31.25% A wild card in Percy Jackson and the Olympians. / Chapter 5: Nothing important this chapter(Will delete later)

章 5: Nothing important this chapter(Will delete later)

Climbing Tartarus is essential to witnessing Persona 3's true ending and remaining at a high enough level to complete its monthly Full Moon Operations, so you'll want to make sure you see everything it has to offer. Below, you can find links to guides for every Tartarus floor, with each page including details on every enemy, Persona and boss you'll encounter along your journey.

Our Persona 3 walkthrough is split into three parts, so if you're looking for a day-to-day walkthrough or a guide for story missions, check out our Calendar Walkthrough and Story Mission Walkthrough. For a breakdown of all the mini-bosses you'll find in Tartarus, head over to our Boss Guides.Before we start exploring Thebel's floors, there are a few things to note considering this is your first time infiltrating Tartarus.

Tartarus Basics

First things first, you won't be able to save the game until you reach an area where you're freely able to reselect your party. That means you can't save in the middle of a floor or after a string of tough battles, so you'll need to be very aware of your parties' status and know when it's time to call it quits.


Secondly, let's talk about Tartarus' structure. This labyrinth is separated into various zones crawling with shadows you can run past or defeat. Each zone will have a series of floors that players slowly climb, with boss encounters appearing after scaling a certain number of floors. Boss rooms act as a checkpoint, containing a Giant Teleporter that will allow you to travel back to that room from the lobby instantly without having to ascend the floors leading up to it.


I'd personally suggest trying to tackle a boss encounter every time you visit Tartarus. It'll keep you progressing at a nice pace, while also ensuring you don't have to cover old ground by going up floors you've already completed.


Thirdly, if you need to regenerate health or magic, you can use clocks to restore your party at the cost of 7 Twilight Fragments. If you need to rest up before a tough fight, clocks are a useful tool, although it's worth weighing up whether the cost is worth it, considering Twilight Fragments are also used to crack open locked chests.


Finally, Tartarus' layout is entirely randomized, and is re-rolled every time you leave and re-enter the building. No two adventures through its halls will be the same. That means you can never rely on knowing your surroundings and must always be ready to return to safety if you feel the odds are stacked against you.Before we start exploring Thebel's floors, there are a few things to note considering this is your first time infiltrating Tartarus.

Tartarus Basics

First things first, you won't be able to save the game until you reach an area where you're freely able to reselect your party. That means you can't save in the middle of a floor or after a string of tough battles, so you'll need to be very aware of your parties' status and know when it's time to call it quits.


Secondly, let's talk about Tartarus' structure. This labyrinth is separated into various zones crawling with shadows you can run past or defeat. Each zone will have a series of floors that players slowly climb, with boss encounters appearing after scaling a certain number of floors. Boss rooms act as a checkpoint, containing a Giant Teleporter that will allow you to travel back to that room from the lobby instantly without having to ascend the floors leading up to it.


I'd personally suggest trying to tackle a boss encounter every time you visit Tartarus. It'll keep you progressing at a nice pace, while also ensuring you don't have to cover old ground by going up floors you've already completed.


Thirdly, if you need to regenerate health or magic, you can use clocks to restore your party at the cost of 7 Twilight Fragments. If you need to rest up before a tough fight, clocks are a useful tool, although it's worth weighing up whether the cost is worth it, considering Twilight Fragments are also used to crack open locked chests.


Finally, Tartarus' layout is entirely randomized, and is re-rolled every time you leave and re-enter the building. No two adventures through its halls will be the same. That means you can never rely on knowing your surroundings and must always be ready to return to safety if you feel the odds are stacked against you.Before we start exploring Thebel's floors, there are a few things to note considering this is your first time infiltrating Tartarus.

Tartarus Basics

First things first, you won't be able to save the game until you reach an area where you're freely able to reselect your party. That means you can't save in the middle of a floor or after a string of tough battles, so you'll need to be very aware of your parties' status and know when it's time to call it quits.


Secondly, let's talk about Tartarus' structure. This labyrinth is separated into various zones crawling with shadows you can run past or defeat. Each zone will have a series of floors that players slowly climb, with boss encounters appearing after scaling a certain number of floors. Boss rooms act as a checkpoint, containing a Giant Teleporter that will allow you to travel back to that room from the lobby instantly without having to ascend the floors leading up to it.


I'd personally suggest trying to tackle a boss encounter every time you visit Tartarus. It'll keep you progressing at a nice pace, while also ensuring you don't have to cover old ground by going up floors you've already completed.


Thirdly, if you need to regenerate health or magic, you can use clocks to restore your party at the cost of 7 Twilight Fragments. If you need to rest up before a tough fight, clocks are a useful tool, although it's worth weighing up whether the cost is worth it, considering Twilight Fragments are also used to crack open locked chests.


Finally, Tartarus' layout is entirely randomized, and is re-rolled every time you leave and re-enter the building. No two adventures through its halls will be the same. That means you can never rely on knowing your surroundings and must always be ready to return to safety if you feel the odds are stacked against you.


Thebel - Tartarus Walkthrough






During April and the beginning of May in Persona 3 Reload, we'll need to climb to the top of Block 1. Known as Thebel, this section covers floors 2 - 22.


Persona 3 Reload: 11 Things to Know Before Starting




Autoplay setting: On

Persona 3 Reload: 11 Things to Know Before Starting

In the Tartarus walkthrough below, we'll run through the enemies you'll likely encounter on this floor, as well as the mini-bosses you'll come across and the Personas you can recruit. Look for a specific part of Thebel? Jump between each section of this guide using the links below:

Tartarus Basics

Thebel: Enemies

Thebel: Recruitable Personas

Thebel: Boss Fights





Thebel - Tartarus Walkthrough

Before we start exploring Thebel's floors, there are a few things to note considering this is your first time infiltrating Tartarus.

Tartarus Basics

First things first, you won't be able to save the game until you reach an area where you're freely able to reselect your party. That means you can't save in the middle of a floor or after a string of tough battles, so you'll need to be very aware of your parties' status and know when it's time to call it quits.


Secondly, let's talk about Tartarus' structure. This labyrinth is separated into various zones crawling with shadows you can run past or defeat. Each zone will have a series of floors that players slowly climb, with boss encounters appearing after scaling a certain number of floors. Boss rooms act as a checkpoint, containing a Giant Teleporter that will allow you to travel back to that room from the lobby instantly without having to ascend the floors leading up to it.


I'd personally suggest trying to tackle a boss encounter every time you visit Tartarus. It'll keep you progressing at a nice pace, while also ensuring you don't have to cover old ground by going up floors you've already completed.


Thirdly, if you need to regenerate health or magic, you can use clocks to restore your party at the cost of 7 Twilight Fragments. If you need to rest up before a tough fight, clocks are a useful tool, although it's worth weighing up whether the cost is worth it, considering Twilight Fragments are also used to crack open locked chests.


Finally, Tartarus' layout is entirely randomized, and is re-rolled every time you leave and re-enter the building. No two adventures through its halls will be the same. That means you can never rely on knowing your surroundings and must always be ready to return to safety if you feel the odds are stacked against you.






It's recommended that you visit Tartarus frequently throughout the game, stopping in whenever you have an evening free. Not only does conquering it unlock the game's true ending, but it'll ensure you're appropriately levelled up for the story missions that appear at the end of each month. With that out of the way, let's get started.

Thebel: Enemies


Thebel has 8 enemies spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their level, resistances and weaknesses.



Weak to

Resistant Against

Cowardly Maya



Slash Attacks


Muttering Tiara




Merciless Maya




Magic Hand




Obsessed Cupid




Wealth Hand


Strike Attacks


Trance Twins





Grave Beetle




Thebel: Recruitable Personas


Thebel has five recruitable Personas spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their base abilities, resistances and weaknesses.

Recruitable Persona

Base Abilities

Weak to

Resistant Against


















Ara Mitama






Strike Attacks







Thebel: Boss Fights

Throughout Thebel, you'll take part in three boss encounters. These are found on floors 5, 11 and 17. We'll run you through each battle below:





The Ruthless Ice Ravens

Barbaric Beast Wheel

Swift Axle

The Ruthless Ice Ravens


The Ruthless Ice Ravens are found on Floor 5 and mark your first boss encounter in the game. Defeating these two birds relies largely on using fire, which they're both weak to. Going in, you'll hopefully have levelled Junpei up enough that he possesses the Agi ability.


If he has, equip Apsaras on Yuki so he has ice resistance, ensuring one combatant will take minimal damage and can provide support if needed. If Junpei doesn't have Agi yet, Yuki will have to use Orpheus to use the ability instead.


Once the battle starts, wait for Junpei's turn and then cast Agi on one of the birds. It'll down them, giving Junpei another turn. Use Agi again on the other bird to down the pair. When they're both down, you'll be able to execute an All-Out attack. Unleash the attack to do heavy damage to both birds.


Now, all we need to do is perform the same sequence of attacks again. Wait for Junpei's turn, use Agi on both birds and then execute another All-Out attack. Just like that, the fight will be over.

 Floor 5: Ruthless Ice Ravens Defeated






Barbaric Beast Wheel


The Barbaric Beast Wheel is found on Floor 11 and marks your second boss encounter in Thebel. Before heading in, it's worth knowing that wind is key to winning this fight. That means Yukari needs to be reliably healed up and kept in the battle. If possible, Yuki should also have access to the Angel Persona, which can be recruited through Shuffle Time events at the end of shadow encounters.


