
章 36: True Story

Our eyes were opened to the marvelous wonder of the ruins of Lemuria. There was a barrier around these ruins that kept the water from coming inside.

The barrier surrounding the ruins shimmered with an ethereal glow, holding back the waters of the ocean. It was a testament to the advanced magical craftsmanship of the Lemurians, who had built not only grand structures but also ingenious protective enchantments.

I could sense the pulsating energy of the barrier, a harmonious dance between the magical forces at play. It was a reminder that even in their absence, the Lemurians' magic endured, guarding the secrets of their civilization.

Suddenly, Rowan shouted from below, as he was carrying my body. "Hey Magnus! Get into your body immediately."

I hesitated, enjoying the weightlessness of my astral form. With a mischievous glint, I replied, "Nah, I think I'll float around a bit more. It's quite liberating, you know?"

Rowan, looking exasperated, retorted, "Magnus, don't mess around. Get back into your body before we have to fish it out of the water."

I chuckled and relented, reentering my physical form. "Alright, alright, no need to get all serious. I just wanted to savor the moment."

We bickered a bit as we ventured deeper into the ruins; the structures became more intricate, revealing a combination of artistry and functionality. The carvings on the walls depicted scenes of daily life, mythical creatures, and symbols that hinted at the cosmic knowledge the Lemurians possessed.

Alex, with a mixture of excitement and reverence, commented, "These carvings could hold the key to unlocking the mysteries we seek. Let's document everything we find."

Anna, equipped with a modern camera, began capturing images of the carvings, ensuring that every detail was preserved. Rowan, wide-eyed and curious, asked questions about the symbolism and history, eager to understand the story these ancient walls told.

Lumina, in her childlike innocence, floated around, occasionally pointing to a particular carving and exclaiming, "Look, Magnus! Isn't this amazing?"

I went to look at that particular carving. But before we could properly view the carving, Alex stopped us and asked, "Just who are you guys? And how is that girl a dragon? What the hell is happening!?"

I stepped forward to tell Alex the truth. Mom did say she was quite trustworthy. Everyone's eyes were on me as I smiled. "Uncle, it is about time I tell you the truth."

I started narrating the story of when I tried to kill myself and how I reincarnated into an individual named Magnus Thaddeus. I also explained my journey through the astral realm and the Eldoria Empire. Finally, I finished by telling him the structure of our universe and how different dimensions had different laws of nature in them. Like the magic system in Rowan's world.

Alex's eyes widened in disbelief. The tale of my reincarnation, the astral realm, and the diverse dimensions left him speechless. Lumina fluttered around, occasionally adding her own playful comments to lighten the mood.

Alex finally broke the silence, shaking his head in amazement. "Magnus, this is beyond anything I could have imagined. Dragons, astral realms, and parallel dimensions... It's like stepping into a myth."

Rowan, with a grin, remarked, "Well, we certainly live in a world less ordinary. And now, we're here to uncover the mysteries of Lemuria."

Anna, still capturing every moment with her camera, added, "You're part of this quest now, Uncle. Welcome to the adventure team."

We laughed it off with a small joke. Then the mood became serious. I went towards the particular carving. It depicted the early stages of Lemuria.

The scene portrayed the Lemurian people living amidst lush landscapes, their daily lives filled with harmony and prosperity. However, a dark shadow loomed over the idyllic scene.

In the foreground, a group of Lemurians exhibited signs of affliction, their bodies contorted in pain. The carving vividly illustrated the emergence of a strange and devastating disease that seemed to grip the once-thriving society. Faces etched with anguish, the affected Lemurians reached out for help, their plight echoing through the stone depiction.

As we stood before the intricate carving, a heavy silence enveloped our group. The gravity of the depicted tragedy weighed on us, and the implications of the mysterious disease in Lemuria were unsettling.

Anna broke the silence, her voice filled with concern. "This is... haunting. The Lemurians were a thriving civilization, and to see them suffer like this from an unknown disease..."

Rowan, usually filled with curiosity, had a somber expression. "It's as if some unseen force unleashed a catastrophe upon them. But why? And how does it connect to the Eldorian Shards?"

I gestured toward the carving, my mind racing with possibilities. "Seraphiel mentioned that the shards are linked to the echoes of ancient civilizations. Could this disease be a result of meddling with the shards?"

