75.86% Avatar: Third Son of The Fire Lord / Chapter 66: War Tension

章 66: War Tension

Pov: Jefh


The past few weeks have been very turbulent, with the disasters caused by the storm affecting the infrastructure of all the cities bordering the sea in the Nation of Fire. As far as I know, the place least affected by this disaster was Jang Hui Village, thanks largely to the Waterbenders and Aunt Ayumi.


Because the Fire Nation was severely affected, the troops had to pull back their attacks on the Earth Kingdom and heavily guard the defenses until the nation was stable. Never in the history of the Fire Nation has it been as vulnerable as it is now. It's a delicate moment, as the existing elemental nations may see this as an opportunity to launch an offensive against us.


The worst part is not even the destruction caused by the storm, but what came after. The Waterbenders in my father's service are getting a lot of pressure on their shoulders, being accused of being responsible for such destruction. Even though the Water Tribes were the antithesis of the Fire Nation, it was the first time the nation's hatred was focused on an enemy other than the Earth Kingdom or the Avatar.


I heard from Huzo himself that Ozai, the Lord of Fire, called an emergency meeting with the generals and ordered them to prepare for the greatest sea invasion in human history. The Fire Nation wanted blood, the people wanted all waterbenders killed.


What didn't help was that Princess Azula and my father had disappeared on the same day as the storm, and many believed that they had both died and should be avenged.


I was sure my father was fine, he's practically the strongest person I know, no storm could kill him, I've even seen him manipulate fire underwater. But as much as I believed he was fine, the news of his disappearance came with some very bad news. Uncle Tizo died along with dozens of other soldiers who were fighting a dark creature, a monster practically.


One of the survivors of the massacre who reported the situation was a man named Zhao, who confirmed that the monstrous creature was a dragon.


Huzo told me that Zhao's report was very strange, and he believed that some details had been distorted to allow him to rise in the hierarchy to become a general; even if this man had used such an artifice to catapult his career, it didn't take away from the fact that Tizo had died.


Tizo was a trusted member of my father's close circle of friends, and he encouraged me to use my powers based on the fire style, to try to use my father's techniques to formulate my own. Sometimes we would even practice or talk nonsense to pass the time. He was a good person, but the person most affected by his death was Zoho. They both had a friendly disciple-master relationship. I've never seen Zoho so depressed, not even taking care of himself, forgetting to eat or sleep, just sinking into one task after another.


Ayumi and Huzo are trying to help him get over Tizo's untimely death, but it's a wound that will take a while to heal. As for me, I'm in the Earth Kingdom, on the west coast, helping to organize troops and defend the colonies.


Although I'm not good at military matters or giving orders, I know how to use persuasive methods to lead or guide people when necessary. I'm not someone who can match Princess Azula's skills in this regard, as it takes time and practice, I've been much more improvisational these days.


Even though my relationship with Kai is hidden as an adopted son, the fact that I'm always seen with him has made me someone of importance to many, and as a result, people have come to expect a lot from me.


I had only come to the west coast of the Earth Kingdom to help out and ease Uncle Huzo's burden, but it was still quite annoying to have to take on a leadership role, it wasn't my style. I'm someone who likes to live a less restricted lifestyle, I like to practice my powers and evolve every day, I don't feel comfortable in a leadership position like my father or Uncle Huzo.


- Mr. Jefh, let's finish rebuilding the deposit. - Said a soldier, saluting.


- Very well, transport the food there, but watch out for thieves, we've had cases of robbery in the last few days. - I ordered, annoyed to be called sir.


- Yes, sir. - The soldier retreated, leaving Jeph alone.


It's not really my style to live a military life, maybe I could be a teacher one day, it wouldn't be a bad idea to teach people the art of fighting. I can't deny that I'm a little jealous of Ty Lee, she's someone who always does what she wants without being punished.


I walked toward the harbor, which had been rebuilt a few days ago, where some of the Fire Nation's ships were parked, repairing or replenishing their supplies for new voyages. One of the ships caught my eye, an ancient generation warship, which made me wonder who could use such an antique for transportation.


- Mr. Jefh, I recommend that you don't talk to the crew of this ship. - Said one of my father's soldiers.


- Please stop calling me mister, I'm 15 years old. - I snorted angrily and stared at the soldier for a moment. - Why shouldn't I interact with these people?


- This is the ship of the exiled prince, Zuko. - The soldier said harshly. - Prince Zuko does not have a good relationship with General Kai, I advise you not to waste your time with him.


