85.29% LOTM ?? / Chapter 58: chapter 53

章 58: chapter 53

Chapter 24 "Glory"

Chapter 215 "Glory"

Although it had just experienced a naval battle, there were few wounded people on the deck of the "Pirate Hunter". There were only a few unlucky guys without extraordinary strength who had their thighs and arms scratched by stray bullets and fragments. The injuries were not too serious.

Noticing Gehrman Sparrow who suddenly came out of the cabin, Sotos put down his work and took the initiative to come closer.

"Something went wrong."

"Two small pirate groups with a bounty of about 500 pounds. They bring a lot of ammunition. It is easy to lose money if you fight them head-on."

Sotos explained his order to abandon the pursuit with a relaxed and natural expression, as if the topic he was talking about was not a bloody naval battle, but more like a sea fishing or a walk in the countryside.

As expected, he is a professional adventurer who regards hunting pirates as a business. He is different from other adventurers who are scattered around the sea and are afraid of pirates... Well, there may be military support behind this... Gram Ryan looked at the calm sea and said in a low voice.

"Where is the destination?"

Sotos raised his brows, and his already deep eye sockets became deeper. He rubbed his chin and spoke slowly.

"The distance of this voyage is not far. We will circle around Olavi Island, and at most we will dock to the north and then we will come back."

It seems that in order to capture Gehrman Sparrow's interest, Sotos deliberately leaked some additional information.

"But on our next voyage, we will go to Nass. You may not know it. It is called the 'White City'. It is a famous whale oil producing place in the sea. It is a colonial island developed by the Fusac people. It is a whaling-based island. The place where I was born."

Feysac's territory... Klein glanced at Sothos with a subtle glance.

The first voyage was only near Oravi, but the second time he dared to go directly deep into the sea controlled by Fusac and go to the polar sea?

Although the Adventurers Mutual Aid Association is a loose organization initiated by the private sector, since it has been able to hunt pirates here for several years, Klein does not believe that the Fusac Navy, especially the Fusac Fleet near the Sunia Sea, will treat this so-called private organization. The mutual aid organization didn't have any understanding. As long as they paid more attention, they could lock in the Loen Navy power behind Billt Brando.

A Loen military offline dared to go to the maritime territory of a hostile country to carry out violence... Klein was silent and shook his head slightly in his heart.

Unless Bill Brando has mastered a route that will not be paid attention to by the Fusac Navy, he has obtained the news in advance from a certain channel and is sure that the Fusac Navy will not take care of it the next time the "Pirate Hunter" sets sail. The boat has small fish and shrimps.

The possibilities on both sides are very high, it's hard to judge... Without saying anything more, Klein nodded towards Sothos.

"I'll take a look on the boat."

"Okay, no problem."

Without paying much attention, Sotos only explained that a few areas were not to be entered casually, and then returned to his post, leaving Klein alone to wander around.

In his opinion, no matter how uncontrollable Gehrman Sparrow is, he cannot cause any trouble on his ship. Instead of making things difficult everywhere, it is better to let him go where he is under certain control.

Pirate Hunter, boiler room.

A thin long black windbreaker slowly moved forward, dragging an annoying heat wave. The formally dressed Gehrman Sparrow was incompatible with the dirty and hot environment of the steam boiler room.

He leisurely visited the power heart buried deep in the ship's body, with strange faces and strange clothes, but did not alert any boiler worker.

The shirtless men were still holding shovels, shoveling the black coal piled into hills and sending it into the sea of ​​​​fire, allowing the sophisticated and huge boilers to spit out new steam.

Wiping away the sweat that was rapidly gathering on his face, Klein locked his gaze on the man in the boiler room, the only man in the boiler room whose skin was not stained with too many traces of soot.

The man tied a jacket made to imitate the captain's uniform around his waist. His whole body was muscular, his blond hair was slightly sparse, and his dark gray eyes were like two stones, reflecting the fire in the boiler, flashing blazing orange.

The second officer of the "Pirate Hunter"?

Using the elimination method to cross out several known names in his mind, Klein guessed the man's identity.

He turned on his spiritual vision silently and made no attempt to grasp the thread of the spirit body.

After a period of scrutiny, he was able to determine the man's identity as a Beyonder when he tried to use his escaping spirituality to isolate the heat.

A low-sequence, and a mid-sequence that tends to strengthen the body rather than spirituality... He stretched out his palms, and the bottomless darkness in the rich blood spread out, flowing down along Klein's fingers, covering the nearby creatures.


The boiler that was operating normally suddenly made a loud noise, and the milky white steam turned foul and smelly, stained with sticky black.

The second officer of the "Pirate Hunter" watched this sudden change and instinctively wanted to escape from the almost closed power cabin. He left the furnace worker who was dominated by panic and headed outside until he rushed to the iron wall that was reddened by the heat. Only then did he suddenly realize that the power cabin and the safety door of the corridor had disappeared!

This... His eyes widened, ignoring doubts, and the muscles on his body bulged. He decisively tore off the jacket tied around his waist, wrapped it around his right hand, aimed at the original safety door, and punched it.

For a moment, it was as if two pieces of metal of equal hardness collided, making clanging sounds in the enclosed space. The high temperature attached to the wall surface quickly scorched the outermost layer of cloth wrapped around the man's fist, and the black smoke and The thick black mist behind him continued to mix into a ball.


Panic crept into the man's brain. The man who had never blinked in the face of the pirates' scimitars and cannons was now extremely panicked.

He is not afraid of death, but he does not want to die meaninglessly!

The "fighter's" ability was brought to its limit. The man hammered the not-too-thick iron wall forcefully, repeatedly producing ear-painful echoes.

Once, twice, three times...

Just a few dozen seconds passed, and the steel-like fist hit him again, but this time it was as dull as a stone hitting the quilt.

The man who was highly hypoxic walked slowly and staggered backwards, his vision gradually blurred, and he lost consciousness...


The crisp sound of snapping fingers was extremely faint compared to the clang of steel, but it was extremely obvious in the thick fog of the sea of ​​fire.

As if giving an order, as this small movement disappeared, the blazing fire and the suffocating black smoke disappeared in an instant, leaving only the messy but cool and empty power cabin and the "Fighter" collapsed on the ground.

You have to change your approach next time, otherwise someone will easily die... Klein looked at the man lying on the ground, his eyes a little guilty and a little guilty.

He quickly took out the psychic supplies he carried with him, grabbed a mask he had used in the past out of thin air, put it on his face, and directly arranged the ritual in the dream created by "Nightmare".

