2.94% LOTM ?? / Chapter 2: chapter 2

章 2: chapter 2

Chapter 4 Unexpected results

  The dim dream quietly shattered. The gentleman felt the cold spirituality rising around him and stabbed the dagger in his hand hard.

  Immediately afterwards, he suddenly pulled out the dagger, put his knee on Dunn's waist, used his legs to kick Dunn towards the completely collapsed ground, and then actively fell backwards, falling in the opposite direction.


  In the corridor of the True Creator believer's stronghold, the gentleman lying on his back stood up slowly.

  "Tsk, support came so quickly."

  "My Lord bless me, and I hope that the blood loss from the wound can defeat that 'nightmare' and add another devout worker to the kingdom of death."

  He rebelliously arranged several gods, dead or alive, and gently leaned forward to pick up Zhou Mingrui, who was casually still in the corner after falling asleep just now.

  "We are in danger."

  "Of course, to be more precise, you are in danger."


  I thought it was dangerous enough for me to be kidnapped by you "supermen" with weird behaviors, but now you tell me that the danger has just begun?

  Zhou Mingrui, who was enduring the bumpy torture on the gentleman's shoulder, suddenly became alert.

  He remembered what the weirdo with oil paint and the so-called Mr. A had said just now.

  The original owner of the body he occupied seemed to be involved in some evil god's divine descent ceremony, and Klein Moretti was the only survivor after this divine descent ceremony.

  No, poor Moretti is dead too... Zhou Mingrui rejected his last idea.

  The weirdo with oil paint said that I am now a Sequence 7, but he seems to be a Sequence 6... Does this mean that I have become a monster with "superhuman" abilities like them?

  And did the real Klein Moretti die because he couldn't withstand the torture during such a transformation?

  Zhou Mingrui took a deep breath, suppressed all the suspicions in his heart, and took up the topic raised by the gentleman.

  "Will those people, the church people, kill me?"

  Judging from Klein's memory, the people who kidnapped him were in a state of hostility with the country where Moretti lived, and the churches on both sides regarded each other as heretics.

  "Of course, my dear Mr. Moretti." The gentleman seemed to enjoy someone talking to him, "but you don't have to worry too much, just relax."

  "You are the only lucky person we have saved from the ceremony with great effort to receive God's grace. I can guarantee you that at least until we all return to God's kingdom of heaven, you will not die, let alone fall. into the hands of those savage heretics and rebels."

  "What if the worst happens?"

  Zhou Mingrui bit his lip and tried his best to show his fear of the unknown future.

  "The worst situation?"

  The gentleman didn't seem to think that the originally obedient college student would ask such a question about the sacrifice he personally selected, and he glanced over his shoulder lightly from the corner of his eye.

  "The worst case scenario is that you meet the 'Punisher' - a follower of the 'Tyrant', instead of the more gentle 'Nighthawk' or the two-faced 'Machine Heart'."

  "Just like now."

  He stared at the corridor in front of him that was blocked by thick smoke, relaxed his arms, and let Zhou Mingrui fall to the ground.

  The dark blue scales shimmered faintly in the dust and smoke. The "navigator" dressed as a sailor moved his arms with exaggerated muscles, tore off another piece of wood from the wall that he had just used brute force to break open, and faced the gentleman. Throw it over.

  Some chatty gentlemen watched as a wooden board half a man's height flew in front of them. He raised his right hand calmly, snapped his fingers in the direction of the flying board, and let the wooden board split him into two orange-red halves. The flames crashed into the wall at the end of the corridor with a loud rumbling noise.

  Seeing that the target had disappeared, the "Navigator" with exaggerated muscles quickly inserted his left hand into the ground, making the inferior wooden floor slippery.

  Then, he roared angrily, and instead of picking out the gentleman who was hiding and preparing for action, he bulged his strong biceps and ran towards where Zhou Mingrui was lying.


  Why are you coming at me? Can't you see that I'm still tied up?

  Zhou Mingrui's face turned pale as his hands and feet were still tightly bound by spiritual ropes. He ignored the severe pain of his burned knee and flopped around like a dying fish.

  He rubbed the part of the rope that had been scratched by the bullets just now, his mind went blank, and he instinctively imitated the gentleman's movements just now, snapping his fingers.


  The fist wrapped in dark blue scales blasted through the wooden floor, and the broken wood slag flew all over the sky. On the ceiling of the corridor not far from the "Navigator", a bright fire flashed out of thin air, and Zhou Mingrui's thin body was spit out.

  This Sequence Seven who used his extraordinary ability for the first time was in a hurry in the air, and made the most correct decision in the chaos under the guidance of the extraordinary characteristic itself.

  He first neatly gathered his limbs and hugged his body, then adjusted his balance, tapped his legs lightly on the ground, and stood still without any danger.

  If you only look at this set of actions, Zhou Mingrui is more like a born Sequence 7, a born "magician". He is not at all as helpless as the average person who has just become an Extraordinary.

  The fear of the aftermath of the disaster still remained on his face, and he couldn't help but swallow his saliva as he looked at the hole made by the "Navigator" on the ground.

  I really did it!

  He was completely betting his life just now, betting that he could use flames to avoid damage just like the weirdo wearing oil paint.

  Fortunately, he made the right bet, and at the moment when he activated his extraordinary ability, more memories precipitated by changes in his soul emerged in his mind, including knowledge about potions and sequences.

  "Very talented."

  The gentleman who disappeared just now appeared strangely next to Zhou Mingrui and said coldly.

  He held an amulet engraved with a wolf's head pattern in one hand and a revolver in the other, aiming at the blind spot that the "Navigator" could not avoid and firing.

  "I-I don't know how."

  Zhou Mingrui deliberately acted frightened, but his eyes kept glancing around, as if he was looking for which direction would be more conducive to his escape.

  "Heh." The gentleman holding the gun and shooting looked at it intently and smiled, "Clumsy."

  As the last gunshot ended, he suddenly lowered his left hand holding the gun, grabbed Zhou Mingrui's clothes while swinging, and snapped his fingers with his right hand.

  The "Navigator" who had been forced back step by step by the spiritual bullets just now rushed towards him. Without the interference of the special bullets equivalent to the talismans, he could condense the magic scales and was not afraid of the useless attacks from the "Soothsayer" path.

  What's more, the enemy in front of him is obviously not the "Puppet Master".