I was surprised, Prince Zuko and my father don't get along well, to the point of mutual hatred. I've heard stories about him, mostly how he disrespected the Fire Nation army and challenged the Fire Lord Ozai to an Agni Kai. What I know about him is based on that famous story about how he lost everything through recklessness, and I have no idea what else he's done in the last few years.


- Understood, I'll stay away from him. - I nodded and let the soldier continue his patrol. - It's almost noon, I think it's best to take a break for now.


As I walked along, greeting a few people along the way, I caught a glimpse of some people suspiciously sneaking between the wooden houses. I wasted no time in using my powers to leap over the houses and sneak onto the roof, spying in case of an enemy attack.


Looking at the people, I couldn't recognize them, but from their clothes, it was quite obvious that they were from the Earth Kingdom, perhaps profiteers or spies who wanted to take advantage of the current situation.


- Damn, I thought I could have an early lunch today. - I whispered to myself as I jumped up and fell behind the mysterious men. Thanks to my elemental power, it was easy to soften the impact so that they didn't even notice me. - COF! COF! COF! Can you gentlemen peacefully identify yourselves, or do you want to experience a 500 km per hour breeze?


The mysterious men were startled by Jefh's words, not expecting to have a person behind them without them noticing. One of them grabbed a knife hidden in his waistband and rushed to stab Jefh, but without him moving, a blast of air hit the man in the stomach, throwing him against another companion and causing them both to faint.


- Two down, so will you surrender? - I asked, not hiding my impatience. I couldn't help it, when I'm hungry, I don't have the patience to deal with the unexpected calmly.


One of the men appeared to be trying to bend over, but by pure reflex, I pulled a draft from under the man's feet, causing him to fall head first onto the floor and pass out. I watched the last man closely, now that I had seen an attempted earthbending martial move, it made my instincts alert for combat. However, before I or the mysterious man could make our moves, the same man was hit by something extremely fast and fell to the ground with his muscles paralyzed.


- Impressive, I never thought that an airbender was alive, so the rumors are true. - Said a mysterious woman riding a four-legged creature more than two meters tall. The creature was remarkably imposing and, most impressively, it had no eyes on its head.


- Who could you be? - I asked, impressed by the woman's mount.


 - My name is June, bounty hunter. - June introduced herself, next to her mount, which made a strange sound.


- Your name is famous, I heard you are an experienced hunter. - I praise, recognizing the woman's fame.


- What an honor to be known by someone as unusual as you. - June gave a seductive smile, making it clear that her attention was focused on the Airbender. - Would you be the Avatar?


- I don't think the Avatar would wear the clothes of the nation that killed his species. - I replied mockingly, just to prevent the woman from jumping to conclusions.


- Humph! You make a good point.


- I suppose these people are your prey, aren't they? - I asked, motioning to the knocked out men.


- Exactly, I was paid to bring them back, these men have made a lot of enemies. - After June spoke, the trained animal she was riding seemed to sniff something out and suddenly became agitated. - There seems to be a rat hiding here.


I couldn't help but be a little uncomfortable with the creature, it seemed like at any moment it would jump at me with its claws, of course I managed to dodge it, but the animal was clearly very wild.


The animal was a shirshu, a rare quadruped that lives deep underground, but is an excellent hunter not to be underestimated, even though it has no sense of sight. Shirshus are animals with an abnormal sense of smell. Some would say they are the best trackers in the world, hence their fame and demand as a weapon of war.


- It seems that there must be a fugitive on the prince's ship. - I couldn't help but comment when I noticed in which direction the big animal was moving to start its hunt. - Good luck with your hunt, sorry for the intrusion.


- You're very polite, I like you, you've made my job easier, how about lunch together? - June asked, holding the reins of her animal while using a whip to keep it under control.


- Am I being asked out on a date? As far as I can tell you're almost twice my age, I'm sorry but I have no intention of getting into a relationship at the moment, don't be offended. - I didn't mean to offend or anything, she's a beautiful woman, but I'm not interested in that kind of partner. - But we can have lunch as friends.


- I wasn't talking about that kind of date, but you made me curious, I'll see you in half an hour. - June whipped her mount and sent it running towards its prey, which was on the Fire Nation prince's ship.


- What a strange woman, she seems to be someone who lives her life as she pleases. Interesting. - I smiled, I couldn't deny that I was interested in meeting someone with such a life.


