90% Multiverse selection 1 Fairy Tail Karna / Chapter 80: Chapter 80 Demon Rising

章 80: Chapter 80 Demon Rising

"Alright then here's the plan" since today was the day the demons were supposedly going to get released, time was of the essence. Since we had 3 S class wizard and another on its way we decided to take the matter into our own hands. From what we knew the leader of the group conducting the ritual was Leon along with that there was a plant like person helping him in doing it. My guess is that Hades had sent Azuma for this mission. Since they were almost involved in every Zeref related incident ever, the chances of freeing multiple demons of Zeref to collect data from them is something that they do. 


Grimoire Heart and Hades are under the impression that Zeref is asleep and the only way to awaken him are by the use of keys which most of the time is obtained from places of suffering. So, they create suffering like in the village where Meredy lost everything and the suffering of the people in the R system. But Karna knew what these keys where


Pure curse magic. Those misunderstood idiots had achieved curse magic and turned it into keys. Since Zeref was later revealed as not to be asleep, the chances are the keys were discarded. But if he is right, those keys if researched can be used to imbue demon slayer magic on wizards or objects.


But those thoughts are for another day and right now they need to deal with the demons about to be freed in the island.


So, the plan was simple, Erza and the others will face the cannon fodder along with the wizards and Leon while I will use my presence removal technique (patent pending) to go to the place where the moon drip ritual is taking place and remove the magic circles using Dispel, essentially making the entire temple useless in freeing the demons

At first others were not on board with the plan of sending me in alone because if I am late in dispelling the spells, I will be facing the onslaught of multiple demons alone. But my teleportation spell that I had shown everyone before had calmed them down into agreeing to the plan of me going alone.


Natsu still has not returned from going to attack them last night, but even then they decided to right now because in a few hours the ritual will be complete.


As we moved towards the temple, the temple suddenly tilted to the side surprising everyone for a bit. But then suddenly trees on the side that was tilted started to grow exponentially and made the temple straight confusing us again, but we decided to move forward with our plan.


As we reached near the temple, an entire army of holder wizards headed by three wizards and a giant rat was waiting for us.


"this is too many" Lucy cried


"aye sir"


"no matter what all of them will fall today" Erza said while materialising multiple swords


"I'm gonna kick my idiot disciples ass and then going to make him go through all the fairy tail sacred punishments in order" Ur declared


Can't deny it, all of us shivered when she said that as we know all of those punishments created by Porlyosika and even mentioning the details of one of those has led to outsiders screaming and running away while calling us crazy.


And now back to present


As I saw we were reaching the front lines of the army I decided to use my arrow




Since the people we are going to face is not inherently evil and is just doing everything to vent their frustrations, we decided not to kill them and to just let them go with a few broken bones and light injuries. So, I fired a low fire explosion arrow, more focussed at shock rather than heat which will result in a lot of injuries.


And well they were not expecting us to do such a move as their eyes went wide when one arrow suddenly divided into multiple arrows which exploded all around them destroying the formations that they created. And as they got confused by the explosion, Erza, Ur, Lucy and Gray moved to attack them while Happy began to fly around looking for Natsu.


At the time I removed my presence from the battlefield and moved towards the temple and found a doorway which had stairs to the bottom. As I moved towards the seemingly created new basement of the temple, I sensed the presence of Natsu fighting someone upstairs who I assume is Azuma, so I decided to memorise his magic signature for future use and knowing Natsu he will only remember the scent and Azuma's magic helping him literally become exploding trees is essentially masking his scent which might change when he changes from one tree to another.


Karna moved towards the basement and finally reached the cave. There he saw Deliora, one of the most dangerous demons in the book of Zeref and around him was multiple number of demons although not as impressive as the others, still looked like something on the level of Natsu and Gray combined will be needed to defeat.


But another sight intrigued him as that was not supposed to be there. This was supposed to be a basement carved by these people under the temple to store the demons in it. So, the magic circles of Moon Drip were supposed to be on the temple above and not below. But right now, there were many enchantments connecting all the demons together confusing him.


He immediately used his perception to read the enchantments to see what it does to see if he can dispel them safely. But the conclusion that he came to made him curse out loud.


"Mother##@king Bastard"


It seems like Leon's delusion had reached a whole new level. If this ritual gets completed, all of them will have to face something even more troublesome than they thought before.


He immediately jumped towards the ice and began to use dispel on the enchanted iced shells, but it seems like they were all stacked up and he must use it on all of them one by one to stop the entire process.


But he was too late.


The moon drip ritual was going on at that time as well and suddenly, by the time Karna had managed to dispel the enchantments on a few of them, the ice began to melt.




A/N- hope you like it and every 100 powerstone get extra chapter of Jason.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C80
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


