15% Echoes of Creation: The Universe Within / Chapter 7: Chapter 7

章 7: Chapter 7

With the vastness of the cosmos spread before him, Hiroshi couldn't help but feel awe and wonder at its immensity. Despite its size, under Hiroshi's gaze, the universe seemed like a mere speck in the vastness of the cosmos. After searching for a while, his eyes fell on a beautiful spiral galaxy that shimmered with celestial beauty. It was the closest-looking galaxy to the Milky Way, a beacon of light and possibility in the vast expanse of space.

Hiroshi disappeared from the vast expanse of space and reappeared inside the Milky Way galaxy look alike, surrounded by the glistening stars that dotted its celestial tapestry. "A beauty indeed," he murmured, his voice reverberating through the silent expanse as he marveled at the splendor of the Milky Way look alike.

Taking a moment to survey his surroundings, Hiroshi realized that there was no Solar System capable of housing life within reach. With a sense of determination, he decided to intervene and kickstart the process of creation.

"Creating," he declared, his voice tinged with a hint of excitement and anticipation. "I created the Nexus and an explosion happened. Creating now is kind of awkward. But anyways."

Raising his hands in a majestic manner, Hiroshi began to weave the threads of creation into existence. "First, a Sun," he announced, his voice echoing through the void. With a wave of his hand, he conjured forth two Suns, their radiant light casting a warm glow across the cosmos.

"I should create a Binary System," Hiroshi continued, his voice steady with resolve. With both palms spread out before him, he focused his energy and intent, shaping the two Suns into a synchronized dance of celestial light and energy.

After compressing the light a few times and giving it a spherical shape, Hiroshi threw the two Suns opposite each other, their gravitational pull locking them into a delicate balance of cosmic harmony.

As he watched the Binary System take shape before him, Hiroshi felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him.

With the Milky Way galaxy-look-a-like spread before him, Hiroshi sensed the splendor of its celestial tapestry. There was an emptiness of not just space between worlds, but also an emptiness of life. So with a sense of determination, he decided to intervene and kickstart the process of creation.

Hiroshi's creative process began with an explosion of cosmic energies, resulting in the creation of a Binary System. Hiroshi compressed the cosmic energies into spheres, forming two stars with a delicate balance of gravitational pull.

"The gravitational forces of this Binary System are far too strong for a planet like Earth. So I have to create a planet from scratch. With no imaginary help," Hiroshi muttered to himself, his brow furrowed in concentration as he stared at the vibrant Suns in front of him.

With a deep breath, Hiroshi began the process of creating a planet that could withstand the immense gravitational forces of the Binary System. Finding a common center of mass within the Binary System, he focused his energy and intent, shaping the raw materials of the cosmos into a celestial body unlike any other.

Drawing upon his knowledge of planetary formation, Hiroshi crafted a planet with a diameter approximately 1.5 times greater than Earth's, allowing it to resist the powerful gravitational pull of the Binary System.

Starting with the core of the planet, Hiroshi combined iron, nickel, and other heavy elements, forming a dense and resilient core that provided structural stability against the intense gravitational forces at play. Around the core, he fashioned a mantle rich in silicates, creating a solid crust capable of withstanding immense pressure and heat.

Turning his attention to the planet's atmosphere, Hiroshi conjured forth a thick layer composed primarily of nitrogen and oxygen, providing ample protection against cosmic radiation and fostering the conditions necessary for life to thrive. Despite the planet's proximity to its binary stars, extreme temperature variations were inevitable, with regions experiencing scorching heat during solar conjunctions and freezing cold during eclipses.

However, Hiroshi ensured that equatorial regions maintained a relatively stable climate, fostering diverse ecosystems and allowing for the emergence of complex life forms.

As Hiroshi beheld the planet taking form before him, a sense of satisfaction washed over him. He marveled at the intricate details of its surface, the swirling clouds and jagged mountain ranges that dotted its landscape. It was a testament to his creative vision and the boundless potential of the cosmos.

With a sense of contentment, Hiroshi considered the possibility of allowing life to emerge on the planet naturally, without his direct intervention. He knew that the planet was perfectly suited to support life, with its stable climate and diverse ecosystems providing the ideal conditions for evolution to take its course.

As he pondered his next move, Hiroshi felt a sense of excitement building within him. There were still two Realms left to tend to, each with their own unique challenges and opportunities for growth. It was a daunting task, but one that he embraced with open arms.

With a final glance at the planet below, Hiroshi made a decision. He would allow life to emerge on the planet naturally, while he turned his attention to the other two Realms. It was a decision born of trust in the inherent resilience and adaptability of life, a belief that the planet would flourish and thrive on its own accord.

And with that, Hiroshi turned his gaze towards the heavens, ready to embark on the next phase of his cosmic journey. It was a journey filled with endless possibilities and boundless potential, and Hiroshi was eager to see where it would lead him.

Appearing in the boundless expanse of the void, Hiroshi turned his gaze towards the Heavenly Realm. "At first, I was thinking of starting with the Heavenly Realm, but I've decided to start with the Middle Realm," he mused, his voice echoing through the emptiness around him. "Now then, I can focus on the Heavenly Realm and the Ashura Realm."

With a sense of purpose, Hiroshi continued, "The planet I just created will be called Astrion." He watched as the name echoed through the void, imbuing the newly formed world with a sense of identity and purpose. "Astrion will serve as the foundation of every life in the Middle Realm, a beacon of hope and possibility in the vast expanse of the cosmos."

Hiroshi's gaze lingered on Astrion, the planet he had created with his own hands. It was a world filled with untold potential, a blank canvas upon which the tapestry of life would unfold. But Hiroshi knew that he wouldn't be able to tend to everything in the Middle Realm on his own.

"Creating a guardian for the Middle Realm shouldn't be a problem," Hiroshi declared, his voice filled with confidence.

Hiroshi was determined to shape the Middle Realm into a realm of hope and possibility, a beacon of light and opportunity in the vast expanse of the cosmos. However, he also knew that he couldn't tackle it on his own, which was why he had decided to create a guardian to oversee the realm.

Hiroshi's confidence in his ability to create the guardian was reassuring, but it also highlighted the scope of the task at hand. The guardian would be responsible for preserving the integrity of the realm and ensuring that life flourished within it.






That's all for chapter 7

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    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

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    Stone -- 推薦チケット
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