As the floral fragrance that can calm people's thoughts spreads, the spirit body of "Fighter" also floats into the air as Klein's palm lifts above his head.

His eyes were staring blankly ahead, and a strange mirror mask was reflected in his dark gray eyes.

"your name."

The out-of-focus eyes regained focus, and the spirit body of the "Fighter" answered vaguely.

"Turante New."

Klein recalled the psychic details taught by Old Neil and Daley in the past, step by step.

"How many Beyonders are on this ship?"


"Which path is Sothos, and what is the sequence?"

Turante New's spirit body trembled, and it took him a while to give the answer.

"The 'Arsonist', he's the 'Hunter'."

"Hunter" and "Fighter"... Klein was thoughtful.

In addition to the more popular "sailors" at sea, the top management on the "Pirate Hunter" is controlled by the Feysac military and the royal family... This is all obtained through friction with the Feysac military with the intentional support of the Loen military. The spoils of war?

He nodded and continued to dig deeper, trying to ask key questions.

"What is the purpose of this voyage?"

"Has your leader, Bill Brando, mastered a secret route to Nas Island?"

In his spiritual state, Turante New trembled a little more, but he still answered honestly.

"The boss and Sotos said that this voyage is to confirm the status of the coast patrol line. The pirates have been very angry recently, and a battle is likely to break out on the coast patrol line. We want to see if there is a chance to make a profit."

"We have not mastered the secret route to Nas Island. Although there is no main naval force of Fusac there, there is a baron from Fusac's own country, as well as people from their military, and the Church of the God of War is also there. church."

In other words, there are at least three mid-sequences on Nath Island... The corners of Klein's mouth hidden under the mask raised slightly, and he was sure of the direction of the whole thing.

Sure enough, what gave Bill Brando confidence for the next sea voyage was not the safety on the waterway, but the fact that he had determined through military channels that there was a high probability that Fusac would not take care of them before the next sea voyage. This small and relatively stable maritime power...

The Zhongsonia Sea Fleet is also paying attention to the upcoming conflict between "Vice Admiral Dusk" and "Admiral Blood"?

Klein wasn't surprised.

Not to mention that "Vice Admiral Dusk" is a hound that Fusac keeps at sea, "Admiral Blood" who belongs to the branch of the "Rose School" is the target that they need to attack, and is a real source of merit.

Did "Spellweaver" Emilius want to take advantage of the fact that he hadn't been transferred out of Oravi Island and do something big before leaving?

Thinking of this, Klein's expression suddenly looked strange.

The Loen Navy's ideas seemed to coincide with theirs. Even if the fleet under Amirius was left alone, the plan he and Mr. A made could continue safely.

But if before the support of the "Rose School" arrives, Senior will die in the hands of the navy...

After breathing a long sigh of relief, Klein couldn't help but worry about the entry point he had originally determined.

If Senor is killed early, it is difficult to say that the "Rose School" will take care of the remaining fleet, and will not send one of the demigods who often walk on the sea to help. Instead, they will step up their attack on the only remaining fleet in their hands. There are several partial port cities under control.

On the contrary, this will greatly increase the difficulty and risk of Mr. A and his actions!

In the end, I wanted to ensure Senior's safety. This was really... Subconsciously covering his face, Klein smiled bitterly and shook his head.

After counting the time, he did not ask any more questions about the secrets on the "Pirate Hunter". He simply asked some questions about the shipping lanes and communications, and then ended his control over Turant New.

The dream dispersed, and the familiar sweltering heat and burning pain rushed into Turant's brain.

The shouts of the furnace worker next to him became clearer, and Turant, who had just regained consciousness, suddenly let out a scream and backed away from the coal pile.

With a ferocious expression, he controlled his palms with force. When he looked up, he realized that the pile of coal where he was standing had been ignited by sparks flying from the boiler at some point.

Because these flammable objects were covered with steam and the water poured out by the furnace worker in time, they did not actually burn, but the surface still became hot, scalding me who was in a trance.


The earnest voice of the furnace worker was still in his ears, but Turant didn't bother to respond.

The nightmarish scene just now still firmly occupied his mind, and the "fighter" was so frightened that he ignored the physical injuries he suffered. He threw away the handkerchief handed by the furnace worker and quickly looked around the situation in the power cabin.

he asked in a thick voice.

"Did you hear the explosion just now?"

The furnace workers looked at me and I looked at you, all with blank expressions.

One of them, who handed Turant a handkerchief, frowned and asked.

"Where's the explosion?"

He raised his hand and glanced at Turant's eyes a few times, then pointed at the extinguished coal pile and said.

"Just now you were standing there and suddenly stopped moving, as if you were asleep. We didn't notice it at first, but then the coal pile started burning, and you still didn't move..."

"Boss, is it too hot today?"

He didn't say the rest of the sentence.

Too hot?

Turant scratched his head in confusion, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net did not nod, but he believed in this possibility.

But, he, a "fighter" in good condition, would actually have hallucinations due to the high temperature?

Backlund, East District.

A metal sparrow landed from the sky with heavy wings, attracting the attention of two people in the alley.

"Did you leave a mark yesterday?"

It rotated its neck with stacked gears, and its gemstone eyes shone with a cold glimmer.

On the ground, Forsi and Xio looked at each other quickly. Forsi, who was carrying a lady's bag and covered in robes, took a step forward and answered.

"The gentleman who signed the notarization with you is not in Backlund now due to some matters. He entrusted us to complete the rest of the transaction for him."

Consistent with his appearance, the "craftsman" behind the metal sparrow showed no unnecessary emotions. After hearing that his partner suspected something was wrong, he didn't ask any more questions and just nodded.

"I've made the items, where's the balance?"

According to his contract with Klein, in addition to the eight thousand pounds deposit, Klein also needed to pay him a balance of two thousand pounds.

Taking off the small bag slung across his body, Forsi opened the bag a crack, revealing the banknotes neatly placed inside.

The "craftsman" glanced at it, nodded slightly, and heard two more sounds of inciting airflow in the air.

His eyes swept over the hoods of Forsi and Xio, and his voice was dull.

"The finished product basically meets his requirements. It is a wristband called 'Glory'."

It was so hard to sleep today.

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Chapter 25 Lord of the Storm

Chapter 216 Lord of the Storm

"It's called 'Glory'. As long as you touch your skin and have a spiritually connected medium, you can temporarily control the power of Dawn. At the same time, you will also gain powerful fighting abilities and enhance your physical strength, even for ordinary people. By using it, you can also gain powerful strength comparable to that of a giant in a short period of time."