I was in a bar full of soldiers, it had been a few minutes since I separated from that woman, I had ordered three dishes with meat, I didn't know if this animal was vegetarian or not, so I was taking precautions in case it was necessary to feed the animal. Surprisingly, the door opened to reveal June, who had arrived at the time she had set, like a hunter, she seemed to observe every detail of the bar, ready to fight, until she focused her vision entirely on me.


The owner of the bar happened to be handing over the three plates of roast beef, so it didn't take long to make my intentions clear. In response, June smiled, seemed to find the scene hilarious, paid for two of the three dishes and took them out of the bar.


As we left the bar, I was surprised to see that the large wild animal she was riding was patiently waiting for its owner to appear, showing none of the ferocity it had shown just a few minutes before. June placed the two plates on the floor and within seconds they were the target of Shirshu's sharp teeth, brutally devouring each piece of meat.


- So why are you interested in me? - I asked as I split the meat in half, giving one half to the bounty hunter.


- It's strange, an airbender allied with the Fire Nation. Not to mention the rumors that there are others like you in the Kingdom of Omashu. - June blurted out, not hiding the fact that she just wanted to be entertained by the conversation. - Suddenly, the Airbenders rise from the ashes, isn't that ironic?


- So that was it? - I smiled at June's debauchery. - You're not the first person to ask me why the Airbenders are now allied with the Fire Nation. I can tell you a lot of things, but it's much simpler than it sounds. I just don't hold any grudges or hatred for what happened a 100 years ago.


- Interesting and ironic, you're part of a race that was wiped out by the Fire Nation, but you're willing to help them, I find that quite amusing. - June made no secret of her intention to taunt the airbender, who recognized the hypocrisy of her situation. - So are the rumors about General Kai offering powers true?


- Yes, are you interested in gaining powers to continue your hunt? Speaking of which, what happened on Prince Zuko's ship? - I asked without hiding my curiosity, because invading a military ship with an animal over two meters long must be a fun experience to tell.


- For your first question maybe, but I think I would have to swear loyalty and be his subordinate, I only work for myself, I don't like taking orders. - June pointed proudly at herself. - As for the second question, not very interesting , just destroying part of the bow of that ship to get my prey. What's really impressive is that none of the soldiers noticed the intruder.


- Hahahahaha... You talk like it's an everyday thing for you. - I laughed as I imagined how angry the prince could be.


- In that sense, you are right. - June couldn't deny that she enjoyed the airbender's company, as she was used to talking to few people that way. - You didn't say your name.


- My name is Jefh. - I introduced myself in a relaxed way. - What's your Shirshu's name?


- Her name is Nyla, isn't she cute? - When June said Nyla's name, the big animal belched, showing that it was satisfied with its food.


- Yes, cute, very cute. - I quickly agreed, not wanting to question June's taste. - So, since you're a bounty hunter, are you interested in hunting the Avatar?


- The Avatar? - June closed her eyes and seemed to calmly consider her answer. - The Avatar is an unimaginable trophy, but at the same time it would put a target on my head if I captured it. There's no point in me making more money than I can spend if I'm killed soon after.


- I can understand your thinking, you're the kind of person who doesn't like to save, aren't you? - I saw her smile in response to my question.


- I'm not the kind of woman who wants to buy jewelry or dresses, I'm someone who lives in the moment, in the now! Thinking about the future is boring for me. - June seemed to get lost in thought for a moment, an honest answer from her. - The world is always changing, I just want to be on the side with the most money so I can take advantage of it.


- Yet here you are, talking to an airbender who hypocritically allied himself with the Fire Nation. - I scoffed, taking a large bite out of the meat in my hands. - Wouldn't you be wasting your time making more money than just talking to me?


- Let's face it, as far as I know, the infamous Air Nomads are wise and pacifist beings, until I saw you take down three people with ease as if it was a daily occurrence for you. - June also took a big bite of the meat and savored the taste. - This is delicious!


- If you knew who my father was, you'd understand. The last few years have been a constant strengthening of my powers, I know how to fight very well, but I still need to improve a lot. - I admit it, watching the sun for a moment. - Everything I do is to make him proud of me.


- If you want to make him proud, why don't you go after the Avatar? I'm sure you could get a lot of status out of it. - June suggested.


- Hunting the Avatar... that might be a good idea. - I thought about it seriously, hunting the Avatar would be a great opportunity to help my father. - Would a hunter be interested in a new proposition?