When you're prepped, begin the fight. The Barbaric Beast will be flanked by two magic hands and relies on heavy physical damage. Luckily, the hands are weak to fire magic. Combined with the beast's weakness to wind, that means we'll be able to take down all three enemies in one turn.


On Yukari's turn, use wind magic to knock down the wheel. When it's stunned, pass your turn to Junpei, who will knock down both the Magic Hands using fire magic. When all three enemies are down, unleash an All-Out attack. You'll inflict huge damage, potentially even wiping out the Magic Hands. Regardless, as soon as the enemies are back up, we'll repeat the process. Wait for Yukari or Junpei to act, stun the enemy they're focusing on, and then pass the turn to whichever other teammate isn't active. Use their magic to exploit the remaining weaknesses required, then perform an All-Out attack.


If the beast manages to get off any big attacks, use Yuki's Personas or Yukari's dia ability to recuperate health, keeping the team in the battle. Keep up the pace and launch off several All-Out attacks and, eventually, the wheel will fall.

 Floor 11: Barbaric Beast Wheel Defeated


Swift Axle


The Swift Axle is found on Floor 17. He has heavy physical attacks he'll deal out frequently, as well as wind magic, which Junpei is weak to. As a result, make sure Junpei guards frequently throughout the fight to prevent the Axle from getting free turns by exploiting his weakness.






Don't use strike or slash attacks on the Axle, as it's resistant, but instead focus on hitting him with fire, ice and pierce attacks. This early into the game, there's a chance you might not have found a Persona wielding electric attacks. However, if you have, this fight will be much easier. Have Yuki cast Zio on the Swift Axle to knock it down, then execute follow-up All-Out attacks.


If you haven't found a Persona using Zio just yet, we'll have to chip away at the Axle the old-fashioned way. Use Yuakri's melee attack and Yuki's fire attacks to do the bulk of the damage, while keeping Junpei guarding to prevent him from being downed.


If one of your party gets seriously hurt, use Yukari's turn to heal them with magic, then continue the strategy. If you have any on hand, debuffs will help to wear down the Axle if you can't use electric spells. Try to lower its defense, accuracy or attack to even the odds.


It'll be a battle of endurance, but keep fighting and eventually, the axle will fall, marking your final boss encounter in Thebel.

 Floor 17: Swift Axle Defeated



Secondly, let's talk about Tartarus' structure. This labyrinth is separated into various zones crawling with shadows you can run past or defeat. Each zone will have a series of floors that players slowly climb, with boss encounters appearing after scaling a certain number of floors. Boss rooms act as a checkpoint, containing a Giant Teleporter that will allow you to travel back to that room from the lobby instantly without having to ascend the floors leading up to it.


I'd personally suggest trying to tackle a boss encounter every time you visit Tartarus. It'll keep you progressing at a nice pace, while also ensuring you don't have to cover old ground by going up floors you've already completed.


Thirdly, if you need to regenerate health or magic, you can use clocks to restore your party at the cost of 7 Twilight Fragments. If you need to rest up before a tough fight, clocks are a useful tool, although it's worth weighing up whether the cost is worth it, considering Twilight Fragments are also used to crack open locked chests.


Finally, Tartarus' layout is entirely randomized, and is re-rolled every time you leave and re-enter the building. No two adventures through its halls will be the same. That means you can never rely on knowing your surroundings and must always be ready to return to safety if you feel the odds are stacked against you.






It's recommended that you visit Tartarus frequently throughout the game, stopping in whenever you have an evening free. Not only does conquering it unlock the game's true ending, but it'll ensure you're appropriately levelled up for the story missions that appear at the end of each month. With that out of the way, let's get started.

Thebel: Enemies


Thebel has 8 enemies spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their level, resistances and weaknesses.



Weak to

Resistant Against

Cowardly Maya



Slash Attacks


Muttering Tiara




Merciless Maya




Magic Hand




Obsessed Cupid




Wealth Hand


Strike Attacks


Trance Twins





Grave Beetle




Thebel: Recruitable Personas


Thebel has five recruitable Personas spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their base abilities, resistances and weaknesses.

Recruitable Persona

Base Abilities

Weak to

Resistant Against


















Ara Mitama






Strike Attacks







Thebel: Boss Fights

Throughout Thebel, you'll take part in three boss encounters. These are found on floors 5, 11 and 17. We'll run you through each battle below:





The Ruthless Ice Ravens

Barbaric Beast Wheel

Swift Axle

The Ruthless Ice Ravens


The Ruthless Ice Ravens are found on Floor 5 and mark your first boss encounter in the game. Defeating these two birds relies largely on using fire, which they're both weak to. Going in, you'll hopefully have levelled Junpei up enough that he possesses the Agi ability.


If he has, equip Apsaras on Yuki so he has ice resistance, ensuring one combatant will take minimal damage and can provide support if needed. If Junpei doesn't have Agi yet, Yuki will have to use Orpheus to use the ability instead.


Once the battle starts, wait for Junpei's turn and then cast Agi on one of the birds. It'll down them, giving Junpei another turn. Use Agi again on the other bird to down the pair. When they're both down, you'll be able to execute an All-Out attack. Unleash the attack to do heavy damage to both birds.


Now, all we need to do is perform the same sequence of attacks again. Wait for Junpei's turn, use Agi on both birds and then execute another All-Out attack. Just like that, the fight will be over.

 Floor 5: Ruthless Ice Ravens Defeated






Barbaric Beast Wheel


The Barbaric Beast Wheel is found on Floor 11 and marks your second boss encounter in Thebel. Before heading in, it's worth knowing that wind is key to winning this fight. That means Yukari needs to be reliably healed up and kept in the battle. If possible, Yuki should also have access to the Angel Persona, which can be recruited through Shuffle Time events at the end of shadow encounters.


When you're prepped, begin the fight. The Barbaric Beast will be flanked by two magic hands and relies on heavy physical damage. Luckily, the hands are weak to fire magic. Combined with the beast's weakness to wind, that means we'll be able to take down all three enemies in one turn.


On Yukari's turn, use wind magic to knock down the wheel. When it's stunned, pass your turn to Junpei, who will knock down both the Magic Hands using fire magic. When all three enemies are down, unleash an All-Out attack. You'll inflict huge damage, potentially even wiping out the Magic Hands. Regardless, as soon as the enemies are back up, we'll repeat the process. Wait for Yukari or Junpei to act, stun the enemy they're focusing on, and then pass the turn to whichever other teammate isn't active. Use their magic to exploit the remaining weaknesses required, then perform an All-Out attack.


If the beast manages to get off any big attacks, use Yuki's Personas or Yukari's dia ability to recuperate health, keeping the team in the battle. Keep up the pace and launch off several All-Out attacks and, eventually, the wheel will fall.

 Floor 11: Barbaric Beast Wheel Defeated


Swift Axle


The Swift Axle is found on Floor 17. He has heavy physical attacks he'll deal out frequently, as well as wind magic, which Junpei is weak to. As a result, make sure Junpei guards frequently throughout the fight to prevent the Axle from getting free turns by exploiting his weakness.






Don't use strike or slash attacks on the Axle, as it's resistant, but instead focus on hitting him with fire, ice and pierce attacks. This early into the game, there's a chance you might not have found a Persona wielding electric attacks. However, if you have, this fight will be much easier. Have Yuki cast Zio on the Swift Axle to knock it down, then execute follow-up All-Out attacks.


If you haven't found a Persona using Zio just yet, we'll have to chip away at the Axle the old-fashioned way. Use Yuakri's melee attack and Yuki's fire attacks to do the bulk of the damage, while keeping Junpei guarding to prevent him from being downed.


If one of your party gets seriously hurt, use Yukari's turn to heal them with magic, then continue the strategy. If you have any on hand, debuffs will help to wear down the Axle if you can't use electric spells. Try to lower its defense, accuracy or attack to even the odds.


It'll be a battle of endurance, but keep fighting and eventually, the axle will fall, marking your final boss encounter in Thebel.

 Floor 17: Swift Axle Defeateduits.


Secondly, let's talk about Tartarus' structure. This labyrinth is separated into various zones crawling with shadows you can run past or defeat. Each zone will have a series of floors that players slowly climb, with boss encounters appearing after scaling a certain number of floors. Boss rooms act as a checkpoint, containing a Giant Teleporter that will allow you to travel back to that room from the lobby instantly without having to ascend the floors leading up to it.


I'd personally suggest trying to tackle a boss encounter every time you visit Tartarus. It'll keep you progressing at a nice pace, while also ensuring you don't have to cover old ground by going up floors you've already completed.


Thirdly, if you need to regenerate health or magic, you can use clocks to restore your party at the cost of 7 Twilight Fragments. If you need to rest up before a tough fight, clocks are a useful tool, although it's worth weighing up whether the cost is worth it, considering Twilight Fragments are also used to crack open locked chests.


Finally, Tartarus' layout is entirely randomized, and is re-rolled every time you leave and re-enter the building. No two adventures through its halls will be the same. That means you can never rely on knowing your surroundings and must always be ready to return to safety if you feel the odds are stacked against you.






It's recommended that you visit Tartarus frequently throughout the game, stopping in whenever you have an evening free. Not only does conquering it unlock the game's true ending, but it'll ensure you're appropriately levelled up for the story missions that appear at the end of each month. With that out of the way, let's get started.