"At the same time, according to the amount of spirituality input by the user, the wristband can also be manipulated to make corresponding changes in form, and the Dawn can be controlled to create an additional long sword or shield. Compared with the real 'Dawn Knight', although the power is somewhat different Not as good, but not too big of a difference."

"In addition to the powerful and balanced power, the negative effects of 'Glory' itself are also more troublesome. When the user wears it, especially when instilling spirituality and exerting power, there is a certain probability that he will hear the illusory ancient chanting sound, which is derived from extraordinary materials. The spiritual residue left inside is suspected to be imprinted in the bloodline of the descendants of the giants, the instinctive longing and nostalgia for their hometown."

"This song will infect the user's emotions, causing the user to hallucinate, see the favorite things in their life or return to the saddest moment. The longer the wearer wears it, the easier it will be to cause negative effects, which will affect the user's health. The influence will become stronger, until the user's emotions are completely dominated by 'Glory', and he kills himself with the long sword solidified by dawn."

"There are two ways to seal 'Glory'. One is to use a sealed object with the ability of 'Nightmare' and place it in the same space as 'Glory', so that the abilities of the two sealed objects can interact with each other and achieve a balance; the second method is to It is to use items with aura related to giants, place the items and 'Glory' in a small and closed space, calm the lingering sadness on 'Glory', and allow this slightly active sealed object to stabilize itself."

"In addition to the above positive and negative effects, 'Glory' also has a special ability, which is a failure beyond design expectations after production is completed."

"Based on the characteristics of the 'Warrior' path, especially the 'Weapon Master' sequence, when wearing 'Glory', the user can consciously suppress the negative effects of other sealed objects on the body. Correspondingly, the reason why this effect is called The failure is because while suppressing the negative effects, it will also affect the normal use of the sealed object, either suppressing or temporarily erasing most of the extraordinary."

The sealed object corresponding to the "Guardian" overall exceeded my expectations and was pretty good... In the lower cabin of the "Pirate Hunter", Klein extinguished the special candle used to form the bestowing ceremony and placed a The wristband with traces of time, dull bronze color, and some simple patterns was taken out of the wooden box.

Judging from the letter conveyed by Miss Magician on behalf of the Craftsman, the wooden box that was sent as a gift along with the sealed object came from the forest near the "Twilight Palace", which is the outskirts of Saint Milon. It can be regarded as an item contaminated with the giant's aura, but it is very weak and can only isolate the singing of "Glory" as much as possible.

The coldness of the metal and the warmth of the skin combined, and the dazzling dawn-like light burst out instantly. Even if Klein arranged spiritual walls around the four walls of the room, they could not stop the dawn.

The dazzling white tore the wooden board, passing the beam into the dim corridor, dyeing the undulating sea waves white. The shadows floated under the deep blue and almost black sea, and quickly escaped from the vicinity of the "Pirate Hunter".


Klein quickly took off the bronze wristband, unable to adapt to the sudden weight of the sealed object. The wristband slipped from his fingers and fell to the floor.

Dawn disappeared...

The room was quiet. The marionette Georgia looked as stiff as a real corpse, and Klein seemed to have lost his soul and was slightly absent-minded.

Fortunately, the room Klein was assigned was on the lowest floor of the cabin. It was daytime again, and most of the sailors and adventurers were working hard on the deck, so no one noticed the abnormality that had just occurred.

Ha... Suddenly, the corners of Klein's mouth turned up slightly, and the upward arc was complicated.

Should we say that we are worthy of being a nation that has inherited Russian customs?

Klein himself didn't even notice that he subconsciously used the somewhat inappropriate word "inheritance" when describing the characteristics of the giant.

He was now more concerned about the singing that broke into his ears without any warning.

The description of "craftsman" is wrong.

Is the giant's song sad? What Klein heard was more serious.

After you have calmly accepted the reality and no longer hope for miracles, you have to look at the seriousness of the current harsh living environment again. The so-called sadness is just a deeper sadness that you can naturally understand after looking away.

The accident just now was not that he was unable to control this sealed object, but that he was simply frightened by the emotion contained in the song and was a little dazed.

Picking up "Glory" from the floor, there were no surprises this time. The wristband was quietly clasped on the wrist. The brilliance of dawn was only a shallow layer, changing its shape according to the amount of spirituality Klein released.

After a while of trying, Klein pulled out a slender sword from the air.

He roughly calculated the spiritual consumption rate of the sealed objects in battle, and found pessimistically that he could only limit the "Sword of Dawn" to a weaker level, and the corresponding "Dawn Storm" could not be as powerful as the real "Sword of Dawn". "Guardian", or as Mr. A does when grazing, just one attack is enough to change the terrain in a small area.

Due to time constraints, Klein did not manipulate the secret puppet Giorgia to serve as a temporary assistant to test the strength of the sealed object, and temporarily put aside the test of the "Guardian" defense level.

He sealed "Glory" again, and unconsciously weighed the possible adverse reactions when wearing "Poison Wine" and "Glory" at the same time.

It is true that "Glory" can suppress the impact of "poisonous wine" on his emotions, but it can only suppress it and cannot eliminate it. But when the "poisonous wine" itself amplifies his negative emotions, he encounters someone who repeatedly provokes his inner sadness. During "Glory", the two were like a chemical reaction. Klein suspected that if he used these two sealed objects to fight at the same time and could not quickly defeat his opponent, he would self-destruct due to emotional problems along the way.

He imagined that he was halfway through the battle when he suddenly committed suicide, leaving behind a pile of sealed artifacts and two copies of the Secret Puppet's mid-sequence properties. The enemy stared blankly at the scene of the equipment exploding one by one...Klein covered his head with a snap. He became angry and decisively closed the box used to seal "Glory".

Alas, this cannot be blamed on "Craftsman". For ordinary extraordinary people, "Glory"'s powerful frontal combat capabilities far outweigh the risks of negative effects, and it is definitely worth the money.

He lowered his head and glanced at the fact that he had not eaten for several days. It was only his piety and reverence for the true Creator that fought against his instincts that kept him from biting his hand off by his "creeping hunger". He looked away guiltily, symbolically speaking again. He stroked the back of his hand a few times.

