OC will be reborn in Star Wars with five wishes, OC will wish for Essence of the Scholar, Essence of the Mad Doctor, Essence of the Crafter, Essence of the Nomad, Essence of the Machine.
His name will be Ban, he will look like the Seven Deadly Sins, Fox Sin Of Greed.
Ban will be reborn in a twelve year olds body in the year 33 BBY, he will be twenty three when the clone was starts and twenty six when the clone wars ends.
With Essence of the Mad Doctor he will make himself immortal like Ban.
He will make an outfit like Nico Okarr's smuggler outfit, he will also use Nico Okarr's dual blaster pistols, Ban will also use the Amban phase-pulse blaster/Amban sniper rifle.
He will carry dual Vibroknife's with mark IV energy cells.
Ban will be reborn on level 1313 of Coruscant's under city, where he will use his Essence of the Machine to steal little bits of money from different groups to purchase a shop on level 1313.
He will upgrade a YT-2000 Light Freighter to use for his personal ship, it will be heavily customized.
Ban will make his own astromech droid it will look similar to T7-01 and basically all his functions but ban will continue making him better then the original T7-01.
The name of the droid will be Alpha, he will be coloured black, blue and gold.
With Essence of the Scholar he will be able to research and learn anything very quickly and with Essence of the Crafter and Essence of the Machine he can build or repair anything.
The story will have a harem I just currently don't know who will be in it and or if I will make some OC characters to be in it.
I will add time skips if possible.