  The "navigator" who found that the situation had changed to be more favorable to him, either waved his fists and approached step by step, or created water currents to interfere with the gentleman's actions, gradually forcing the gentleman and Zhou Mingrui, who was being held by him to move together, to the end of the corridor.

  "listen to me."

  The gentleman flexibly turned his wrist and shot the cards with flames trailing at the end towards the ceiling and walls.

  "I know you have received the knowledge in the potion. I need you to use flame jumping to attract that guy's attention. You can do it at any time."

  Am I here to attract attention? Zhou Mingrui's mouth twitched subconsciously.

  He glanced at Zhou Mingrui, seeming to see through his deeper thoughts, and took the initiative to explain:

  "I think you have seen the attitude of these 'punishers' towards you. At least we will not kill you. I believe you will make the right choice."

  With that said, the gentleman voluntarily gave up his pistol, put his arms in a posture, and in a few steps he came in front of the "Navigator" and met the "Navigator's" surprised gaze.

  The gentleman with his arms raised in the air seized this opportunity, nimbly dodged his body to the side, and suddenly tightened his waist, avoiding the hastily punched by the "Navigator", and then swung his arms out.


  A heavy punch hit the waist and abdomen of "Navigator". The half-crouching gentleman took advantage of the gap where "Navigator" had no time to adjust his posture, and stepped back again. Turning his wrist, he magically conjured several cards. They were thrown in front of the "Navigator".

  when! when! when!

  The cards with various angels drawn on them were like sharp flying knives, which collided with the "Navigator"'s instinctively raised arm, and hit the phantom scales, bursting out with the sound of golden swords intersecting.

  The gentleman who had already pulled out a position saw that "Navigator" had no intention of counterattack immediately, so he continued to take out cards from his empty hands and threw them cunningly at "Navigator"'s lower body.

  Damn it!

  The "Navigator" who noticed the gentleman's intention couldn't help but become even more angry, and his already exaggerated muscles swelled again with the excitement of emotion.

  But facing the impending danger, he had to roll to one side, then put one hand on the ground, put his feet on the wall, jumped into the air, and pounced on the clown from the side.

  Is this the true battle of extraordinary people?

  Zhou Mingrui, who was watching the battle not far away, took in all the actions the two men made in just a few seconds. He was shocked and felt the excitement caused by the surge of adrenaline caused by the battle. He seemed to have accepted what happened to him. The speed of the changes on his body is unimaginable.

  He looked at the "Navigator" who was about to pounce on the gentleman with some trepidation. Things about the church's handling of heretics and apostates quickly flashed through his mind, and he quickly snapped his fingers.


  Air bullets passed Navigator's eyelids.

  During the dive, the "Navigator" was unable to adjust its steering, and Zhou Mingrui's subconscious action took away a considerable amount of his attention.

  But the gentleman who had already folded his arms did not give the "Navigator" a chance to look around. He retreated his left leg slightly, raised his right leg, and suddenly swept out a whip kick, with a loud sound of breaking the air, and " "Navigator" kicked out.

  As the dust flew, a jaw-dropping sound of shattering wooden boards was heard. The "Navigator" who fell in the debris of wood fell and staggered to its feet.

  The blood flow stained the sailor uniform on his body red, and the holes cut by splinters of wood and cards revealed more bulging muscles.

  Other than that, he seemed to be fine, and seemed even more powerful.

  The ability of the "Rageful People" is fully demonstrated at this moment.

  As long as the enemy doesn't break their hard magic scales, the anger accumulated in the battle can make them stronger!

  "It seems like your plan has no effect." Zhou Mingrui was a little flustered.

  "You have to get used to the tenacious vitality of these seafood. After all, the great Creator treats all living beings equally. If he didn't give them brains, he would always give them something else to compensate."

  The gentleman shrugged easily and turned his right wrist again. The amulet with the wolf head pattern hung down from the palm of his hand, constantly emitting a soft light blue light.

  This light calmed the panic that had just expanded in Zhou Mingrui's heart. It illuminated the surroundings unequally, and then most of the light blue was concentrated on the "Navigator".

  Dominated by violent emotions, the "Navigator" whose eyes were full of bloodshot eyes suddenly regained his clarity, and then his eyelids couldn't stop falling, one after another, just like his whole body, and finally fell down.

  The gentleman who triggered the sealed object did not hold on any longer. He barely managed to hold on and looked at Zhou Mingrui, whose face was full of astonishment, and then fell to the side.

  Just like the "Nightmare" drags a person into a dream and cannot move, this sealed object seems to have similar side effects.

  As the two powerful mid-level players lost consciousness, Zhou Mingrui, who had been unable to control his own destiny just now, suddenly regained his freedom!

  He first looked around. He had not yet learned how to activate his spiritual vision and could only rely on sounds to judge.

  There didn't seem to be many people around, and most of the cultists who kidnapped him were fighting with the church people... Zhou Mingrui gradually became more confident about the situation, and tiptoed away from the gentleman and the "navigator."

  He took a few tentative steps, staring at the two people on the ground. Seeing their delay in responding, he became bolder little by little.

  The people who kidnapped me should be the so-called cultists of the Southern Continent who believe in the True Creator in Klein Moretti's memory, and the other sailor should be dressed as the so-called "tyrant" - a believer of the Storm Lord.

  I remember that Moretti's belief was the goddess of the night, a relatively gentle god... Zhou Mingrui quickly analyzed the existing information and tried to make a decision.

  I am afraid that neither of the two people on the ground can guarantee my personal safety. The followers of the Storm Lord will directly treat me as the worst heretic and burn me to death. Even Moretti, the believer of the true creator, knows very little. I cannot Your life is in their hands, and your life safety depends entirely on the moral standards of the other party.

  Thinking of this, Zhou Mingrui decisively brought his thumb and ring finger together, and snapped his fingers like he was using his extraordinary ability for the first time.

  Orange-red flames rose from the scattered sawdust at Zhou Mingrui's feet, instantly engulfing his figure.

  "It's really not easy."

  Suddenly, the gentleman lying on the ground sighed and got up from the ground while rubbing his face.

  The sealed object in his hand does have the "Nightmare" ability, but compared to the real "Nightmare", it is more convenient. It does not affect the user's movement while using it, but only in the control of the dream. A little weaker.

  "So next time this kind of mission should be given to A, for an ungrateful believer like me, if it's not for Felkin's sake, hehe!"

  The gentleman smiled a little evilly, and pointed his left hand like a pistol at the ear hole of the "Navigator" who was still stuck in his dream on the ground.