I still have to find food for "Creeping Hungry"... Next time I have a fight with pirates, I have to find an opportunity... Relight the candle engraved with the "Fool" logo pattern, and Klein picked up the wooden frame holding "Glory" The box was placed in the center of the ceremony. He was about to recite the venerable name and then enter the gray mist to respond to himself. As soon as he closed his hands, he suddenly stopped.

He opened his eyes, his gaze stayed on the palm for a while, and then slowly moved to the wooden box.

It seems that it is not impossible to avoid the conflict between "Glory" and "Poisonous Wine"...

The sea level was falling. Tracey looked at the sea that curved and rolled up toward the sky, almost blending into the clouds. Her arms were stretched straight, and she was holding on to the railing with both hands. Her blue eyes were filled with despair and fear.

This exaggerated battle was not directed at her. It was the aftermath of the battle between Archbishop Rose of the Church of Storms and another "Sea King". She just happened to be passing by.

Since the last encounter with the Loen fleet, relying on the ability of the "Good Luck Compass" to get rid of the Loen navy, and later avoiding trouble and danger many times, Tracy has fallen in love with this thing that can make her Her destiny is gradually developing in a good direction, especially not only her career, but also her emotional life. The softening of Elaine's attitude has only worsened her affection for the compass.

This made her gradually give up her vigilance towards strange sealed objects, relax her consciousness as a "witch", and finally swallowed the consequences of unintentional ripening today.

The good luck given to her by the compass was borrowed from her future self, and today is the day to repay it.

The two "Sea Kings" are still fighting.

The ancient language chants faintly. The fear derived from natural substances deprives "Sea King" Cotman of the power to issue a war cry. The hissing sounds of deep-sea snakes overlap with the harmonies of elves, conveying the same command in the storm. .


God's will commanded the sea. The already turbulent and crazy sea surface was like the land during an earthquake. The dark water began to collapse everywhere, revealing terrifying whirlpools. The powerful suction interacted with each other and merged with each other. In just a few seconds, several Trey... A huge dark vortex that Qian had never heard of before had formed, causing the entire "Black Death" to scream mournfully, the wood that served as the keel creaked, the three masts were neatly broken, and the black sails fell with the wind.

The moisture in the air was increasing, the moisture in her body was precipitating, and every breath was more difficult than the last.

She heard Elaine's cry for help, heard Misor King's panicked roar, and heard the thumping sound of several "sailor" crew members who made demented actions out of desperation...

It's over, everything is over...

If you continue to stay here, you will only be swallowed by the tsunami, swept into the ocean currents, and the high pressure will crush every bone in your body, and even your soul. Even if you use "mirror magic", it will only prolong the pain of suffocation and broken internal organs for one more time. Two seconds.

Unless... Tracey's hair grew crazy behind her, with colorless threads attached to it, tying herself up and tearing open the door to the captain's cabin.

She saw Elaine and the maid clinging to each other, helping each other not to fall to the ground, and she laughed unconsciously.

Under the puzzled gazes of the two closest crew members, she moved with difficulty in the room, dragging the broken but still large-area mirror in front of the three of them.

With an ugly smile on her lips, Tracy hugged the two of them and said in their ears.

"I will pray to my mother and ask her to take us away through the mirror world. You can help me arrange it..."


A violent muffled sound flowed through every corner of the "Black Death", and the frenzy hit the hull. Tracey and the other two were knocked against the wall of the captain's room by the impact, relying on spider silk to cushion them, and were not injured.

During the impact, Tracey wrapped the mirror that was to be used as an escape route with ice cubes and silk thread. Regardless of the pain in her joints, she had to get up and check the status of the mirror, but she felt strong discomfort in her lungs.

It was different from the discomfort she was familiar with when the poison spread by the plague damaged the enemy's lungs. It was the most intuitive feeling of suffocation, as if the trachea was blocked by mud.

It was obviously in the air, and it was obvious that her and Elaine's flames were consuming the increasing moisture in the air and easing the loss of moisture in her body, but she still seemed to be drowning and unable to breathe.

Her body collapsed and fell to the ground. She struggled to open her eyes and saw that Elaine and the maid who had been following her for the longest time had also encountered misfortune. They had painful expressions and exaggerated bulging eyes. They were scratching their throat and cheeks frantically, scratching out There were traces of blood that were not yet obvious.

Seeing this scene, Tracy also saw what she looked like at this time.


This time, she finally understood the ethereal chant that was more deafening than the storm and thunder.

Under the leadership of the gods, the elves poured out their hatred for the rebels and equally cursed every enemy who tried to break into their home, even those who didn't know it.

Am I going to die?

The brain lost the supply of air, and Tracy's consciousness gradually blurred. She couldn't even feel the pain, only numbness and instinct remained.

She mechanically turned her neck, looking at Elaine who was struggling to reach out to her, and the maid who was trying to crawl closer to her, trying to use her extraordinary abilities. The corners of her mouth trembled, and she failed to notice the sudden glimmer of light from the compass on her waist. Think of saying a word.

However, reality once again proved her powerlessness.

When she desperately overcame the pressure of suffocation and uttered a occult word, thinking it could change the fate of the remaining two people, two inhuman roars erupted in the sky at the same time.

They collided, they bit, and the two forces converged, extinguishing all the sounds on the sea in an instant, leaving only the roar of the wind pressure.

Billions of pounds of seawater were spiritually lifted up into the sky. It was only then that "Sea King" Coatman realized that he had been fighting an unknown being far higher than his own life level.

He didn't even have time to think about whether the enemy he had considered for a long time was the "Disaster Queen" in disguise, or a newly born person who desecrated the authority of the storm. The seawater weighing more than a small island had collapsed, accompanied by a torrential rain of twisted lightning. Vow to level the place where the clouds are shrouded.


A huge thunderbolt full of violent rage struck across the sky, cutting off the impending natural disaster before the seawater and lightning landed. UU read www. ukanshu.net

Off the Ross Island Islands, as Storm Pope Gad II passed by quickly, the few deserted islands disappeared completely. Within hundreds of kilometers, thunderclouds rolled, and silver-white thorns threaded through needles, interweaving into endless black clouds. United as one, the symbol of the "tyrant" is represented in the Pope, whose face is ferocious as if he is enduring something.

He ignored Coatman, who was barely protecting himself in the thunderstorm and might die silently at any time, and roared out a word into the abyss.

"Get out!"

The world became quiet, and the light on the compass disappeared as quietly as it came.

After getting rid of the suppression, Tracy was a Sequence Five, and she quickly regained her most basic mobility.