Thebel: Enemies


Thebel has 8 enemies spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their level, resistances and weaknesses.



Weak to

Resistant Against

Cowardly Maya



Slash Attacks


Muttering Tiara




Merciless Maya




Magic Hand




Obsessed Cupid




Wealth Hand


Strike Attacks


Trance Twins





Grave Beetle




Thebel: Recruitable Personas


Thebel has five recruitable Personas spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their base abilities, resistances and weaknesses.

Recruitable Persona

Base Abilities

Weak to

Resistant Against


















Ara Mitama






Strike Attacks







Thebel: Boss Fights

Throughout Thebel, you'll take part in three boss encounters. These are found on floors 5, 11 and 17. We'll run you through each battle below:





The Ruthless Ice Ravens

Barbaric Beast Wheel

Swift Axle

The Ruthless Ice Ravens


The Ruthless Ice Ravens are found on Floor 5 and mark your first boss encounter in the game. Defeating these two birds relies largely on using fire, which they're both weak to. Going in, you'll hopefully have levelled Junpei up enough that he possesses the Agi ability.


If he has, equip Apsaras on Yuki so he has ice resistance, ensuring one combatant will take minimal damage and can provide support if needed. If Junpei doesn't have Agi yet, Yuki will have to use Orpheus to use the ability instead.


Once the battle starts, wait for Junpei's turn and then cast Agi on one of the birds. It'll down them, giving Junpei another turn. Use Agi again on the other bird to down the pair. When they're both down, you'll be able to execute an All-Out attack. Unleash the attack to do heavy damage to both birds.


Now, all we need to do is perform the same sequence of attacks again. Wait for Junpei's turn, use Agi on both birds and then execute another All-Out attack. Just like that, the fight will be over.

 Floor 5: Ruthless Ice Ravens Defeated






Barbaric Beast Wheel


The Barbaric Beast Wheel is found on Floor 11 and marks your second boss encounter in Thebel. Before heading in, it's worth knowing that wind is key to winning this fight. That means Yukari needs to be reliably healed up and kept in the battle. If possible, Yuki should also have access to the Angel Persona, which can be recruited through Shuffle Time events at the end of shadow encounters.


When you're prepped, begin the fight. The Barbaric Beast will be flanked by two magic hands and relies on heavy physical damage. Luckily, the hands are weak to fire magic. Combined with the beast's weakness to wind, that means we'll be able to take down all three enemies in one turn.


On Yukari's turn, use wind magic to knock down the wheel. When it's stunned, pass your turn to Junpei, who will knock down both the Magic Hands using fire magic. When all three enemies are down, unleash an All-Out attack. You'll inflict huge damage, potentially even wiping out the Magic Hands. Regardless, as soon as the enemies are back up, we'll repeat the process. Wait for Yukari or Junpei to act, stun the enemy they're focusing on, and then pass the turn to whichever other teammate isn't active. Use their magic to exploit the remaining weaknesses required, then perform an All-Out attack.


If the beast manages to get off any big attacks, use Yuki's Personas or Yukari's dia ability to recuperate health, keeping the team in the battle. Keep up the pace and launch off several All-Out attacks and, eventually, the wheel will fall.

 Floor 11: Barbaric Beast Wheel Defeated


Swift Axle


The Swift Axle is found on Floor 17. He has heavy physical attacks he'll deal out frequently, as well as wind magic, which Junpei is weak to. As a result, make sure Junpei guards frequently throughout the fight to prevent the Axle from getting free turns by exploiting his weakness.






Don't use strike or slash attacks on the Axle, as it's resistant, but instead focus on hitting him with fire, ice and pierce attacks. This early into the game, there's a chance you might not have found a Persona wielding electric attacks. However, if you have, this fight will be much easier. Have Yuki cast Zio on the Swift Axle to knock it down, then execute follow-up All-Out attacks.


If you haven't found a Persona using Zio just yet, we'll have to chip away at the Axle the old-fashioned way. Use Yuakri's melee attack and Yuki's fire attacks to do the bulk of the damage, while keeping Junpei guarding to prevent him from being downed.


If one of your party gets seriously hurt, use Yukari's turn to heal them with magic, then continue the strategy. If you have any on hand, debuffs will help to wear down the Axle if you can't use electric spells. Try to lower its defense, accuracy or attack to even the odds.


It'll be a battle of endurance, but keep fighting and eventually, the axle will fall, marking your final boss encounter in Thebel.

 Floor 17: Swift Axle Defeateduits.


Secondly, let's talk about Tartarus' structure. This labyrinth is separated into various zones crawling with shadows you can run past or defeat. Each zone will have a series of floors that players slowly climb, with boss encounters appearing after scaling a certain number of floors. Boss rooms act as a checkpoint, containing a Giant Teleporter that will allow you to travel back to that room from the lobby instantly without having to ascend the floors leading up to it.


I'd personally suggest trying to tackle a boss encounter every time you visit Tartarus. It'll keep you progressing at a nice pace, while also ensuring you don't have to cover old ground by going up floors you've already completed.


Thirdly, if you need to regenerate health or magic, you can use clocks to restore your party at the cost of 7 Twilight Fragments. If you need to rest up before a tough fight, clocks are a useful tool, although it's worth weighing up whether the cost is worth it, considering Twilight Fragments are also used to crack open locked chests.


Finally, Tartarus' layout is entirely randomized, and is re-rolled every time you leave and re-enter the building. No two adventures through its halls will be the same. That means you can never rely on knowing your surroundings and must always be ready to return to safety if you feel the odds are stacked against you.






It's recommended that you visit Tartarus frequently throughout the game, stopping in whenever you have an evening free. Not only does conquering it unlock the game's true ending, but it'll ensure you're appropriately levelled up for the story missions that appear at the end of each month. With that out of the way, let's get started.

Thebel: Enemies


Thebel has 8 enemies spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their level, resistances and weaknesses.



Weak to

Resistant Against

Cowardly Maya



Slash Attacks


Muttering Tiara




Merciless Maya




Magic Hand




Obsessed Cupid




Wealth Hand


Strike Attacks


Trance Twins





Grave Beetle




Thebel: Recruitable Personas


Thebel has five recruitable Personas spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their base abilities, resistances and weaknesses.

Recruitable Persona

Base Abilities

Weak to

Resistant Against


















Ara Mitama






Strike Attacks







Thebel: Boss Fights

Throughout Thebel, you'll take part in three boss encounters. These are found on floors 5, 11 and 17. We'll run you through each battle below:





The Ruthless Ice Ravens

Barbaric Beast Wheel

Swift Axle

The Ruthless Ice Ravens


The Ruthless Ice Ravens are found on Floor 5 and mark your first boss encounter in the game. Defeating these two birds relies largely on using fire, which they're both weak to. Going in, you'll hopefully have levelled Junpei up enough that he possesses the Agi ability.


If he has, equip Apsaras on Yuki so he has ice resistance, ensuring one combatant will take minimal damage and can provide support if needed. If Junpei doesn't have Agi yet, Yuki will have to use Orpheus to use the ability instead.


Once the battle starts, wait for Junpei's turn and then cast Agi on one of the birds. It'll down them, giving Junpei another turn. Use Agi again on the other bird to down the pair. When they're both down, you'll be able to execute an All-Out attack. Unleash the attack to do heavy damage to both birds.


Now, all we need to do is perform the same sequence of attacks again. Wait for Junpei's turn, use Agi on both birds and then execute another All-Out attack. Just like that, the fight will be over.

 Floor 5: Ruthless Ice Ravens Defeated






Barbaric Beast Wheel


The Barbaric Beast Wheel is found on Floor 11 and marks your second boss encounter in Thebel. Before heading in, it's worth knowing that wind is key to winning this fight. That means Yukari needs to be reliably healed up and kept in the battle. If possible, Yuki should also have access to the Angel Persona, which can be recruited through Shuffle Time events at the end of shadow encounters.


When you're prepped, begin the fight. The Barbaric Beast will be flanked by two magic hands and relies on heavy physical damage. Luckily, the hands are weak to fire magic. Combined with the beast's weakness to wind, that means we'll be able to take down all three enemies in one turn.


On Yukari's turn, use wind magic to knock down the wheel. When it's stunned, pass your turn to Junpei, who will knock down both the Magic Hands using fire magic. When all three enemies are down, unleash an All-Out attack. You'll inflict huge damage, potentially even wiping out the Magic Hands. Regardless, as soon as the enemies are back up, we'll repeat the process. Wait for Yukari or Junpei to act, stun the enemy they're focusing on, and then pass the turn to whichever other teammate isn't active. Use their magic to exploit the remaining weaknesses required, then perform an All-Out attack.


If the beast manages to get off any big attacks, use Yuki's Personas or Yukari's dia ability to recuperate health, keeping the team in the battle. Keep up the pace and launch off several All-Out attacks and, eventually, the wheel will fall.

 Floor 11: Barbaric Beast Wheel Defeated


Swift Axle


The Swift Axle is found on Floor 17. He has heavy physical attacks he'll deal out frequently, as well as wind magic, which Junpei is weak to. As a result, make sure Junpei guards frequently throughout the fight to prevent the Axle from getting free turns by exploiting his weakness.