  Orange flames exploded in the air, and Zhou Mingrui stepped on the ground in a panic but in a regulated manner.

  He patted his chest for the rest of his life, with a smile that had just found his freedom. He raised his head and saw a handsome young man with black hair and green eyes raising his pistol in a panic, and His teammates also aimed at his head.

  Zhou Mingrui, who was surrounded by a circle of darkness, let out a "ha" and his smile froze.

End of Chapter 5

  The index finger stretched out from the half-finger glove squeezed the trigger tightly, leaving a white mark on the finger pad...


  The black-haired young man facing Zhou Mingrui was the first to lower his pistol. Compared to his wary companions, his eyes showed more incredible shock... and a trace of imperceptible curiosity.

  "Fry, Sika, don't you think this guy looks familiar?"

  "Regardless of whether he looks familiar or not, act according to the regulations first!" Sika, who had long white hair, rejected Leonard's question mercilessly, and moved the gun hand further forward.

  "No, I mean, he looks exactly like our previous surveillance target... No, the protection target is exactly the same, he is Klein Moretti!"

  "I don't think so." Frye, who had a cold and gloomy temperament, took over Sika's opinion.

  His blue eyes looked Zhou Mingrui up and down and said calmly:

  "Leonard, turn on your spiritual vision."

  "I remember that you and I personally confirmed that the unfortunate Mr. Moretti was an ordinary civilian a few hours ago, and now the person standing in front of us, I can hardly say that he is ordinary."

  "His spiritual activity and reserves are almost equal to the captain's."

  At this point, even if Frye did not continue to explain, Leonard understood what his teammates meant.

  They are hunting down the believers of the True Creator. Isn't it normal to have a "faceless man" who can take on the appearance of others?

  Leonard, who had figured it all out, hesitated and wanted to explain, but he only made judgments based on his own intuition and the words of his cohabitants, and he had no evidence to convince his teammates.

  "Um, everyone?"

  Finally, Zhou Mingrui, the target of everyone's gunfire, who had just escaped from the tiger's mouth and jumped into the "wolf's den", lowered his head in disbelief.

  "I surrender. I am not an accomplice of these cultists. I just hope to get out of here as soon as possible."

  As he spoke, Zhou Mingrui stretched out his hands and sat cross-legged on the ground.

  Seeing this extremely smooth movement, Xijia was a little stunned. He turned his head and looked at his companions, wanting to seek more opinions.


  Frye, who was promoted earliest among the three and had the best control over potions, made a quick judgment.

  Under his instructions, Leonard, who was responsible for carrying the sealed artifact, took out the "quiet hair" that was isolated in a container and a pair of standard gloves, and put them on Zhou Mingrui's neck and wrist respectively.

  After doing all this, Frye, who looked more like a corpse than a living person, gave the second instruction.

  "Leonard, please send Mr. Moretti back to the outside first to have a round with the captain and the others."

  "Remember to avoid the 'Punisher'." Siga added, "Although I don't believe we are so lucky, if he is really 'Cline Moretti', we must protect him safety."

  Leonard nodded calmly and pulled up Zhou Mingrui, who was sitting on the ground, with a relaxed smile on his face.

  "As you wish, you have Mr. Moretti under arrest."


  "Why are you sending Leonard back?" As he continued to march into the house, Xijia, who had just eliminated an enemy, suddenly asked, "He was promoted to Sequence Eight earlier than me, and he has better control over potions."

  Fry withdrew his fingers that were testing the breath of the wounded man on the ground, and looked up to find the target that was still moving in his spiritual vision.

  "I have no idea."

  "But I think if it weren't for the blessing of the goddess, we would definitely have suffered greater casualties tonight... That Mr. Moretti, let's think he is Mr. Moretti, look at the reaction of 'Quiet Hairline', The sequence he is currently in is at least sequence seven and up. A hostile 'Magician' is very terrifying, and Leonard's behavior just now is undoubtedly creating opportunities for the 'Magician' to kill us separately."

  "He didn't mean it." Xijia's face turned stern and he took the initiative to defend Leonard.

  "I know."

  Frye nodded and passed over a corpse on the ground with a bloody head and a tattered sailor uniform. There was not much movement on the corpse-like pale cheeks. He just looked more at this person who had organized several operations together. "Punisher" glance.

  "But if it weren't for the goddess's blessing, I think this would be our fate."


  As a good, law-abiding citizen, Zhou Mingrui has never had contact with so-called criminals or pre-criminals in his life, let alone being implicated in going to the police station.

  However, the great God of Destiny obviously heard his regrets and made up for this small gap in his life in just two hours.

  What on earth was I thinking, and why did I surrender on my own initiative... In the temporary camp built by the official Beyonders, Klein, who was placed in the "Nighthawks" area, lowered his head listlessly, wearing a thin linen shirt. He was replaced by a blood-stained uniform sponsored by "Machine Heart", and the black hair wrapped around his neck was wrapped a few more times, as if he was afraid that he would snap his fingers and escape on the flames. .

  This is simply more outrageous than those cultists who believed in the true Creator just now. They only used a slightly unusual rope... Zhou Mingrui, who was in a state of despair, yawned and tried hard to resist the "Quiet Hair" belt. coming influence.

  According to the old gentleman in the camp, who is called Old Neil, the ability of "Quiet Hair" to stop people's thoughts is not obvious in him. Instead, the drowsy side effects and suppression of spirituality have a real effect on him. restraining effect.

  "It looks like it's coming to an end."

  Old Neil, who was wearing a classical robe, stood on tiptoe and patted the slightly stooped man sitting next to him.

  "It should be that the divine envoy and the mid-sequence 'seer' have retreated. Almost none of the remaining believers in the southern continent can resist the fire suppression of the 'Machine Heart'. The 'Punisher' said before they came that they were in charge." For the follow-up cleaning work, it will take up to twenty minutes before we can send you to the hospital."

  "Don't worry, let's solve the unfortunate incident that happened to Mr. Moretti first."

  "Are you sure?" Old Neil turned around and said, half seriously and half jokingly, "Daly will kill us."

  Dunn, a man with a stooped figure, waved his hand and turned to the direction where Zhou Mingrui was sitting. He tried hard to squeeze out a kind smile on his pale face due to excessive blood loss.

  "Although you have taken the initiative to prove to us your devotion to the goddess, I'm sorry, Mr. Moretti, but what happened to you is too unbelievable. Even in our files, there are very few of them. In the church's holy Until the church—that is, the altar in charge of His Highness the Pope—gives a response, we can only arrange for you to spend time in the confinement room under the church."

