63.23% LOTM ?? / Chapter 43: chapter 38

章 43: chapter 38

Chapter 75 Tracey Pellet

Chapter 165 Tracey Pellet

Under the twin hanging towers of Backlund Bridge, Klein stood in front of the sunken entrance of the steam subway, watching the carriage with the royal crest go away.

"If we really want to investigate further, Sherlock Moriarty may die suddenly at any time... Maybe someone is watching me now, well, maybe not for the time being. After all, I haven't taken any action yet..." Klein smiled. Frowning, he stood quietly.

He has never been as grateful as he is now that he was promoted to "Faceless Man" early and also mastered some of the abilities of "Secret Puppet Master" in advance through the "Yellow and Black Eyes".

Zaratul asked me to accept the commission. I guess in addition to wanting to intervene in the internal strife within the royal family, part of his thoughts are also about his intelligence department, especially the part that makes up the "Secret Order". There are many "faceless people" who can steal and change the pillars at any time. , replace me with a member of the "Secret Order" who is a real intelligence spy, and maybe take the opportunity to confirm Prince Edsac's suspicion of "Sherlock Moriarty" and make this man from the sea The detective of the county really became an extraordinary person sent by Lundberg's god of knowledge and wisdom.

Well, it's just a casual job for Him. It's hard to find out if He directly replaced my royal family with a marionette from the "Reader" path... Klein vaguely remembered that when the "divineer" reaches a high sequence, even a marionette can Master the ability to change appearance.

The only problem is, it doesn't have to be so troublesome.

Since Prince Edsac knew to avoid the manors and mansions where he usually lives when inviting me, why did he send a carriage with the royal coat of arms to drive into the Backlund Bridge area?

Is it because he himself is now under surveillance, so he simply gave up the concealment method that was destined to be seen through, and tried to send a signal to the people following him that he had discovered that he was being watched?

Who will monitor him?

His brothers shouldn't have such great energy. They can only do this if they have a status far higher than him in the royal family...such as a king?

Klein's thoughts were racing, and he chose not to return directly to the rented apartment. He walked around in a circle along the subway entrance, and finally waited for a gap when the crowd gradually became denser before squeezing into the subway along with the flow of people.

During this process, he kept his "yellow and black eyes" open throughout.

The "faceless man" examines the passers-by wandering nearby, constantly shifting his point of view between the real body and the illusory spirit body, trying to find a possible monitor.

Fifteen minutes into repeating this process, Klein unexpectedly saw the target he was looking for on the subway platform.

He was a man who was quite ordinary in his clothing and appearance. He was only a little over 1.7 meters tall. His dark brown eyes were not much special compared to the ordinary workers around him. They revealed the fatigue of ordinary working-class people after hard work. .

His performance is flawless, the only problem is that he seems to ignore all the little actions he makes subconsciously.

Whether it is an irregular and premeditated glance, or a slight movement of the lower limbs according to the angle of the body, these movements, no matter how subtle, are as obvious as fireflies at night in the eyes of the "faceless man".

There is only one, and the sequence is not high?

No matter who is the person who is against Prince Edsac, he underestimates me... Of course, it may be that in their eyes, "Sherlock Moriarty" is only Sequence Seven, and the "detective" is not capable of direct confrontation. Excellent sequence, so don't worry too much...

They only need to grasp the trajectory of Sherlock Moriarty's actions, but they do not have to capture him. Only when Sherlock Moriarty truly touches the truth and explores the secrets that cannot be exposed, will they choose the next relatively radical step. Action... Klein closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

From this point of view, Prince Edsac undoubtedly does not know what the royal family is preparing behind the scenes.

He has not been exposed to higher levels of extraordinary. King George III supports him to fight against the existing "Poor Relief Act". He is probably trying to use relatively mild means to modify the social structure and overturn some of the perceptions in the hearts of the people to better serve the people. Preparation for the "Black Emperor" ceremony.

"The Bearer of Miracles and Terrors."

"The dependents of the master of the spiritual world."

"Witnesses to the marks and traces of the fallen empire."

"The great angel Zaratul with the lantern..."

The fingers flexibly stirred, holding the illusory thread to make the rat hiding in the corner of the carriage make a voice that did not belong to it. Klein chanted in a low voice through the marionette temporarily controlled by the "Yellow and Black Eyes", calling for the distant sight to come.

The dreamy colors were stained with the dim light of the lights, and the dream silently covered his mind. A shadow of an angel carrying twelve pairs of wings appeared in the sky above Klein's dream, bowing his head to watch.

The phantom quickly twisted and turned into an old man with a white beard holding a lamp, walking up to Klein in the dream.

"Unexpectedly unfolding and well done."

Klein looked at the angel who arrived in a strange way and lowered his head respectfully.

He remained physically humble, but showed little respect in his words.

"What do you want me to do next?"

"Next step?" Zaratul's lips covered by his white beard curved and he asked, "What do you want to do?"

Klein frowned slightly as the question was thrown back, vaguely grasping the source of Jerry Zaratul's bad character.