Don't use strike or slash attacks on the Axle, as it's resistant, but instead focus on hitting him with fire, ice and pierce attacks. This early into the game, there's a chance you might not have found a Persona wielding electric attacks. However, if you have, this fight will be much easier. Have Yuki cast Zio on the Swift Axle to knock it down, then execute follow-up All-Out attacks.


If you haven't found a Persona using Zio just yet, we'll have to chip away at the Axle the old-fashioned way. Use Yuakri's melee attack and Yuki's fire attacks to do the bulk of the damage, while keeping Junpei guarding to prevent him from being downed.


If one of your party gets seriously hurt, use Yukari's turn to heal them with magic, then continue the strategy. If you have any on hand, debuffs will help to wear down the Axle if you can't use electric spells. Try to lower its defense, accuracy or attack to even the odds.


It'll be a battle of endurance, but keep fighting and eventually, the axle will fall, marking your final boss encounter in Thebel.

 Floor 17: Swift Axle Defeateduits.


Secondly, let's talk about Tartarus' structure. This labyrinth is separated into various zones crawling with shadows you can run past or defeat. Each zone will have a series of floors that players slowly climb, with boss encounters appearing after scaling a certain number of floors. Boss rooms act as a checkpoint, containing a Giant Teleporter that will allow you to travel back to that room from the lobby instantly without having to ascend the floors leading up to it.


I'd personally suggest trying to tackle a boss encounter every time you visit Tartarus. It'll keep you progressing at a nice pace, while also ensuring you don't have to cover old ground by going up floors you've already completed.


Thirdly, if you need to regenerate health or magic, you can use clocks to restore your party at the cost of 7 Twilight Fragments. If you need to rest up before a tough fight, clocks are a useful tool, although it's worth weighing up whether the cost is worth it, considering Twilight Fragments are also used to crack open locked chests.


Finally, Tartarus' layout is entirely randomized, and is re-rolled every time you leave and re-enter the building. No two adventures through its halls will be the same. That means you can never rely on knowing your surroundings and must always be ready to return to safety if you feel the odds are stacked against you.






It's recommended that you visit Tartarus frequently throughout the game, stopping in whenever you have an evening free. Not only does conquering it unlock the game's true ending, but it'll ensure you're appropriately levelled up for the story missions that appear at the end of each month. With that out of the way, let's get started.

Thebel: Enemies


Thebel has 8 enemies spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their level, resistances and weaknesses.



Weak to

Resistant Against

Cowardly Maya



Slash Attacks


Muttering Tiara




Merciless Maya




Magic Hand




Obsessed Cupid




Wealth Hand


Strike Attacks


Trance Twins





Grave Beetle




Thebel: Recruitable Personas


Thebel has five recruitable Personas spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their base abilities, resistances and weaknesses.

Recruitable Persona

Base Abilities

Weak to

Resistant Against


















Ara Mitama






Strike Attacks







Thebel: Boss Fights

Throughout Thebel, you'll take part in three boss encounters. These are found on floors 5, 11 and 17. We'll run you through each battle below:





The Ruthless Ice Ravens

Barbaric Beast Wheel

Swift Axle

The Ruthless Ice Ravens


The Ruthless Ice Ravens are found on Floor 5 and mark your first boss encounter in the game. Defeating these two birds relies largely on using fire, which they're both weak to. Going in, you'll hopefully have levelled Junpei up enough that he possesses the Agi ability.


If he has, equip Apsaras on Yuki so he has ice resistance, ensuring one combatant will take minimal damage and can provide support if needed. If Junpei doesn't have Agi yet, Yuki will have to use Orpheus to use the ability instead.


Once the battle starts, wait for Junpei's turn and then cast Agi on one of the birds. It'll down them, giving Junpei another turn. Use Agi again on the other bird to down the pair. When they're both down, you'll be able to execute an All-Out attack. Unleash the attack to do heavy damage to both birds.


Now, all we need to do is perform the same sequence of attacks again. Wait for Junpei's turn, use Agi on both birds and then execute another All-Out attack. Just like that, the fight will be over.

 Floor 5: Ruthless Ice Ravens Defeated






Barbaric Beast Wheel


The Barbaric Beast Wheel is found on Floor 11 and marks your second boss encounter in Thebel. Before heading in, it's worth knowing that wind is key to winning this fight. That means Yukari needs to be reliably healed up and kept in the battle. If possible, Yuki should also have access to the Angel Persona, which can be recruited through Shuffle Time events at the end of shadow encounters.


When you're prepped, begin the fight. The Barbaric Beast will be flanked by two magic hands and relies on heavy physical damage. Luckily, the hands are weak to fire magic. Combined with the beast's weakness to wind, that means we'll be able to take down all three enemies in one turn.


On Yukari's turn, use wind magic to knock down the wheel. When it's stunned, pass your turn to Junpei, who will knock down both the Magic Hands using fire magic. When all three enemies are down, unleash an All-Out attack. You'll inflict huge damage, potentially even wiping out the Magic Hands. Regardless, as soon as the enemies are back up, we'll repeat the process. Wait for Yukari or Junpei to act, stun the enemy they're focusing on, and then pass the turn to whichever other teammate isn't active. Use their magic to exploit the remaining weaknesses required, then perform an All-Out attack.


If the beast manages to get off any big attacks, use Yuki's Personas or Yukari's dia ability to recuperate health, keeping the team in the battle. Keep up the pace and launch off several All-Out attacks and, eventually, the wheel will fall.

 Floor 11: Barbaric Beast Wheel Defeated


Swift Axle


The Swift Axle is found on Floor 17. He has heavy physical attacks he'll deal out frequently, as well as wind magic, which Junpei is weak to. As a result, make sure Junpei guards frequently throughout the fight to prevent the Axle from getting free turns by exploiting his weakness.






Don't use strike or slash attacks on the Axle, as it's resistant, but instead focus on hitting him with fire, ice and pierce attacks. This early into the game, there's a chance you might not have found a Persona wielding electric attacks. However, if you have, this fight will be much easier. Have Yuki cast Zio on the Swift Axle to knock it down, then execute follow-up All-Out attacks.


If you haven't found a Persona using Zio just yet, we'll have to chip away at the Axle the old-fashioned way. Use Yuakri's melee attack and Yuki's fire attacks to do the bulk of the damage, while keeping Junpei guarding to prevent him from being downed.


If one of your party gets seriously hurt, use Yukari's turn to heal them with magic, then continue the strategy. If you have any on hand, debuffs will help to wear down the Axle if you can't use electric spells. Try to lower its defense, accuracy or attack to even the odds.


It'll be a battle of endurance, but keep fighting and eventually, the axle will fall, marking your final boss encounter in Thebel.

 Floor 17: Swift Axle Defeateduits.


Secondly, let's talk about Tartarus' structure. This labyrinth is separated into various zones crawling with shadows you can run past or defeat. Each zone will have a series of floors that players slowly climb, with boss encounters appearing after scaling a certain number of floors. Boss rooms act as a checkpoint, containing a Giant Teleporter that will allow you to travel back to that room from the lobby instantly without having to ascend the floors leading up to it.


I'd personally suggest trying to tackle a boss encounter every time you visit Tartarus. It'll keep you progressing at a nice pace, while also ensuring you don't have to cover old ground by going up floors you've already completed.


Thirdly, if you need to regenerate health or magic, you can use clocks to restore your party at the cost of 7 Twilight Fragments. If you need to rest up before a tough fight, clocks are a useful tool, although it's worth weighing up whether the cost is worth it, considering Twilight Fragments are also used to crack open locked chests.


Finally, Tartarus' layout is entirely randomized, and is re-rolled every time you leave and re-enter the building. No two adventures through its halls will be the same. That means you can never rely on knowing your surroundings and must always be ready to return to safety if you feel the odds are stacked against you.






It's recommended that you visit Tartarus frequently throughout the game, stopping in whenever you have an evening free. Not only does conquering it unlock the game's true ending, but it'll ensure you're appropriately levelled up for the story missions that appear at the end of each month. With that out of the way, let's get started.

Thebel: Enemies


Thebel has 8 enemies spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their level, resistances and weaknesses.



Weak to

Resistant Against

Cowardly Maya



Slash Attacks


Muttering Tiara




Merciless Maya




Magic Hand




Obsessed Cupid




Wealth Hand


Strike Attacks


Trance Twins





Grave Beetle




Thebel: Recruitable Personas


Thebel has five recruitable Personas spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their base abilities, resistances and weaknesses.

Recruitable Persona

Base Abilities

Weak to

Resistant Against


















Ara Mitama






Strike Attacks







Thebel: Boss Fights

Throughout Thebel, you'll take part in three boss encounters. These are found on floors 5, 11 and 17. We'll run you through each battle below:





The Ruthless Ice Ravens

Barbaric Beast Wheel

Swift Axle

The Ruthless Ice Ravens


The Ruthless Ice Ravens are found on Floor 5 and mark your first boss encounter in the game. Defeating these two birds relies largely on using fire, which they're both weak to. Going in, you'll hopefully have levelled Junpei up enough that he possesses the Agi ability.


If he has, equip Apsaras on Yuki so he has ice resistance, ensuring one combatant will take minimal damage and can provide support if needed. If Junpei doesn't have Agi yet, Yuki will have to use Orpheus to use the ability instead.


Once the battle starts, wait for Junpei's turn and then cast Agi on one of the birds. It'll down them, giving Junpei another turn. Use Agi again on the other bird to down the pair. When they're both down, you'll be able to execute an All-Out attack. Unleash the attack to do heavy damage to both birds.