  To put it simply, detain me?

  I am not afraid that you will detain me, but I am afraid that what will happen to me will suddenly become a so-called mid-level incident. There is no precedent. In Western-style judicial institutions dominated by religion, the lack of precedent often means the precursor of the harshest judgment... .

  Zhou Mingrui listened to these words that were too far away from his original understanding, and said in a panic, half truth and half performance:

  "Then as long as I can prove that I was really kidnapped by the cultists and don't know anything else, you can let me go, right?"

  "Of course, there are many powerful Beyonders in the temple, and they will make correct judgments." Dunn looked at the young man in front of him who didn't seem to be in a good mental state, and took the initiative to comfort him, "And as long as you prove that you still maintain your trust in the goddess, With devout faith, we will not punish you because you accidentally became an extraordinary person. On the contrary, we are actually very short of people like you who have power beyond the god-given path."

  "What Dunn means is that as long as you are indeed innocent, you can join us at any time if you want." Old Neil skillfully interrupted.

  "Actually, you should have confidence in yourself. Very few people are willing to come to official extraordinary people after voluntarily or being forced to get involved with cultists. In fact, what we usually deal with are more people like you who occasionally come into contact with extraordinary people. Then he just wants to solve it by himself, hide the facts, and finally die in a corner where no one knows. The unlucky guy can only be buried until his body causes trouble or someone around him reports the crime."

  The wrinkles around his eyes and mouth squeezed together with his smile, and he said curiously:

  "And among those who have come into contact with the extraordinary, I have never seen one who can master the extraordinary power immediately like you."

  I would rather not master these extraordinary powers... Zhou Mingrui nodded obediently, pretending that the knot in his heart had been untied, imitating Dunn's movements, looking up at the sound of gunfire from time to time. direction.

  For now, his choice to voluntarily surrender to the official Beyonders was the right one, and he was also lucky enough to meet the "Nighthawks", the Extraordinaries under the command of the goddess of the night that Klein Moretti originally believed in.

  His Highness the Pope...Klein chewed on the nouns that Captain Dunn had undoubtedly mentioned just now, and bit his lip gently.

  This is a world where extraordinary powers truly exist. Although the operating mechanism of the church is very similar to the religion that believes in God on earth, the existence of extraordinary abilities will definitely make the church have a different attitude on some things.

  For example, although they are equally hostile to heretics, if everything Dunn said is true, and not just to comfort himself, then at least the attitude of the Church of the Night Goddess should be that as long as it can pass the extraordinary review hosted by the Holy See, it can be reasonably absorbed into the church system.

  Of course, the premise of all this is that Captain Dunn is not comforting me... Zhou Mingrui felt a headache.

  He just performed a transfer ritual that seemed very unreliable, and was forced to leave his own world and fell into a world where weirdos were rampant and human life seemed not to be very valuable. First, his life was taken advantage of by cultists. Now he has been put on the inventory list by the regular church, and his initiative and life safety have always been controlled by others.

  But there is no need for Captain Dunn to lie to me... Zhou Mingrui turned his head when he heard the sound of clothes rubbing against his ears.

  Dunn, whose chest was wrapped in layers of bandages, had already stood up. He breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the house that was finally gone from the sound of gunshots and strange light.

  "It's all over."


  The crouching shadow quickly shuttles through the narrow sewer pipes. Only when crossing the intersection where the water flows, the fleshy back hidden in the shadow is revealed, like a skinned shark, looking for the scent of prey.

  However, this bloody shark did not stay in the sewer for too long. It soon walked out of the darkness under the support of the shadow and crawled out from an unnoticed surface.

  Mr. A, who was wearing a wet crimson robe, sniffed his sleeves expressionlessly, a rare flash of emotion in his blood-red eyes.

  Very annoying.

  As he walked towards a garden house on the roadside, he covered his eyes that were as bright as the sun with his hands.

  Gentle warmth emanated from the body, and within a moment it cleared away the odor and moisture stuck to the surface of the robe and Mr. A's skin.

  After doing all this, he knocked on the door of the garden house and walked in when the owner of the garden personally welcomed him.

  This house belongs to a Conservative-leaning member of the Tingen City Council, an old gentleman who, like his old-fashioned appearance, refuses to change and believes in the Lord of Storms.

  Of course, this gentleman's actual belief is actually the "God of Mysteries". After he converted to the True Creator, he soon discovered that within the Church of the True Creator, in addition to the well-known true god of the Southern Continent, there was also a god who was secretly believed in. , and because he has provided convenience and protection to the Church of the True Creator and the Esoteric Order all year round, he has won the honor of also believing in the "God of Mysteries".

  This is of course meaningful. At least the old congressman himself feels that after also believing in the great "God of Mystery", his stock business has gone much smoother, and his political opponents who have opposite views on his apparent political views are even more so. Each one will fall or suffer a blow. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

  Everything is the favor of the Lord.

  "Your Majesty the Envoy of God, another gentleman is already waiting for you."

  The old congressman's legs and feet were not very agile, but he still personally led Mr. A on the steps leading to the underground secret room and said carefully.


  Mr. A didn't seem very talkative and didn't care that the congressman was the owner of the house. He glanced casually at the end of the stairs, found the room where the gentleman was staying, and pushed open the door.

  The old congressman, who had specially changed into a formal suit, bowed when he saw this, and walked back up the stairs with some difficulty.

  "The Lord has always taught us to respect the elders and love the young. You are disobeying the doctrine, A."

  The gentleman leaned on the sofa slightly frivolously, no longer wearing thick paint on his face, revealing a face with outstanding temperament.

  Mr. A, who was questioned, did not get angry. He just dragged the hardest chair in the room and said slowly:

  "His faith in the Lord, the 'God of Mysteries', is impure."

  "Beliefs that are mixed with interests, or even established for the sake of benefit, are worthy of our protection, but not worthy of our respect."

  "I understand, I understand, you don't need to repeat this, it makes me feel like I'm back in the city of St. Aarons." The gentleman seemed somewhat resistant to Mr. A's serious interpretation of the contents of the holy book.

  "Have you prayed to His Majesty the Dark Saint?" The gentleman changed the subject.

  Different from the "soothsayers" and "thieves" who generally rely on messengers to deliver messages, the "Rose Bishops" who are directly affiliated with the true Creator, under the blessing of God, can directly use their own flesh and blood to deliver messages, which can be said to be very convenient.

