15.62% Odin the Boundless / Chapter 4: War III

章 4: War III

(Odin POV)

A few years have passed. The war had taken its toll on all involved parties. I was now 27 years old. 7 years has this war gone now and there is no perceivable end in sight. On the contrary, it seems to be looking worse. In Jotunheim, the home of the Jötunn, the Frost Giants the war seemed to be the best right now. We managed to get a very good chunk of them killed and were now very close to Lorey the leader of the Frost Giants. 

But things had changed since the beginning. The war was no longer a two-front war for us. Surtur the damned and his army of fire ants have decided to join the war effort and fight as well. I assume the Dark Elves asked him to do that, Lorey is far too arrogant and proud to ask for help. 

On the Svartalfheim side, things were looking as good as can be. Dark magic is always a problem when dealing with the Dark Elves and their guerilla and assassination tactics make a war rather taxing and difficult. The Asgardian army is specialised in frontal attack and not that kind. But Cull and my brothers Vili and Ve managed to grow powerful enough to adapt to these tactics as well as carry the respective fights, in order to push back the Dark Elves. 

Cull seemed to have started to realise and use his power over fear, to drive these Dark Elves back. Sadly the Dark Elves were fanatics and didn't really fear death and rather welcomed it if they could deal as much damage to the Asgardian forces as possible. 

The last third of our total army, which was located in Asgard was holding its own but there wasn't really anyone who was strong enough to deal any decisive blow to them. And the longer this lasted, the more powerful Surtur could grow until finally he would overpower the army and enter Asgard. If that happens, things would be very bad and therefore, Bor called a meeting with all the generals as well as us brothers. 

We were inside a bit tent that belonged to Bor, in the frozen lands of Jotunheim. Cull, Vili and Ve as well as Brandi had arrived from Svartalfheim to discuss the change of plans. 


"We must change our tactics and we have to do it fast. Surtur will continue to grow more powerful and when that happens, he will be nigh unstoppable. So a change of plans is in order and I already have thought of something.", Bor opened the meeting. 

"What would that be Father?", Cull asked.

"Odin, Vili and Ve will travel to Muspelheim in secret."

"Only three of us? And to do what?", Vili asked.

"You will steal the eternal flame that feeds Surtur and makes him such a powerful threat. If he loses that flame, we will turn the tides of this war and win it surely shortly afterwards.", Bor said. He had thought of a daring plan and something which could kill us, or win us the war. 

"Aye, if that is your order, then we'll do it Father.", I say.

"What about the war on the other two fronts? We're not really there yet, where we can say with certainty that we'll surely win.", Brandi said.

"I am aware of that. And for that reason, I will order another part of the army to boost your numbers.", Bor said.

"What?! Your Majesty, but that would leave Asgard weakened. There is no guarantee that the princes will succeed."

"I am aware of that, but I am also aware that they have grown powerful in these 7 years and I trust them to succeed. No matter what, you have no other choice. Otherwise, Asgard is indeed doomed.", Bor says and looks to me and my brothers. 

"Meanwhile, Cull, together with you and the other forces will handle the Dark Elves, while I handle Lorey and those pesky Jötunn. We are very close in Jotunheim, I can feel it."

"Are you certain about this your Majesty?", another general asks.

"I am certain. And now no more questions. Get to it you three. Don't disappoint me."

"We won't Father.", I say and then leave with both Vili and Ve.


We rode on our horses and rode towards the gate which leads to Muspelheim. We rode across the vast wastelands and the towering cliffs that told us we were closing in. The temperature started rising, the closer we got. None of us had ever been to Muspelheim or seen their creatures. The temperatures were a bit hard to acclimate, after fighting in the snow and ice-filled dimension of Jotunheim. 

As we rode, I started to think about the progress I had made in these years. 7 full years of fighting. Never tiring, never sleeping, never giving up no matter the situation or the wounds on my body. I had gotten very close to death during these years. I assume Lorey must have heard about me and my prowess and thought to eliminate me.

I was now a battle-hardened man. Gone was the young and inexperienced boy. He had made way for me. I started to understand what my bloodline ability truly meant for me and those descendants that I wanted to give it to. I chose adaptability as the bloodline ability. But I didn't really understand what it meant, until spending 7 years fighting constantly. 

What my bloodline ability gave me was something marvellous. From the 'acquired' meta-knowledge I knew about some monsters who had the power of adaptation, like a character named 'Doomsday'. I did not have that. What I had acquired rather was something along the lines of the fictional race called 'Viltrumites'. They grew stronger with age and after pushing themselves to their limits. They also adapted to certain situations well. 

