96.12% One Piece: Getting Stronger by Writing a Diary / Chapter 124: Chapter 103 – Prison brake 

章 124: Chapter 103 – Prison brake 

Arton's diary began with Golden Lion, then talked about Roger, and now Roger's son.

At this moment, it seemed that all the diary copy holders had forgotten that Arton was initially documenting about the Golden Lion.

Everyone's minds were fixated on discovering who Roger's child was.

Unfortunately, Arton seemed to realize he was going off-topic, and the diary content returned to the Golden Lion.

[Roger and Rouge's child will be documented later.]

[Since I need to go find Golden Lion Shiki to "discuss something."]

[Let's recall a bit about him.]

[I remember, that man caused havoc in Marineford because of Roger's execution, fighting against Sengoku and Garp.]

[Back then, half of Marineford's port was destroyed.]

[I must say, the power of the Float-Float Fruit is indeed convenient.]

[It provides strong combat abilities along with excellent mobility.]

[Speaking of which, could that guy's Float-Float Fruit have already awakened?]

[During the battle at Marineford, Golden Lion learned from Sengoku that Roger would be executed in the East Blue.]

[To him, East Blue was the weakest sea.]

[He thought that executing Roger in East Blue was an insult to Roger.]

[Therefore, after cutting off his own legs and escaping from Impel Down, he planned to destroy East Blue.]

[This Golden Lion sure is something, he admired Roger so much, didn't he know that Roger's hometown was in East Blue?]

[He considered East Blue the weakest sea, but did he not know that apart from producing the Pirate King Roger, it also produced the Marine hero Garp?]

[Moreover, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Dragon, was born in East Blue.]

[And among the future new Four Emperors, the youngest one also comes from East Blue.]

Charlotte Smoothie: "East Blue? It seems we must pay close attention to the pirates emerging from East Blue."

"According to Arton, East Blue indeed cannot be considered the weakest sea."

Charlotte Cinnamon: "On the contrary, East Blue might be the strongest sea among the four."

Ulti: "East Blue, huh? So, if we destroy any pirates from East Blue, the position of the Beasts Pirates won't be affected."

Doll: "So East Blue is such a sea. In the future, there will be a new Four Emperors from East Blue?"

Kujaku: "This means we need to pay close attention to the pirates emerging from East Blue."

Gion: "It's best to arrest him before this youngest Four Emperors grows up!But right now, we need to focus on the Golden Lion. This guy actually wants to destroy East Blue?"

Gion: "Just because Pirate King Roger was executed in East Blue? What exactly does this Golden Lion plan to do to destroy East Blue? Even with his strength, it's hard to destroy an entire sea."

Gion: "Could it be that the Golden Lion plans to team up with Buggy to destroy East Blue together? Arton was also invited by Buggy, to go with the Golden Lion to destroy East Blue? Is Buggy's and Arton's purpose in searching for the Golden Lion all about this?"

Gion: "But putting Buggy aside, based on Arton's character, he shouldn't be willing to destroy East Blue. Kaya's hometown is in East Blue! Could it be that he plans to stop the Golden Lion?"

One has to say, Gion is very smart.

Arton agreed to join Buggy and Alvida in their treasure hunt, partly to stop the Golden Lion from destroying East Blue.

Although his hometown is not here, his partner Kaya's home is in East Blue.

Besides, Carina's hometown is also likely in East Blue.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be active in East Blue now.

Furthermore, in the future, Arton might also invite Nami and Nojiko, whose hometown is in East Blue, to join the crew.

So, even for his partners, Arton wouldn't let the Golden Lion destroy East Blue.

The butterfly's wings have already flapped, and Arton is unsure if the Golden Lion will still be defeated by Luffy.

Since that's the case, he himself will become the one to defeat the Golden Lion.

Charlotte Smoothie: "This Golden Lion really cares a lot about Roger."

Tashigi: "I have to be firm, regardless of whether the Navy's justice fits me or not, I must stop the Golden Lion from destroying East Blue."

Whitey Bay: "Speaking of which, Ace was born in East Blue, right? Could the new Four Emperors be related to him, or could it be him? Although according to the original history, Ace would be killed by Teach, maybe this process won't be that fast."

Whitey Bay: "Perhaps, Ace was killed by Teach after he became the new Four Emperors. However, if Ace is really the new Four Emperors, then wouldn't it mean that Pops..."

At this point, Whitey Bay found herself unable to continue.

She couldn't bear the thought that Whitebeard might step down from his position as one of the Four Emperors.

If it was a normal retirement, it would be fine.

But if Whitebeard lost his position because he was killed... just thinking about this possibility made Whitey Bay feel like she was going crazy.

"Arton, wait for me."

"I'll show you the true allure of a woman."

"Whether it's the plot from my doujinshi, or someone else's, I'll perform it with you."