"I don't have a concrete idea yet."

"But my intuition tells me that Talim's death will not be simple..."

He briefly told Zaratul his thoughts on Talim's death from the "demon" curse, and finally mentioned:

"...I suspect that Talim has unintentionally disrupted the royal family's plans. As a person close to the prince, he may have revealed secrets that he should not have seen while handling a private matter for Prince Edsac. That's why he It will lead to death."

"Do you think Augustus is connected with the 'Devil' and the 'Rose School'?" Zaratul stroked his beard with interest, seeming to be very interested in Klein's speculation.

"Why do you think so?"

Klein followed suit and also answered questions with questions.

"Based on my humble understanding, I don't think that the Loen royal family's attempt to touch a potentially free divine throne will be allowed by other royal families and forces on the continent."

"Once a new true god appears, and it is a true god that can obtain legal status, it will inevitably conflict with the true gods who currently divide and rule the northern continent and rob them of their faith."

"The royal family of Castile in Feneport also has the 'Arbitrator' path. If I guessed correctly, the 'Lawyer' path and the 'Arbitrator' path corresponding to the 'Black Emperor' should be adjacent paths? "

"If this is really the case, when the new 'Black Emperor' is born, who can ensure that he will not seek authority in adjacent channels? The royal family of Castile will be the first target."


Zaratul smiled and nodded, looking at the serious Klein in his dream with satisfaction, his eyes full of appreciation.

"I'm very pleased that you can think about the problem in this way."

He raised the lantern in his hand slightly, allowing the hazy dusk color emitted from the lantern to better illuminate the dream, blending with the dark nothingness at the border of the dream, creating a barrier.

"Do you think Augustus couldn't find suitable allies in the Northern Continent, so he turned his attention to a secret organization that has the support of the True God but has not obtained legal status and is on the suppressed side?"

"This is indeed a good guess."

The upward curve of the corners of his mouth gradually calmed down, and Zaratul's tone became much more serious.

"But just like your own judgment, your vision of the truth you understand is still too low, so many details and competition hidden under the surface are still unable to be seen clearly."

"If we leave aside the 'Witch Cult' and the 'Morse Trappist Order' for now, why do you think that the 'Rose School' will be welcomed to the poker table by Augustus?"

Why? What does this mean?

Klein frowned slightly and said tentatively:

"The 'Rose School' believes in the 'Bound God', or the 'Mother Tree of Desire'. After the Indulgence sect banned the Temperance sect, they completed the annexation of the 'Demon' group. Isn't it because the 'Mother Tree of Desire' defeated the 'universe'?" Dark side', of course it may be the other way around, in short, the evil god currently bearing the name of the 'Mother Tree of Desire' should be a powerful true god who has mastered the authority of the adjacent pathway."

If placed in the past Second Age, such a being would have been called an Ancient God!

Since the Augustus royal family lacks allies, isn't it a natural choice to seek the support of a powerful true god?

"...'Mother Tree of Desire', the true god who has mastered the authority of the adjacent path..." Zaratul's voice with a smile was quite meaningful.

He shook his head slightly, hesitated to speak, and finally smiled again.

"You actually think that He is a dual-path true god?"

Zaratul did not explain this sentence, but continued:

"The battles among the seven gods divided into small groups within the Northern Continent, and even their hatred towards the Lord, and the battles between other true gods who are not recognized by them, are all conflicts arising from the uneven distribution of interests. superior."

"You can think of these as little quarrels between brothers and sisters who live under the same roof and have a bad relationship."

"But the 'Mother Tree of Desire' is not our brother. He is an outsider, a terrible outsider that symbolizes destruction. Cooperating with him is tantamount to betrayal. No true god or angel will take risks, because once discovered, what awaits him It will be a mass siege without distinction between factions, distinction and rules."

"Even if the Augustus family wants to become gods and wants to be crazy, they will not discuss cooperation with the 'Mother Tree of Desire'."

The "Mother Tree of Desire" is an outsider. Is this the real reason why the "Devil" pathway is disordered and chaotic, and the indulgent faction of the "Alien" pathway is crazy and cruel, making it almost impossible to play it head-on?

But if the Augustus family did not reach cooperation with him, what about the "devil" curse that killed Talim?

Did they use a certain sealed artifact, or did they really find a wild and powerful "demon" and persuade him to become an assistant in the royal family's plan?

"The ideas don't have to be so rigid."

Zaratul interrupted Klein's thinking, and his figure gradually faded.

"Although Augustus will not cooperate with the 'Mother Tree of Desire', they can use the 'Rose School' to help them do something, walk on the gray edge of the bottom line drawn by the gods, and take advantage of the loopholes in order, which is not completely impossible things."

"Don't forget that they are both 'arbitrators' and 'lawyers'. What 'lawyers' are best at is confusing right and wrong and finding and exploiting loopholes in the law."

Zaratul's figure with a concrete image collapsed, and the shadow carrying twelve pairs of angel wings reappeared above Destiny. Only the lantern still had entity, emitting a hazy halo to maintain the existence of the dream.

