
Chapter 1

(Shanghai , china)

"The world has gone to hell, and this is where they sent me?" Jito said to himself as he struggled to get past the mob, barely squelching between the crowd which had hurdled around a dead body.

"Ahh wot a piTIful death this man had, not even face viSIble" a chinaman exclaimed from the crowd, catching jito's attention,Jito decided to investigate further and reached the centre of the mob. The local cops surrounding the corpse barely left any room to see, but as soon as jito got close to the corpse's proximity, he could feel it.

The death was not caused by any ordinary circumstance, it was definitely a handywork of Jujutsu sorcerer, and a good one at that.

Jito always had an inclination towards mystery and crime, enchanted by the world of shelock Holmes, he always fancied himself a good crime scene.

He knew he had to get involved, so he puffed up his chest, and entered the crime scene with nothing but a head full of confidence and a body that could even enchant the most homophobic, gay hating man on the planet.

"Evening, officers!" Jito said, in the middle of the morning with broad daylight,

"Hu R U? Ghet baK! DiS is a Cryme scene!" Shouted, the Chinese police officer.

Jito decided to brush up his detective skills he leart from the books and said" who I might be is of no relevance here, but what is, is how is this MAN, who by his physique, looks no older than 35, and according to the clothes he is wearing, seems to have had quite a comfortable life, is dead in the middle of the most poverty stricken street of Shanghai, WITH A MISSING FACE! So officers, i suggest you start asking the REAL questions here, and then we can move on to the rather small details"

The police man gave no thought to his words, and was almost ready to charge at him with his kung-fu styled baton, when the ground suddenly started to shake




"And just when I thought I had left Japan.." Jito sighed as he shielded himself from the incoming barage of Chinese peasants who ran to safety.

This gave Jito a rather nice opportunity to finally inspect the corpse at hand, as the corwd cleared and he reached for the body...


The corpse was gone, and had left no remains. Jito visibly puzzled, not knowing who or what had caused this sudden disappearence, reached deep into the pockets of his custom made japanese four buttoned suit(which he had paired with a read linen bespoke shirt) and took out a third grade cursed tool, one which he stole from his family treasury, and ignited it.

The cursed tool, looked no different from a usual Zippo lighter, he rolled the igniter and BOOM a big blue flame emerged.

This cursed tool, was none other than the LIGHT OF ENLIGHTENMENT, a cursed tool used specifically for finding, identifying strong sources a cursed energy. The colour of the flame indicated how strong the cursed energy is.

A blue flame indicated whoever the sorcerer behind it was, was of either grade 2 or semi-grade 1.

The smoke which followed the flame, showed the direction of the source of said curse energy. Weirdly enough, the smoke was going down towards the earth, bending the tip of the flame with it.

Jito without wasting any time, knelt down, grasped the ground with his hand and said

"Domain expans-"

Before he could finish casting his domain, the flame extinguished, as if it had never been lit in the first place.

(Near the German-poland border, Germany)


"Stop! Stop! Please I beg of you"




"*Sniff* i did not talk! i am the most loyal to the Führer, belive me Einz, please"










"No more.."





"no mor....

The screams of agony faded into a deathly silence. The smell of ferrous blood filled the dark attic, and a hooded figure emerged from the darkness, with his white gloves drenched in blood, dying the gloves Blunt red, wearing a Schutzstaffel uniform of the Nazi army, the man proceeded to quietly exit the attic and head upwards.

A soldier standing near the stairs which led towards the main hall, sweating profusely as if he had seen death itself, asked the man in a whimpering and timid voice, "Did he give anything commander?"

The man gave him a stern look, a look of disappointment perhaps, but filled with such rage or rather passion, that it made the poor soldier almost fall to the ground.

The soldier held himself and said

"Understood sir, i will contact the high command and relay them the message"

He rushed towards the radio to relay the message 'interogation result: unsatisfactory, come for extraction'.

"I don't know why the führer enlisted such a devilish man, him and his sorcery, such a plight" the man says to himself as he takes out the jeep. Soon, einz leaves the building, now with a change of clothes, wearing a fresh Nazi uniform, a mask over his face and a new pair of white gloves.

The souldier says to Einz "the usual?" Einz nods in agreement and the souldier ignites the cars, and takes of to a graveyard just near the polish border. This grave yard was a very unusual one, there were no gravestones, but an atmosphere that would shake anyperson to their core, just being near the graveyard would faint any normal person.

Just before reaching the graveyard, the souldier stops the jeep at a distance were he wouldn't faint. Einz exits the car lifts the corpse from the back compartment and drags it through the snowy road towards the graveyard.

The corpse he was carrying, completely dismembered of any form of recognition,face bludgeoned into non-existence, every bone shattered, the only thing holding the body together was his flesh.

Einz takes a stop when he enters the graveyard, takes a prayer and touches the corpse, the corpse now starts emanating red aura.

Einz swipes his arms in air, first a veil of fire melts the snow infront of him, and second a sudden blast created a 6ft deep crater. Einz gently lays the body down and covers it up.

He takes out a small piece of paper from his front pocket of his uniform,and leaves it over the grave.

The note reads





"Good bye, Father"

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


