
Chapter 50 Kurotsuchi Wants To Sacrifice His Legs, And Tsunade’S Pet Bear Is On The Table

Iwagakure Village.

Inside the Tsuchikage's office.

A cute little girl wearing a red tights and a pair of slender legs is holding a short old man and acting coquettishly

"grandfather…..Just let me go~"

"I want to visit Konoha~"


The girl acted coquettishly while shaking the old man's body vigorously.

"Okay, okay, Kurotsuchi"

"If you keep shaking it, grandpa will get up to his waist again."

"Then grandpa, you have to agree to my request!"

The girl named Kurotsuchi hummed.

"Can I agree?"

Onoki had a helpless smile on his face.

As the Tsuchikage of Iwagakure Village,

Onoki has always spoken the truth.

However, there is really nothing he can do to Kurotsuchi, his granddaughter.

"whee...I knew that grandpa loved me the most."

Kurotsuchi saw Onoki agreeing, and smiled and let go of the other person's arm.

"Kurotsuchi, don't you like running around?"

"Why do you have to go to Konoha to take some Chunin exam this time?"

Ohnoki's feet lifted off the ground and his body floated back to the office chair.

After Kurotsuchi's tossing just now, he felt like his body was falling apart.

"Grandpa, I have never been out of the village when I grew up."

"Everyone says that Konoha is the most prosperous ninja village in the ninja world. I want to visit it. Kurotsuchi said with an innocent smile.


Ohnoki instinctively felt that something was wrong.

"if not?"

Kurotsuchi asked back.

Ohnoki thought for a long time, but didn't notice anything wrong. In the end, he could only temporarily suppress the doubts in his mind.

"Then I, an old man, will accompany you to Konoha this time."

"Let's say it first, you can't embarrass me during the exam!"

Ohnoki said calmly.

Since Konoha has taken the initiative to send an invitation and his granddaughter wants to go, he should go to Konoha.

Just in time, take this opportunity to show those guys who have evil thoughts about Iwagakure Village. , His old bones are still strong!

"Great, grandpa!"

"Then I'll go get ready now."

Seeing Ohnoki relent, Kurotsuchi clapped his hands happily.

After running back to his room, Kurotsuchi had a thought in his mind and got a diary in his hand.


"Finally got a chance to go to Konoha"

"Naruto, that bastard, has never mentioned me in his diary except for the sentence"Kurotsuchi's wife is having fun with her legs" at the beginning."

"This big bad guy really pisses me off!"

"What Hinata, Ino, Yuhi Kurenai?"

"Is this lady worse than them?"

Kurotsuchi murmured to himself.

This time, she must leave a deep impression on Uzumaki Naruto.

Doesn't that big pervert like my lady's legs?

At worst, let him play as much as he wants.

As long as he can get rewards..

Otherwise, according to the richness of the rewards in the diary, the other women in the diary may soon have power beyond the shadow level.

If she doesn't work hard, won't Iwagakure Village be finished by then ?

"Just think of it as doing it for the future of Iwagakure Village, I can do it!"

Kurotsuchi clenched his fists with a determined expression.

Anyway, Uzumaki Naruto is also the future savior of the ninja world.

It's not a loss to be his little wife.

Thinking of this,

Kurotsuchi looked down at his legs and couldn't help but mutter. Get up

"It's really baffling"

"What's so interesting about a pair of legs?..."

The land of wind.

Sand Hidden Village.

A strong wind blew by, bringing up yellow sand all over the sky.

Three ninjas wearing hats walked quickly through the desert.

On the bamboo hat on the head of the leading ninja, there is also a capital word"wind" written on it.

The Fourth Kazekage—Rasa!

"Mr. Kazekage, it should be right in front."

A masked guard behind him whispered.


Luo Sha nodded, and then slowed down his pace. It wasn't until the foot of a mountain that Luo Sha stopped.

"Kazekage, you're late."

As soon as Luo Sha arrived, a man wearing a kimono and a pair of enchanting vertical pupils slowly walked out of the shadows.

"I have a lot of things to arrange"

"Orochimaru, tell me your plan."

Rosasa said straight to the point.

Facing the increasingly powerful Konoha, the top management of Sunagakure Village has been putting pressure on him.

Especially Granny Chiyo.

Back then, her son and daughter-in-law died at the hands of Konoha ninjas.

So. ,

Chiyo has been eyeing Konoha.

However, the other party still holds great power in Sand Hidden Village.

In order to maintain the power in his hands, Rasa can only choose to cooperate with Orochimaru and attack Konoha together.

Regardless of success or failure, at least he can still Be your own shadow

"hehe…..The plan is simple"

"You just need to help me hold off the other ninjas in Konoha."