She got up from the ground in a daze, and found that there was no longer the singing of the elves in her ears, "Aquatic King" Coatman was nowhere to be seen, and there were no dark clouds in the sky, only endless clear sky.

If it weren't for the bruises on her skin that were still there, and Elaine and the others hadn't woken up from their coma, and the dilapidated appearance of the "Black Death" looked like it might disintegrate at any time, she would have mistakenly thought that it was just a figment of her imagination.

Because, the moment before she lost consciousness, she vaguely saw a hazy gray... and saw a phantom confronting the "Pope".

It seemed to be an... elf.

The natural disaster caused by Guizhou was hidden in the Rhoside Islands, caught between the spiritual world and reality, and the Church of Storms has never been able to find it. This time Amon took the initiative to give Cotman a rough clue, and almost killed "Sea King", and so did the tyrant Sensing signs of the resurrection, I hurried over to kill the cockroaches (not

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Chapter 26 Confession

Chapter 217 Confession

The dilapidated ship sailed hard between the rocks and the seabed, all the masts were broken, and the "Black Death" was driven only by human pedals placed on the bottom of the ship. This was also due to the "Black Death" becoming a "disease". The flagship of Lieutenant General Tracy was once a medium-sized slave ship. The cunning and stingy slave traders made many calculations and finally cut off the planned steam boiler and replaced it with the most primitive manpower combined with sail drive. It can not only save a fuel fee, but also maximize the surplus value of the slaves.

After taking over the ship from the slave traders, Tracy never thought that one day she would use the paddles on the bottom of the ship where slaves were supposed to be placed.

However, there was no room for her and the pirates to dwell on the differences between themselves and slaves at the moment. Every sailor on the ship was a veteran of navigation and knew that it was located off the Rhoad Islands. In addition to the Loen Navy that might assist "Sea King" Courtman at any time, There are even more ferocious elf hunters watching with eager eyes.

The extreme xenophobia of this group of ancient remnants blessed by the racial gods is far greater than that of the colonized natives on the Rhoside Islands, and they equally hate every bandit who attempts to break into their homeland.

Thanks to the ancestors of the pirates, the decades-long evil deeds of the colonists of the Northern Continent at sea have brought the elves' hatred of the "northern terrestrial species" to the extreme.

For this reason, they would rather set off waves and bury all the ships that pass through their homeland, rather than let go of any crisis that may erupt in the future. This is a bloody lesson.

The pirates put down the little pride they had in their hearts, and as they entered the windless zone, the speed of the "Black Death" barely returned to normal.


Misol Jin, who had a faint black eyelid under his eyes, knocked on the door of the captain's cabin. Being highly exhausted, he did not look as respectful as usual, and even the salute was cursory.

"There aren't many of us left."

After the natural disaster, Misor King, the chief mate, inspected the damage to the ship and found that in addition to the damaged keel, the cracked bottom of the ship, and the broken mast, nine pirates were lost in the storm. .

At this time, Tracy was the only one in the captain's cabin, and the other two women on the ship were working together to repair the only mast that could barely be used.

"How far is it from the fleet's stopping point?"

Even at her lowest point, Tracey's voice never faltered.

Floating in front of her was a thick ice cube wrapped in layers of transparent silk threads and hair, which contained the "Good Luck Compass", the culprit of the natural disaster they encountered.

Misol Jin glanced through the ice and vaguely guessed the possibility.

"The pilot hit his head in the storm and is not very clear-headed. After sailing for a day, Miss Elaine said that we have left the scope of the Rhoad Islands. It is estimated that we will reach the deserted island to replenish fresh water in one or two days, and the remaining Fleet rendezvous."

Tracey breathed a sigh of relief.

She was extremely lucky that before entering the Rossed waters, she would split the fleet into two every time, only waiting for the order from the flagship to go deeper.

If she is as reckless and arrogant as Senior and dares to bring all the ships into the Blue Mountain Bay, her role as "Vice Admiral of Disease" will be over.

Who is rated as a pirate general is not only based on personal strength, but also on the pirates and ships controlled by his subordinates.

She was promoted to Sequence Five very early and was known as the "Sick Girl", but she only joined the ranks of pirate generals after Qilingos's death, precisely because of this.

"Keep going," Tracy was accustomed to giving orders as usual. She noticed Misor King's fatigue and immediately changed her words, her tone relaxed, "We are in danger now, and 'Sea King' is very dangerous." He may not be dead. Although he left Rosid, there are still other navies and pirates at sea. If we don't join up with the remaining ships, we may all be finished, do you understand?"

Misor Jin nodded slightly, he thought so too.

"I will talk to the people below and ask them to pedal faster. All unnecessary things and ballast have been removed. In a day and a half, there should be no problem."


Under Misor King's surprised gaze, Tracy rarely showed a smile without other emotions in front of the crew.

Not so heroic, not looking down from above as usual, and not frighteningly malicious, Misor Jin was in a trance, and with little resistance, he was immersed in this smile that was almost miraculous to him.

He walked away with empty steps, and the smile on Tracy's face gradually faded.

Her blue eyes were as cold as polar ice. Unlike her mother, she was not a good person, but she was not a very cold and cruel person either, at least not that perverted.

If a little kindness could tie the hearts of the crew members who were leaving, she wouldn't mind giving them more smiles.

Sighing, Tracy manipulated the silk thread to close the door and monitored the compass in the ice again.

She couldn't bear another accident, so she threw the compass in front of her into the sea, chanted her mother's honorable name, and borrowed the power of demigods to help her deal with it. It was the right choice.

But she didn't know whether it was because of a ghost or intuition, but she always felt that she and the ship were able to escape and survive the final thunderstorm only because of the protection of the compass and the phantom of the elf that appeared in her hallucinations. blessing.

I heard that in elf legends, in the Second Age a long time ago, their god, the elf king who is now used to name Sunia Island, had a description of "luck"...

Could it be that Qilingos really found some lost ancient elf ruins, and this compass was actually a burial object of the owner of the ruins?

Tracey's breathing slowed down quite a bit.

No, not necessarily, the owner of the ruins is not necessarily dead.

He... He is probably still alive. Maybe everything I have encountered, good luck or disaster, is just a farce used by Him for fun...

With a demigod mother as a role model, Tracy understands the inhuman thinking of high-ranking people better than ordinary extraordinary people.

Let's sacrifice it to her mother... After a fierce psychological struggle, she untied the ice that bound the compass, grabbed a corner of it, and was stunned to see a crimson starlight pouring out of the void and sweeping over her.