"Your guess is of great reference value. At least I got some inspiration from you."

"I will send someone to follow up. As for Gostars, you don't have to be responsible for the time being."

"In the next period of time, you will be monitored by MI9 spies, and Sharon will no longer accompany you until you are out of sight of the royal family."

"Of course, if you think the matter is too dangerous for you to handle, or if you think it is difficult to proceed with your own strength, you can report it to me. I will use a marionette to replace you and continue the action, and give you a new identity. Leave Backlund."

The angel's voice faded away, the lantern light disappeared, and the mouse that briefly transformed into a marionette suddenly became limp and died in a corner where no one could see it.

Klein, who was leaning against the cold wooden backrest, slowly opened his eyes and glanced in the direction where the monitor was sitting. His mood was inexplicably complicated.

Zaratul's attitude towards the Augustus family's pursuit of the title of "Black Emperor" is quite ambiguous.

He is the only high-ranking person in the Trunsoest Empire that Klein has access to. In Klein's opinion, his attitude represents the attitude of the camp of the true Creator.

It is impossible for the Seven Gods to not know the royal family's thoughts. The True Creator is also paying attention to the ownership of the "Black Emperor".

The eight true gods, the eight true gods who hold the title of true god in their respective territories, are waiting to see what attitude they have.

Have they seen the innocent people who sacrificed their lives for the royal ambition?

Have you seen the righteous man who discovered the truth, tried to resist, and was then buried by the royal family?

Did they, who were high up in the star world, not have the time to care, so they didn't see it, or did they treat it as normal and ignore the royal family's behavior?

After a moment of silence, Klein looked away and closed his eyes again.

Backlund time, Wednesday.

More hastily than anyone expected, on the first day after leaving Bayam, the capital of the Rhoad Islands, Alger received the news that the pirate conference was about to be held without warning. UU Reading www.uukanshu. net

Fortunately, it was relatively close. After a day of sailing, he arrived at an island in the Sunia Sea with an extinct volcano.

Countless masts and sails covered the island's long coastline, and the roars and cheers of the pirates were endless, turning this usually unpopular island into a carnival ocean.

There are still two days before the official opening of the conference. Except for the "Black Throne", the flagship of "King of the Five Seas" Nast, which arrived early, Alger has not seen any ship belonging to the pirate general or pirate king.

Did I come too early... Alger, who was eager to earn enough money for the "Wind Blessed One" formula and potion deposit, held the edge of the "Blue Avenger" ship, looked into the distance, and looked quietly.

Just when his thoughts were distracted, the originally noisy dock suddenly fell into silence. Alger felt spiritually and immediately turned his head to look to the other side.

On the blue seashore, a pale flag hanging with a pattern of bones is particularly dazzling.

The dark flames burned quietly, and the ship's wide bottom swept across the sea and made ripples, like a spider walking on the water.

Its owner stood on the forehead of the huge "spider", calmly facing the cheers called deathly silence, slowly moving the corners of his mouth, and touching the hearts of countless pirates on the shore with every smile.

"Vice Admiral Disease... Black Death..."

Alger stepped back step by step, lowering his head to avoid meeting the owner of the ship's eyes.

A name flashed through his mind...Tracy Pelley.

I'm going to die suddenly, so I'm going to bed. Good night everyone.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 76 Bullets

Chapter 166 Bullets

Klein was very happy.

Being involved in the strife between the royal family is an unexpected situation that is completely uncontrollable.

He looked at the newspaper in his hand and took a sip of the freshly brewed black tea.

In the advertisement section of the newspaper, the column rented by Mr. "Eye of Wisdom" finally had some movement. Translated from the numbers noted below, it means that the party will be held at the old place at six o'clock tonight.

Last week, the sudden rampage of the "Devil" Ripper caused a storm in Backlund. Even the wild Extraordinaries who had gathered together for warmth did not dare to show up anymore, so they had to postpone the date of the gathering for a week.

Fortunately, if the party had not been canceled last week, I would probably have taken out the extraordinary characteristics of the "Arbiter" path from the gray mist, and then carried them with me and sold them at the party.

Klein couldn't imagine how terrifying it would be if the prince's guards discovered that he had the extraordinary characteristics of the "arbitrator" path of unknown origin.

The characteristics of other paths were fine, but here was Backlund. The "arbitrator" was almost a symbol of the Loen royal family and the military, especially during the tense period when several white gloves trained by the royal family had just died and the whereabouts of the extraordinary characteristics were unknown.

It will definitely cause quite a stir, and it will be written in future history books that Trunsoest's Second Empire spy Sherlock Moriarty absconded in fear of crime and became the trigger for the second all-out war between the North and South Continent. So.

While tasting the warm black tea, Klein turned his wrist, and more illusory black threads emerged from the corners of his vision, revealing the monitors hiding in the darkness.

The spiritual lines were irregularly distributed above and around Klein's head. Some had remained motionless for twenty or thirty minutes, while others were moving back and forth like ordinary tenants.

