52.7% Marvel: Tech System / Chapter 37: Chapter 37 The Ultimate Spider-Man

章 37: Chapter 37 The Ultimate Spider-Man

Alone in the warehouse, I continued keeping myself busy as I launched Peter and Ned's games. I expected great things from them and knew they'd be hits in this world just like my world.

With the games launched and available on the App Store I sent each of my friends a message letting them know about it before I went to a particular section of the warehouse.

Where I opened the special compartment checking on the CH-24. Thankfully it was still there meaning my security measures were successful this time.

Looking down at the clear vials I thought about the risks of sharing this with my friends.

We were all young but they didn't have the advantages I had in already being aware of the numerous dangers hidden throughout the world.

They also didn't have a cover story for the CH-24. Especially Ned I was worried it would make him skinny overnight bringing attention to himself.

With a sigh, I locked up the vials knowing I couldn't give them this yet. At least not until a couple more events pass that will initiate the change of the world.

I thought while imagining Iron Man, Fantastic Four, and the Hulk who would make a mess of Harlem.

NZT-48 was an option but I refrained from sharing that item. For now, it was my main trump card and was something I planned on keeping a secret for a long while.

Things were different however when it came to Peter who was destined to be a major part of the world's change.

Reaching in I pulled out another vial like the rest except it had a blue tint to the liquid. I didn't give it a name but its effects were elusive even to me.

Technically it should give Peter the 24th chromosome along with every spider's power. Which could quite possibly be anything with how many variants there are in the comics but at the end of the day Peter would be with a doubt…

The Ultimate Spider-Man

Powering Peter up also grants me numerous benefits in the form of points. While also giving me a powerful bodyguard for free.

"Well speaking of Peter looks like he's here" I said to myself as I heard a car arrive.

Hmm he brought two people with him

Getting up I quickly closed the compartment and put the spider vial in my pocket as I made my way outside. Where I saw a gray jeep parked with Peter waiting outside as Ben and May stepped out of the vehicle.

"Hey, Peter!" I shouted from the entrance of the building as he quickly turned toward me "And hi Aunt May and Uncle Ben"

I expected to get a greeting in return but was almost caught off guard. When Peter burst into my direction and suddenly hugged me forcing me to take a step back.

Glancing down, I returned Peter's hug which was a little tight. Actually a bit too tight it was starting to hurt.

"Cough ugh Peter you're choking me here" I complained as I slapped his back a couple of times as I tried to remove him

However he just stayed there

Looking behind Peter I saw May and Ben heading our way. Who looked quite confused about the situation.

Not wanting to hang around outside where Shield could watch, I eventually got Peter to let go as I brought them all inside the office area. Where Marcel and Lucy usually work but weren't present as they were out searching for a larger property.

With us seated, I turned to Peter who looked like he couldn't hold in what he had to say any longer.

"Kol thank you so much! You don't know it but last night Uncle Ben got shot and almost died. He's only here because of the Stimpak." Peter said filled with gratitude as he handed me the now empty syringe.

To some, it may have seemed like Peter was overdoing it with his thanks but I knew that wasn't the case. From watching the movies, cartoons, and comics I already had a grasp of how much Peter loved his uncle.

Ben who was watching from the side looked thoughtful as he thought back to the night he got shot.

He had recognized that he'd overdone it and had just let his emotions out on Peter. This realization hurt him as he chased after his nephew who was the only thing he had left of his brother. So he could apologize and celebrate Peter's first paycheck instead.

Things didn't turn out so well as he couldn't find him no matter where he looked until a mugger suddenly pointed a gun at him. Ben hated these types and considered them the lowest of society and thought he could disarm the man using his experience.

That thought would soon prove fatal as he wasn't as sharp as he once was in the military. Failing to disarm the man and getting shot in the process.

At that moment he didn't want to die not for himself but for May and Peter. He had so much to teach him and he needed to make amends. As if answering his prayers Peter arrived long enough for him to give a last lesson in life.

With his words said he was at peace and felt himself grow cold ready to embrace death. Until Peter suddenly injected him with something that filled him with so much vitality that he jumped up from the ground with a closed wound and a bullet on the floor.

Ben was shocked but knew the risks of such an item. Looking around he noticed people starting to arrive and pulled Peter as they ran home away from the crowd.

Once the coast was clear he tried to convince Peter to tell him what about the injection but Peter refused to answer any of his questions. Stating it wasn't his secret to share and that he'd everything would be explained the next day.

Ben spent the rest of the night wondering about it but now he felt as if his questions were all answered as he watched Peter thank Kol.

"Kol was it you who made that super medicine?" Ben asked but he didn't truly believe a high schooler could make such an item but so far it all pointed to Kol.

The way his son acted and even that time Kol mentioned wanting to make things other than apps. We're all indicators of it even if he didn't want to believe it.

Looking at the old man I could tell he was shocked and had questions. Peter on the other hand looked nervous, most likely feeling guilty about exposing me.

"Well yea I-" I was suddenly caught off by Aunt May who didn't seem to know about Ben getting shot

"Wait! What are you three talking about? Ben shot and Super medicine what's going on?" May didn't like some of what she was hearing and demanded an answer as both Ben and Peter looked guilty.