  Of course, the most convenient one is the "apprentice"... The gentleman licked his teeth in envy.

Chapter 6 Him

  "Preparing for the second divine descent?" The gentleman was a little surprised, "So the interesting believer you mentioned is planning another divine descent that directly prays to the Creator for strength?"

  The gentleman leaning on the sofa patted his cheek, and for a moment he wondered if there was something wrong with his ears.

  "I have never heard of such a big thing, and the Dark Saint actually agreed to it!"

  "The head of the family... His Highness is in Backlund right now. Does he know?"

  "What is the sequence of the believer you are talking about?"

  Mr. A stared gloomily at the gentleman who was chattering like a sparrow. He couldn't help but recite a few sacred scriptures in his mind to prevent himself from committing the crime of rage.

  "First of all, you and I are only the specific executors of the action and have no right to question the decisions of saints and angels."

  "Secondly, as soon as he learned about the specific situation in Tingen, His Excellency the Saint personally found His Highness, and he divined the possibility of trying a second divine descent in Tingen."

  "As for the believer you are concerned about," Mr. A pondered for a moment, "the Scammer of Sequence 8."

  The gentleman opened his mouth in surprise. I don't know if it was a habit of acting, or he was really shocked by the news and couldn't even maintain his "clown" ability.

  But he soon returned to his usual cynical look, with the corners of his mouth raised.

  "Let me guess, since we have just made contact with the church, and our Secret Order has not received any information, it means that he should be a native of Loen, but may have joined a secret organization, so we can accurately convey the information to the Lord. in the ears of believers."

  "But what he didn't expect was that we had planned several real or fake divine descendants before him, otherwise he would not have rashly proposed such a radical plan, so he should have joined a looser organization, or He was just an outside member of an organization."

  The gentleman smiled conspiratorially, looked at Mr. A, and snapped his fingers as if to show off.

  "The Hermits of Destiny, he is one of the Amon Victims Mutual Aid Association."

  "Correct your attitude towards the Son of God." Mr. A scolded, but did not refute the gentleman's guess.

  He unconsciously climbed up to the cross hidden in the collar of his robe, and his hoarse voice became deeper.

  "Mr. Moretti will give the information to the Nighthawks. This is an inevitable development."


  "Well, the True Creator Church has other plans, I don't know the details..."

  Xijia, a part-time writer, skilfully memorized the valuable parts of Zhou Mingrui's words and drew circles in his notebook from time to time.

  "Only this?"

  Xijia raised his head and glanced at the other side. After receiving a positive reply, he scanned the words he had circled up and down and wanted to speak.

  "Dunn, get out of my way, I have to see the heretic inside!"

  A thunderous roar came from the direction of the foyer, causing the ink on the desk in the solitary room to ripple.

  Zhou Mingrui stretched his neck towards the unlocked door of the solitary confinement room, his face full of worry.

  "Don't worry, the captain won't hand you over."

  Xijia seemed not to have heard the eardrum-piercing shouts of the captain of the "Punisher" outside. He calmly collected the paper and ink on the table, and even comforted Zhou Mingrui very thoughtfully.

  "Before you come to the church, we will guarantee you three meals a day. You don't have to worry about your family. We will help you make up a reason. If you have anything to say, we can also convey it, but paper and pen are not enough. I will stay. There was a victim in a similar situation to you who severed his own artery with a pen. This is for your safety."

  Thank you so much for your concern, madam... Zhou Mingrui's mouth twitched, but he still stretched his neck to look around.

  Fortunately, Xijia's guess was not wrong. Before long, Zhou Mingrui heard the mellow voice of "Nighthawks" captain Dunn.

  "Burnett, first of all, Mr. Moretti has not betrayed the faith of the goddess, and does not fall into the category of heresy according to your definition..."

  "But he accepted the power from the evil god of the Southern Continent!"

  "Being forced to accept power is not the same as betraying faith. I remember that the Holy Book of the Lord of Storms also records a saint who received power from a hidden existence but was still loyal to God. Does Mr. Moretti still insist? In line with our faith, our church will send a senior deacon to make a decision."

  "I hope you can trust the impartiality of the Serenity Church. I think this should be authoritative enough."

  "But before that, I had to see the guy myself, I..."

  "Leonard, give Captain Burnett a gift."


  The complex sounds outside the confinement were louder and quieter, but this was not a big obstacle to the two extraordinary people.

  Sika twirled her long white hair and smiled.

  "Look, I said we'd keep you safe."

  As she spoke, she picked up the notes and documents she had sorted out, walked to the door, and silently counted a few times.


  The dark confinement room once again welcomed fresh and lively light. Dunn, who had already taken care of his wounds, was wearing a long black windbreaker that had not changed forever. His gray eyes gave people an indescribable depth, like fresh flowers in an ancient forest. A lake that someone cares about can give people a rare peace just by looking at it.

  "I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. Moretti."

  Listening to his mellow voice, Klein's restless heart sank slightly.

  He slowly breathed a sigh of relief and said proactively:

  "You can call me Crane, Captain Dunn."

  After listening to his words, Xijia, who was guarding the door, smiled vaguely, and then walked out of the confinement room, leaving the remaining time to the two of them.

  "Sika should have told you about the process in the next few days," Dunn said straight to the point.

  He followed the golden chain hanging on his chest and took out a gorgeous pocket watch of the same color.

  "The church attaches great importance to your situation. The senior deacon responsible for the inspection should arrive in Tingen within the next two days."

  In other words, I have to stay here for two days?

  As Zhou Mingrui's heart dropped to the ground, he looked at the room that seemed to be directly carved out of the giant obsidian. The black walls with no visible edges absorbed all the light sources, even though the Nighthawks repeatedly assured that they were not there. There are soul-sucking souls kept in the confinement room, but Zhou Mingrui still feels as if something is always watching him.

  Moreover, this uncomfortable sight seems to have the same effect as the sealed object called "Quiet Hair", which blocks most of his extraordinary abilities, forcing him to soothe his mind all the time, trying to suppress it. His most basic impulses and emotions.

  But even if he could get out from here, there would still be a lot of trouble... Zhou Mingrui thought of the roar of the "Punisher" captain just now, and the idea of ​​testing came up again.

  "Captain Dunn."

  Dunn, who was counting the time with his head down, raised his head and said "hmm".

