57.62% I became an NPC in The Great Tomb of Nazarick / Chapter 33: Jaldabaoth (2)

章 33: Jaldabaoth (2)

The king looked upon the large wall of fire from his mighty castle, the other nobles, generals, and adventurers in the room looked in shock at the immense show of strength.

"What is that?" A noble muttered, prompting the captain of the Blue Rose adventuring group to send a message to Evileye, confirming the situation.

(Insert picture of captain and king here)

She turned to the king, known as King Ramposa without any of his many titles attached to his name, and she kneeled before him.

"Have you learned something Miss Lakyus Alvein Dale Aindra?" The king, an older man with grey hair and wrinkled skin, looked upon the captain of Blue Rose who now spoke while kneeling.

"Yes, apparently, a powerful demon named Jaldabaoth has invaded the city. Sir Momon and Evileye fought him but could not prevent him from escaping and reaching the city."

"I see." The king said as he looked upon the large map of the capital city before him, the various Eight Finger bases marked as they were meant to be raided.

"Your majesty, if I may." Marquis Boullope spoke up, his large belly and piercing eyes looked upon the king with unwavering confidence.

(picture of Marquis Boullope here)

Though the man was no longer a warrior, he was once a strong fighter and was respected by the other nobles thanks to this. He is also a part of the Noble faction, one which opposes the Royal faction which supports his majesty.

The king turned motioned for him to approach the map and spoke, "Speak Marquis Boullope." The marquis nodded at this and he pointed to the map.

"The demon must be pushed back, the areas of the city that have been separated are all storage units with a large amount of resources, we must protect them lest we lose a catastrophic amount of wealth!"

"And how should we go about doing that? Do you see that wall of fire? We need to ensure the people are safe first!" A noble from the Royal faction spoke out against the Marquis, and things rapidly escalated as a heated argument began.

The king held his head as he sighed, tired of the political landscape which just seemed to grow more and more intricate no matter what he did, still, he had a duty to do.

He would do his best so his sons may inherit a kingdom more stable and prosperous than he did.

As he was about to speak, the large double doors opened to reveal the adventuring team known as Darkness entering the room along with Evileye.

The nobles ceased their arguing as they looked upon the new arrivals with vigilance. Darkness had become quite renowned for their immense feats of power, especially Sir Momon and The Blessed Child as he was known in most places.

"Ah! You've arrived just in time!" Marquis Boullope shouted as he approached them.

"Now with you here, we may defeat that wicked demon and push him out of the capital!"

The other adventurers in the room frowned at the Marquis, as what he was doing was effectively forcing Darkness to make a decision he skewed in his favor. If darkness refused now, it would mean insulting him and the other nobles here.

Lakyus, the captain of Blue Rose, approached Evileye and took her away to a corner within the large war meeting room where she questioned her.

As this was happening, Sir Momon looked upon the Marquis while he was still shouting to the others how Sir Momon would no doubt aid them when suddenly, The Blessed Child spoke over him.

"Hey! We didn't agree to any of that dummy!" He shouted with a high-pitched voice, causing everyone within the room to look at the child who just singlehandedly and with no hesitation told a powerful noble to shut up, and called him an idiot to boot.

The adventurers within the room knew not whether to laugh or cry at this, as they too wanted to do this many times while working with the various nobles around the kingdom.

"Er- What my companion meant is..." Sir Momon intervened before things could escalate any further, "Just that we have not been informed of the situation and hence can't say if we can help you or not! Yes, indeed." The Marquis, who looked like a tomato from anger, calmed down as he conquered his anger.

"...Yes, we should give you an update before demanding such things, on behalf of everyone here, I apologize."

'On our behalf? We didn't do anything!' The other nobles internally shouted, but they kept quiet on the outside.

As Sir Momon was shown the map and a briefing of the situation was given to him, Lakyus and Evileye could be seen approaching while casting a last couple of messages.

'You are acting weird, are you sure you weren't charmed or anything?' Lakyus asked one last time, causing Evileye's blush to deepen.

'No! I told you, I would notice if a magical enchantment was cast on me.'

'Oh, I realize that now after your totally not teenage outburst, I think you just have a crush on him.'

Evileye froze at this and Lakyus smiled at the reaction.

'I DO NOT!' Evileye shouted through a message spell loud enough to make Lakyus go deaf somehow for a second.

Lakyus, now wise enough to no longer tease Evileye, approached the war table, intentionally putting herself and Evileye next to the Darkness group much to Evileyes anguish and delight.