In the grand palace like the king's residence of giants, Klein has an asymmetrical black crown on his head, and his whole body is covered in armor. Through his spiritual body to accommodate the "Black Emperor" card, his own spirituality no longer succumbs to the swimming gray mist, but has leverage. The possibility of the gray fog itself.

Klein moved his fingers slightly, and a wisp of dark gray mist enveloped the simple paper figurine he had just cut.

All of a sudden, the paper man who was originally with stubby limbs and an irregular round head became extremely tall and filled with a massive amount of spirituality. While possessing a physical form, pairs of huge black wings sprouted from his back.

As soon as this paper figure took shape, it gave off a strong sense of distortion and majesty. However, the overall size was limited to normal by Klein. It was not huge enough to cover the palace dome like the last time he fought against the pollution of the "Mother Tree of Desire" behind Gostars.

The cards separated from the spirit body. Klein played with the rectangular card with Russell's portrait in his hand, stared at the Azik bronze whistle and "Glory" placed on the long table, and changed to a more comfortable sitting position.

The "Pirate Hunter" returned to Oravi yesterday. In the three days from Friday to Sunday, Hainan Airlines was not as dangerous as Klein imagined. It only encountered three waves of pirates, and one of them was composed entirely of ordinary people. Even Sotos, who hunts pirates all year round, finds it rare.

Considering that he had done a lot of tricks on the "Pirate Hunter" after going to sea, and after thinking of a solution to suppress the incompatibility problem between "Glory" and "Poison Wine", Klein did not try it immediately, but patiently waited until the ship docked. , and only started to act after returning to the residence on the shore.

In his original idea, he planned to use the power of Mr. Azik's copper whistle to suppress the activity of the sealed object "Glory" with the characteristics of the "Death" pathway, just like Mr. Azik's original response to the "Creep Hunger" The processing is the same.

But he soon discovered that relying solely on the status of the bronze whistle could not support him enough to leverage the gray mist.

The "Black Emperor" card has enough character, but the most iconic ability of the "Black Emperor" path is "distortion". It's hard to say what the final effect will be... Klein pushed his wrist forward and stood quietly at the top. The "Paper Angel" on one side also moved, flapping its wings. Twelve pairs of black wings spread out in layers, hugging and wrapping the bronze wristband lying on the long table.

Light and shadow intersect, and the "Black Emperor" card's extremely high status seeps into the power of "distortion" the moment it touches the surface of "Glory". The overflowing wind quickly calms down, and the gray fog also returns to calm.

Just by observing with the naked eye, Klein could hardly detect whether "Glory" had changed, but after turning on his spiritual vision, he easily found the spiritual trajectory where the surface flow of "Glory" was no longer regular.

Revealing a pen and parchment, Klein performed a divination on the sealed object on the table.

Through the revelation of the dream, he discovered that the power of "distortion" had caused certain interference to "Glory". Although it could not change the negative effects, it confused the probability of the negative effects erupting to a certain extent. He picked up the wristband and put it on his hand. You won't have the misfortune of hearing giant songs just after using it.

That's right, the underlying logic is there, and it's impossible to completely avoid the problem... Klein is quite satisfied with this attempt.

He waved away the pen and paper in front of him, put away the "Black Emperor" card, and prepared to return to the real world.

Before leaving, he looked around, symbolically searching for the existence of the "god of mystery" in the palace.

He hadn't seen this "senior" for a long time, which made him a little uneasy.

The disappearance of the "God of Mystery" is far scarier than having him floating around him every day... As soon as this thought flashed through Klein's mind, his spiritual intuition suddenly jumped.

Klein, who was standing at the top, suddenly turned his head and saw that one of the crimson stars floating quietly in the endless gray mist suddenly lit up, spreading out a water-like light.

It expands and contracts and does not belong to any member of the Tarot Society.

Who is praying to the "Fool"?

Alarmed and confused, Klein sat back down in his seat.

The honorable name of "The Fool" has not yet been spread by the Aurora Society and the Secret Order. At most, it has been presented to several high-level angels by Miss "Magician". Theoretically, there is no possibility of leakage.

Thinking about it carefully, none of the current Tarot Club members is the "Fool" who has taken the initiative to contact me. They were all selected by me through the corresponding stars. Even the little "Sun" is reciting the honorable name of the "God of Mysteries" , after conveying the content of the prayer to me, I saw it...

Who could it be?

Is it someone with ulterior motives who wants to test the status of the "Mysterious God", or is it just a coincidence?

After thinking for a few seconds, Klein finally spread his spirituality and did not respond directly. Instead, he browsed the content of the prayer through the crimson stars.

He thought about it and realized that there was no need to be too frightened by this prayer light spot.

If the purpose of praying to the people over there is to test the extent of the "God of Mystery"'s recovery, the real "God of Mystery" is above the gray fog. According to Klein's speculation, it is very likely that it still maintains considerable power, enough to scare people. Retreat the enemy.

Moreover... He also wanted to test the true state of the "God of Mystery" to see if this god was really like what He said, with only obsession and imprisoned will left, and no ability to interfere with reality. ability.

With Klein's spiritual touch, the crimson star that was constantly expanding and contracting showed the images and sounds it contained, and then without Klein's control, the man was sent directly to the gray mist.

A woman wearing brown trousers, an off-white shirt, black hair and blue eyes, with a charming face even though her facial features were blurred, appeared on the left side of the long table.

She held the illusory compass in one hand, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net and subconsciously supported the edge of the long table with the other hand. She looked up dull and mechanically, and finally met Klein's gaze.

Who is this!

Klein squinted his eyes, supported the seat with both hands, and pressed his body forward slightly, panic mixed with anger.

The "uninvited" guests were only Sequence Five. Hey, this happened just as he was about to find the "God of Mysteries". Did he still have to wonder who caused the "accident"?

However, he still remembered the identity he played in the gray mist after all. After the initial excitement, he calmed down instantly and quickly glanced at the woman sitting in the seat next to the "Hanged Man".

That's right, she's a witch. Her overall level is about the same as mine. She's probably a Sequence 5 "Disease Witch".

Pirate attire, "disease witch", black hair and blue eyes...all the features put together accurately point to a person with a great reputation.

"Sickness Lieutenant General" Tracey Pelley?

Klein's expression hidden behind the gray mist suddenly felt strange.

Unable to grasp the "secret" idea, he could only deal with the situation first, break the silence, and wake up the pirate general who seemed to be a little stupid.

