42.85% Domain Master / Chapter 3: THREE: Upgrades

章 3: THREE: Upgrades

Felix woked up fresh in the morning. But he was shocked to see Mia was beside him, hugging his body like a pillow. The other women gave them two mattress and pillows that night as Felix want to sleep in the deck for some reason. Felix gave Mia the other mattress so they can sleep separately but now, this girl was so closed to him. He could feel Mia mountains touching his skin, making him afraid to wake Mia up. There is many women in this ship and he doesn't want to have any misunderstanding.

Thus Felix silently levitate Mia off him and carefully put her back to her own mattress. Felix then stood up and started looking around to see if there is any visible ship in the distance. Thankfully, there were not for the time being.

Mia has also woken up and she directly looked at Felix without saying anything. To be honest, she thought that all the things that happened yesterday was just a nightmare but when she saw Felix standing in front of her, she felt sad and happy at the same time. She doesn't know if her father and brother was still alive, but she was hoping that they did so. She was also happy that Felix was real, and he really did save her.

When Felix saw Mia has woken up, he smiled as he looked at her.

"Good morning."

Mia was abit surprised that they have an eyes contact again, thus felt shy.

"Ah- G-good morning."

"Mia. Can you wake up the people from your village so that we can all talk about what to do next."


As if she had so much energy after waking up, Mia rushed and entered inside the ship where she woked up all the women of her village. Then she guide them to the deck where Felix was sitting and waiting for them.

Felix made a simple greeting before getting on the topic.

"Good morning. If you had noticed by now, all of you felt that you are in your peak body condition right now. It was all due to my powers hitting your body so that you all won't be tired in our journey."

Indeed, Felix has given them energy from his unlimited supply and boosted there condition as they step inside his domain. All of them wore smile as if they haven't experienced a traumatic experience yesterday.

One of the women stepped up and looked at Felix.

"Umm... Are we going back to our village?"

Felix didn't hesitate to answer.

"Yes. I know that all of you wanted to comeback to your village to do something after the pirate attacked so we will head back there immediately after we eat something. First off, is any of you know how to navigate? To drive the ship?"

Two women stepped up and raised their hand but the two of them looked nervous as if they weren't confident to do the job. But still, they choose to stepped up as they really want to go home and see if there is still left ot their families.

"I can do the driving."

"I know a little bit about navigation and know the direction of our village."

Seeing that two women stepped up, Felix smile and nodded at them.

"Good. Now ladies, find any food on this ship storage and bring them here."

Some of these women was prideful as they were the rich in their village. But they still had a brain to obey Felix order as they know that with him by their side, they can have more survival chance. And also, Felix appearance was really attractive to them, they wouldn't want to get on the bad side of someone strong and handsome.

All the women worked together and brought all the food on the inventory room Infront of Felix who was in the deck. Most of them were disgusting looking drinks and few are foods but it's enough for an entire day for them all.

"Is this all?"

Mia nodded at Felix and replied.

"These pirates has probably eaten most of the meat on that celebration they did yesterday after destroying our village."

Hearing Mia mentioned about what happened yesterday, all of the women looked at the food with disgust. They couldn't eat something filthy and from someone that has killed their families. Seeing there reactions, Felix stood up from the ground and walk towards the food as he said.

"Now, calm down ladies. I have a trick to show all of you."

Felix raised his arm and pointed his finger towards the food. Then with his power, Felix shot out a blinding light towards the tip point of his finger and towards the foods. Immediately, after the light subdued. All of the women witnessed the food turning from dirty pile of foods to a clean and fresh one. The bottle of drinks turn from full of dirt to shiny and high quality looking drink. All of the women was stunned as they looked at Felix and the pile of foods repeatedly.

They haven't eaten since yesterday because of the pirates wanting them to be hungry and weaken. Thankfully, Felix had given them a miracle yesterday night and they didn't felt hungry. So they slept without even worrying about not having eaten anything. But now that the foods that look really fresh was Infront of them, they couldn't help but drool of their mouth.

Seeing this, Felix quickly gave a reminder to them.

"It's still not cooked so you all have to cook it. I have a way but I will need stones and a wood. Also, find any tools on this ship Kitchen."

Without wasting any time, a group of women rushed towards the kitchen and brought all the tool they found that can help for cooking. Another group also grabbed unused woods and stone and brought them to the deck. When Felix saw that all he need was there, he quickly used his power and started organizing them.

He arrange them to looked like the outdoor cookings that he still remember. He made the wood sharp and thin so it can pierce the meat. Felix also used his powers to create his own fire out of nowhere. Thus they all started grilling there own foods on the fire and ate it.