"As long as you can give me the information and power to prevent Ace's death."

"As long as you can prevent the possible death of Pops."

"I can do anything!"

Whitey Bay slammed her fist on the railing, her eyes filled with determination.

[I wonder how far along that guy Shiki's research has progressed.]

[However, judging by what Buggy and Alvida said.]

[Shiki's research on making animals ferocious should be almost complete.]

[Speaking of which, Shiki is quite something.]

[If his research succeeds, and he manages to release these ferocious animals onto the islands, countries, and towns of East Blue from the sky.]

[It's possible he could actually destroy East Blue.]

[After all, his Float-Float Fruit gives him incredible mobility. Unless he encounters the Navy's top forces at the exact moment he executes his plan.]

[Otherwise, the Navy wouldn't be able to stop him at all.]

[Unfortunately, this guy has been so focused on his research that he's probably neglected his training.]

[Moreover, the head injury he sustained during his fight with Roger and his self-amputated legs after escaping Impel Down, who knows how much of his combat power remains.]

"So, he's planning to destroy East Blue by making animals ferocious through his research."

"The Navy's top forces are concentrated in the first half of the Grand Line."

"As Arton said, if Shiki really goes through with his plan."

"There might not be any Navy forces in East Blue capable of stopping him."

Gion murmured.

Suddenly, she noticed a message notification in the female Navy officer's chat group within the diary copy.

Her eyes focused as she concentrated on the chat group.

In the next moment, a panel appeared before her eyes.

[Kujaku: Vice Admiral Gion, it seems that not only Arton is urgent now, but we also need to investigate the matter of Shiki.]

[Hina: Hina agrees. If we don't stop Shiki, many people in East Blue might die.]

[Ain: We can't let that happen. The people of East Blue would suffer too much.]

[Tashigi: For true justice, we need to stop Shiki.]

[Hibari: I agree! Stopping Shiki is the truly just thing to do.]

Gion was silent for a moment as she read the messages from Tashigi and Hibari.

She was a smart person and could see the underlying meaning in their words.

Undoubtedly, Tashigi and Hibari were still affected by Arton's earlier mention of the Navy's massacre of many innocent pregnant women to eradicate Roger's bloodline.

No, it wasn't just that.

Gion suspected that perhaps not only Tashigi and Hibari in this female group chat had doubts about the Navy's sense of justice.

Even though others hadn't spoken up, they might also be harboring doubts about the Navy's justice.


Gion let out a long sigh and moved her thoughts to convert them into words on the diary copy.

[Gion: Don't worry, Tashigi, Hibari, we naturally need to handle Shiki's situation. Now that I know about it, I won't let Shiki's plan succeed.]

[Hina: Indeed, Hina has finished her current tasks and is heading to East Blue through the Calm Belt!]

[Kujaku: Just in time, so am I.]

[Gion: Hibari, Tashigi, although "justice" has its flaws, most of it is still good, and I can assure you of that.]

[Doll: Yes, Gion is right. Believe in your past choices.]

[Tashigi: Understood, Vice Admiral Gion, Vice Admiral Doll.]

[Hibari: I... I understand.]

[Sadi: Shiki, huh? Although I also want to see the once-escaped Shiki recaptured, what about Arton? We can't just abandon capturing Arton because of Shiki.]

That man is constantly getting stronger, and his companions are also getting stronger by relying on the diary system.]

[Gion: You don't need to worry about that, Sadi! Arton is going to find Shiki, so if we find Arton, we'll subsequently find Shiki as well.]

[Domino: But this way, the Navy will face even more difficulties. Both Arton and Shiki are not easy to deal with, even if Arton mentioned that Shiki's strength might have decreased.]

[Gion: I understand that, so everyone needs to be careful when searching for Arton.]

[Hina: Hina understands.]

[Kujaku: I know too.]

[Doll: Of course.]

Facing Gion's proposal, the Navy members all expressed their understanding.

Gion let out a breath and raised her hand to touch her chest.

There, the injury Arton had left had not fully healed.

"I hope this wound heals before I meet Arton again," she murmured, turning her gaze to the diary copy and suddenly discovering new entries from Arton.

"Wait, could something like this really happen?!"

"Another prison break in Impel Down?"

At this moment, Gion's eyes widened in surprise due to the latest content Arton had added to the diary copy.

[Speaking of which, while Shiki's prison break was quite a slap in the face for Impel Down, the real blow will come from the major prison break that will occur soon.]

[All levels of Impel Down will be in chaos, with countless vicious pirates returning to the sea.]

[Even many of the vicious pirates and criminals who were erased from history by the Navy and the World Government, held in the sixth level of Impel Down, will eventually return to the seas because of that major prison break.]

[Compared to that prison break, Shiki's escape was just a minor incident.]


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