Alex, who had been observing quietly, added, "If we want to understand the connection, we might need to delve deeper into the Lemurian records. There could be clues hidden within the heart of these ruins."

Anna took a picture of the sad carving, and we headed towards the heart of Lemuria. I could feel the magical energy coming from there.

We walked for a few more minutes when we encountered another carving. It looked like the next scene of the previous carving we saw.

At the center of the carving, a radiant figure, seemingly a divine being or godly entity, bestowed an Eldorian Shard upon the Lemurians. The shard emitted a brilliant light, symbolizing not just its power but also the benevolence it carried. Lemurians, who had previously suffered from the enigmatic illness, were now depicted as happy and recovering. The transformative energy of the shard purged the affliction, restoring health and vitality to the people.

As we absorbed the profound scene portrayed in the carving, a mix of emotions washed over our group. Lumina, in her ethereal form, clapped her hands joyously and exclaimed, "Magic is so wonderful! Look how it helped them!"

Anna, capturing the moment with her camera, commented, "This carving tells a story of healing and redemption. It's like the Eldorian Shard brought a miracle to Lemuria."

Rowan, still adjusting to the magical revelations, scratched his head and said, "So, these shards aren't just powerful artifacts; they're like divine gifts that can change the course of civilizations."

Alex, with a thoughtful expression, nodded. "It appears so. The Eldorian Shards hold significance beyond mere power. They are instruments of restoration and balance."

Before we could say anything, Lumina shouted as she pointed to the carving opposite the one we saw. I exclaimed, "Don't tell me it is the next scene."

We rushed to that carving; we wanted to know the end of their story. This carving seemed more ominous.

In this carving, one ambitious and greedy Lemurian endangered the restored harmony of the region. The scene depicted a figure, distinct from the others, eyeing the Eldorian Shard with covetous intent. There was something dark and menacing about this Lemurian, almost like a shadow had fallen over him.

While the other Lemurians rejoiced over the Eldorian Shard's ability to restore balance, this renegade person planned to take the potent relic for himself. The carving illustrated the moment when he stealthily approached the radiant shard, his hand reaching out to claim it.

Lumina, her eyes widening in concern, floated closer to the carving. "Oh no! Something bad is happening."

Anna, capturing the scene through her camera lens, remarked, "It's like a tale of good and evil, balance and discord. This Lemurian's greed is about to disrupt everything."

Rowan, who had been relatively quiet, pointed at the carving and said, "So, the Eldorian Shards are a double-edged sword. They bring restoration, but in the wrong hands, they can lead to chaos."

Alex, his expression grim, added, "This is a cautionary tale. The power of the Eldorian Shards should be respected and used wisely. Otherwise, it could bring about the downfall of even the most advanced civilizations."

I just knew that something bad was going to happen. I don't like it.

This time, instead of going to the heart of Lemuria, we were desperately searching for the final carving, which would show the great civilization's downfall.

I turned to my astral form and flew through the whole ruins, but I could not find the particular carving. After one hour of searching, we were on the verge of giving up. We set up camp under a dome-like structure. I slept on the makeshift mattress we built.

As I stared into the inside of the dome, I saw weird magical energy coming from it. I shifted to my astral form again and cast an unsealing magic on it. This revealed the final carving.

Everyone suddenly turned to look at this sudden revelation.

The unveiled carving showcased the tragic culmination of Lemuria's descent into darkness. The greedy Lemurian, having stolen the Eldorian Shard, was now depicted as a grotesque and malevolent entity. His body had changed into that of a monstrous kraken, and a swirling vortex of dark energy encircled him.

The once-thriving Lemurian civilization now faced the wrath of this corrupted being. The kraken, whose power was fueled by the Eldorian shard, destroyed the grand civilization of Lemuria. The carving vividly depicted the creature's destruction: crumbling structures, terrified Lemurians, and the ominous Kraken looming over all.

As the scene unfolded before our eyes, a heavy silence settled over the camp. Lumina, who had been hovering nearby, gasped at the terrifying transformation of the once-greedy Lemurian. Anna lowered her camera, her eyes wide with shock. Rowan muttered under his breath, "This is like a nightmare."

Alex, his expression grave, spoke, "The consequences of unchecked greed and misuse of power are clear. The Lemurians paid a heavy price for the actions of one individual."

I must get the shard quickly before anyone else takes it and misuses it. This is not safe in my world.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C36
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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