"Are you praying to me?"

"No..." Tracy denied subconsciously, "I, I... I am confessing to you."

She had recognized the familiar gray fog in front of her, and naturally thought of the high-ranking elf who fought against the storm.

An unrealistic guess brewed in Tracy's heart, and then she saw the god at the top smiled and repeated her answer in an incomprehensible tone.


I feel like I'm sick...

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Chapter 27 Conspiracy

Chapter 218 Conspiracy

Taunting teasing or disguised questioning? Tracey didn't dare know.


"It's confession!"

She buried her head deeply, her eyes fixed deeply on the long mottled bronze table, her ears seemed to be filled with thunder clouds, and her pounding heartbeat was the drum directing the thunder, which made her eardrums hurt.

Probably because she has been resisting the tasks imposed on her by the sect and has been passive in her work for too long. She has frequently docked at the coast recently, so she does not always have the slow and vague understanding of the changes in the situation on the mainland like other colleagues at sea. Trey Akane's thoughts were running wildly, and her intuition found the most unlikely truth at the moment.

"You..." Her voice was dry and hoarse, and she raised her hands above her head, holding up the ancient compass, "Your belongings, I regret my previous audacity and ignorance, and hope to return them to you. I beg you. Your grace absolve me of my sins."

My items? Klein noticed the thin atmosphere of gray mist on the compass, the asymmetrical and complicated carvings, and the black and blue marks on the rusty surface. He frowned slightly, which confirmed his suspicion in his heart.

It is indeed related to the gray fog, and it is not too old. It has an obvious Quaternary aesthetic style. It can basically be determined to be something released by the "God of Mystery", just like the crystal ball used by the little "Sun" to pray...

Gently raising her palms, the compass lying in Tracy's white palms was rolled up by a stream of mist and flew to the top.

Klein weighed the compass, without instilling any spirituality. He only rubbed the scratches and rust on the surface.

He briefly thought about the language, overturned the original draft, and deliberately imitated the conversation and language habits of the "God of Mystery".

How does that guy usually talk?

Recalling the few experiences they had together, the corners of Klein's mouth raised slightly, and then dropped slightly again. In the end, only a slight arc could be seen.

He retains a touch of personal understanding and style amid pure imitation.

"That's all?"

The gods' teasing did not help to ease the atmosphere. On the contrary, Tracy had never been so embarrassed and frightened.

She opened her mouth, but found that her throat was blocked, as if she had returned to a nightmare dominated by drowning songs, and her voice could hardly come out.

Normally, she wouldn't have reacted like this. Most people were respectful in front of the gods because the gods took advantage of people's ignorance to create a tall image for themselves that was too insurmountable.

But Tracy is different. She has been on the extraordinary road for many years. From her near collapse when she first drank the "witch" potion to her calm acceptance now, she has opened too many doors to new worlds, and even... Along with her mother, she came into contact with the original angel at an important ceremony of the sect.

She originally thought that she had transcended most ordinary extraordinary people and had a different attitude towards those in high positions. She would not be too groveling and intimidated by their powerful power, and she would not be blindly arrogant... If what happened yesterday had not happened, Maybe her thoughts will still be like this.

When the natural disaster came around, the entire ocean shook and capsized at the fingertips of a certain being, and thunder and lightning became the background of the story. It was only for the first time that Tracy intuitively realized what a true high sequence was.

Is that all?

Is that all?

Only these...

The first question echoed in her ears repeatedly, and every time it was repeated, her lips became paler.

"I, I also rashly broke into the elves' clan and offended your family members."

She went to the elves' territory, and it looked like she suffered a loss. She was beaten badly... Klein squinted his eyes, and his whole body showed the leisurely look after waking up from a deep sleep. He leaned on the edge of the seat with his right hand, supporting his cheek, and silently looked down. He said nothing again, trying to trick out more things.

"I also attracted the Saint of the Storm, putting your family members in danger."

The boss didn't respond for a long time, and after thinking about it carefully, Tracy put aside her unconfidence and simply blamed herself for the sudden appearance of "Aquaman" Cotman, even though she knew very well that with her body If the amount is too high, "Neptune" may not do it himself.

The demigods of the storm are chasing Lieutenant General Disease... I haven't heard any related rumors... Klein is confused and vaguely feels that some key links may be missing.

He did not pursue the matter for the time being, and planned to consult with professionals for confirmation after sending "Lieutenant General Disease" away.

"Mistakes are inevitable, everyone makes mistakes." Klein glanced at Tracy, who was motionless, and suddenly changed the subject, "Although I promised to protect the elves, I am not the one who needs you to apologize and repent."

On the left side of the long table, Tracy, whose head was almost buried into the long table, trembled visibly.

She didn't dare to say anything at first, but after a while, she found that there was no more information about the existence of the leader, so she timidly raised her head and nodded. Her eyes only dared to stay on the top edge of the long table, and she said tentatively.

"Are you not the Elf King's follower?"

After all, the one above appeared as a man. After ruling out the possibility of the "Queen of Natural Disasters", she always thought that the being who summoned her was the newly born angel of some elf.

Klein shook his head slightly and looked at Tracy's eyebrows and chin exposed under her long black hair. He couldn't help but think of some shadows of the "original witch" on this face.

The reason why He calls himself the original is because on the path of "Assassin", the higher you advance, the closer you get to Him?

Thinking that his identity had been exposed to the "Original Witch" a long time ago, and that the two had even met and communicated intimately, Klein immediately gave up the idea of ​​coaxing and intimidating Tracey, and spoke in a more relaxed tone, as if stating the facts.

"You can call me 'The Fool', or as others called me in the past, 'The God of Mysteries'."

Weird insects emerged from the man's eye sockets, forming a crystal clear circle based on the eye sockets. Only the shadows of the illusory and intertwined insects remained on the lenses.

The originally decadent pirate changed his temperament, raised the corners of his mouth, and pushed up the monocle that was tapping on his right eye.

"Hiding in the gap between the spiritual world and reality?"

He walked barefoot on the sea with a slow pace, patiently observing the reaction under the sea.

The divine power of "Storm" still remains, and the aura of "Tyrant" covers the traces of the battle. Amon traces back time and only gets a few clues, unable to completely restore the battle between "Sea Kings".

Stopping in his tracks, he looked at the rugged bottom that was almost smoothed, and saw a huge cyan-black reptile figure on the time record.

It was a sea snake, a strange creature with a look of wisdom unique to primates in its eyes.