The person living next door to me should be the liaison officer sent by Prince Edsac. The one upstairs is more likely to monitor my actions... Klein's expression remained unchanged, he closed the newspaper and closed the "Yellow and Black Eyes".

After several trials, he roughly determined the intensity of monitoring.

With this in mind, Klein calmly walked into the bathroom without closing the door tightly.

Familiar took out the coin from his pocket, threw it up and caught it with one hand, and received an affirmative answer. The "faceless man" took four steps backwards and murmured to himself. His unconscious body was pulled by inertia and naturally landed on the toilet. .

He half lowered his head and put his hands on his knees, as if he were actually going to the toilet.

Klein, who boarded the gray fog, was making final preparations for tonight's party.

Iron Gate Street, outside the Brave Bar.

The burly man was still guarding the door of the bar, watching the workers and vagrants coming and going, no different from usual ones. Klein deliberately made a few vigilant movements to show the following watchers.

After doing all this, he did not try to confirm the specific location of the monitor, for fear that he would use too much force and expose the true situation. He did not even enter the bar. He just pretended to pass by and walked around for a while, then hurriedly walked around the main entrance of the bar. Detoured from another alley to the street behind the Brave Man Bar.

Klein, who was dressed as a worker, took out the featureless iron mask from his arms, completely covering his disguised face, controlled the rhythm of his fingers tapping on the door panel, and knocked on a house where no light was exposed.

Wary eyes came from behind the door. Following the peephole on the door, the waiter who confirmed the identity of the visitor opened the door for Klein, handed him a robe, and allowed Klein to walk through the crowded entrance and into the living room. .

The only candle flickered dimly, illuminating the shadows floating on the walls around the living room.

Klein found the most convenient position to escape, looked around, and saw the old man with "Eye of Wisdom" with deep nasolabial wrinkles on his cheeks, and the "Medicine Master" with a chubby face.

In order not to reveal his trump card, Klein deliberately brought a spare pistol that he did not usually use. It was separated from the commonly used revolver. One was hidden under the arm and the other was hidden around the waist.

In the dimly lit living room, the wall clock hanging on the wall slowly crossed the dial. When the minute hand pointed to the hour, the "Eye of Wisdom" sitting in the center finally clapped his hands and laughed in an old voice that was deliberately lowered:

"It seems that some friends won't be coming. Today's party begins."

As soon as the old gentleman finished speaking, the fat pharmacist, who had obvious physical features and no need to disguise at all, raised his hand.

"Do any of you know the formula for 'Beast Tamer', or have any clues about it?"

He looked around impatiently. After wandering for a second or two, he found that no one made a sound or even paid attention.

"Okay, I just know that if anyone happens to come across this formula, I hope you can pay attention to it." The pharmacist shrugged and sat back in his seat.

"Animal Tamer", is this the eighth sequence after "Medicine Master"?

After the fat pharmacist completely gave up hope, Klein cast his gaze imperceptibly.

I do know where to get it, but that guy Emlyn probably won't give it to me for free. He will definitely take the opportunity to raise a price and ask me to help him contact the elders within the vampire clan and find a way to remove him from Bishop Utravsky. Pulled out under supervision.

What are you doing out there? The church is so nice and protected by a well-established bishop. He no longer has to worry about his identity. Maybe after finishing the volunteer work assigned to him by the bishop, his personality will become calmer.

However, the money in my hand is still one thousand three hundred pounds short of being able to exchange for the formula of "Secret Puppet Master"...

Well, although for completing Prince Edsac's commission, the reward he will give will definitely not be small, and it will most likely reach three thousand pounds or more, but it is still uncertain whether I can successfully find the real culprit who killed Talim.

Even if I really count on the reward from the prince, it will be at least more than half a month before I get the cash. I have almost digested the potion, so there is no need to deliberately delay my promotion.

Considering various situations, Klein rubbed his chin, looked at the fat "pharmacist" who was standing waiting for a reply, and replied in an uncertain tone:

"I know where to get it, but I may not be able to contact the owner of the formula."

When the fat "pharmacist" heard that there was hope, he clearly turned his fat body to face Klein's position.

He looked up and down at the disguised Klein. He showed a slight shrinkage and swallowed.

"It is you"

He recognized Klein as the suspected mid-sequence strongman who helped him expel the underground mutated beasts last time.

"I know you have the strength to get the formula..."

"Medicine Master" hesitantly hummed a few times and said in a muffled voice:

"If you can bring the formula, in addition to the necessary reward, I will also provide a copy of the last potion as a gift."

"Okay." Klein nodded slightly and said no more words.

After receiving an affirmative reply, the "pharmacist" immediately gave up the opportunity to speak to others.

After several more transactions were either completed or aborted, Klein heard a deliberately lowered voice:

"I only brought one extraordinary weapon this time."

"It is 50 rounds of bullets with different effects, 20 of which are engraved with the logos and symbols of the sun field, forming a complete spell, which can effectively purify ghost monsters and harm the more powerful resentful spirits and shadows, so it is called There are also 20 "purification bullets" aimed at filthy and corrupted creatures, called "demon-hunting bullets", and the other 10 rounds that are more effective against evil monsters, called "exorcism bullets". The effects can be stably maintained for 18 months, or even longer. ."

