a tree, observing them the whole time.

Faced with the group's questioning, Stanley appeared somewhat uncomfortable.

" (Paimon's starting to think Stanley might be a fraud…)"

[(he's definitely a fraud. no question.)]

"(Did Stanley plant the sword and shield here in advance, so it's not to hurt Jack's feelings?)"

After a short chat, Stanley went on his way.

" Guilty conscience, much?" Said Paimon

" Well, he shouldn't have gotten so carried away bragging to Jack, should he?" Venti replied.

Venti appeared to perceive something and is expression be a bit more serious.

"Although… on further reflection, must say, I am intrigued."

" Someone who can't let go of the past, and gives up on the present instead… I wonder… if such a person was forced to take their first step towards the future, Which way would they go?"

" What are you talking about?" Paimon asked in confusion.

"Haha, I'm just musing to myself." Venti, quickly return to his nonchalant demeanour.

" anyway, Traveler, I propose we took a trip to Angel's share tonight."

At this moment, Everyone including Lisa, we were watching the story unfold, were unaware that they were about to witness a divine moment with Venti in the tavern.

This was arguably one of the most moving scenes in a Genshin Impact, character quest.


It was nighttime, and following Venti instructions, they arrived at the tavern as planned. Today Diluc happened to be working the bar.

The tavern wasn't too crowded today, though to be more precise, there was only one person, Stanley, who was drinking alone, and muttering himself slouched over the table.

The Traveler, Paimon and Venti choose a table behind Stanley. they ordered some drinks But mostly focused more on the drunken man's mumbling behind them.

"Tell me, Stanley… tell me what should I do…?"

"Huh? Why does he keep repeating his own name?" Paimon wondered.

[there's another Stanley]

" surely not. Even I've never heard tale of a second Stanley." Venti said.

At this moment the self-talk of Stanley suddenly turned into sobbing, as he continued to mutter the Stanley while sobbing.

No one expected that Mr Stanley food experience, countless legendary adventures, would lose his composure like this.

Immediately, after as if he were at a church confession, Stanley revealed his astonishing past.

"It Should've been Me! I should've been the one to die in the Mere Jivari that day… why won't your spirit come and stop me from using your name? Why, Stanley, why?"

The Traveler and Paimon were both shocked

" if only you hadn't had to save a rookie like me, you would've never died in that windless corner of the world…"

" you were a renowned adventurer, destined to become a legend one day… but now… that will never happen, Because your life is cut short — and all, because of a worthless tag-along…"

"Uhh… does anyone get what's going on here?" Paimon needed some time to fully understand the information she was hearing.

"… I think our friend really did make it to the Mere Jivari. I think the tragedy encountered there was real too." Vinti's expression became somewhat dim, and it was unclear what he was thinking. " but, the real adventurer, The real Stanley — that was his partner, not him."

"The real Stanley is the one who died to save our "Stanley""

On the other hand, "Stanley" seemed to grow more emotional.

" Stanley, For so many years have lived in fear… fear that Mondstadt Will forget all about you… so I tell your adventure stories at every opportunity… Mondstadt must remember: Stanley reached the centre of the Mer Jivari… he's the greatest adventurer that ever was, And he lives on!"

" Stanley will never die, Because I am Stanley! I… am Stanley…"

As his emotions reach their peak, he broke down, and his tears, as if on the brink of a mental breakdown.

" I'm sorry, Stanley… I'm getting too old… now…"


After a moment, Stanley suddenly asked a question, " are you guys planning on eavesdropping much longer?"

He could still sense that the people around, we're listening, suggesting that Stanley wasn't completely drunk. Perhaps he wanted to take this opportunity to reveal the secret that he had been carrying with them all this time.

" go away, Save your questions, Just leave me in peace!"

"But…" Paimon started to speak.

This moments a young man burst to the tavern.

" honorary Knight! Venti! and Paimon! I'm so glad you guys are here."

The young man was a very excited, Jack.

" I've been looking for you everywhere! I want to thank you again for helping me find the sword and shield. My parents are finally supporting me!"

"Oh? Really?" Asked Venti.

" yeah really! They even said they're going to pay for someone to fix up the sword of brilliant valour and shield of magnificent honour for me, I can take them out on the road."

" that's wonderful. So Jack, is this, the part where you bid farewell to Mondstadt and instead of on your intrepid trip traversing Teyvat?" Venti smiled and asked.

" no, Not yet. I still don't have what it takes to go too far from home just yet."

" besides, I'm sure Stanley still has a few more stories left to tell. Hehe… there, inspired me to become an adventurer in the first place.

" Stanley… oh, you're drunk again…"

" see you tomorrow, then. After your hangover wears off, maybe you can tell me some more of your stories?"

Jack left after that.

A moment later, Stanley also "woke up" from the table.

"*hic* Jack! Jack?"

" Jack left." Venti replied.

" oh, I see… well, thank you for not telling him about my secret."

"Eh? All of a sudden you're facing the facts? That isn't like you…" said Venti with a sigh.

" just now… I couldn't bear to look at him. His adventurers spirit is so pure… unblemished… i'm just a weary, old reckless fraud, But that kid is a brand-new shining star, Full of potential… I cannot allow his dreams to be crushed."

" you're not a total fraud… Stanley is adventure, stories and experiences — They're all true aren't they?" Paimon said comfortingly.

" stories… experiences… the point of them anymore?"

" to be honest, My memories of adventuring, and of Stanley… they're hazy, these days, That's my biggest secret of all, And my biggest fear."

" All these years, I've been living to tell his story. But his personality and the details of his life, I don't remember them clearly anymore. Ah-ha…"

" the one thing I can never forget… is that he died in a windless land, where his spirit can never be recovered!"

The Traveler and Paimon exchanged glances.

This man, before them has been engulfed by guilt, most of his life.

All the remains is this imaginary friend.

Venti, nodded.

" exactly… even his memory, The real Stanley isn't the living breathing friend, he knew at all. Instead, He become fixed on the image of him, as that battle-scarred warrior… the image has held him captive, his entire life."

Just as Venti said, at this moment, Stanley was lying on the table, tears streaming down his face, no longer resembling the adventurer he once was.

He seem to be complaining and confessing all at once.

" no adventurer should have to go that way… no adventurer ever…"

Suddenly everything became more quiet. Only the sound of a gentle breeze remained.

A voice softly said:

" Hans Archibald?"

Hans, it was lying on the table, trembled all over.

He raised his hedge with a look of shock on his face.

" My true name… how did you know?"

He abandoned that name for many years now, and it even felt unfamiliar with it himself.

But the young bard in front of him had accurately, spoke his real name.

The man didn't answer, But behind him, a continuous breeze blew in the direction towards Ware Hans was.

" The wind… I can hear the wind blowing in the Mere Jivari…"

At this moment Hans Finally understood.

The young man in front of him wasn't just a simple, wandering bard.

He was lord Barbatos, the Anemo Archon he watched over every citizen of Mondstadt.

No wonder he knew his real name.

" I always believed… you existed…"

Hans stood up from a seat and excitement, he reached out towards the radiance before him.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C20
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