  "If I pass the review of the Holy Church, will it really prove that I am innocent and will it no longer affect my life?" Zhou Mingrui rubbed his hands, his eyes showing the embarrassment and sincerity they should have.

  "Of course," Dunn said calmly, "The review of the church is based on the direct insight into the soul by the holy objects. The approval of the holy objects is often equivalent to the attitude of the gods. You don't have to worry about the 'punishers', even they dare not Question the goddess."

  "That's... great." Zhou Mingrui smiled dryly, and put his hands on his cheeks with difficulty.


  It's over, I'll be seen out, I'll die!

  In the claustrophobic dark room, Dunn had already left, leaving only the weak flame of the candle as the only source of light in the room.

  The flickering candlelight floated alone in the lightless room. The light-absorbing walls made it look like a bunch of will-o'-the-wisps that were about to go out. The faint orange-red could only create a shadow when it fell on Zhou Mingrui's cheek. .

  Zhou Mingrui was lying on the wooden table with his head in his arms. His face was orange-red in the candlelight, and his round eyes were very scary against the background.

  The review of sacred objects directly affects the soul, and he is not the original Klein Moretti. His soul is his own. No matter whether he was an atheist before, but after seeing the real extraordinary, he vaguely felt that this There may really be gods in the world, and if I can't even fully grasp the power brought by the Sequence Seven potion, I will definitely not be able to deceive the gods.

  The senior deacon of the Church of the Night will arrive in Tingen in the next two days. I only have two days. After two days, the holy object will see that I am not the original soul in my body, and I will truly become a "punisher" Heresy in the mouth...

  No, maybe they will think that I am more hateful than a heretic... Even the "Nighthawks" who are relatively friendly to themselves now will also change their views.

  He could not imagine how these dutiful "Nighthawks" who were countless times more amiable than the "Punishers" would react after discovering that an unknown soul had taken over the bodies of the believers they protected.

  Zhou Mingrui dug his face with his hands, looked at the bread that had just been delivered by a "night watcher" named Cornley, and his breathing became heavier.

  He originally wanted to ensure his safety first and then find a way home.

  But now it seems that sometimes, taking a gamble may be a better decision than sitting around waiting for a choice.

  He can get the four staple foods together tomorrow night... Hide the bread in the shadow behind him. The completely black wall will be a natural protective color and no one will find it.


  "I think you look very bad."

  Ken Li, who had brown hair and was not very tall, looked at the pale Zhou Mingrui with worry and took the initiative to express concern.

  "I know the environment here is not very good. You can only eat bread for three meals a day, which is not conducive to your recovery. But don't worry, the deacon of the church will arrive in Tingen at noon tomorrow. As long as you pass the deacon's review, everything will be fine. Get better."

  "Thank you." Zhou Mingrui was grateful for the other party's concern, but he didn't have much desire to communicate. He stared straight at the bread in the tray, looking dazed.

  Ken Li looked at all this with worry, but he did not take any more care. He just silently kept Zhou Mingrui's condition in his mind and prepared to go out for a while to talk to the captain to see if he could help. Poor young man.

  As the door of the solitary room opened and closed, Zhou Mingrui's eyes stayed on the bread and never moved away.

  Hearing the footsteps gradually walking away, he put down his hands holding his head, spread them out on the table, and tapped his fingers on the table, counting the passage of time.

  One hundred and fifty-seven seconds...three hundred and sixty-two seconds...one thousand three hundred and twenty-four seconds...

  About twenty minutes later, Zhou Mingrui suddenly stood up from his seat, his brown eyes flashing with spiritual light.

  Just like when he used his extraordinary ability for the first time to jump through the flames, he found that he was very talented in controlling extraordinary abilities. For example, now he has mastered the most basic spiritual vision without any teacher.

  After confirming that there were no other spirits in the confinement room except himself, Zhou Mingrui picked up the bread that had completely cooled down, then walked behind the chair where he had been sitting, took out the staple food he had saved before from the corner, and then followed the instructions from memory The requirements for the transfer ceremony were placed around the confinement room. The square structure of the confinement room prevented him from confirming the direction before preparing for the ceremony.

  After doing all this, Zhou Mingrui returned to the center of the room and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down again.

  From the moment he prepared to attempt the transmigration ritual, he had thought a lot about it.

  For example, since there are holy objects, does it also prove that God will really cast his gaze on His holy objects, His temple...

  But compared to the temptation of going home to Zhou Mingrui, these are nothing. As long as he can go home, everything is worth it.

  Maybe the gods in this other world don't understand Chinese and don't know what I'm doing... He smiled mockingly to himself. After calming down for a few minutes, he stepped back solemnly and followed the positive direction counterclockwise. Go.

  The first step was to sell, and he chanted in a low voice:

  "Fusheng Xuanhuang Immortal Lord."

  In the second step, he recited sincerely and silently.

  "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianjun."

  In the third step, Zhou Mingrui held his breath and whispered.

  "The God of Blessing and Prosperity Xuanhuang."

  In the last step, he exhaled turbid air. Different from the last time he had a luck-based mentality during the transshipment ceremony, he said with great piety:

  "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun."

  There was still silence in the dark confinement room. The dark walls absorbed all light sources reflected in the air, preventing the transmission of sound.

  In this almost isolated environment, even the outside world may not be able to notice that the simple blue and black stone slabs have replaced the black stone walls. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net The gray mist isolates this room from the outside world in terms of mysticism. connect.

  False symbols of the spiritual world cover the real records, and images of the past remembered in history replace the present. The power from the spiritual world protects this place and fools the eyes of the world.

  However, all this transcendence has nothing to do with Zhou Mingrui, and he does not care about this greatness that is too far away from him. He only cares about the sudden appearance in his ears, which is delicate and sharp at times, illusory and alluring, mixed with madness and mania. raving.

  These strange murmurs stirred up shadows that were boiling at some point, as if countless shadows from the past were screaming and whispering hysterically.

  Zhou Mingrui couldn't understand the gibbering that contained a huge amount of information. He felt that his head was about to explode and his eyes were filled with psychedelic colors.

  He knew something had happened that was beyond his control, and he wanted to open his eyes, but even this small movement failed.

  It's better to die like this...

  In an instant, the deadly murmur seemed to be aware of his thoughts. The terrifying murmur faded away instantly, and the surrounding became extremely quiet, filled with an erratic atmosphere.

  Zhou Mingrui tried to open his eyes again, this time very easily.

  He stood under the majestic dome, and the stars all over the sky shone with faint crimson, making the ancient palace like a giant's palace even more mysterious.