They arrived just to hear Momon speaking, ensuring he understood the gist of the plan.

"So, The other adventurers will patrol the city and rescue the citizens while my group and Evileye head out to attack the demon Jaldabaoth?"

"Indeed Sir Momon, that is the gist of it." The King confirmed."

"Wait," Lakyus spoke up, "Where will I be going?"

"You will stay behind and protect his majesty from any possible dangers." Marquis Raven, an intelligent and cunning individual with blond hair and blue eyes answered.

(Picture of Raven here.)

"...Very well then." She agreed, and so, each group left.

Gazef Stronoff and Brain Unglaus could also be seen within the room, and as the meeting concluded, he approached "Thoth."

"I see you have taken on adventuring Thoth?"

The doppelganger who was acting as Thoth immediately read Gazef's thoughts as he acted according to his perception of him.

"Yeah, though I made some new friends." He motioned towards the other members of Darkness, who were preparing to head out.

"I see," Gazef shook his head slightly, "I won't be keeping you then, good luck on your mission."

"Thanks." Thoth nodded and then he ran off toward the other members of Darkness and Evileye who now nervously joined them.

The group then cast fly on themselves and began to fly out into the city.

As they flew, Aura couldn't help but complain to her fellow creations.

"Seriously, how dare those filthy nobles order A,-ahem, Sir Momon around?"

Nabe nodded, "You are correct lady Aura, those filthy creatures have no right to tell Sir Momon what to do."

Evileye listened to this and made a note that Darkness as a group hates being ordered around, and that they also hate nobles.

Of course, here, nobles were an analogy for all humans, as they were all equally worthless in the eyes of Nazarick, noble or not.

"I kinda slipped up and called one of them an idiot... Sorry about that guys." Thoth said as he scratched the back of his head.

The other two immediately praised him for doing so, making the child smile a bit.

'Parenting 101 huh...' Evileye thought to herself, though she remained silent.

Eventually, Momon had everyone descend as they neared the wall of fire, they then approached the town square.

Jaldabaoth could be seen arguing with, or rather angrily yelling at, a maid and a woman dressed in a white Victorian dress with a white mask, two red paintings were made where the eyes would be below it, while the maid was wearing a typical Nazarick maid outfit and was wearing a blue mask with a smile on its face.

Momon motioned for everyone to remain silent as he listened to their conversation intently, no doubt trying to gather information about the enemy.

'This is a great chance to learn more about my plan!' Ainz thought to himself, straining his metaphorical ears to hear more.

"You incompetent fools! We were meant to retrieve the item only! And yet you...!"

'The item? Ah, this must be a show Demiurge is putting on so I can make my name of Momon more well-known! I see, as expected of you Demiurge!' Ainz thought to himself as he nodded and let out an "Umu," causing all of the others to look at him.

Evileye immediately marveled at her beloved- or uh- Sir Momons ability to immediately understand what they were talking bout, no doubt, he already had a plan in mind to crush the demons and their nefarious plot the second he heard Jaldabaoth speak!

The other three Nazarick NPCs couldn't help but be impressed with their master's intelligence, no doubt, he had expected all of this!

All of this came together from one nod and an "Umu," Ainz will never truly catch a break from his own genius.

The rest of the conversation seemed to further hint at this item and how powerful it was, the demon Jaldabaoth also spoke of Momon and how powerful he is, marking him as a great threat.

After this was said, Momon decided to take this opportunity to make an explosive entrance, charging through the building he was hiding behind, he knocked up a large amount of smoke, using it as a smokescreen from which he charged at Jaldabaoth, who was sent flying from the unexpected and sudden impact.

As Momon sent Jaldabaoth crashing into another building on the other end of the town square, the woman dressed in the white Victorian dress and the maid in the blue mask looked at one another, the maid then snapped her fingers, and suddenly, Sir Momon got surrounded by four other maids.

"An ambush?!" Momon shouted as his comrades rushed to his side, backing him up in his time of need.

Jaldabaoth rose from the rubble as he extended his claws.

"I see, so you have come Sir Momon and Darkness!"

"Indeed I have Jaldabaoth, prepare yourself for your demise!"


THANK YOU TO MY PATRONS! patreon.com/MarAuthor

NAZARICK NPC's (1): Jorge _2602 (1 USD/month)


FLOOR GUARDIANS (2): LightningGodWolf, Jonathan M... (4 USD/month)

SUPREME BEINGS (2): ElusiveBucket, shadowlord0474 (6 USD/month)

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C33
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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