Now, all we need to do is perform the same sequence of attacks again. Wait for Junpei's turn, use Agi on both birds and then execute another All-Out attack. Just like that, the fight will be over.

 Floor 5: Ruthless Ice Ravens Defeated






Barbaric Beast Wheel


The Barbaric Beast Wheel is found on Floor 11 and marks your second boss encounter in Thebel. Before heading in, it's worth knowing that wind is key to winning this fight. That means Yukari needs to be reliably healed up and kept in the battle. If possible, Yuki should also have access to the Angel Persona, which can be recruited through Shuffle Time events at the end of shadow encounters.


When you're prepped, begin the fight. The Barbaric Beast will be flanked by two magic hands and relies on heavy physical damage. Luckily, the hands are weak to fire magic. Combined with the beast's weakness to wind, that means we'll be able to take down all three enemies in one turn.


On Yukari's turn, use wind magic to knock down the wheel. When it's stunned, pass your turn to Junpei, who will knock down both the Magic Hands using fire magic. When all three enemies are down, unleash an All-Out attack. You'll inflict huge damage, potentially even wiping out the Magic Hands. Regardless, as soon as the enemies are back up, we'll repeat the process. Wait for Yukari or Junpei to act, stun the enemy they're focusing on, and then pass the turn to whichever other teammate isn't active. Use their magic to exploit the remaining weaknesses required, then perform an All-Out attack.


If the beast manages to get off any big attacks, use Yuki's Personas or Yukari's dia ability to recuperate health, keeping the team in the battle. Keep up the pace and launch off several All-Out attacks and, eventually, the wheel will fall.

 Floor 11: Barbaric Beast Wheel Defeated


Swift Axle


The Swift Axle is found on Floor 17. He has heavy physical attacks he'll deal out frequently, as well as wind magic, which Junpei is weak to. As a result, make sure Junpei guards frequently throughout the fight to prevent the Axle from getting free turns by exploiting his weakness.






Don't use strike or slash attacks on the Axle, as it's resistant, but instead focus on hitting him with fire, ice and pierce attacks. This early into the game, there's a chance you might not have found a Persona wielding electric attacks. However, if you have, this fight will be much easier. Have Yuki cast Zio on the Swift Axle to knock it down, then execute follow-up All-Out attacks.


If you haven't found a Persona using Zio just yet, we'll have to chip away at the Axle the old-fashioned way. Use Yuakri's melee attack and Yuki's fire attacks to do the bulk of the damage, while keeping Junpei guarding to prevent him from being downed.


If one of your party gets seriously hurt, use Yukari's turn to heal them with magic, then continue the strategy. If you have any on hand, debuffs will help to wear down the Axle if you can't use electric spells. Try to lower its defense, accuracy or attack to even the odds.


It'll be a battle of endurance, but keep fighting and eventually, the axle will fall, marking your final boss encounter in Thebel.

 Floor 17: Swift Axle Defeateduits.


Secondly, let's talk about Tartarus' structure. This labyrinth is separated into various zones crawling with shadows you can run past or defeat. Each zone will have a series of floors that players slowly climb, with boss encounters appearing after scaling a certain number of floors. Boss rooms act as a checkpoint, containing a Giant Teleporter that will allow you to travel back to that room from the lobby instantly without having to ascend the floors leading up to it.


I'd personally suggest trying to tackle a boss encounter every time you visit Tartarus. It'll keep you progressing at a nice pace, while also ensuring you don't have to cover old ground by going up floors you've already completed.


Thirdly, if you need to regenerate health or magic, you can use clocks to restore your party at the cost of 7 Twilight Fragments. If you need to rest up before a tough fight, clocks are a useful tool, although it's worth weighing up whether the cost is worth it, considering Twilight Fragments are also used to crack open locked chests.


Finally, Tartarus' layout is entirely randomized, and is re-rolled every time you leave and re-enter the building. No two adventures through its halls will be the same. That means you can never rely on knowing your surroundings and must always be ready to return to safety if you feel the odds are stacked against you.






It's recommended that you visit Tartarus frequently throughout the game, stopping in whenever you have an evening free. Not only does conquering it unlock the game's true ending, but it'll ensure you're appropriately levelled up for the story missions that appear at the end of each month. With that out of the way, let's get started.

Thebel: Enemies


Thebel has 8 enemies spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their level, resistances and weaknesses.



Weak to

Resistant Against

Cowardly Maya



Slash Attacks


Muttering Tiara




Merciless Maya




Magic Hand




Obsessed Cupid




Wealth Hand


Strike Attacks


Trance Twins





Grave Beetle




Thebel: Recruitable Personas


Thebel has five recruitable Personas spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their base abilities, resistances and weaknesses.

Recruitable Persona

Base Abilities

Weak to

Resistant Against


















Ara Mitama






Strike Attacks







Thebel: Boss Fights

Throughout Thebel, you'll take part in three boss encounters. These are found on floors 5, 11 and 17. We'll run you through each battle below:





The Ruthless Ice Ravens

Barbaric Beast Wheel

Swift Axle

The Ruthless Ice Ravens


The Ruthless Ice Ravens are found on Floor 5 and mark your first boss encounter in the game. Defeating these two birds relies largely on using fire, which they're both weak to. Going in, you'll hopefully have levelled Junpei up enough that he possesses the Agi ability.


If he has, equip Apsaras on Yuki so he has ice resistance, ensuring one combatant will take minimal damage and can provide support if needed. If Junpei doesn't have Agi yet, Yuki will have to use Orpheus to use the ability instead.


Once the battle starts, wait for Junpei's turn and then cast Agi on one of the birds. It'll down them, giving Junpei another turn. Use Agi again on the other bird to down the pair. When they're both down, you'll be able to execute an All-Out attack. Unleash the attack to do heavy damage to both birds.


Now, all we need to do is perform the same sequence of attacks again. Wait for Junpei's turn, use Agi on both birds and then execute another All-Out attack. Just like that, the fight will be over.

 Floor 5: Ruthless Ice Ravens Defeated






Barbaric Beast Wheel


The Barbaric Beast Wheel is found on Floor 11 and marks your second boss encounter in Thebel. Before heading in, it's worth knowing that wind is key to winning this fight. That means Yukari needs to be reliably healed up and kept in the battle. If possible, Yuki should also have access to the Angel Persona, which can be recruited through Shuffle Time events at the end of shadow encounters.


When you're prepped, begin the fight. The Barbaric Beast will be flanked by two magic hands and relies on heavy physical damage. Luckily, the hands are weak to fire magic. Combined with the beast's weakness to wind, that means we'll be able to take down all three enemies in one turn.


On Yukari's turn, use wind magic to knock down the wheel. When it's stunned, pass your turn to Junpei, who will knock down both the Magic Hands using fire magic. When all three enemies are down, unleash an All-Out attack. You'll inflict huge damage, potentially even wiping out the Magic Hands. Regardless, as soon as the enemies are back up, we'll repeat the process. Wait for Yukari or Junpei to act, stun the enemy they're focusing on, and then pass the turn to whichever other teammate isn't active. Use their magic to exploit the remaining weaknesses required, then perform an All-Out attack.


If the beast manages to get off any big attacks, use Yuki's Personas or Yukari's dia ability to recuperate health, keeping the team in the battle. Keep up the pace and launch off several All-Out attacks and, eventually, the wheel will fall.

 Floor 11: Barbaric Beast Wheel Defeated


Swift Axle


The Swift Axle is found on Floor 17. He has heavy physical attacks he'll deal out frequently, as well as wind magic, which Junpei is weak to. As a result, make sure Junpei guards frequently throughout the fight to prevent the Axle from getting free turns by exploiting his weakness.






Don't use strike or slash attacks on the Axle, as it's resistant, but instead focus on hitting him with fire, ice and pierce attacks. This early into the game, there's a chance you might not have found a Persona wielding electric attacks. However, if you have, this fight will be much easier. Have Yuki cast Zio on the Swift Axle to knock it down, then execute follow-up All-Out attacks.


If you haven't found a Persona using Zio just yet, we'll have to chip away at the Axle the old-fashioned way. Use Yuakri's melee attack and Yuki's fire attacks to do the bulk of the damage, while keeping Junpei guarding to prevent him from being downed.


If one of your party gets seriously hurt, use Yukari's turn to heal them with magic, then continue the strategy. If you have any on hand, debuffs will help to wear down the Axle if you can't use electric spells. Try to lower its defense, accuracy or attack to even the odds.


It'll be a battle of endurance, but keep fighting and eventually, the axle will fall, marking your final boss encounter in Thebel.

 Floor 17: Swift Axle Defeateduits.


Secondly, let's talk about Tartarus' structure. This labyrinth is separated into various zones crawling with shadows you can run past or defeat. Each zone will have a series of floors that players slowly climb, with boss encounters appearing after scaling a certain number of floors. Boss rooms act as a checkpoint, containing a Giant Teleporter that will allow you to travel back to that room from the lobby instantly without having to ascend the floors leading up to it.


I'd personally suggest trying to tackle a boss encounter every time you visit Tartarus. It'll keep you progressing at a nice pace, while also ensuring you don't have to cover old ground by going up floors you've already completed.


