100% Domain Master / Chapter 7: SEVEN: Training

章 7: SEVEN: Training

While the girls were training, Felix decided to sat on his favorite chair while observing their training. A girl named Ella was assigned to trained the girls. She was easy to teach and understand what was Felix saying to her.

The reason why Felix picked her as the training instructor was because of her body. Her refine muscle was in the full display when she joined the girls to just wear underwears because of the temperature. Felix once asked her about those muscles and she just said that her father was training her before he died when she was a kid.

Ella was already a lot stronger than the normal people. She was able to defend herself when those pirates attacked their village. But unfortunately, she was not strong enough to face someone from the sea with a little training from her father. Thus when the pirate captain arrive, she was quickly beaten down and they put her alone in one cell unlike the other girls.

While the girls were doing push ups, as the time passed, they started to noticed that they are not getting tired after such a intense training that would put the opposite gender to unconscious state. But then, they remembered about what Felix said that he would helped them while training. They looked at Felix and saw him smiling at them.

As Felix said, he was continuously helping them by pouring his energy to them. Although he was providing so many people continuously, Felix doesn't seem to be tired at all. It was because of his infinity power which also comes with unlimited energy. Even if he provided them his energy for century without stopping, it wouldn't run out at all.

Seeing him smiled back, all of them felt more determine to train as to not disappoint their only savior. Especially Mia who was already fell for Felix. She was determined to help Felix after her training was finished. She promised herself that she would do everything that Felix asked her to do. If it don't step on her moral values then she would willing to do it. Even giving her body to him. . .

'Gosh, why do I started thinking like that!! I should focus on my training first!! Mia, you can do it! And maybe, he will be proud of you. . .'

Suddenly, Mia eyes was more determined as ever, the fire in her eyes was more bigger than ever. Many of the girls was surprised by the sudden outburst but could only shook their head and continued their training. They have know how much Mia liked or probably loved Felix already. They also had a crush on Felix but it was not as much as Mia. Mia didn't even bother hiding It. But even if they know about it, Mia wouldn't care.

On the other hand, no matter how dense he was, Felix was able to figure out that Mia liked him a lot. He was able to figure that out easily because of how she moves around him. Mia doesn't even bother hiding it as she will hug him whatever she finds a chance. Felix doesn't know how to respond to that. Not only was he a hardcore virgin in his past life because of his work, he also know have any knowledge about being into a relationship with anyone. Basically, Felix feared that the relationship won't last long because of those reasons.

Felix failed to noticed it but he has some charisma on him, although his power was one of the main reasons that the girls liked him and felt safe around him, it was also because of gentle he was to them and also because of his new appearance. Fortunately, his confidence was slowly being brought back as he held that power.

Ella turned around and walk to Felix. There was a confusion visible to her face as she asked.

"Are you sure that making them hit each other while blindfolded will help them unlock the haki that your talking about?"

Felix kept his smile as he thought of what to say. To be honest, he was not sure at all if this practice that he saw in his past life will really work here. Luffy was a talented person but even that, it took him a lot of time to develop the observation haki. Those girls were just a normal citizens in this world, they weren't even shown or mentioned in the series. So he wasn't sure if these girl could be as talented as Luffy. But he will give them his best support.

"I'm not 100% sure that all of them will get the Observation Haki in just a month, but I know that with my support, they will eventually get it. Observation Haki wasn't easy to get, even the most talented person in this world won't be able to get it in just a day or a week."

Ella smiled.

"Thanks for your support, I will make sure to train these girl so they won't disappoint you. And also. . . I will also try my best to not disappoint you!"

After saying that, Ella shyly turn around and run towards her former place. There was a blush to her face that all the girls that saw her couldn't help but get curious about what they talk about. Ella was usually a serious girl that always act like a boy so this was rare for them to see her blushing like a girl in live. Mia was one of them, she quickly sent a jealous glare towards Felix but was ignored as another girl was again show up.

Felix smiled and said towards Vivi who seemed curious as she looked at the girl doing training.

"Can't sleep?"

"Y-yeah, I want to sleep but Karoo took all the bed for himself. . ."

