
Chapter 14: Runes

- London ~ 9. July 1995 ~ one second later -

It wasn't even one second from when they left for the training room before they suddenly appeared again in the same place where they just vanished from.

It was two years for them, but the world around them didn't change a bit.

"What a weird feeling," Nami said while looking around.

In the two years, they have come a long way from starting with Runes and learning them day and night to being able to write and inscribe them on everything they wanted. 

The room they trained in was even equipped with many free training materials specially designed for beginners. 

When they started to get more advanced, the material was even updated to a higher quality.

They could already make some things that weren't seen in this world and universe for eons. 

Of course, they still weren't masters of the field, but they could make some more minor, excellent, and valuable items on the rarer side of Rune's. 

Both of their talents in the Runes field also seem pretty good. 

Harry still needed to power Nami's items since she couldn't use magic, but they both hoped that she would get magic from the Gacha in the future.

One happy side effect the learning of Runes had was that Harry's understanding of magic, in general, was expanded massively.

This understanding could help him immensely in all kinds of magic fields.

"Seems like our finished products couldn't be taken with us?" Harry asked her.

"That seems to be the case," Nami answered simply.

"Let's do what we wanted before we entered the training room and go on our shopping date," Nami said with a smile. 

They had already started dating in the two years they stayed in the world of Runes, and their relationship was still going strong to the happiness of both.

"Okay," Harry answered with a smile and some expectations. 

He had never been able to go on a shopping trip in the past, and he secretly anticipated this day.


- Little Whinging, 4 Privet Drive ~ 10. July 1995 ~ In the smallest Bedroom of the House -

You could see two people sleeping peacefully on the floor of the smallest Bedroom in the house. 

It was now 8 Am, and you could finally see one of them stirrings awake.

Blinking for a second and realizing where he was, Harry couldn't help but marvel at the most beautiful feeling he knew of. 

Waking up with the love of his life lying in his arms, still peacefully sleeping, is indeed a beautiful thing for Harry.

The fact that they had to sleep on the floor didn't diminish that feeling even a bit.

Thinking about the date from yesterday, Harry couldn't help but smile. 

It was really nice for both of them. 

Nami thought that Harry would get bored quickly by shopping for so long with her, but at the end of the day, it was Nami who had to drag him out of the shops.

Nami took it with humor and laughed about it when she had to drag him out of the shops. 

Even the bystanders looked at them with a smile on their faces.

It was lucky that he stole so much money from his relatives when they left. 

He stole over 2000£ for their shopping trip and ultimately came out with less than 200£ remaining.

For the first time in his life, he could really enjoy going shopping for new things, and nobody cared what he bought. 

In the non-magic part of his life, his relatives never bothered to take him shopping and just gave him the things that Dudley outgrew.

Even the glasses his aunt gave him so 'lovingly' came from a waste bin. 

They didn't even have the correct description for his eyes to see with them. 

It was still better than nothing, but it was terrible nonetheless.

Harry still sometimes gritted his teeth, thinking back to when he even thanked his aunt for her gift.

It was one of the only gifts he ever got, and at that time, he thought that his family would finally love him, only to be beaten not only two hours later for burning the bacon once again.

In the wizarding world's part, it was stipulated what he brought with his own money.

When he came to Diagon Alley for the first time, it was Hagrid who said what he should buy with his own money. 

The moment Harry wanted to pick something extra, Hagrid said that Dumbledore forbade him to buy anything extra since he couldn't 'waste' his money and that it was for his own good.

Looking back, Harry, of course, knew it was bullshit, but what do you expect from an eleven-year-old boy to know?

At that time, he didn't think about it and had just gone with the flow.

The following year, the same happened, and even though he was alone in Diagon Alley before his third year, he didn't dare to go shopping alone. 

He was way too shy and only bought the things he really needed. 

Harry didn't want to stand out. 

He was raised in such a way unknown to Harry itself.

After Harry and Nami returned from London, it was already midnight when they sneaked into the house from the backdoor. 

Putting the house doors inside Harry's inventory and then putting it out again when they were in is an easy way to break in anywhere you want. 

Nami already joked that they could rob a bank without any problem. 

Harry was surprised since there seemed to be banks in the One Piece World.

He never thought that such a chaotic world would have something like a bank, so it only made sense to Harry when he was told that the World Government and Marine were managing the bank itself. 

Any other way would be unrealistic. 

In the two years of the Runes world, Nami told him a lot about the other World, which was fascinating for Harry. 

Of course, it was the same for Nami when Harry told her about his world.

Thinking about the other world, Harry suddenly thought of the Straw Hat Crew.

'Wait. Didn't I tell them that I would come back yesterday? Oops.' Harry thought to himself, a bit worried. 

He hoped that everything over there was okay. 

Even the navigator isn't there, which could be a bit dangerous.

Suddenly, Harry could hear an angry hoot breaking him out of his thoughts.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C14
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