"I will deal with the Third Hokage. Orochimaru said calmly


"In this case, why did you ask me to come here?"

Luo Sha snorted coldly, with a very dissatisfied expression on his face.

Just for this matter, he was asked to go there in person?

Don't you know that his time is precious?

"Wind shadow, don't be impatient"

"Although Konoha is not as good as before, there are still many strong people"

"Even on the day of the Chunin Exam, there will be many secret guards around the Hokage"

"If you want to take action against him, you must find an opportunity to get close to him."

Orochimaru said slowly.

"It's not something I need to think about."

Luosha frowned slightly.

The Chunin exam is about to begin. Isn't Orochimaru ready?

Damn it!

Why is this guy so unreliable ?

"Orochimaru, it seems the plan has to be cancelled."

He can't risk the lives of so many ninjas in Sunagakure Village to accompany Orochimaru.

"Look, I'm in a hurry"

"I've already thought of a way to get close to Naruto"

"any solution?"

Hearing Luo Sha's words, Orochimaru's eyes showed a dangerous light, and he stretched out his long tongue and licked his lips.

"That means I will be the Kazekage."

As Orochimaru's voice fell, two huge bone spurs suddenly rushed out from the ground.

In just an instant, the two ANBU ninjas who followed him had lost their lives.

One was naked, with bone spurs all over his body. The thick-tailed, non-human ninja stood behind Luo Sha.

"Damn it!"

Luo Sha never expected that Orochimaru would dare to attack him.

Looking at the dead guard, Luo Sha launched the Magnetic Escape Blood Succession Limit, trying to control the gold sand to escape from the sky.

At this moment, four neat voices Ring

"Four Purple Flame Formation!"

The four sound ninjas who had been ambushing them for a long time activated the barrier, trapping Rasa, Orochimaru, and Kimimaro inside.

"Orochimaru, aren't you going to deal with Konoha?"

"It should be easier to realize your plan with my help, right? Luo

Sha said in a deep voice.

"No...It's enough for me to deal with the Third Hokage by myself."

"I will arrange what Suna Ninja wants to do."

Orochimaru said calmly.

Rasa is the Kazekage, and he will definitely give priority to preserving his strength when doing things.

Only by pretending to be the Kazekage can he make those Suna ninjas work according to the plan.

A plan cannot have two decision-makers.

"By doing this, aren't you afraid of being wanted by our Sunagakure Village? Luo

Sha said coldly.

"If these are your last words, then you can go die."

Orochimaru spit out the Kusanagi Sword from his mouth, and Kimimaro, who was in the second stage of the curse seal, attacked Rasa at the same time!

"Teacher Ma Ji, why isn't Father with us?"

On the way,

Temari looked at Maki and asked

"Lord Kazekage has other plans"

"They will meet us when they arrive in Konoha."

Ma Ji said calmly.


"Do we really want to take action against Konoha?"

Temari looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so she asked in a low voice.

"Temari, how do you know this?"

After hearing Temari's words, Maki's pupils shrank. Only Kazekage-sama and him knew about this matter. Why did Temari know about it? Could it be that the matter was leaked? If that is the case, then this time it will be in trouble. (Read Baoshuang novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Teacher Marki, don't be nervous, I just overheard the conversation between father and you."

Feeling Maki's nervousness, Temari hurriedly explained

"Temari, you didn't tell anyone else about this, right?"


Hearing Temari's answer, Ma Ji breathed a sigh of relief.[]

"This matter is absolutely confidential, you must not tell anyone"

"do you know?"

Looking at Ma Ji's worried eyes, Temari nodded slightly.

"Teacher Ma Ji, we finally got peace, why do we do this kind of thing?"

"Konoha is the most powerful ninja village, we should not go against Konoha."

Temari said in a deep voice.

"This is the decision of Lord Kazekage��"

Marky sighed.

"Can you let me contact my father?"

"Sorry, I can't promise you this"

"besides...You'd better not mention this matter to Kazekage-sama, you'll get into trouble."

After Marky finished speaking, he walked forward quickly.

Looking at the other person's leaving figure, a trace of worry flashed in Temari's eyes.

If the content in the diary is true.


There was absolutely no way my father's plan would succeed.

Even if he succeeds, he will become enemies with Konoha.

Konoha, who has the savior of the ninja world, will never be defeated so easily.

Therefore, no matter how you think about it,

Sunagakure Village will definitely pay a huge price for this.

Temari became more and more anxious as she thought about it.

What should I do?

Konoha Village.

After Uzumaki Naruto finished his training, he walked towards home with satisfaction.

He has completely mastered the Flying Thunder God , and combined with the Rasengan, it is simply terrifying.

If he enters Nine Lama Mode again, even Nagato may no longer be his opponent.