My adaptation was of course better than that of the Viltrumites but I am superior in my race, and I had the Essence of the Blank, which seemed to make everything even better. My adaptation is still nowhere near the level of this 'Doomsday' but it is at least a bit better than the Viltrumites. It is this adaptability that allowed me to adapt to the coldest of climates in Jotunheim and allow me to grow massively more powerful during this war. 

I calculate that my physical strength is on Bor's level if not then at least very very close. Father is thousands of years old, so it makes sense for him to be very powerful. Nevertheless, I have made progress and it is showing. The reason why Father planned this, was because he knows my strength. He must be eager to kill Lorey and the war in total. 

Apart from my physical power, my martial prowess had made a giant leap as well. I could defeat my father in pure skill without a problem now and I was only getting better. I also managed to 'recreate' the technique called Observation Haki from that story. I wasn't entirely sure whether it would work, but the Essence of the Blank granted me this achievement.

I know that there are supposedly multiple levels of mastery and at some point, you can even see the future, but I'm not quite there yet. I am going by feeling here and even though it has gotten nigh impossible to surprise me anymore during the war with the Jötunns, I have not yet seen into the future. But I'm sure I will reach that stage.


We rode into the lands of Muspelheim, proud as we were. We galloped beyond the edge of the nine realms to the gate of Muspelhiem to see what we had never seen before and what legends only whispered of ... the sons of Muspell, beings of living fire and the monstrous colossus who ruled them. Father had supposedly seen it when he was here with his father Buri.

We arrived at the gate to Muspelheim.


We hadn't gone far though, when we were suddenly attacked by spears made up of lava and fire. 

"Look out brothers! Spears of living flame.", Vili screamed and warned us. The horses didn't panic thankfully and we managed to dodge the attacks.

"Who seeks to bar the way of three weary travellers from afar?", Ve asked.

"Why have you come to the land of fire?", one of the flaming creatures asked.

"We seek merely to explore the regions unknown to us, to learn all we can of those peoples and rulers yet undiscovered.", Vili said. We were going to play the unknowing-traveler card but I doubt this would work. We were at war with them, it is unlikely that they didn't know who we were. But there was a slight chance that it would work since Muspelheim would probably never expect us three princes to attack them.

"Then welcome, weary travellers. We're delighted to extend our hospitality to you. Our lord and master are anxious to make the acquaintance of any who come this way. We will guide you to the heart of the kingdom of light to meet him, though those who journey hence seldom come back again. No doubt they are too overwhelmed with the glory of Muspell to wish to return to their own lands.", one of them said with a laugh. I turned to my brothers and whispered.

"They know."

"Aye, that is most likely. But we have no choice. We have to follow them.", Vili said.

So we followed them and reached a sea of lava and fire. The heat was immense and I used a spell to keep us from starting to burn and our clothes to catch fire. We were surrounded by an increasing number of fires beings, deep into Muspelheim. 

"Hear me, oh Lord! Three gifts I bring you from the land of flesh! Of their own free will and inclination have they come. Will you not speak with them?"

For a while nothing happened until in the centre of the fire lake two red horns appeared and then the rest of who I assume to be Surtur followed. He towered over us by at least 100 meters and looked down on us. 

"Welcome Godlings. Surtur, the ruler of Muspelheim greets the sons of Bor! I salute your courage and stupidity. What would you ask of me?", Surtur asked.

"I told you he knew."

"Aye, it was inevitable."

"What shall we do then?"

"Flattery.", I say and begin to speak to the giant. 

"Is it true, great Surtur, that one day you shall destroy the nine worlds with fire?", I asked him. I knew that he might be aware of my ploy but someone of his stature and standing will always like to talk about himself. 

It is true, little god! Behold the sword that shall raze all that is when the end of time is nigh. And Surtur shall be last as he was first, the oldest of all who live. There beside you burns the eternal flame of destruction. The flame which will ignite my sword that I may set the nine world alight!", Surtur boasted and showed us his giant sword as well as the Eternal Flame, that which we had come to steal.

"Then perhaps it would be best for all who live if your sword were broken and the flame put out.", I said provoking the giant guy. The jig was up. Surtur knew who were and also why we were there by this point, so playing coy was useless now. Infuriating him on the other hand might yield some results. 

"Well spoken, young Odin. A rare jape from one who is about to die! The flame cannot be extinguished for so the fates themselves have decreed! And as for my sword, break it if you can!!", the giant screamed at the end and lifted his giant sword up. Then with full force, he brought it back down towards our position and smashed the platform we were standing on.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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