"50 rounds for 500 pounds, or the 'Barbarian' potion formula, and comes with a special revolver of suitable caliber."

Is this the "craftsman" agent lady?

Isn't it true that you know how to study the market and keep pace with the times? Is it because of the request of the "Medicine Master" who attended the last gathering, so the extraordinary effect of bullet attachment has been improved for the supernatural creatures that wild extraordinary people can easily encounter?

It's a pity that most of the enemies I face now are real people like me. Except for the "devils" who have no shadow, there are few enemies from the fallen realm... Klein shook his head slightly, thinking carefully.

The "Priests of Light" and "Judges" grazed by "Creeping Hunger" can effectively fight against evil creatures. Bullets have little effect on me. I can completely exchange the formula for real gold pounds, or a person who can work with the "Artisan" "An opportunity to hit the line.

In fact, Klein can achieve both of these goals through the channels of the Aurora Order and the Secret Order, but he wants to explore a network of relationships that belongs only to him in addition to the Trunsoest Intelligence Department, just like the Tower Luo would do that, trying to get rid of the influence exerted on him by Zaratul and the True Creator.

It doesn't cost any money anyway, the "Black Emperor" card has a complete set of formulas and rituals.

Noticing that a man sitting in the corner was showing signs of raising his hand, Klein didn't give others a chance and said directly:

"I have the recipe for the 'Barbarian' potion."

At this time, the man sitting in the corner also made a price:

"550 pounds."

The woman who was suspected of being an agent of "Artisan" and whose whole body was covered up said with uncontrollable joy in her voice:

"Sir, I'm sorry, I prefer the 'Barbarian' formula."

"600 pounds." The man raised the offer again.

"No, this is not a matter of money." The lady with the Craftsman behind her turned to look at Klein, "Deal! But please give the formula to Mr. Eye of Wisdom first and let him appraise it."

A very wise choice... Klein smiled at the corner of his mouth and did not do what the agent lady said.

He looked at the old Mr. "Eye of Wisdom" and suggested:

"I wish I could deal alone with this lady."


The agent lady whispered in confusion, and the "Eye of Wisdom" also paid attention. She looked at Klein for a few seconds, her voice changing.

"Consent is required from both parties."

In a gathering of wild extraordinary people, it is not uncommon for people to trade alone. The problem is that it is not uncommon for people to kill people and buy goods in the name of separate trading.

And in many cases, you don't have to go to the extreme step. Some extraordinary people who are good at mental abilities can confuse trading partners and easily get lower prices by just moving their fingers.

If this happens, it will bring the party into disrepute and bring the convener into disrepute.

Klein understood the considerations and difficulties of Mr. Eye of Wisdom and did not refuse. He just called the waiter and wrote a note and gave it to the agent opposite.

"I have a clue to the follow-up recipe you need."

The agent, who was wrapped up tightly, silently weighed the pros and cons, tense for a while, moved for a while, and finally gave the answer.

"I accept individual deals."

Under the guidance of the waiter, they left the living room and came to the relatively small study.

After watching the waiter close the door and leave, Klein relaxed and sat on the edge of the desk, remaining silent. He just stared at the agent standing at the door, nervousness all over his body.

After a stalemate for about a minute, the agent, who was stared at by Klein, could no longer hold on and took out the wooden box containing the revolver and special bullets.

"Write down the formula. After identification, these will be the rewards you deserve."

"No." Klein shook his head and denied, "Ma'am, I don't really need these bullets. Of course I will give you the formula. This is the deal we agreed on."

What he wanted was not a weapon... The agent had a bad feeling in his heart.

Her hands covering the surface of the wooden box clenched slightly, and the emotion in her voice became serious.

"what do you want?"

Klein let out a "ha" sound, and his posture became more casual as he leaned on the edge of the desk.

His back was slightly tilted back, his calves under the robe were crossed, and his hands were naturally clasped in front of him.

"I can provide you with the formula after 'Barbarian' - 'The Briber'. I don't know if you know its name clearly. Anyway, I also have some clues about the formula for the next potion and can look for it for you."

"And the only thing you have to pay is gold pounds of equal value, and a favor."

"Help?" The agent became even more nervous.


Klein nodded, and behind the iron mask was revealed the faint blood that reflected on his eyeballs after "Creeping Hunger" was turned on.

"I'm more interested in the 'craftsman' behind you and the gadgets he makes. You should know that no matter which force you are in, everyone welcomes 'craftsmen', and no one would want to corrupt a 'craftsman' 'The image of yourself in your eyes. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net"

Different from other ways, "faceless men" can be made into powerful disguise props after death, "apprentices" can be made into convenient means of transportation after death, etc. "Artisans" are naturally special as producers, and they leave behind after death Even if the sealed artifacts may retain the ability to make extraordinary props, they are far less useful than living "craftsmen". Therefore, the lives of "craftsmen" can be basically guaranteed by all major forces, but there are slight differences in treatment.