June seriously observed Jefh, she herself had already admitted that hunting the Avatar would be putting a target on her back, but the seriousness and conviction of her new friend's speech really made her seriously consider this proposal.


- You understand that hunting the Avatar is dangerous, in many ways. - June spoke seriously, watching Jefh's face carefully, looking for the slightest hint of fear or doubt.


- Believe me, if we both go after the Avatar, we won't have to worry about a few things, many Fire Nation soldiers won't try to sabotage us if I'm with you. - I said, confident in my words.


- I like your confidence, but how can you be sure that we won't have any problems? You may be considered an ally of the Fire Nation, but that doesn't mean you're immune to the Fire Lord's wrath. - June asked, curious about Jefh's confidence.


- I'll tell you my secret if you're willing to cooperate. - I observed June's Shirshu, this animal is perfect for capturing the avatar when it has its trail.


- If you can afford it, I'll be your best ally in your hunt for the Avatar. - June boasted proudly. - I'm the best bounty hunter in the Earth Kingdom, my contracts are no joke.


- So that's a deal. - I pulled out a bag of gold coins from my pocket and handed it to June, who was astonished at the sudden amount of money in her hands. - I'll pay Nyla's costs and expenses for the duration of our agreement.


- I'll take 50% of the Avatar's reward. - June took advantage of her new client's good mood to push her luck.


- I don't need any money, you can keep 100% of the reward. - I said nonchalantly, causing June to freeze in surprise.


- How much money do you have? - June couldn't help but ask.


- Just enough. - I blurted out.


Jefh's indifferent way with money made June suspect that the nomad in the air in front of her was a nobleman from a rich family, awakening her infinite curiosity about money.


- Who is your father again? - June asked, unable to ignore the unknowns of her new client and friend.


Jefh turned, gave a wicked smile, approached the hunter and whispered in her ear, causing her eyes to widen in astonishment and a small drop of sweat to fall from her head.


Just hours after the identity of Jefh's adoptive father was revealed, the unexpected duo rode the large blind mammal through the forest at night, following a trail beneath the dirt road.


- So what's the Fire Nation's big move? - June asked, looking back to see Jefh clinging to Nyla's saddle.


- Nothing special, just winning the war, dominating the earth kingdom, the usual pattern. - I replied without delay.


- Nothing special? The world shook a few weeks ago. Haven't you heard the rumors from the south?


- Rumors from the south? - A bad feeling came over me. I had also heard rumors of great destruction, but I wasn't sure of the facts.


- I heard that the Fire Nation had completely destroyed the South Pole! A frozen region turned into pure hell. - June emphasized her last sentence, as if she were telling a horror story to children.


- I'm not sure what happened in the South, but the Fire Nation intends to attack the North Pole. - I mentioned this detail to June, knowing she wouldn't reveal it because we were both under contract.


- Good to know, I'll stay away from the north for a while. - June began to recognize the part of the forest we were both in and gave a challenging smile. - Finally, we can investigate the Avatar's location while I enjoy getting drunk.


- You mean you have to get drunk to find the Avatar? Isn't that just your excuse to spend my money? - I asked doubtfully about June's methods of searching for information.


- First of all, your money is now my money, investment! This bar is the busiest on the west coast of the Earth Kingdom, all kinds of information will always pass through here. - June said proudly as she looked around the torch-lit tavern.


 - You admit that it has something to do with alcohol. - I couldn't help but frown when I realized that the woman had a problem with alcohol.


- Don't worry, it'll be worth it, there's always some idiot desperate for my attention! - June whipped her shirshu to stop it running and finally reached the entrance of the bar. - Nyla, take a rest before we go.


Watching the relationship between the two was strange to me, Nyla was a Shirshu, an almost perfect predator, yet she managed to be a precious pet for June. June told me that the whip wasn't really used to hurt, as Nyla's skin was very tough, so the lashes were used to guide or control her bestiality.


I can understand June's methods, but that doesn't mean I agree with them. Animals are beings incapable of judging, they just act according to their instincts and basic needs, I don't like to see animals going through this. Even so, Nyla and June seem to have a strong bond, if June was a bad owner, Nyla would have killed her a long time ago.


- So this is the bar. - I looked at the sign decorated with a drawing of a beer and meat sizzling on the wood. - How long will we stay here?


- That depends on how drunk everyone is! - June kicked open the door, drawing the attention of all the men in the place with her dramatic entrance. - Drink on me! - June shouted, causing everyone to fall silent for a moment.


