
Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Magical Uproar, Martin Black

After the applause, Mira held a baby in her arms, followed by several servants, and the five children of the Black family appeared.

The wizards present showed surprised expressions. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would have believed that a wizard could give birth to five children at once.

What Mira was holding in her arms was Cole's eldest son, named Martin. The boy had black hair and brown eyes, and he looked around curiously with bright eyes.

Wizards gathered around and examined the Black family's children. Unlike other babies, these little ones were very beautiful.

The second son, Jerome, slept in a servant's arms, oblivious to the loudest movements around him.

The third son, Ben, had a gloomy smile as if he was about to cry at any moment, and the servant held a bottle in his hand, ready to feed him at any time.

The eldest daughter, Darlene, neither cried nor made a fuss, and her younger sister Alice looked at everyone curiously.

"Cole, your children are quite beautiful."

Lucius's praises were heard, especially when he looked at the two girls, his heart felt even more itchy, and he entertained the idea of giving Draco a sister.

"The Black family has a successor and is becoming more and more prosperous."

"Yes, do you think the Black family is closely related to the Weasley family? Otherwise, how could they have so many children all at once?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Your cousin is from the Weasley family. Why didn't I see you having a son?"

"Isn't your cousin an aunt? Neither do you."

The two wizards below were in a fierce battle, having a heated discussion about whether the Weasley family's bloodline could have more children.

Cole paid no attention, but even if he had heard it, he would have just smiled. After all, who in the wizarding world isn't a relative with a relative, and even if the bones are broken, the ties still connect.

Cole brought over his eldest son, Martin, and looked at his children. After these sons were born, Cole used the system to observe them.

Several children have quite good magical talents. After all, they have Mira's bloodline and his talents.

Unsurprisingly, several children have inherited the blood of the Shadow Snake. Cole learned from Mira that these children will awaken their innate magic in the future.

In the wizarding world, there is little to no magical talent, just think of Fleur's Veela talent, her inherent attractiveness, and charm.

Just when Cole was holding his eldest son to show off to Lucius and others, a sudden surge of magic appeared in the hall.

The wizard who could come, the one who was not a leader in the wizarding world, immediately set their sights on Cole's arms.

Little Martin reached out to touch the chandelier above his head, but saw the chandelier move by itself without any wind, and the sheet wrapping Little Martin began to slip off.

Cole also did not expect his son to stage a magical riot today. You should know that most young wizards only start riots when they are about ten years old.

Those with better talent are only seven or eight years old, and they have never been able to have such magical power when they were still babies.

Cole let go of Little Martin, who was floating in the air. As Martin waved his little hand, countless wine glasses and tables rose up in the hall.

Cole was confident he could prevent destruction during the riot, so he allowed his son to act.

The remaining little ones looked at this magical scene and started to dance.

It's a pity that magical power didn't emerge from their bodies like their elder brother.

"Merlin's beard, how is that possible?"

"What the hell."

All the wizards were amazed. As is known, the magical power of the young wizard surges out because the magical power in the body reaches the threshold and cannot be controlled.

It will be accompanied by large-scale destruction or uncontrollable magical phenomena.

Martin Black's magical riots could be controlled at will, which represents innate control of magic.

This kind of talent has never appeared in the wizarding world.

With a wave of his hand, Cole returned the hall to its original owner, and stretched out his hand to hug little Martin back.

The little guy wasn't done having fun yet and looked at his biological father impatiently.

Cole's smile twitched at the corner of his mouth. This little guy might not have the traitorous gene. It seems he will be in for some good upbringing in the future.

What to do if the child is disobedient, then he has to be dealt with a stick or a spanking. If he still disobeys, spank him again.

Cole didn't believe he could still be manipulated by his son?

Others didn't know that Cole had already figured out how to deal with his son, so they all gathered around to congratulate him.

"The Black family truly has a little genius, congratulations."

"With such magical power, he will definitely be a genius wizard in the future."

"My Shacklebolt family happens to have a girl. I wonder if the Black family is willing to bring our families closer together?"

Cole listened to the compliments around him and said a few polite words, but something couldn't help but arise in his heart.

My son Martin has the makings of an emperor!

Fudge and other people from the Ministry of Magic did not dare to underestimate the Black family anymore. Now that Cole has such an outstanding heir, the probability of the Black family's decline in the future is greatly reduced.

They all came up to look at Martin and praised Merlin for his magic.

In fact, it's not Merlin's magic, this old man counts as six, but Mira's magic.

The other children in the servant's arms were heartlessly excited. The second child, Jerome, didn't care at all and even found it noisy.

The third, Ben's little face showed unhappiness, the corners of his mouth turned down, his little fists clenched slightly, and a huge amount of magical power was about to burst out from his body, but it seemed to be restrained by something.

As for Darlene and Alice, they were staring at Mira and couldn't take their eyes off her.

The day's banquet ended, and the Black family's castle also welcomed tranquility.

Cole was pleased but not surprised about Martin's talent. After all, Mira's talent was verified by the system.

Unlike himself, Cole's strength came from krypton gold, and his original magical talent was not outstanding.

The next day, the story about the Black family was published in The Quibbler newspaper.

"According to insiders, the eldest son of the Black family, Martin, possesses extraordinary talent. Just yesterday, there was a magical riot that almost blew up the Black family's castle."

"Minister of Magic Fudge praised Martin Black on the spot and called him the future of the wizarding world."

"What happened to the legendary wizard Dumbledore when he was little..."

Cole looked at the newspaper and was speechless for a while. He didn't expect there are really many talents in the wizarding world. This kind of gossip has a beginning and an end.

Cole was there when he blew up the castle. If his son could blow up the castle, Cole wouldn't have to mess around.

Just kneel down to your son and chew him.

Doesn't the Black family rely on him now? Rely on my son, let's talk about it more than ten years later.

However, Cole saw the news in the newspaper that Dumbledore bombed Godric's Hollow when he was a child.

Just don't know if it's true or not. Next time I meet the headmaster, I'll ask him, was he so fierce when he was a child?

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