Thirdly, if you need to regenerate health or magic, you can use clocks to restore your party at the cost of 7 Twilight Fragments. If you need to rest up before a tough fight, clocks are a useful tool, although it's worth weighing up whether the cost is worth it, considering Twilight Fragments are also used to crack open locked chests.


Finally, Tartarus' layout is entirely randomized, and is re-rolled every time you leave and re-enter the building. No two adventures through its halls will be the same. That means you can never rely on knowing your surroundings and must always be ready to return to safety if you feel the odds are stacked against you.






It's recommended that you visit Tartarus frequently throughout the game, stopping in whenever you have an evening free. Not only does conquering it unlock the game's true ending, but it'll ensure you're appropriately levelled up for the story missions that appear at the end of each month. With that out of the way, let's get started.

Thebel: Enemies


Thebel has 8 enemies spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their level, resistances and weaknesses.



Weak to

Resistant Against

Cowardly Maya



Slash Attacks


Muttering Tiara




Merciless Maya




Magic Hand




Obsessed Cupid




Wealth Hand


Strike Attacks


Trance Twins





Grave Beetle




Thebel: Recruitable Personas


Thebel has five recruitable Personas spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their base abilities, resistances and weaknesses.

Recruitable Persona

Base Abilities

Weak to

Resistant Against


















Ara Mitama






Strike Attacks







Thebel: Boss Fights

Throughout Thebel, you'll take part in three boss encounters. These are found on floors 5, 11 and 17. We'll run you through each battle below:





The Ruthless Ice Ravens

Barbaric Beast Wheel

Swift Axle

The Ruthless Ice Ravens


The Ruthless Ice Ravens are found on Floor 5 and mark your first boss encounter in the game. Defeating these two birds relies largely on using fire, which they're both weak to. Going in, you'll hopefully have levelled Junpei up enough that he possesses the Agi ability.


If he has, equip Apsaras on Yuki so he has ice resistance, ensuring one combatant will take minimal damage and can provide support if needed. If Junpei doesn't have Agi yet, Yuki will have to use Orpheus to use the ability instead.


Once the battle starts, wait for Junpei's turn and then cast Agi on one of the birds. It'll down them, giving Junpei another turn. Use Agi again on the other bird to down the pair. When they're both down, you'll be able to execute an All-Out attack. Unleash the attack to do heavy damage to both birds.


Now, all we need to do is perform the same sequence of attacks again. Wait for Junpei's turn, use Agi on both birds and then execute another All-Out attack. Just like that, the fight will be over.

 Floor 5: Ruthless Ice Ravens Defeated






Barbaric Beast Wheel


The Barbaric Beast Wheel is found on Floor 11 and marks your second boss encounter in Thebel. Before heading in, it's worth knowing that wind is key to winning this fight. That means Yukari needs to be reliably healed up and kept in the battle. If possible, Yuki should also have access to the Angel Persona, which can be recruited through Shuffle Time events at the end of shadow encounters.


When you're prepped, begin the fight. The Barbaric Beast will be flanked by two magic hands and relies on heavy physical damage. Luckily, the hands are weak to fire magic. Combined with the beast's weakness to wind, that means we'll be able to take down all three enemies in one turn.


On Yukari's turn, use wind magic to knock down the wheel. When it's stunned, pass your turn to Junpei, who will knock down both the Magic Hands using fire magic. When all three enemies are down, unleash an All-Out attack. You'll inflict huge damage, potentially even wiping out the Magic Hands. Regardless, as soon as the enemies are back up, we'll repeat the process. Wait for Yukari or Junpei to act, stun the enemy they're focusing on, and then pass the turn to whichever other teammate isn't active. Use their magic to exploit the remaining weaknesses required, then perform an All-Out attack.


If the beast manages to get off any big attacks, use Yuki's Personas or Yukari's dia ability to recuperate health, keeping the team in the battle. Keep up the pace and launch off several All-Out attacks and, eventually, the wheel will fall.

 Floor 11: Barbaric Beast Wheel Defeated


Swift Axle


The Swift Axle is found on Floor 17. He has heavy physical attacks he'll deal out frequently, as well as wind magic, which Junpei is weak to. As a result, make sure Junpei guards frequently throughout the fight to prevent the Axle from getting free turns by exploiting his weakness.






Don't use strike or slash attacks on the Axle, as it's resistant, but instead focus on hitting him with fire, ice and pierce attacks. This early into the game, there's a chance you might not have found a Persona wielding electric attacks. However, if you have, this fight will be much easier. Have Yuki cast Zio on the Swift Axle to knock it down, then execute follow-up All-Out attacks.


If you haven't found a Persona using Zio just yet, we'll have to chip away at the Axle the old-fashioned way. Use Yuakri's melee attack and Yuki's fire attacks to do the bulk of the damage, while keeping Junpei guarding to prevent him from being downed.


If one of your party gets seriously hurt, use Yukari's turn to heal them with magic, then continue the strategy. If you have any on hand, debuffs will help to wear down the Axle if you can't use electric spells. Try to lower its defense, accuracy or attack to even the odds.


It'll be a battle of endurance, but keep fighting and eventually, the axle will fall, marking your final boss encounter in Thebel.

 Floor 17: Swift Axle Defeateduits.


Secondly, let's talk about Tartarus' structure. This labyrinth is separated into various zones crawling with shadows you can run past or defeat. Each zone will have a series of floors that players slowly climb, with boss encounters appearing after scaling a certain number of floors. Boss rooms act as a checkpoint, containing a Giant Teleporter that will allow you to travel back to that room from the lobby instantly without having to ascend the floors leading up to it.


I'd personally suggest trying to tackle a boss encounter every time you visit Tartarus. It'll keep you progressing at a nice pace, while also ensuring you don't have to cover old ground by going up floors you've already completed.


Thirdly, if you need to regenerate health or magic, you can use clocks to restore your party at the cost of 7 Twilight Fragments. If you need to rest up before a tough fight, clocks are a useful tool, although it's worth weighing up whether the cost is worth it, considering Twilight Fragments are also used to crack open locked chests.


Finally, Tartarus' layout is entirely randomized, and is re-rolled every time you leave and re-enter the building. No two adventures through its halls will be the same. That means you can never rely on knowing your surroundings and must always be ready to return to safety if you feel the odds are stacked against you.






It's recommended that you visit Tartarus frequently throughout the game, stopping in whenever you have an evening free. Not only does conquering it unlock the game's true ending, but it'll ensure you're appropriately levelled up for the story missions that appear at the end of each month. With that out of the way, let's get started.

Thebel: Enemies


Thebel has 8 enemies spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their level, resistances and weaknesses.



Weak to

Resistant Against

Cowardly Maya



Slash Attacks


Muttering Tiara




Merciless Maya




Magic Hand




Obsessed Cupid




Wealth Hand


Strike Attacks


Trance Twins





Grave Beetle




Thebel: Recruitable Personas


Thebel has five recruitable Personas spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their base abilities, resistances and weaknesses.

Recruitable Persona

Base Abilities

Weak to

Resistant Against


















Ara Mitama






Strike Attacks







Thebel: Boss Fights

Throughout Thebel, you'll take part in three boss encounters. These are found on floors 5, 11 and 17. We'll run you through each battle below:





The Ruthless Ice Ravens

Barbaric Beast Wheel

Swift Axle

The Ruthless Ice Ravens


The Ruthless Ice Ravens are found on Floor 5 and mark your first boss encounter in the game. Defeating these two birds relies largely on using fire, which they're both weak to. Going in, you'll hopefully have levelled Junpei up enough that he possesses the Agi ability.


If he has, equip Apsaras on Yuki so he has ice resistance, ensuring one combatant will take minimal damage and can provide support if needed. If Junpei doesn't have Agi yet, Yuki will have to use Orpheus to use the ability instead.


Once the battle starts, wait for Junpei's turn and then cast Agi on one of the birds. It'll down them, giving Junpei another turn. Use Agi again on the other bird to down the pair. When they're both down, you'll be able to execute an All-Out attack. Unleash the attack to do heavy damage to both birds.


Now, all we need to do is perform the same sequence of attacks again. Wait for Junpei's turn, use Agi on both birds and then execute another All-Out attack. Just like that, the fight will be over.

 Floor 5: Ruthless Ice Ravens Defeated






Barbaric Beast Wheel


The Barbaric Beast Wheel is found on Floor 11 and marks your second boss encounter in Thebel. Before heading in, it's worth knowing that wind is key to winning this fight. That means Yukari needs to be reliably healed up and kept in the battle. If possible, Yuki should also have access to the Angel Persona, which can be recruited through Shuffle Time events at the end of shadow encounters.


When you're prepped, begin the fight. The Barbaric Beast will be flanked by two magic hands and relies on heavy physical damage. Luckily, the hands are weak to fire magic. Combined with the beast's weakness to wind, that means we'll be able to take down all three enemies in one turn.


On Yukari's turn, use wind magic to knock down the wheel. When it's stunned, pass your turn to Junpei, who will knock down both the Magic Hands using fire magic. When all three enemies are down, unleash an All-Out attack. You'll inflict huge damage, potentially even wiping out the Magic Hands. Regardless, as soon as the enemies are back up, we'll repeat the process. Wait for Yukari or Junpei to act, stun the enemy they're focusing on, and then pass the turn to whichever other teammate isn't active. Use their magic to exploit the remaining weaknesses required, then perform an All-Out attack.