. . .

After they are done eating, Felix started talking to the two women that said they can drive the ship and navigate. These two are named Near and Tasha. Near doesn't really need anything as she only need to drive while Tasha need a compass and a map. Felix quickly ordered a group to find those items. Thankfully, the group find it on the captain room. Thus, they all begun the preparation to sail.

The women drop down the giant sail. And then the ship immediately move from moderate speed to its top speed. The two girls was doing there best to drive the ship. Near on the driving while Tasha tell what direction they have to go.

Meanwhile, while all this is happening. Felix was having a small talk with Mia to find some information about where he was right now.

"Mia. Can you tell me what is the name of the island your village is located? And also, I want to know what part of the world we are currently at."

Mia was confused that Felix doesn't know where he was but didn't voice her confusion. Instead, she happily gave Felix the information he wanted.

"We are currently in the region called Grandline. My village name is Maka and was located at a tiny island named Mecho. Our nearest neighbor was the island where the Arabasta Kingdom was located. My father has told me many stories about our island. Including that our island was rich for sometime because of the trade with Arabasta but that came to an end many years ago. I suspect that it was because of the pirates rampaging everywhere. . ."

Felix digested those information first before he said.

"I see. It must be hard for you to live in that way. I'm even surprised that you all had survive in that island for many years now. If you still don't know, an era of piracy started many years ago and the sea was now full of pirates. I can assume that your island was close to a branch of marine right?"

"Y-yes. I don't really have full knowledge as I haven't gotten out of my village even once. But those so called Marines were going house to house of our village to get what they said as Protection Fee. We just gave them the money because we really can't do anything about it."

Seeing that Mia was started to get uncomfortable while telling her stories. Felix decided to pat her head a few times to calm her down.

"It's alright, I will protect you and the others."

Mia regained her smile again and she hugged Felix. It's really comfortable everytime she hugged Felix. She felt safe on his embrace as if she will always be safe with him around. She also already lost her embarrassed from hugging Felix, unknown to her.

While this was happening, all the women on the deck was looking at the two with jealousy. Specifically at Mia. They were jealous that she can hug and get close to a man with strong power and face as handsome as Felix. Of course, they know Mia and wouldn't get fight with her for a guy. So all they can do now was to support her of regarding romance if she needed.

As Mia continues to not let go of Felix, her sight suddenly caught something far ahead. Thus she quickly back away from the hug and looked at Felix.

"Felix. I see some small shadows far away."

Hearing that, Felix quickly turned around. Indeed, there is many shadows that is second by second getting big. It was naturally a fleet lf ships because they were on the sea. Felix didn't know if that is a pirate or a marine but he won't take a chance to know if they were good or not.

"Everyone! Hide inside the ship until I tell you to come out! There is a ship that is coming towards us and we don't know whenever it's an enemy or not. And Mia, please call Near and Tasha to also stopped the ship and also entered inside with the others."

Mia quickly run towards the control room of the ship.

She knows that she will just be a burden if she tries to help so she can only silently pray for Felix as she run.

The girls was finally all hiding inside the ship while Felix just stayed at the deck alone. The unknown ships was slowly approaching the ship he was in. And so, Felix was able to have a clear view of the incoming ships. There was a total of four ship all having the same appearance. A dark blue in color, a white sail with a blue symbol in the center. Felix watched One Piece so he naturally know that this is marine ships.

Felix waited for the Fleet of Marines to finally reach his temporary ship. The fleet has all surrounded the ship from all side except one of them was coming towards Felix ship. It stopped before it crash with the ship and a man with a vice admiral coat jump to Felix ship.

"Are you alone?"

Felix smiled at the man.

"Of course, I killed all the pirates of this ship because they tried to attack me. And I had no ship to use so they're really unlucky to met me. Thus I decided to use there ship as a temporary ship before I buy a new one."

The Vice Admiral nodded at Felix explanation. No pirates could be seen at this ship so it's likely that Felix killed them which was something he liked. But, he still doesn't know what's the origin of the guy Infront of him so he became serious as he looked at Felix.

"I will have take you to our base for now as I haven't know about your identity yet but once we verify that your not a criminal then your free to leave."

"Umm, can't you guy just verified it here?"


"I have something very important to go to. Verifying my identity should take a while and might make me not able to go in that place."

The Vice Admiral frown. His duty was more important than anything at all so he rejected Felix suggestion.

"No, you have to come with us or we will treat you as a criminal and kill you here. I don't know how important that thing that you will attend but your life should be more valuable right?"