The agent thought about Klein's proposal and was still a little worried.

"Then we can completely use the 'Eye of Wisdom' party as a communication channel. If you need anything, just ask it at the party."

"You have to trade alone every time?" Klein suddenly felt funny. "Don't you think this will offend the convener of the party, arouse the curiosity of other members, and lead to greater risks?"

"Well, my request is indeed presumptuous. You can consider it and discuss it with the 'craftsman'."

Watching the agent get entangled, Klein silently counted for more than ten seconds before making a proposal.

"I will give you the formula of 'Barbarian'. In exchange, it doesn't matter if you give me these bullets or the corresponding gold pounds."

"As for the rest of the matter, I'll wait until you discuss the outcome before deciding whether to agree or not."

Passing over the agent who was standing blankly at the door, Klein turned the door handle of the study room and lowered his voice.

"If you find it acceptable, write down the agreed meeting place in a letter on Friday and send it to the mailbox at the entrance of Backlund Bridge subway station. I will wait for you."

I'm very happy to have fun.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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Chapter 77 Confession Bureau

Chapter 167 Confession Bureau


There was a light knock at the door. After finishing the day and finishing the last chapter, Forsi just walked out of the study. He took a closer look and found that something was wrong with his friend. After thinking about it, he poured a glass of red wine and held it. passed.

The apartment the two rented provided a free stove, but coal needed to be purchased additionally. Since the beginning of winter, the barbaric "arbiter" had unreasonably banned the few means of entertainment used by the "Master of Magic" in his creation.

Forsi, who lost the freedom to smoke, was forced to give up tobacco due to Xio's power, and alcohol became the only haven that could comfort her after fatigue.

"What happened?" She sat across from him and pushed one of the glasses of wine to Xio.

Xio looked down at the red wine and was silent for a full two minutes before speaking in a slightly hoarse voice:

"Do you remember that new guy who popped up at the Bounty Hunter Bar?"

"On the way back, I found out that he might really be a member of MI9."

The person who took the initiative to expose the information to the bounty hunter in the early stages of the Lanerwus case?

Forsi took a sip of red wine and said cheerfully:

"How did you discover his identity?"

"I heard that the agents of MI9 are at least mid-level."

The red wine reflected the messy short blond hair. Xio's eyes were empty and she shook her head.

"When I came back, I met someone who knew me from before and he was with that man."

"Who?" Forsi asked cooperatively.

"Viscount Stratford." Don't ask and answer questions.

On the department list... Forsi thought about it carefully and frowned vaguely.

"This viscount seems to be the chief of the palace guard."

The intelligence department has internally planned a lengthy list, covering the representatives of the upper class society of Loen Kingdom who have considerable influence in various fields. Among them, the Viscount of Stepford mentioned by Xio occupies a high position.

Colleagues in the Situation Analysis Office believe that this Viscount, who is often visited by King George III of Loen and whose whereabouts are elusive and often disappears under surveillance, is likely to be involved in important secrets that the Secret Order has been investigating.

In the past, Forsi was just a small employee who had barely become a regular employee from the periphery, and she was definitely not qualified to know what the so-called important secrets meant. However, after participating in the Tarot session, she now heard the familiar surname of Stepford again, and she faintly felt... There is speculation.

Thanks to Mr. Fool... Forsi breathed a sigh of relief and waited for Xio's next words.

"Yes, he was, he was my father's deputy." Hugh said with difficulty.


Forsi raised his brows slightly and smacked his tongue secretly.

It can't be such a coincidence, right?

The Palace Guards are a very rigid and old-fashioned group. They regard the strict hierarchy and bloodline system as their norms, and abide by the iron laws set by the royal family. Each position is limited to a specific family and is inherited from generation to generation. They rarely accept freshmen. blood.

Unlike the current new nobles who can obtain titles through donations, every family that occupies a place among the palace guards has a long heritage.

In other words, Xiumeng's father who died unjustly was the previous chief of the palace guard?

"Has he and your father... got anything to do with that matter?" Forsi carefully probed, intending to guide.

Xio picked up the red wine and Gulu took a sip, choking and coughing several times.

She travels around the East District every day, but when it comes to drinking and smoking, she can't even compare to the humble Forsi. Regardless of her relatively strong force and skill, she doesn't look like a bounty hunter at all.

The "arbiter", who was only 1.5 meters tall, calmed down for a while and said:

"My family belongs to the palace aristocracy, and we even served as palace earls when we were most prominent."

No wonder... Forsi nodded, pretending to be a layman, and asked partly to guide and partly to ease his friend's mood.

"This is equivalent to the external spokesperson of the royal family and the nobleman closest to the throne." Xiu recalled with a bright face. "Since then, our family has had the fiefdom that a real earl should have. When it came to my father, although he no longer So prominent, but still trusted by the previous king, William VI the 'Strong', as the commander of the royal guard and captain of the palace guard."

Also known as the "Knight of Punishment", a popular member of the royal family who is very likely to become a demigod.