Arriving at the door of the house, Uzumaki Naruto froze on the spot.

A blond woman with twin tails was leaning against the door frame and sound asleep.

The most important thing is that he knows this woman.

Damn it, isn't this Tsunade?!

How did she appear here? Uzumaki Naruto was shocked and confused.

According to the plot in the original work, shouldn't Tsunade be traveling in the ninja world now? Why are you appearing in Konoha now? Moreover, he slept in front of his own house.

What the hell is going on? Hey!

As if sensing someone, Tsunade opened her eyes drowsily.

Then, an excited smile appeared on her face

"Little devil, you are finally here"

"I waited for you a long time."

Hearing Tsunade's words, Uzumaki Naruto was even more confused.

Specially waiting for me?

"no...Who are you?"

Although he has recognized Tsunade, Uzumaki Naruto cannot reveal this information.

Tsunade couldn't help rolling her eyes.

You little brat, you really love acting.

"Is your name Uzumaki Naruto?"

"That's right"

"Then you are the one I am looking for!"

Tsunade stood up and walked to Uzumaki Naruto, wanting to look up and down at this so-called savior of the ninja world.

However, the two pet bears in front of her blocked her view.

"Kid, open the door first and let's go in and talk."

Hearing Tsunade's words, Uzumaki Naruto could only temporarily suppress the doubts in his heart.

He opened the door and walked into the room with Tsunade.

When he came to the room,

Tsunade sat on the chair familiarly and picked up the table. She started drinking the water on the table.

She hadn't drank water for a whole day.

"Hey, you haven't answered my question yet"

"Who are you?"

"Why are you looking for me?"

Uzumaki Naruto pulled out his chair and sat opposite Tsunade.

"You brat must have heard of me, right?"

"Tsunade Hime!"

"Former Sannin of Konoha"

"Come this time...I accept you as my disciple."

Tsunade put down the water glass and said with a smile.


Uzumaki Naruto was completely shocked. this...

Something's wrong, right?

In the original work,

Tsunade is now very hostile to Konoha. Logically speaking, it is impossible for her to take the initiative to appear in Konoha.

Now he wants to accept himself as his disciple.

For a moment,

Uzumaki Naruto was confused.

Could it be the butterfly effect caused by his time traveling?

But I didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Even if it caused a butterfly effect, it shouldn't affect Tsunade, right?

"Are you the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki?"

"I heard that you and Kyuubi had reconciled, so I made a special trip over to have a look."

"in addition…..I am a member of the Senju clan, and I have a lot of experience with tailed beasts."

"In order to ensure that you are not deceived by Kyuubi, I must monitor you closely."

Tsunade's expression became serious.

"So that's it."

Uzumaki Naruto nodded.

Although it was still a little strange, he didn't know where the problem was.

Perhaps, this is the aura of the time traveler?

Will beautiful women take the initiative to come over?

"I think what you said makes sense"

"In this case, then I will reluctantly become your disciple."

Uzumaki Naruto had a troubled expression on his face, but in fact he was already happy in his heart.

Such a good thing could never be imagined in his dreams.

"Okay, that's it."

"You should get some apprenticeship fees first."

When Tsunade saw Uzumaki Naruto agreeing, her face immediately put on a smile.

"Apprenticeship fee?"

Uzumaki Naruto was a little confused.

I have never heard of this process of apprenticeship.

"Nonsense, mother…cough…The teacher is going to teach you the bottom-of-the-box stuff, so you can't show off, right?"

Tsunade snorted.

This time, she came here just for the"apprenticeship fee."

It can be said that she made this plate of dumplings specifically for this dish of vinegar.

"How much does it cost to become a disciple?"

Uzumaki Naruto knows that Tsunade is a money-minded master, so it seems reasonable for the other party to ask for apprenticeship fees.

"that...Just take a few million taels casually."

Tsunade waved her hand in a pretentious manner.

Anyway, now that Naruto controls that bastard Cardo, he probably has hundreds of millions of dollars in money.

If he doesn't ask for more, wouldn't it be an advantage for this little pervert?


"Are you robbing?"

After hearing Tsunade's words, Uzumaki Naruto couldn't help but stand up.

Good guy, how many million taels does it cost to become a disciple? What a shame!

No, absolutely not.

Even if he, Uzumaki Naruto, dies, just jump out from here. , he would not agree to Tsunade's excessive request.


"Kid, am I, Tsunade, not worth the price?"

Seeing Uzumaki Naruto's excited look, Tsunade leaned forward, picked up the two pet bears and placed them on the table.

While putting them down, the two pet bears jumped a few times playfully.

Seeing At this scene, Uzumaki Naruto couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Worth it!

It's so worth it!.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C50
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