If the beast manages to get off any big attacks, use Yuki's Personas or Yukari's dia ability to recuperate health, keeping the team in the battle. Keep up the pace and launch off several All-Out attacks and, eventually, the wheel will fall.

 Floor 11: Barbaric Beast Wheel Defeated


Swift Axle


The Swift Axle is found on Floor 17. He has heavy physical attacks he'll deal out frequently, as well as wind magic, which Junpei is weak to. As a result, make sure Junpei guards frequently throughout the fight to prevent the Axle from getting free turns by exploiting his weakness.






Don't use strike or slash attacks on the Axle, as it's resistant, but instead focus on hitting him with fire, ice and pierce attacks. This early into the game, there's a chance you might not have found a Persona wielding electric attacks. However, if you have, this fight will be much easier. Have Yuki cast Zio on the Swift Axle to knock it down, then execute follow-up All-Out attacks.


If you haven't found a Persona using Zio just yet, we'll have to chip away at the Axle the old-fashioned way. Use Yuakri's melee attack and Yuki's fire attacks to do the bulk of the damage, while keeping Junpei guarding to prevent him from being downed.


If one of your party gets seriously hurt, use Yukari's turn to heal them with magic, then continue the strategy. If you have any on hand, debuffs will help to wear down the Axle if you can't use electric spells. Try to lower its defense, accuracy or attack to even the odds.


It'll be a battle of endurance, but keep fighting and eventually, the axle will fall, marking your final boss encounter in Thebel.

 Floor 17: Swift Axle Defeateduits.


Secondly, let's talk about Tartarus' structure. This labyrinth is separated into various zones crawling with shadows you can run past or defeat. Each zone will have a series of floors that players slowly climb, with boss encounters appearing after scaling a certain number of floors. Boss rooms act as a checkpoint, containing a Giant Teleporter that will allow you to travel back to that room from the lobby instantly without having to ascend the floors leading up to it.


I'd personally suggest trying to tackle a boss encounter every time you visit Tartarus. It'll keep you progressing at a nice pace, while also ensuring you don't have to cover old ground by going up floors you've already completed.


Thirdly, if you need to regenerate health or magic, you can use clocks to restore your party at the cost of 7 Twilight Fragments. If you need to rest up before a tough fight, clocks are a useful tool, although it's worth weighing up whether the cost is worth it, considering Twilight Fragments are also used to crack open locked chests.


Finally, Tartarus' layout is entirely randomized, and is re-rolled every time you leave and re-enter the building. No two adventures through its halls will be the same. That means you can never rely on knowing your surroundings and must always be ready to return to safety if you feel the odds are stacked against you.






It's recommended that you visit Tartarus frequently throughout the game, stopping in whenever you have an evening free. Not only does conquering it unlock the game's true ending, but it'll ensure you're appropriately levelled up for the story missions that appear at the end of each month. With that out of the way, let's get started.

Thebel: Enemies


Thebel has 8 enemies spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their level, resistances and weaknesses.



Weak to

Resistant Against

Cowardly Maya



Slash Attacks


Muttering Tiara




Merciless Maya




Magic Hand




Obsessed Cupid




Wealth Hand


Strike Attacks


Trance Twins





Grave Beetle




Thebel: Recruitable Personas


Thebel has five recruitable Personas spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their base abilities, resistances and weaknesses.

Recruitable Persona

Base Abilities

Weak to

Resistant Against


















Ara Mitama






Strike Attacks







Thebel: Boss Fights

Throughout Thebel, you'll take part in three boss encounters. These are found on floors 5, 11 and 17. We'll run you through each battle below:





The Ruthless Ice Ravens

Barbaric Beast Wheel

Swift Axle

The Ruthless Ice Ravens


The Ruthless Ice Ravens are found on Floor 5 and mark your first boss encounter in the game. Defeating these two birds relies largely on using fire, which they're both weak to. Going in, you'll hopefully have levelled Junpei up enough that he possesses the Agi ability.


If he has, equip Apsaras on Yuki so he has ice resistance, ensuring one combatant will take minimal damage and can provide support if needed. If Junpei doesn't have Agi yet, Yuki will have to use Orpheus to use the ability instead.


Once the battle starts, wait for Junpei's turn and then cast Agi on one of the birds. It'll down them, giving Junpei another turn. Use Agi again on the other bird to down the pair. When they're both down, you'll be able to execute an All-Out attack. Unleash the attack to do heavy damage to both birds.


Now, all we need to do is perform the same sequence of attacks again. Wait for Junpei's turn, use Agi on both birds and then execute another All-Out attack. Just like that, the fight will be over.

 Floor 5: Ruthless Ice Ravens Defeated






Barbaric Beast Wheel


The Barbaric Beast Wheel is found on Floor 11 and marks your second boss encounter in Thebel. Before heading in, it's worth knowing that wind is key to winning this fight. That means Yukari needs to be reliably healed up and kept in the battle. If possible, Yuki should also have access to the Angel Persona, which can be recruited through Shuffle Time events at the end of shadow encounters.


When you're prepped, begin the fight. The Barbaric Beast will be flanked by two magic hands and relies on heavy physical damage. Luckily, the hands are weak to fire magic. Combined with the beast's weakness to wind, that means we'll be able to take down all three enemies in one turn.


On Yukari's turn, use wind magic to knock down the wheel. When it's stunned, pass your turn to Junpei, who will knock down both the Magic Hands using fire magic. When all three enemies are down, unleash an All-Out attack. You'll inflict huge damage, potentially even wiping out the Magic Hands. Regardless, as soon as the enemies are back up, we'll repeat the process. Wait for Yukari or Junpei to act, stun the enemy they're focusing on, and then pass the turn to whichever other teammate isn't active. Use their magic to exploit the remaining weaknesses required, then perform an All-Out attack.


If the beast manages to get off any big attacks, use Yuki's Personas or Yukari's dia ability to recuperate health, keeping the team in the battle. Keep up the pace and launch off several All-Out attacks and, eventually, the wheel will fall.

 Floor 11: Barbaric Beast Wheel Defeated


Swift Axle


The Swift Axle is found on Floor 17. He has heavy physical attacks he'll deal out frequently, as well as wind magic, which Junpei is weak to. As a result, make sure Junpei guards frequently throughout the fight to prevent the Axle from getting free turns by exploiting his weakness.






Don't use strike or slash attacks on the Axle, as it's resistant, but instead focus on hitting him with fire, ice and pierce attacks. This early into the game, there's a chance you might not have found a Persona wielding electric attacks. However, if you have, this fight will be much easier. Have Yuki cast Zio on the Swift Axle to knock it down, then execute follow-up All-Out attacks.


If you haven't found a Persona using Zio just yet, we'll have to chip away at the Axle the old-fashioned way. Use Yuakri's melee attack and Yuki's fire attacks to do the bulk of the damage, while keeping Junpei guarding to prevent him from being downed.


If one of your party gets seriously hurt, use Yukari's turn to heal them with magic, then continue the strategy. If you have any on hand, debuffs will help to wear down the Axle if you can't use electric spells. Try to lower its defense, accuracy or attack to even the odds.


It'll be a battle of endurance, but keep fighting and eventually, the axle will fall, marking your final boss encounter in Thebel.

 Floor 17: Swift Axle Defeateduits.


Secondly, let's talk about Tartarus' structure. This labyrinth is separated into various zones crawling with shadows you can run past or defeat. Each zone will have a series of floors that players slowly climb, with boss encounters appearing after scaling a certain number of floors. Boss rooms act as a checkpoint, containing a Giant Teleporter that will allow you to travel back to that room from the lobby instantly without having to ascend the floors leading up to it.


I'd personally suggest trying to tackle a boss encounter every time you visit Tartarus. It'll keep you progressing at a nice pace, while also ensuring you don't have to cover old ground by going up floors you've already completed.


Thirdly, if you need to regenerate health or magic, you can use clocks to restore your party at the cost of 7 Twilight Fragments. If you need to rest up before a tough fight, clocks are a useful tool, although it's worth weighing up whether the cost is worth it, considering Twilight Fragments are also used to crack open locked chests.


Finally, Tartarus' layout is entirely randomized, and is re-rolled every time you leave and re-enter the building. No two adventures through its halls will be the same. That means you can never rely on knowing your surroundings and must always be ready to return to safety if you feel the odds are stacked against you.






It's recommended that you visit Tartarus frequently throughout the game, stopping in whenever you have an evening free. Not only does conquering it unlock the game's true ending, but it'll ensure you're appropriately levelled up for the story missions that appear at the end of each month. With that out of the way, let's get started.

Thebel: Enemies


Thebel has 8 enemies spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their level, resistances and weaknesses.



Weak to

Resistant Against

Cowardly Maya



Slash Attacks


Muttering Tiara




Merciless Maya




Magic Hand




Obsessed Cupid




Wealth Hand


Strike Attacks


Trance Twins





Grave Beetle




Thebel: Recruitable Personas


Thebel has five recruitable Personas spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their base abilities, resistances and weaknesses.

Recruitable Persona

Base Abilities

Weak to

Resistant Against


















Ara Mitama






Strike Attacks







Thebel: Boss Fights

Throughout Thebel, you'll take part in three boss encounters. These are found on floors 5, 11 and 17. We'll run you through each battle below:





The Ruthless Ice Ravens

Barbaric Beast Wheel

Swift Axle

The Ruthless Ice Ravens


The Ruthless Ice Ravens are found on Floor 5 and mark your first boss encounter in the game. Defeating these two birds relies largely on using fire, which they're both weak to. Going in, you'll hopefully have levelled Junpei up enough that he possesses the Agi ability.