Xio's ancestors held the same position as the Lord Loholid in the Lord's Holy Scripture... Forsi automatically translated Xio's emotion, thinking a lot.

Xio's tone gradually dropped, with unconcealable pain:

"But seven years ago, he was accused of participating in a rebellion and ended up being hanged, stripped of his titles and fiefdoms."

"My family was ruined because of this, and many members died without any reason. In order to survive, we changed our surname and left East Tucker County..."

"I don't believe that my father would rebel. He is so loyal to the royal family, even more than his belief in the goddess! In order to... In short, I left my mother and brother and came to Backlund to look for opportunities to improve myself, hoping to Restoring the glory of the family and the honor of the father."

Regarding some of the things in between, Xiu was very vague, and Forsi didn't delve into it, but just sighed the same way.

"It's going to be very, very difficult."

She was inexplicably reminded of the royal gossip of the Second Empire of Trunsoest told by her colleagues, especially her editor, Mr. Gilbert, who was transferred to Backlund from the holy city of Aarons.

The master of the throne who can be called His Highness even in the extraordinary world, Orsono I has wielded authority on the throne of the emperor for more than a thousand years, and has never heard of similar deeds.

She now believes more and more that Xio's father died unjustly.

It's not that Forsi questioned his friend's words before. After all, when it comes to a country's royal family, it's difficult to tell whether many things are right or wrong. Most of the truth is buried under the reputation of the royal family, which may seem ordinary in the eyes of the world. Such an act would be the trigger to touch the royal family's evil scale and lead to the death penalty.

At the same time, Forsi also identified a clue.

No matter what the Augustus royal family is currently pursuing, they really put it into practice, at least after the death of the "powerful" William VI, and only after George III came to power. Otherwise, it cannot explain why the late king was so trusted during his lifetime. The captain of the palace guard would be branded a rebel overnight.

Viscount Stratford would be on the department's secret list, indicating that he had contact with part of the royal family's conspiracy, and Hugh's father, who was executed, most likely did not have the opportunity to share secrets with the royal family.

Acting on his instinct as a novelist, Forsi quickly relied on reasonable speculation to break the joints hidden under the scattered information and see part of the truth.

During the period of William the Strong, perhaps because the time had not come yet, or perhaps for other reasons, the royal family had no plans to support William the Strong, so he boldly suspected that William the Strong did not know more details. , so that the same is true for his confidants.

After George III came to the throne, the new king saw opportunities driven by the trend of the times and became more ambitious. Although he was confident of accommodating the elders left behind by his father, when palace elders like Hugh's father broke through the then king's secrets, and probably also saw the part that violated human ethics, the loyalty to the royal family was shaken, of course, it cannot continue to let it go, and it is not an incomprehensible choice to execute one of your own people with some unfounded name. .

Viscount Stepford... Forsi said cautiously:

"Have you ever thought that Viscount Stepford might hold the truth about your father's unjust death?"

"For example, why did he 'betray' the royal family?"

After drinking some red wine, the drunk Xio was slightly dazed, and it took him a while to respond before answering.

"I thought about that possibility."

Her mouth opened and closed, and on her unopened young cheeks, her eyebrows were squeezed together in embarrassment.

"But now that I have changed my surname and have no identity, there is no chance to question him. Even if, even if I can walk in front of him, he will recognize me and won't tell me the truth. He may also use me as a wild and extraordinary Using the identity of the perpetrator as a reason, I was taken into a special prison of MI9."

"So you gave up?" Forsi ruthlessly exposed Xio's thoughts of shrinking, "How many years have you been here in Backlund? How many years have you known me?"

"Up to now, you are still just a small Sequence Nine, and there is no news about the follow-up formulas and potions. The 'arbitrator' path is already firmly in the hands of the royal family. You want to investigate the truth of that year, but you can't mess with it. Do those who belong to the royal family just place their hopes in those unreliable parties outside, waiting for the gods to show up and give you a good opportunity to sell formulas? "

The future envisioned by Forsi easily brought Xio into association. Her hand holding the wine glass froze in the air, and she unconsciously raised her voice.



I...Xio's voice became smaller and smaller again, and he lowered his head lonely.

Her friend was right, but she didn't know what to do.

Looking at his depressed friend, Forsi stopped guiding him when he saw that the situation was about the same. He took a few deep breaths in succession, thinking it was for psychological construction, and after he was full of energy, he boldly said:

"I found a job for you, one that will keep you safe for subsequent promotions."

"Work? What kind of work? Also taking care of potions..."

Xio responded in a daze, but she didn't react until she was halfway through, and suddenly her eyes widened.

The Extraordinary's strong physical fitness combined with normal physiological reactions caused the "Arbiter" to wake up mostly from drunkenness.

Xio stared into Forsi's eyes, feeling inexplicably uneasy.

It's just that things go against your wishes. Once you say something, there is no possibility of taking it back.

"Trunsoest's Second Empire Intelligence Agency's branch in Backlund, they..." Forsi gritted his teeth, "We! We need a spy who can infiltrate MI9."

"What do you mean?" Xio stared blankly at her friend who was less than one meter away from the two of them, in disbelief.