Felix couldn't help but laugh a little when he heard that. All of the bed on his ship were made out of high quality materials with special effects. So if anyone sleep to one of those bed, no one would expect them to wake up until the next day. On the other hand, seeing that Felix was laughing at her experience, her eyes twitch. If it were not that this ship was his and also because that she know she wasn't his match at all, she would give him a lump in the head already. To not agitate herself more, Vivi decided to change the topic.

"Umm. . . Why are there no men on this ship? I normally found pirates ship full of men even though the captain was a woman. I'm sorry for saying this but most of the woman in this world were weak so I don't know why you choose these woman to be your crew."

"These women were the people I saved before. . . You know that this world was full of criminals and few can be trusted. So tell me, is it better to choose a strong people but untrusted allies or weak girls who I know that can be trusted?"

Felix didn't say it but there are many other reasons why he chooses those girls instead of finding unique and strong people to be his crew. One of them is that these girls comes first, if it were others like a pirate crew full of good people like the one in Luffy crew then he will gladly make them as his crew members, but it was unlikely that it was going to happen.

Another reason was that he know that these girls admired him a lot because he saved them from the pirates that terrorize their lives. He might not know that each of them had crush on him but what he know was that their admiration was enough for them to not betray him.

And the last reason was, he was invincible. No one in this world can beat him when he was inside his domain. He doesn't even need these girls if it wasn't that he would feel lonely and the ship couldn't move without them.

Vivi doesn't need to think about the answer since it was obvious what choice was the best.

"Your indeed right."

"Then if nothing else, I would asked someone to bring you to one of the free bed but the problem is that you will share the room with 3 girls, are you okay with that?"

Vivi frowned.

"No, I should be already grateful that you gave me one of ghe special room you have so I have no complaints at all. And also, I completely forgot to thank you before. Thank you!"

"Alright. Have a good rest."

Felix smiled and then asked one of the girls to lead Vivi to their room.

. . .

On the next day, Felix made another room inside the ship as the training ground for his crew. It was pack with equipments made out of wood but with Felix changing them, it made them more for training than just left over woods.

The training room was massive as it can fit 100 people easily with more space for the equipments. Felix made some innovation on the whole ship just to fit this training room for his crew. He changed the location of the other rooms and used some of the unused space for this room.

The training room consist of training group for long range weapons and all melee weapons. Felix made use of the long range weapons left by the former owners of this ship and upgraded them. Those guns can now fire special type of bullet which is made out of wood. Those wooden bullet was also special as it can't be damage and can be used Infinity as long as it was inside his domain.

As for the melee weapons ground, it was also made out of wood since Felix lacked resources as of now. But with his Domain, he made those woods into something that could be compare or even better than steel swords. The girls were using those special wooden weapon on a wooden training dummy that can be cut in half and be put back again as if nothing happened.

With his energy continuously pouring into these girls and with those special weapons, Felix was looking forward what surprises they will bring to him a month from now on.

Though right now, without even a week of training, Felix could already see some talents among these girls. Two of those talented people were the girls that he was familiar with. It was Mia and Ella.

Mia actually picked the sword as her main weapon at first and she surprisingly talented in that weapon. But that change when she grabbed a pistol out of boredom and shoot it. All of those bullet hit the red mark which surprised all of them. Felix made her shoot another target again and she actually hit it again with accuracy similar to the first one. Felix asked how she do it and she only said that she don't know since all she did was aim at it and shoot. That's when Felix know that long range was for her.

As for Ella case, Felix wasn't actually surprised about the weapon she choose. It was a clinche for a buff person either a man or a woman to choose axe as their main weapon in many novels. But what surprised Felix was how she handles and cut something with it. It as if Ella has been using Axe her entire life. Her slashing strength without mentioning the mass of the axe will make even famous pirates sweat.

Seeing his crew was so focused on training, Felix decided to teleport on the deck. It been a day or two since he hunt Sea Beasts so Felix thought that this was a good time to gunt them since he actually so broke now. And just thinking the disappointed look of those girls once they found put the he couldn't make the promised weapon for them made Felix wanted to hunt more. Of course that was just his imagination but if he really got lazy than that could happen.

"Alright, let's see who's the first lucky bastard for today. . ."


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