
章 90: Could He Repair it?

With the experience in improving the Mini Thunderous lightning bolt card, Chun Ho-Jin's observation of the energy structures within the star cards wasn't as unfamiliar as before.


However, when the mental threads of his mental power revealed all the energy structures within the star card so clearly, Chun Ho-Jin's face paled for a moment, and he even felt a little bit dizzy.

He was almost overwhelmed by the complexity of the internal energy structures of the star card.


It was very complicated.


With just one glance, he could see hundreds of energy structures spiraling and intertwining, presenting a delicate sense of balance while also interconnected, each structure supporting the next one.

It looked like a bridge that was built without using any nails, with all the energy structures seamlessly connected and balanced.


If it weren't for the collapsed and dismantled energy structures below, Chun Ho-Jin would almost not believe that this was a scrapped and discarded star card.


It seemed he still had a long way to go.


After spending more than an hour sorting out through the energy structures, Chun Ho-Jin's head began to spin severely, and his face became even redder and hotter due to excessive use of his mental power.

Despite his efforts, he couldn't untangle the intertwined energy structures, let alone fully repair them.


During this hour, Chun Ho-Jin had barely managed to assemble a small portion of the dismantled energy structures.

However, before he could even take a breath, the newly assembled structures collapsed with a snap, causing even the intact structures above to crumble and scatter.


In that moment, Chun Ho-Jin felt a sense of despair creeping over him as he stared dumbfoundedly at the energy structures, which now appeared even worse and more disorganized than before.

He looked utterly bewildered and overwhelmed.


Seeing this, Gong Yoon-Hee, who had just returned with the other members from reconnaissance and was about to call Chun Ho-Jin over to eat something, was taken aback.

She opened her mouth to say something, but before she could speak, she witnessed Chun Ho-Jin, who had appeared dejected and defeated moments ago, suddenly pick up the Myriad Thorn Forest card again with a determined expression.

His face was now contorted with determination and seemed to be in a fierce struggle with something.


Witnessing this scene, Gong Yoon-Hee felt reluctant to disturb Chun Ho-Jin any further.

She gestured to the members behind her to leave quietly, and leaving this small room in the corner solely to Chun Ho-Jin.

As she stepped out from the room, she saw Han Soo-Yi, who was helping others preparing the dinner.

Gong Yoon-Hee couldn't help but ask him,

"Han Soo-Yi, your friends... Chun Ho-Jin, what's his Star Card Maker Level?"


Hearing Gong Yoon-Hee's question, Han Soo-Yi showed an expression even more puzzled than Gong Yoon-Hee's.

He shaking his head and saying, "I'm not sure. We're not very close; we just work at the same healing center. I didn't even know he was a Star Card Maker until we were invited on this mission together. But as for his level... it shouldn't be high, right? Chun Ho-Jin once mentioned that he only knows a little about star card maker, like he hasn't received any formal training before."

As Han Soo-Yi pondered, he recounted the incident where Chun Ho-Jin almost arrived late at their appointment because he creating a star card.

That's also the reason why his mental power exhausted and look so tired at that time.


Normally, a skilled star card maker wouldn't find themselves in such a situation when they're created a star card.

Additionally, considering Chun Ho-Jin's registered level at the sentinel healing center is Level C Guide, even if he were truly a star card maker, his level wouldn't be notably high.


After all, a Guide's level is closely linked to the mental power required for creating a star card.

Furthermore, not every high level Guide can become a high level star card maker; rather, those who can become high level star card makers must possess powerful mental power.


Although Gong Yoon-Hee could faintly guessed Chun Ho-Jin's condition, but when she heard Han Soo-Yi's words, she couldn't help but sigh with regret.

Such an expression made Han Soo-Yi curious, prompting her to ask, "Sister Yoon-Hee, do you think Chun Ho-Jin might not be able to repair your star card?"


"It's not that I think it's unlikely to be repaired, but rather that Chun Ho-Jin definitely won't be able to repair that star card," Gong Yoon-Hee shook her head and explained, "You may not know, but that star card isn't just an ordinary star card. It's a star card that has been passed down in my family. Although it's only a two-star star card, aside from the original copy that was being held by the star card maker who initially created it, there isn't another Myriad thorn forest card to be found in the entire star card market, not even anything similar to it exist."


"And, over the past few decades, our family has been approached numerous renowned Level A star card makers, and inviting them to try replicating or repair of this Myriad thorn forest card However, the result was..."


Throughout the entire Cheonseong District, not a single star card maker could replicate or repair this star card.

Every time it was sent out, a large sum of stellar coins would be returned intact.

They're all always have the same reply, "This must be a star card from a aristocrat family, right? Forget about it. The star cards from aristocrat families can typically only be repaired or replicated by the star card makers of that family itself or by Level S star card makers."

After all, the star cards made by those aristocrat families not only have their own exclusive star card making knowledge system, but also have encrypted star card structures, which is making it difficult for others to distinguish between the disguised structures and the star card's true energy structure.


Especially for the Myriad thorn forest card.

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