Unlike ordinary creatures that are exposed to the extraordinary and then become enlightened, the sea snake's eyes sparkle more towards humans.

"Give power to ordinary creatures and then fabricate a fake clone activity?" Amon smiled and clapped his hands.

This is indeed not a method that ordinary mythical creatures would think of.

They are more willing to reward their subordinates with extraordinary characteristics, and while supporting their minions, they also prepare one or two resurrection insurances.

"No wonder 'Storm' searched for you at sea for so long and couldn't find you. It turned out to be this method."

Although he sighed, Amon did not take the idea of ​​​​learning.

For Him, the clone can do more and more convenient things than the gift of power, so there is no need to blindly imitate.

Of course, this method is indeed good. If there is a suitable opportunity, you can also consider adding it to the trap to act as a smoke bomb.

Thinking of this, Amon, who was on the sea, flipped his palm and transformed into a silver medal covered with fine patterns. He used his spiritual connection to try to rely on the aura of Origin Castle on the silver medal to detect another "item" closely related to Origin Castle. ".

Gray-white mist unfolded before his eyes, and long rivers flowing with endless brilliance branched off from a thick trunk, pointing in different directions, some downward, some north, and some towards Amon himself.

Unfortunately, except for the "river" pointing to the silver medal in Amon's hand, the two heading north and downward are quite blurry from a distance and cannot be clearly seen.

"Oh, interesting."

"The God of Mysteries" and "The Fool"?

Isn't this the one the "Black Saint" ordered all members to pay attention to?

It is one of the two major faiths in East Balangtrunsoest, and the true god of the Esoteric Order!

The answer given above was beyond Tracy's imagination.

She couldn't understand how she got involved with such a being.

More importantly, except for the sacred scriptures recited by the madmen of the Aurora Society, almost everyone claims that the "God of Mystery" died at the end of the Pale Catastrophe, and died at the same time as the God of Death in the Fourth Age. According to legend, the God of Fury Sea Chaos and disorder are due to these two.

He is still alive!

The sudden shocking news destroyed Tracy's ability to think normally.

She once again slipped into the abyss of despair. The stereotype of the empire that occupied the eastern part of the Southern Continent intensified her fear of Mogami.

A belief group that is as extreme as the Church of the Eternal Burning Sun. Their god would never be kind enough to let innocent pagans go!

Boom boom.

There were two soft sounds at the top, the sound of fingers tapping on heavy metal.

She mechanically raised her head, not noticing for a moment that she was looking directly at the god above her.

"Why, haven't any of today's children heard of my name?"

The god's sudden friendly and casual tone startled Tracy again.

She couldn't accept such a big change from her superior.

Feeling that the alienated indifference of the "God of Mystery" was really difficult to grasp, Klein used his freedom to express himself a little more freely.

"I..." Tracey stammered in response, "Of course I've heard your name."

She quickly lowered her head and added.

"It's just that your legend is too far away in modern times. I'm so surprised."

Klein was quite satisfied with her reaction and followed suit.

"So what happened to you?"

"I just woke up not long ago, so I didn't pay too much attention."

He did not explain the relationship between the compass and the "God of Mystery" and left most of it to Tracy to think about. "Lieutenant General Disease", whose thinking had been misled, answered the questions obediently.

She started talking about getting the compass and continued until she came to the Rhoside Islands.

"...The sect gave me some tasks to escort slaves. There was a batch of goods in Bayam, the capital of the Rhoside Islands. I was originally going to load the goods, so I accidentally entered the elves' clan when I sailed into the distant sea of ​​Rhoside. , the saint who caused the storm..."

"The followers of the 'Tyrant' are chasing you?" Klein appropriately echoed Tracy's words.

"No, it's not." Tracy thought for a moment and decided to tell the truth from her own perspective, "I didn't know that 'Aquaman' Yan Cotman suddenly appeared."

"He rushed into the sea in front of me. As soon as he appeared, he began to change the ocean currents and summon lightning and storms. I initially thought he had discovered the sect's actions and wanted to kill me, but now that I think about it, I only have sequence five, no It's worthy of a Sequence Three Saint personally taking action."

"So I think his initial target was the elves."

Observing the reaction of the top leader, Tracy swallowed.

"At first, the corpses of several elves he killed floated to the sea, but soon another storm path demigod who was as good as him came, the demigod of the elves."

"The demigod led the elves to fight against the 'Sea King', and gradually took the initiative, and then..."

"Then?" Klein raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Then the Pope of the Storm came, just when the 'Sea King' was about to lose." Tracy took a deep breath and gradually adapted to the current situation, "The Pope of the Storm, Gad II, drove away the elves and their protectors. My crew and I were knocked unconscious by the aftermath of their battle, so we have no idea what happened."

After saying that, Tracy kept bending at almost 90 degrees and waited quietly for the god above to descend.

Big news... Klein sighed inwardly, unable to fully digest the breaking news he heard from Lieutenant General Disease.

He was sure that the person confronting "Sea King" Yann Coatman could never be a simple demigod.

Either the elves summoned angels for assistance, or there were other angels, angels who originally lived in the land of the elves, waiting under the sea for "UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.net Sea King" to take the bait.

The probability of the former is low... Klein judged this.

According to "Lieutenant General Disease", Storm Pope Gad II entered the battlefield almost instantly. The elves did not have much time to react and it was difficult to summon reinforcements.

So the most likely thing is that there is really an angel hiding in the waters of the Rhoside Islands, an angel in the path of the storm...an angel?

No way...Klein's mouth grew bigger little by little.

He suddenly thought of a possibility and remembered a task assigned to him by the "God of Mystery" before going to sea.

A mission that left him clueless and unsure of where to start. He originally planned to have Rosago inform the elves first and prepare to find clues from the elves.

Isn't the part of "Secret" divided into the past the storm path?

In this way, it was reasonable for Gad II to respond quickly and fly over thousands of kilometers from Pasu Island.

A true god, even if it is only partially revived, deserves to be treated with the most serious attitude!

But then again, if the part that symbolizes the power of the storm has always been in the hands of the elves, why did the word "secret" use the word wandering at that time.

Why was the adjective used then "him"?

Klein smelled a conspiracy.

In fact, when I wrote this, Klein's appearance in front of Tracy was completely different from the Fool at the Tarot Club. He seemed to be imitating the "God of Mystery", but he didn't know much about "Mystery". It was just what "Secret" wanted him to see, so something went wrong when he imitated it, and he accidentally imitated something more essential and deeper.

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