  The place is filled with boundless gray fog, some as dead as a pool of water, some as misty as smoke, some sometimes boiling, sometimes silent, faithfully guarding the existence at the top of the long table in the center of the hall.

  Only then did Zhou Mingrui realize that there was a figure covered in black robes, looking down at him.

  Is he the owner here?

  Zhou Mingrui subconsciously took a step back.

  Or rather, Him?

Chapter 7 The Fool

  The gray mist flowed like water, gently grazing the corner of Zhou Mingrui's clothes, leaving an itching sensation every time it passed by, as if some kind of canine creature was sniffing his scent.

  Zhou Mingrui stared blankly at the top existence, but did not feel any more impulse besides calmness.

  "Are you Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun?"

  He tried his best to control his thoughts and bravely faced the face made entirely of gray mist. He did not question or get angry. His words revealed pleading and humility.

  As long as he can be sent back to his original world, anything is fine.

  "I'm not." The person at the top of the long table shook his head, "But I can be."

  His voice was not what Zhou Mingrui had guessed. It was neither old nor strange, but rather ordinary and a little weird.

  "To be precise, like you, I am also a puppet captured here."

  "Puppet?" Zhou Mingrui felt that he had grasped the key.

  "That's right." The shadow above nodded slightly and asked, "How is it? Is it easy to use other people's bodies?"

  This question was like a heavy hammer, breaking open Zhou Mingrui's frozen brain.

  "It's you!"

  "You threw me into Klein Moretti's body!" Zhou Mingrui was a little excited.

  The person at the top of the long table met his hot gaze with a very calm expression.

  "It's me, but if I hadn't helped you find a new body, your soul would have dissipated directly after receiving a huge amount of information from the fog of history."

  Huge amounts of information?

  A strange sense of calm once again suppressed Zhou Mingrui's emotions. He suddenly remembered the strange phantoms he saw before traveling through time, and the light gate that finally extended a helping hand to him.

  Perhaps, as the mysterious being at the top said, it was He who helped him and preserved his soul... But is this really the case?

  He said that he was not the Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun, but he could be. What does this mean?

  Why does He say that he is also a puppet? He and I don't look like individuals that can be compared together.

  If you think about it from the perspective of the most conspiracy theory, this person may be deceiving yourself, but why is it necessary? Just standing in the palace where the other party is, I can no longer think of any resistance.

  "Thank you for helping me." Zhou Mingrui considered, "But there is nothing I can do to help you. I am just a mortal and I just want to go back to where I came from."

  The figure at the top of the long table looked at Zhou Mingrui, pondered for a moment, and then his figure suddenly blurred.

  The turbulent gray mist flooded the quaint seat where He had stayed, and his ethereal body wrapped in a black robe clung to Zhou Mingrui strangely.

  However, He did not stop Zhou Mingrui from retreating after being frightened. Instead, he waited patiently until the mortal in front of him calmed down completely, then slowly floated forward and passed through his chest with the translucent arms under the sleeves of his robe. .

  "I prefer actions to words."

  "Look, I can't touch you." The robed figure retracted its arm.

  Zhou Mingrui watched the other party's actions in shock, and was stunned for a full minute before speaking again.

  "What's happening here."

  "I said, like you, I am a puppet here and a poor person kidnapped from the ordinary."

  "Perhaps the only difference is that I am the past and you are the present."

  "I'm just a lonely ghost imprisoned here after death."

  The tone of the figure under the robe remained unchanged, but Zhou Mingrui felt a trace of imperceptible sadness on the other person's body.

  "I was given up."

  The flowing gray mist gradually calmed down, like an ebbing tide, retreating from both sides to the corners of the palace with the long table as the center, hovering over the giant stone pillars.

  Zhou Mingrui frowned unconsciously as he chewed on the information he had just received.

  "So it's impossible for us to go home?"

  "No, not exactly." He shook his head and seemed to sigh, "When you completely control this place, I will disappear without a trace. By then I will be free."

  "As for whether you can still find a way home, I think if you could take my place, you might do better than me."

  "What does this mean?" Zhou Mingrui was a little confused.

  "I said, I am a puppet and a prisoner here," the figure under the robe turned his back and slowly floated towards the top of the long table, "I have been trapped here for almost four thousand years."

  "In the past four thousand years, I have been regarded as a god by ignorant beings. I have fought with the savior against cruel aliens. I have been a guest in the court of the 'Black Emperor'. I have been a nightmare that frightened the gods of the Northern Continent... ...."

  "But I am not a free man."

  He walked back to the seat at the top.

  "Fortunately, now that you're here, I see the possibility of returning to death and escaping it all."

  "You can take over everything from me and become the most admired people on the planet, as long as you want."

  Quite tempting words lingered in Zhou Mingrui's ears. He didn't know if these words were blessed by extraordinary power. He only felt that the conditions given by the person in front of him really moved him.

  This seemed to be his only choice.

  The senior deacon of the church will arrive in Tingen tomorrow. Sixteen hours later, the holy object will point out that he is a visitor from another world who has invaded other people's bodies. The deceived "Nighthawk" will sentence him to the harshest punishment.

  But didn't He say that He is also a prisoner here, and has spent more than four thousand years without finding a way to return home. Even if you accept all this, you are only fulfilling this existence that you don't even know the details of, and then maybe you will return. Throw away your freedom.

  Besides, how do you know that He is not lying to you? What if He is Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun and He is just teasing you?

  Another voice in Zhou Mingrui's mind tried its best to dissuade him from walking to the seat at the top, constantly listing the possibilities that were detrimental to Zhou Mingrui, trying to stop the bewitched himself.

  "But... I had no choice. If I don't accept it, I will die tomorrow." Zhou Mingrui murmured and walked around the long table to the black-robed figure who claimed to be a prisoner.

  "What should I do?" he asked a little uncertainly.

  Although his face was covered by gray mist, Zhou Mingrui, who looked up at the black-robed figure, could still feel the other person's pleasure.

  "You are a Sequence Seven 'Magician' of the 'Soothsayer' path, and you chose the same path as me."

  "The top of this path is called the 'Fool'. All you have to do is work hard to become the 'Fool' and become the sequence zero of this path, which is the true god among most people."

  Spirits are at the top of the pathway?

  So the Goddess of Night, the Lord of Storms, and other righteous gods in Klein Moretti's memory are actually extraordinary people?

  If these subversive news were normal, Zhou Mingrui might be shocked and speechless, but at this time, he just nodded calmly.

