Total Manipulation [ Original ] Total Manipulation [ Original ] original

Total Manipulation [ Original ]

作者: The_Ends_Of_Days

© WebNovel

Chapter 1. Strange Life.

Location : 1st Dimension, Reality 66958, Cosmos 248, Universe 659, Galaxy Milky Way 466275, Earth 174.


Pov : Mc


Currently I'm in a private jet about to jump off, one might think i'm skydiving but no i'm about to commit suicide..... and as for how i got here, well let's start from the beginning one last time....


My name is Dylan Von James and ever since i can remember i always thought i lived in a weird household, before i could even understand words my parents always told and guide me on the path to be generous and kind to all and i always listened to them.

 When i was 5 years old i started receiving strange reactions from kids my age, at first the other students avoided me i mean come on who wouldn't seeing a child that is overly generous and think something is wrong with his head, at some point you would ask for my shirt and i'd gladly give it to you and my appearance had a little to do with it because i looked strange....

I was born to loving parents namely Mr James Von Gastav and Mrs Patricia Von James, my parents were world renowned celebrities in their respective fields, my dad owns one of the top richest and most successful companies in world that had many branches worldwide, he dealt with advanced technologies that was like hot stuff in Market which quickly grew to have branches all around the world, while my mom was into fashion which also had branches all around the world and about my appearance, well my dad had blonde hair with blue eyes while my mom had purple hair with bright violet eyes and then there's me Dylan Von James, well i am an exact combination of the both of them, i have blonde hair with purple tips while having heterochromia eyes being blue and purple eyes, when was young kids my age avoided me like the plague well it didn't bother me much cause i was a little bit of an introvert and i enjoyed my time alone, it was until i reached my early teens it became bullying, at first it was rumors about me being some kind of mutant, demon or a monster.

Because of the way kids my age treated me because of my appearance i had a firm believe that i was ugly to look at, it got to a point were i begged my parents to let me wear a mask to school but my parent said otherwise saying that i was very handsome of course i didn't believe them well cause the kids at school always said i had a face only a mother would love, this made me insecure about my looks but with my parents help i overcame it but even after i did i became highly oblivious to my Charm.

 Life continued but still with the rumors and insults yet i didn't mind nor did i care but my indifference caused the rumors to grow to bullying, it started from my missing school bag, books and then my decks and locker being vandalized, still i ignored them all because i knew all this was coming from envy and jealousy ( of my background ), then the bullying started getting physical then something happened..... well anyways i changed schools more times than i could admit but history repeated itself every single time which caused me to being home schooled, i guess that was for the best, but all those became reason for my indifference towards humanity, on my 15th birthday i asked my parent during dinner.....


Dylan " Mom, Dad"

James "hmm"

Patricia "yes sweetie"

Dylan " why do we leave like this?, why do we have to be kind to people when they don't deserve it" both my parents looked at each other before my dad replied me.

James " well.... son there are somethings that you can't understand but we'll tell you when we think you're ready '

Dylan " ..... okay "

 life went on till a day after that and on my 18th birthday, April 19th 2018 5:37pm at the dining table, we where having dinner.

James " son "

Dylan "yeah "

James " meet me and your mother in the garden in front of the house"

Dylan " ??...okay " 'well that was weird, why are both of them acting all mysterious?' a few minutes later i was in the front of the water fountain.


[Image Here]

 In front of the water fountain i saw both my parents standing side by side.

Dylan " Alright what's all this mystery about? " i asked while looking at my parents.

James " Dylan a few years ago you asked why we lived lived this way, like some kind of retarded fools "

Dylan " .... that's not exactly what i said"

James " Anyways, son do you believe in reincarnation? "

Dylan ' well that's weird, what sort of question is that?' " yeah I guess? " I responded weakly.

James " well son..... I am a Reincarnator " then I stood there for a few seconds then looked at my mom for answers.

Dylan " mom what is he talking about? "

Patricia " honey let my husband finish" 

Dylan ' ahan yeah, not getting any answers out her for now '

James " in my previous life and world I was a human with a never seen talent throughout history which in turn made me to receive the blessings of some God I don't care to mention and because of the blessing people starting viewing me as a hero and it didn't help that the God that blessed me was the owner / God of the world i was in, the blessing gave me a great boost in strength that helped me a great deal in fighting against a demonic being that was out to conquer and enslave the world and he was called Lord Renidrak, there were a few complications but I was successful in defeating the demonic being but at cost of my life, during the last moments of Lord Renidrak's life he combusted his remaining life force that grew to the size of a mini Super Nova, I took the full blunt of the attack because a detonation at such magnitude from a Demi God rank entity was enough to wipe out the entire world " after saying that there was few seconds of silence.