The Vice Admiral has already suspecting Felix a lot and already unsheathed his katana. He then grabbed Steve hands and put a chain to it. Seeing this, Felix expression turn grim. He really don't want to have a conflict right now but if this guy insist to taking him from the ship which will result of being out of his Invincible Domain then he will have to fight.

Thus when the Vide Admiral force to grab Felix away, he suddenly stopped. His expression which is serious turn to frown. He had already use all his strength to pull Felix away but this guy won't budge even a little bit. His rank was something that can't be earn without strength so he a very strong Marine. But he came to doubt if he really is strong when he couldn't even pull Felix away. Felix expression was telling him that he wasn't even trying so it hurt his ego a lot.

He quickly pulled his katana and aim it at Felix neck as he said.

"Resist and you will be treated as a criminal!!"

Felix didn't answer and wear his neutral expression. Seeing that he was being ignore, the Vice Admiral snapped and slash his katana toward Felix neck. But something shock him when his katana stopped at Felix neck and not moving.

"H-how is this possible!"

Looking at the sword on his neck, Felix turned serious. He had helped them defeat a pirate which they couldn't stopped and killed a peaceful village. Now instead of thanking him, this guy had a face to attack him.

Felix grabbed the katana on his neck and slowly snatch it away from the Vice Admiral. Without hesitation, he immediately slashed the Vice Admiral in half. There was also a white light that came after that slash and travels towards the ship that the Vice Admiral came from. When the giant light that was getting bigger everytime reach the ship, it instantly cut it in half.

[Congratulations host for killing a Tier 6 being. You receive 2000 Domain Points.]

[Congratulations host for killing a 5x Tier 3 being. You receive 1000 Domain Points.]

[Congratulations host for killing a 15x Tier 2 being. You receive 750 Domain Points.]

There was a heavyness on Felix heart as he seen the numbers of people he had killed. But he just suppressed it. He know that he will kill many being eventually so he had to overcome this as fast as he could.

'Eva. Convert all of the Domain Points into Domain Range.'

[Yes! ^•^]

[Domain Points: 3800 --> 0]

[Domain Range: 4 meters --> 42 meters]

After that, Felix immediately saw his yellow domain expanding really fast. It kept going until it covered most part of the ship. Now that his range cover most part of the ship, Felix could feel the presence of many live inside the ship. It was a great feeling for him as with this much range, he could protect those girls until they reach their village.

Felix celebration didn't last as all the other marine ships that is surrounding him blow off all their cannons towards Felix ship. Thankfully with his new range, Felix was able to stopped those cannon from moving in the air. Thus after a few second of continues firing, the marines stopped.

Felix saw this opportunity and gave the canon balls back to them. When all the canon balls hit their respective ships, they all blow up killing all the marines that is inside.

[Congratulations host for killing a 23x Tier 3 being. You receive 4600 Domain Points.]

[Congratulations host for killing a 77x Tier 2 being. You receive 3850 Domain Points.]

Felix didn't waste time and quickly called Eva.

'Eva. How much do I need to upgrade you?'

[For the second level of the system, you will need 10,000 Domain Points.]

Looking at that large amount of Domain Points, Felix decided to not focus on the system upgrade for now.

'Eva. Use my 4400 Domain Points to upgrade the Domain Range.'

[Okay Felix!]

[Domain Points: 8450 --> 5050

[Domain Range: 42 meters --> 86]

The Domain yellow barrier quickly expand and has already covered the whole ship completely. Seeing this, Felix decided to test if he could fly the whole ship with this. But he frown when the ship doesn't float in the air.

"Eva. What going on?"

[This is one of the restriction you had Felix. But in the future, when I am upgrade enough, you might able to move the domain.]

Hearing that, Felix choose to just gave up. In the end, he just choose to just use his power to level up the ship by pouring his energy to the part making it really hard. Felix then cleaned the whole ship instantly with his power.

The ship transform from an ugly ship to a ship that even a royalty people would be jealous of. Felix was proud of his work. Thus he send a telepathy message to all the girls on the ship to come up. When they arrive at the deck, Felix greeted them with a smile.

"What do you think about the new looked of the ship?"

"So it was really your doing?!!"

They were all shocked. As they were hiding inside, all of them was suddenly surprised when all parts of the ship suddenly changing. They suspect that it was Felix doing but they're still shocked when they know it was really him.

Seeing their reactions, Felix said with a smile as brightly as ever.

"Alright, we still have to head towards your island. With the improvement I gave to the ship, it shouldn't take us long to reach your home."

All the women smile and nodded at Felix before rushing towards the work they were assigned by Felix.

DivineMelon DivineMelon

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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