After taking the most critical step, the original nervousness, embarrassment, uneasiness, and apologies completely disappeared. Forsi breathed a sigh of relief, entered working mode, and explained seriously:

"Just like your past holds secrets, so do I."

"Hugh, we are friends and I don't want to hide secrets from my best friend, so it's the same answer you have in mind right now."


"I am Loen's enemy country and a spy from the Southern Continent."

"But you are a Loen!"

Hue Ben didn't want to believe it.

She took a step back, paused oddly, and looked a little confused.

Suddenly unable to accept it, Xio panicked. He stood on the floor half a meter away from before, looked around, and clapped his hands suddenly.

She pointed to Forsi's study and the medicine box left by Forsi when he was a doctor in the corner of the living room, and spoke quickly:

"You were born in Loen, and you grew up in Loen. Later, even if your father went to the Southern Continent, you never left the country of Loen, but went to a clinic..."

"So what you told me was all false?" Xio thought of some possibility and helplessly put down the fingers hanging in front of her.

Forsi shook his head calmly.

"I have not lied to you, except that I serve the Empire."

"My belief is not the God of Steam and Machinery. I am indeed a Loen person. I will... In short, before I met you, my life was full of accidents and misfortunes. In the end, it was those people from the Southern Continent who saved me. , so that I won't lose control and die."

"They provided me with shelter, gave me potions and formulas to promote me, and helped me get rid of the haze of my past life. Of course, I also gave them the only strength I could repay."

"But you are a Loen." Xio, who had received traditional teachings from his father since childhood, still couldn't understand quickly and stubbornly denied it.

"Yes, I am a Loen." Forsi admitted openly, "I am not a citizen of Trunsoest. I am just working for them, just like your father."

"His loyalty to the royal family far exceeds his belief in the goddess of the night. From my perspective, his relationship with the royal family, believers and gods is actually the same, but with a different name."

"There are many foreign-invested industries in the kingdom now, and many people work there. Is there any essential difference between me and them?"

After all, a bounty hunter who relies on his muscles to survive cannot be compared to a writer who relies on his brain power to survive.

Xio was defeated and collapsed backwards, leaning on the sofa dejectedly and looking up at the ceiling.

Silence became the background color in the small apartment, covering up the ticking of time, until for a long, long time, the sun in the sky cleared the clouds again, and the sunlight could pierce Forsi even through the curtains. Opening his eyes, Xio broke the silence.

Her voice was muffled, and she didn't know if it was because of the alcohol or something else.

"You need a spy?"

"Yes." Forsi's words became concise.

"Did you apply for me?"

"I'm just a low-level employee," Forsi sneered, with helplessness on the corner of his mouth, "I'm a big shot, a big shot that you can't even imagine."

"I did something for...well, and got a reward."

"You haven't been able to find the opportunity for promotion, and you are always worried. I think I can be promoted soon anyway, and I don't lack any money, so I might as well help you."

The demigods of Trunsoest, those uncivilized barbarians... An image of a "secret prayer" who devoured flesh and blood, had a deformed body, and was mentally insane appeared in Xio's mind for no apparent reason.

It was difficult for her to connect the madman in Trunsoest described by her father to Forsi.

"So what do I need to do?"

At this point, her wishes no longer mattered. She gave up her struggle and took advantage of the opportunity that Forsi had finally fought for. At least she still had hope of finding the truth.

"You don't need to do anything. I will tell the other big shot in charge of the connection for you. You just need to follow the arrangements and contact the MI9 member in your bounty hunter circle. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Find a way to get involved. Just start from a young age as an informant."

"Oh." Xio nodded expressionlessly.

Start small and pretend to be an informant... She thought about it and felt that it wouldn't be too difficult and she could do it well.

Speechless again, Forsi did not regret revealing the truth today, but was worried about whether there would be a rift in the relationship between the two in the future.

Just when she was worried about whether their friendship would come to an end, Xio, who was leaning on the sofa over there, suddenly sat up and stared at her very seriously, his sharp gaze making Forsi tremble in her heart.

"What's wrong?"

Xio looked at Forsi carefully several times, worried and hesitant, making it difficult to speak.

"You...you didn't do that kind of thing like those women at Mr. A's party, did you?"

She really couldn't imagine what her friend could do for such a big shot as she couldn't imagine, and how he could be so satisfied that he would make an exception and accept the remnants of the previous dynasty.

That kind of thing?

What kind of thing?

That kind of thing!

In the silence, Forsi seemed to hear a "bang", and the string of reason in her brain broke.

The reason why Klein's plot is relatively reduced is because I want to speed up the plot and need to leave room for necessary content, so there may be a little development of group portrait description later, but of course it will only be before the end of the second volume.

There is one more small incident that will lead to the final act of this volume, and then the ending.

In fact, this chapter between Forsi and Xio is also about the misunderstanding of the Zhenzao camp by most people in the Northern Continent under the guidance of official public opinion. It can be regarded as an ideological collision.

Finally, I would like to ask for recommendations and monthly tickets, please.

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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