From this point on Peter began explaining what happened the night he left as May went through multiple stages of anger and relief. The story ended with the two men having red ears from being pulled but both had smiles knowing they got let off easy.

"Cough um back to what I was saying. Yea that medicine was made by me and it's called a Stimpak"

My confirmation really shocked Ben while May was also surprised but not as much as her husband who experienced its effects.

"Is that what you meant when you said you planned on selling other items?" Ben asked as he looked at the empty syringe.

"Yeah, this is one of them but not till I get a couple of other things ready."

"This… it's going to change the world"

I held back a smile at hearing him say that. After All, this was just one of many things I'd release.

The rest of our time after that was spent casually with me even making them some coffee before they were ready to leave. On the way out Uncle Ben even asked if he could keep the syringe so he could frame it. Which I didn't mind in the least as I gave it to him after sanitizing everything within.

With the syringe in hand, they left for their car except for Peter who I stopped on the way out.

"You need something Kol?" He asked, thinking back to the stimpak worried I'd scold him for exposing it.

I honestly didn't mind since it served its purpose

"Peter, tell me honestly what do you want to do with your powers?" The circumstances surrounding Peter were drastically different compared to his counterparts. So it wouldn't be surprising if he decided to just remain a regular person.

This question caught him off guard as he took a moment to gather his thoughts.

"I didn't have anything planned… I just wanted to keep having fun with you guys but last night I almost lost Ben" Saying this he looked down reminiscing about the scene of his uncle bleeding out with no one to help.

"You know before Ben was about to die he told me something that made me rethink all this. He said that line he always saids that with great power comes great responsibility. Now I don't think I can just pretend and hide my powers anymore, not when I can save people." As Peter spoke a slight change appeared in his eyes as he had gained a new determination.

"So you want to be a hero?"

Peter turned a light shade of red from embarrassment.

"N-no nothing like that! More like your friendly neighborhood spider guy ugh it sounds dumb saying it" Peter complained cringing at his own words.

"Haha you don't gotta be so shy about it. If you're so serious about this then you're going to need some help."


"I'll help you out, you see after seeing your powers I made something to enhance them but it's up to you if you want it."

"What! A way to enhance my powers!? But how?" He shouted with a flabbergasted expression.

Pulling out the Serum I ignored his question and raised it to eye level. While he focused on the content within.

Peter looked like he was reacting to it as he reached out his hands like a zombie.

"Hold up" raising my hands. I held him back as he came back to his senses. "I don't know how this will affect you, At least not completely. This serum won't just enhance everything but will make you whole. To the point where you'll be closer to a new species."

Peter jumped back at that as he held his hand "Like the mutants on TV?"


Peter didn't say much but reached out his hand as he grabbed onto the vial.

"I'll take it" Peter said about ready to just inject himself here and now but I stopped him.

"Wait till you're home. It's best if you do it somewhere comfortable."

Listening to my advice he took out his backpack and placed the vial inside. At this point, we started hearing a honk outside coming from Peter's family.

"Ah I gotta go but before that here take this I'll pick them up tomorrow." He said as he tossed me small devices before running out of the building.

Looking at my hands I saw the infamous web shooters and couldn't help but laugh at what he would think. Once he takes the serum and gets organic webs.




[POV Change]

Sitting alone in his room Peter sat nervously on his bed as he faced the serum in front of him. From the moment he saw it he felt as if it was calling.

This excited and terrified him as he imagined the consequences. Would this turn him into a huge spider? Or make him have eight eyes? He wasn't sure but he trusted Kol and was willing to take the risk.

Placing the serum in a syringe he cleaned his arm and prepped the needle.

"Please don't make me an eight-legged freak" With the needle against his skin he slowly pushed it in and began releasing its contents into his bloodstream.

With the vial now empty he waited silently for it to take effect but didn't get the response he expected.

"I guess it actually wasn't that ba-Argh!" Falling forward he felt as if his insides were being melted and then remade.

It was a horrible experience with a black sludge even exiting his body in the process.

Multiple times he lost consciousness only to be awoken again because of the pain. After what felt like hours Peter finally stood up and walked to his restroom but he soon encountered problems.

He tried to grab onto the door handle but it became scrap metal as he held it. In panic, he jumped back ripping the door off its hinges in the process.

"Ahh man it's the spider bite all over again!" He lamented at the thought of having to get used to his strength again.

Pushing the door off him he felt something rip out of his nails as talons grew ripping the door.

"Ugh, definitely new…"

Getting back up he ran to his restroom and faced himself in the mirror. Luckily he still looked human but his changes were obvious.

A V-shaped body like a Dorito, muscles that looked strong enough to take on a god. His teeth had fangs like a vampire and spikes even appeared from his wrists shocking him further.


"Language Peter!" Aunt May shouted from outside his room reminding him he wasn't alone in this house

[POV Change]

[You have altered Peter Parker's powers immensely and created a new species +1000 Points]

"Oh yea, it's all coming together "

Unknown_To_All Unknown_To_All

Power Stones and Reviews are appreciated :)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C37
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