If he has, equip Apsaras on Yuki so he has ice resistance, ensuring one combatant will take minimal damage and can provide support if needed. If Junpei doesn't have Agi yet, Yuki will have to use Orpheus to use the ability instead.


Once the battle starts, wait for Junpei's turn and then cast Agi on one of the birds. It'll down them, giving Junpei another turn. Use Agi again on the other bird to down the pair. When they're both down, you'll be able to execute an All-Out attack. Unleash the attack to do heavy damage to both birds.


Now, all we need to do is perform the same sequence of attacks again. Wait for Junpei's turn, use Agi on both birds and then execute another All-Out attack. Just like that, the fight will be over.

 Floor 5: Ruthless Ice Ravens Defeated






Barbaric Beast Wheel


The Barbaric Beast Wheel is found on Floor 11 and marks your second boss encounter in Thebel. Before heading in, it's worth knowing that wind is key to winning this fight. That means Yukari needs to be reliably healed up and kept in the battle. If possible, Yuki should also have access to the Angel Persona, which can be recruited through Shuffle Time events at the end of shadow encounters.


When you're prepped, begin the fight. The Barbaric Beast will be flanked by two magic hands and relies on heavy physical damage. Luckily, the hands are weak to fire magic. Combined with the beast's weakness to wind, that means we'll be able to take down all three enemies in one turn.


On Yukari's turn, use wind magic to knock down the wheel. When it's stunned, pass your turn to Junpei, who will knock down both the Magic Hands using fire magic. When all three enemies are down, unleash an All-Out attack. You'll inflict huge damage, potentially even wiping out the Magic Hands. Regardless, as soon as the enemies are back up, we'll repeat the process. Wait for Yukari or Junpei to act, stun the enemy they're focusing on, and then pass the turn to whichever other teammate isn't active. Use their magic to exploit the remaining weaknesses required, then perform an All-Out attack.


If the beast manages to get off any big attacks, use Yuki's Personas or Yukari's dia ability to recuperate health, keeping the team in the battle. Keep up the pace and launch off several All-Out attacks and, eventually, the wheel will fall.

 Floor 11: Barbaric Beast Wheel Defeated


Swift Axle


The Swift Axle is found on Floor 17. He has heavy physical attacks he'll deal out frequently, as well as wind magic, which Junpei is weak to. As a result, make sure Junpei guards frequently throughout the fight to prevent the Axle from getting free turns by exploiting his weakness.






Don't use strike or slash attacks on the Axle, as it's resistant, but instead focus on hitting him with fire, ice and pierce attacks. This early into the game, there's a chance you might not have found a Persona wielding electric attacks. However, if you have, this fight will be much easier. Have Yuki cast Zio on the Swift Axle to knock it down, then execute follow-up All-Out attacks.


If you haven't found a Persona using Zio just yet, we'll have to chip away at the Axle the old-fashioned way. Use Yuakri's melee attack and Yuki's fire attacks to do the bulk of the damage, while keeping Junpei guarding to prevent him from being downed.


If one of your party gets seriously hurt, use Yukari's turn to heal them with magic, then continue the strategy. If you have any on hand, debuffs will help to wear down the Axle if you can't use electric spells. Try to lower its defense, accuracy or attack to even the odds.


It'll be a battle of endurance, but keep fighting and eventually, the axle will fall, marking your final boss encounter in Thebel.

 Floor 17: Swift Axle Defeateduits.


Secondly, let's talk about Tartarus' structure. This labyrinth is separated into various zones crawling with shadows you can run past or defeat. Each zone will have a series of floors that players slowly climb, with boss encounters appearing after scaling a certain number of floors. Boss rooms act as a checkpoint, containing a Giant Teleporter that will allow you to travel back to that room from the lobby instantly without having to ascend the floors leading up to it.


I'd personally suggest trying to tackle a boss encounter every time you visit Tartarus. It'll keep you progressing at a nice pace, while also ensuring you don't have to cover old ground by going up floors you've already completed.


Thirdly, if you need to regenerate health or magic, you can use clocks to restore your party at the cost of 7 Twilight Fragments. If you need to rest up before a tough fight, clocks are a useful tool, although it's worth weighing up whether the cost is worth it, considering Twilight Fragments are also used to crack open locked chests.


Finally, Tartarus' layout is entirely randomized, and is re-rolled every time you leave and re-enter the building. No two adventures through its halls will be the same. That means you can never rely on knowing your surroundings and must always be ready to return to safety if you feel the odds are stacked against you.






It's recommended that you visit Tartarus frequently throughout the game, stopping in whenever you have an evening free. Not only does conquering it unlock the game's true ending, but it'll ensure you're appropriately levelled up for the story missions that appear at the end of each month. With that out of the way, let's get started.

Thebel: Enemies


Thebel has 8 enemies spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their level, resistances and weaknesses.



Weak to

Resistant Against

Cowardly Maya



Slash Attacks


Muttering Tiara




Merciless Maya




Magic Hand




Obsessed Cupid




Wealth Hand


Strike Attacks


Trance Twins





Grave Beetle




Thebel: Recruitable Personas


Thebel has five recruitable Personas spread across its various floors. Below, we'll give you a rundown of their base abilities, resistances and weaknesses.

Recruitable Persona

Base Abilities

Weak to

Resistant Against


















Ara Mitama






Strike Attacks







Thebel: Boss Fights

Throughout Thebel, you'll take part in three boss encounters. These are found on floors 5, 11 and 17. We'll run you through each battle below:





The Ruthless Ice Ravens

Barbaric Beast Wheel

Swift Axle

The Ruthless Ice Ravens


The Ruthless Ice Ravens are found on Floor 5 and mark your first boss encounter in the game. Defeating these two birds relies largely on using fire, which they're both weak to. Going in, you'll hopefully have levelled Junpei up enough that he possesses the Agi ability.


If he has, equip Apsaras on Yuki so he has ice resistance, ensuring one combatant will take minimal damage and can provide support if needed. If Junpei doesn't have Agi yet, Yuki will have to use Orpheus to use the ability instead.


Once the battle starts, wait for Junpei's turn and then cast Agi on one of the birds. It'll down them, giving Junpei another turn. Use Agi again on the other bird to down the pair. When they're both down, you'll be able to execute an All-Out attack. Unleash the attack to do heavy damage to both birds.


Now, all we need to do is perform the same sequence of attacks again. Wait for Junpei's turn, use Agi on both birds and then execute another All-Out attack. Just like that, the fight will be over.

 Floor 5: Ruthless Ice Ravens Defeated






Barbaric Beast Wheel


The Barbaric Beast Wheel is found on Floor 11 and marks your second boss encounter in Thebel. Before heading in, it's worth knowing that wind is key to winning this fight. That means Yukari needs to be reliably healed up and kept in the battle. If possible, Yuki should also have access to the Angel Persona, which can be recruited through Shuffle Time events at the end of shadow encounters.


When you're prepped, begin the fight. The Barbaric Beast will be flanked by two magic hands and relies on heavy physical damage. Luckily, the hands are weak to fire magic. Combined with the beast's weakness to wind, that means we'll be able to take down all three enemies in one turn.


On Yukari's turn, use wind magic to knock down the wheel. When it's stunned, pass your turn to Junpei, who will knock down both the Magic Hands using fire magic. When all three enemies are down, unleash an All-Out attack. You'll inflict huge damage, potentially even wiping out the Magic Hands. Regardless, as soon as the enemies are back up, we'll repeat the process. Wait for Yukari or Junpei to act, stun the enemy they're focusing on, and then pass the turn to whichever other teammate isn't active. Use their magic to exploit the remaining weaknesses required, then perform an All-Out attack.


If the beast manages to get off any big attacks, use Yuki's Personas or Yukari's dia ability to recuperate health, keeping the team in the battle. Keep up the pace and launch off several All-Out attacks and, eventually, the wheel will fall.

 Floor 11: Barbaric Beast Wheel Defeated


Swift Axle


The Swift Axle is found on Floor 17. He has heavy physical attacks he'll deal out frequently, as well as wind magic, which Junpei is weak to. As a result, make sure Junpei guards frequently throughout the fight to prevent the Axle from getting free turns by exploiting his weakness.






Don't use strike or slash attacks on the Axle, as it's resistant, but instead focus on hitting him with fire, ice and pierce attacks. This early into the game, there's a chance you might not have found a Persona wielding electric attacks. However, if you have, this fight will be much easier. Have Yuki cast Zio on the Swift Axle to knock it down, then execute follow-up All-Out attacks.


If you haven't found a Persona using Zio just yet, we'll have to chip away at the Axle the old-fashioned way. Use Yuakri's melee attack and Yuki's fire attacks to do the bulk of the damage, while keeping Junpei guarding to prevent him from being downed.


If one of your party gets seriously hurt, use Yukari's turn to heal them with magic, then continue the strategy. If you have any on hand, debuffs will help to wear down the Axle if you can't use electric spells. Try to lower its defense, accuracy or attack to even the odds.


It'll be a battle of endurance, but keep fighting and eventually, the axle will fall, marking your final boss encounter in Thebel.

 Floor 17: Swift Axle Defeated

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