  "Now you can sit up and start with step one."

  The figure under the black robe watched Zhou Mingrui sit at the top of the long table under his guidance and continued:

  "Each of these crimson stars on the dome of the main hall symbolizes the soul of a believer, and can also be connected to people who have established a connection with this place but have not become believers."

  "You can simply understand this gray fog as my Kingdom of God, or you can understand it as the place where I hold meetings with my believers. What you have to do now is to find your believers and your help."

  "Believe me, if you were alone and had only the power of Sequence Seven, you might not even be able to take my place and free me completely."

  Under his guidance, Zhou Mingrui stretched out his hands, aiming at several faint crimson stars.

  However, he was not in a hurry to start his own story. Instead, he turned his head and looked at the figure floating beside him like a ghost.

  "You haven't told me your name yet."

  The figure under the black robe was stunned for a moment, as if he did not expect to answer such a boring question.

  For the first time He showed detachment.

  "You can call me 'The God of Mysteries'. This is what my believers used to call me."

  Zhou Mingrui nodded, and the spirituality spreading from his fingertips touched the stars.

  The rippling water lines blurred the crimson starry sky, and deeper colors burst out from within the stars, like dreamy fireworks, igniting the power sleeping in this gray mist. After a burst of crimson light, three blurry figures flashed through. , appeared on both sides of the long table, and two of them, together with the simple seats, changed, causing abstract symbols to appear on the backs of the chairs.

  "Sir, where is this?"

  "What do you want to do?"

  The figure in the black robe went somewhere unknown. Zhou Mingrui looked at the frightened and excited visitors, and his eyes moved to the only lady among them who exuded extreme fear, shock, and excitement.

  He glanced briefly at the figure with long brown curly hair and light blue eyes. As if he had done this thousands of times, he leaned against the back of the chair with familiarity and intertwined his fingers.

  "You can call me..."

  "'The Fool'."


  The Southern Continent, the Second Empire of Trunsoest, the city of St. Aarons where the Kingdom of God is located on the original land of the True Creator.

  The engineer wearing a blue work uniform with a brass eye plate hanging on the chest is carefully checking whether the new city that is rising at a miraculous speed complies with the plan. His forehead with a hard hat on is covered with sweat.

  "Hurry up and put in the materials that were demolished from the old house. The other side of the border is still counting on them to fill in the holes in the city wall!"

  The big man, who was more than two meters tall and looked like a little giant, waved his arms to greet his colleagues who were either manipulating living or dead corpses, or carrying building materials in person. Ordinary colleagues who made the space bag were careful not to bump into it.

  In the blue sky, a blue-haired lady with elf features was shouted loudly by the strong wind, driving away the children who gathered around the construction site to watch the excitement.

  A busy and prosperous scene.

  "Your Highness, we still need a cement road between the new city and the train station. I may need to trouble you."

  After checking the planning sheet, the engineer hurriedly ran under a circus-style shed, stopped the car hastily, patted the dust on himself before speaking.

  "As long as it takes, you first evacuate the people nearby." Antigonus calmly accepted the sudden increase in infrastructure tasks, his dark eyes becoming more vicissitudes of life.

  "Okay, I'll go now..." The engineer, who was slightly bowed, suddenly stopped and saw Antigonus frozen in place like a puppet.

  Immediately afterwards, a look of surprise flashed across the engineer's face, and then he quickly closed his eyes and walked out.

  Layers of starlight gates opened behind the Son of the Demon Wolf, dyeing the surroundings with a layer of dreamy color that spread like ripples.

  The only "planeswalker" in the world who could still move - Roman Ambrosius' steps revealed excitement and anxiety, and he flashed in front of the person in front of him with a serious expression.

  "You feel it too?"

  Antigonus had returned to his usual calm demeanor and nodded silently.

  "I feel the Lord...I feel the call of Origin Castle."

  "It seems that the people we sent to the northern continent succeeded," Roman frowned and quickly recalled, "It should have been the time after Eric withdrew, Kosma and his men."

  His long, half-white hair floated up. Antigonus closed his eyes and whispered:

  "My divination failed."

  "I tried it on the way here." Roman was a little overwhelmed with excitement, and his words and actions looked more like a "sailor" than an "apprentice".

  He took a few deep breaths, tried to calm down his emotions, and spoke much slower.

  "I want to go to Loen."

  "You won't be able to come back." Antigonus touched the thick black short hair on his cheek and thought for a moment, "You don't trust Zaratul?"

  "No," Roman denied his conjecture, "Since old Zaratul, the Zaratul family has always been the Creator and the loyal servants of the Lord."

  "But it's different now. We don't know what happened in the Northern Continent, but what is certain is that the Lord must be in some kind of weak state, otherwise the Lord would have issued an oracle long ago, and even used the Source Castle to announce it to the whole country. The world, let's fight against those treacherous bastards."

  "Mainly in a weak state..." The expression on Roman's face gradually became horrifying, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net "I can't believe anyone in our three paths."

  Antigonus looked at him silently, not caring that he was also classified as being disbelieved, and still said calmly:

  "Zarath has no ability to overstep his bounds, and He cannot become the Three Gods. Instead, you rushed to the Northern Continent in a hurry, which will bring trouble to the Lord."

  "Although the divination was not successful, one thing that is certain is that no one can get the news except the angels of our three paths. We only need to find a way to determine whether the aura of the Source Castle is conveyed to us by the Lord through the mark, or whether it is the Source Castle. Spontaneous behavior."

  Roman raised his head suddenly and met Antigonus' worried eyes.

  "That's what you think," Antigonus nodded, "What should Amon do if he also feels the vibration of Origin Castle?"


  "There is only one sun in the sky, and there is only one Lord on earth. Holy and majestic Creator, you cast your gaze..."

  In the endless wilderness shrouded by silvery white thorns, the wandering mage leaned against the monocle on his right eye, walking alone in the darkness that could swallow everything.

  He was humming nursery rhymes from the Creator's era more than two thousand years ago, and the corners of his slightly raised mouth showed real joy.

  Endless darkness occupied the horizon, and only when sparse lightning flashed across the sky, the lights of the distant city-state could be seen.

  Amon, who had been stealing the distance between himself and the city-state, came to the city wall in an instant, looking down at the people who still believed in the Creator and the "God of Mystery", and looked at the temple where believers were coming in and out to worship the "God of Mystery". church.

  "My dear uncle, you are finally back."

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