All the men in the bar went into a frenzy, shouting and celebrating like crazy, the bartender himself looking scared at the large crowd that had gathered at his bar, demanding a glass of beer. June smiled proudly, pleased to have livened up the tavern and seemed to enjoy the lively atmosphere.


- Investment? Really! - I stood next to June and watched her with an incredulous look on my face. - How many people are there? There must be over 80 people.


- That's perfect! Now just enjoy! - June approached a table and sat down in the middle of the tavern. - 5 GOLD COINS FOR WHOEVER BEATS ME IN ARM WRESTLING!


I watched the scene in complete disbelief; according to my calculations, the money could run out much sooner than I had expected. I hope Uncle Huzo's bank account will be enough in case my father's account runs out.


I couldn't say how long we stayed in that bar, fortunately I didn't share the desire for alcohol, my father always stressed the danger of having my fighting senses affected if there was an urgent need to defend myself alone.


I stood with my arms crossed and watched the show that June put on as she defeated out her 12th challenger that night in her own competition. Some even had their shoulders dislocated by her strength, probably because she was sober beforehand.


- That's a lie, you're lying! - said a fat man with a scruffy beard, drinking a large bottle of alcohol.


- I mean it! I swear on my little finger! - Said a Fire Nation soldier, as drunk as his companion. - I swear I saw it! I was on the bow of the ship and I saw fireballs fall from the sky!


The conversation between the two drunks caught the attention of Jepf, who causally overheard just enough of it to alert him to the unusual tale.


- Excuse me, did you say you saw fireballs fall from the sky? - I interrupted the conversation. - Were you from the south?


- Why do you want to know that? No one believes that story! - said the soldier, taking the entire contents of his glass in one gulp. - If you're so interested, buy me a drink!


- How many rounds? - I asked, tossing a silver coin on the bar, which the bartender quickly picked up.


The soldier seemed to process the scene for a few seconds before he smiled, showing his teeth and killer breath.


- Since you're interested... I'll tell you! - The soldier had filled his glass to the brim with his drink, and his heart was glad. - It was a few weeks ago, I was cleaning the deck. It was a damn cold night, colder than usual, but suddenly the temperature seemed to change. - The man used his arms to emphasize his story. - I found it strange because I knew how cold this end of the world could be. When I looked at the horizon, I saw creatures coming out of something golden in the sky, spitting fire in different directions, as if they were messengers of death!


- You've lost your money, boy! - said the fat man listening to the story. - This guy is drunk, creatures spitting fire? What an idiot.


Although it's wise not to believe a person's words, especially when he's drunk, I've learned that drunk people always tell a part of the truth mixed with lies. So what happened at the South Pole was real, but it wasn't the Fire Nation that ordered the attack.


My father is a dragon, and I know the legacy he carries in his blood. The storm weeks ago was the same day he visited another member of his family. This means that the fireballs from the sky may have been made by dragons, but the strange thing is that the attack was directed to only one place. Surely the disappearance of Azula and Kai can be linked to the destruction of the south.


- YOUR BEAST DAMAGED MY SHIP, YOU MUST PAY FOR THIS. - shouted a man in Fire Nation clothing and a ponytail on his shaved head. The most notable thing is that part of his face was burned.


I turned away to see June being judged by two people who were clearly Fire Nation, one with a burnt face and the other an old man with a sympathetic face. Seeing this discretion, I can guess that it's Zuko, my father's "brother" and probably a dead man if they fight again.


- I'm sorry, but I don't have any money. - June said sarcastically as she piled up a large amount of coins she had won in her competition. - ANOTHER ROUND OF DRINKS ON ME!


As soon as June declared another round of drinks, Zuko grabbed her wrist and used his powers to burn her skin in a threatening tone. Jefh, smelling smoke, quickly used an airbending to separate June from the two Firebenders, causing the floor to be split in half along with the table used for the competition.


Zuko and Iroh took up fighting stances as they watched the air being bent, an experience they witnessed firsthand in Avatar. Iroh observed the young master in front of him, noticing the Fire Nation robes, but his attention was focused on the bracelet on his arm, which had a golden flame with the wind symbol in the center.


June held her wrist in obvious pain, angry at being burned by the prince for having no sense of humor.


The tension was palpable, people were tense as what was supposed to be a drunken night turned into an elementary duel.


Next chapter: Water & Fire Part 1



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