Dylan ' wait what? I have so many questions, God? He's- they're real? And Demi God? Let's wait I can always ask my questions when he's done'

James " Ask your questions, I'll continue after "

Dylan " First, Gods are real? "

James " yes Gods exist including all Gods mentioned in mythologies "

Dylan " wow..... Well next question, you said the demonic being self destructed with enough force to wipe out the entire planet, but won't your fight have done the same? "

James " well about that when you reach the Demi God rank, you gain access to a domain that represents your fighting style, when this domain is Activated it become a pocket dimension where you can you fight till your heart content without affecting the outside world, but because of the Mini Super Nova our domains was destroyed "

Dylan " ..... Okay, mom what about you? " I asked while looking at my mom.

Patricia " well I'm well was a Goddess with a minor Concept of Happiness, I came to this dimension for a mission but found your father, we fell in love and got married "

Dylan ' Dimension? Was? ' " what do you mean by was? " I asked first.

Patricia " well my husband is a Demi God Rank entity, while I'm a Goddess level entity and we wanted to get married, not a normal marriage of course, it's called soul marriage, the highest form of marriage known and to do this the two beings involved have to be at the same rank of strength or have access to soul Manipulation otherwise the marriage will become a slave contract for the one with the lower rank of strength so I destroyed some of my Cultivation so we could get married, of course I was fine with my husband becoming my slave so that he won't be able to escape from me " she said the last part with hollow eyes that spoke of extreme obsession of which I just ignored.


{A/n : I'm sure some of you now understand why she keep saying 'my husband' haa..... Women }


Patricia ' hmm? Is someone talking crap about me? I'm sure it's not my husband or my son..... strange'


{A/n : 😰😰sweating buckets }


Dylan " And the Dimensions? " ' she said 'came to this dimension' so there should be others as well' I asked but my dad answered.

James " Son there're 7 known Dimensions but first understand what Dimensions are, as I'm sure you know a world is inside a galaxy while a galaxy is inside a universe then a cosmos then reality, then there're Dimensions, A Dimension can have up to or more than billions to trillions of realities inside it, and there are 7 known Dimensions, but there are some rumors of an 8th dimension, but there are little to nothing known about it, as for the Dimension we're currently in, is the 1st Dimension "

Dylan ' Wow that's a lot to take in '

Patricia " honey you know, there is a fictional reality as well, where all the movies, animes, Mangas and novel written and published become a universe in it i'm you'll interested since you have rolls of them in your room, it's located in this Dimension "

Dylan ' Interesting ' was all I thought after I heard that. " What about me? " ' since I'm the offspring of two Demi God Rank beings, my talent should be good right?' but then I noticed my parents sad expression.

James " My Son you... You don't have any talent..... You were born with a very rare type of physique and bloodline called THE INVERSE PHYSIQUE / BLOODLINE, what the bloodline does is it prevents the host from being able to absorb any form of Energy and the physique prevents the host from cultivating his body it fully activates when the host becomes 18 years old, that's why you felt sick yesterday, if you would have tried cultivating before you turned 18.... You would have died on your 18th birthday, but it makes the host live with the same look and body till they die and can they live up to 245 years before they die....."

Dylan ".... Oh... Is that so? " I said sadly.

James " Don't worry son, we have a solution, when I died in my previous life my soul was summoned by a God of Karma and Reincarnation, and I was told that my selfless act of sacrificing myself and saving the world has given me a large amount of Karma and i can have a wish in exchange for my massive amount of karma, well I wished for Infinite Reincarnation which i received, it is the ability to avoid True Death, and that's why we raised you to be selfless and generous, it was so you can accumulate enough karma to make a wish of you choice "

Dylan " Dad, Did you use up all your Karma points in that i Wish? "

James " Not really, that wish used up 89% of my Karma, so with the remaining 11% i use for another wish "

Dylan " Which was? "

James " To be able to share my Unique ability with the one i marry to, well soul marriage of course "

Dylan " I see... but why are you both still in this Dimesion? " I asked curiously.

Patricia " Well we didn't want to raise you in a Dimesion where war can erupt from anywhere. "

Dylan ' So my parents Demi God Rank entities decided to live in the 1st Dimension for me when they could have gone to higher Dimensions for better resources' I thought emotionally.

 James " I was reincarnated in Earth to a loving family and on my 5th birthday I discovered that I was reincarnated with my powers, growing up was a little bit challenging since I had to act like I was a normal kid in front my parents so they can be happy it was until I was 23 that I met Your mother, she was sent to this Dimension on a mission and I helped her when she came to this Earth, and through the events we went through and the time we spent together we developed feelings for each other which led married an you being born "


Location..... ????? Unknown.


???? Unknown Pov: "'... Interesting ''





To Be Continued...

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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