
Chapter 21

As I stepped out of the portal and entered Kamar Taj, I should have felt happy. After all, I had returned to Kamar Taj after a whole month of secluded training which could easily have been much longer.

But as I remembered what I had promised to Master Ying Nan under the shimmering moonlight by the tranquil lake yesterday, my heart only felt burdened by a sense of duty. I resolved to further my study in mystic arts more seriously so that I could complete my studies early and return to the outside world as early as possible.

As I entered Kamar Taj, I saw that Ancient One who had opened the portal was watching me with surprisingly a smile on her face. It was rare to see such an expressive emotion on her face as she often represented herself as a calm and collected person.

"Congratulations, Peter!" Ancient One congratulated me first on my completion of martial arts training.

"When I had sent you to Ta Lo, I had thought that I would not see you again for at least six months. That was how serious your condition was.

So, imagine my surprise when Master Ying Nan called me yesterday with a communication spell that you had completed your training already." Just from her expression, it could be seen that Ancient One was very proud of me.

"As your teacher, at this moment, I am truly proud of you." As Ancient One praised me, I could feel a sense of pride inside me. After all, it was the best gift for a student that his teacher was proud of him.

"Alright, that is enough. It is time to check your progress. Create a portal." Ancient One immediately started her examination as soon as she finished praising me. Although, it was quite typical of her as she was a hard master.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Then, I opened my eyes which shone with determination. With a not so little amount of trepidation, I created a portal.

As Ta Lo was a sealed dimension, it was not possible to create a normal portal there. So, it was the first time I was creating a portal after I completed my training.

When I had first created a portal, it was completely formed of red lightning and soon imploded. But this time was different.

It was quite similar to a normal portal which had a fierce orange glow. The only difference was that it had a slight reddish hue and little sparks for were emitting from it. Seeing my success, I cheered mentally. Although my happiness could easily be seen as I was smiling quite brightly.

"Well done, Peter. It seems that you have finally mastered the basics of mystic arts. Now, you are ready to advance in your study of mystic arts." Ancient One gave the results with a faint smile.

"I know that you are quite anxious to contact your family but you can call them at night. Now, go to the library and ask master Wong for the next part of mystic arts." Ancient One ordered.

"Greetings, Master Wong!" I greeted Master Wong as I entered the library.

"Ah, Peter. Welcome! When I had heard that you had completed your training in Ta Lo early, I was truly happy." Master Wong praised me.

"Ancient One ask me to collect the books of mystic arts now that I have completed my basic training." I asked Master Wong.

"Well that was the purpose of your training. Wait a second! I will bring them to you in a moment." Master Wong asked me to wait as he opened his portals.

"These books should be what you want." Master Wong showed me the books he brought.

As I read their titles, they were books about advanced energy constructs, barrier spells and shield spells. But one book surprised me.

"Basic elemental arts?" I asked Master Wong surprised.

"Although most sorcerers of Kamar Taj do not have any affinity in elemental arts, I believe that with your powers, you should be able to learn them. After all, your unique red lightning is already quite astounding." Master Wong explained the reason.

"This stage is where sorcerers start specialising in a particular mystic art. The books I have given you are only the compulsory ones. Do you want to learn any other mystic art?" Master Wong asked me.

"I want to learn enchantment." When I had first seen enchantment described in the introductory books, I had already been fascinated by this special mystic art which could be used to create powerful artefacts.

"Ah! You are interested in creating artefacts. But enchantment is quite a demanding mystic art. Would you have enough time to devote to enchantment?" Master Wong asked me.

"Don't worry, Master Wong. I think I will manage." I assured Master Wong that I would have enough time to study enchantment.

"If you think so, Peter." Master Wong said and brought me the introductory book to enchantment.

"See you later, Master Wong." I bid him farewell and started to leave the library.

"Wait!" Master Wong asked me to wait suddenly.

"What is it, Master Wong?" I asked him confused about why he stopped me.

He showed me a leather bound book which was covered in runes. The title read "Thunderclap and Flash" and the author was Master Zenitsu Agatsuma.

"I wanted to give you this." Master Wong passed the book to me.

"Thunderclap and Flash, what kind book is it, Master Wong?" I asked him. It seemed to be about a lightning spell.

" This book contains a mystic art which was created by a Master of Kamar Taj who trained in Ta Lo. As it is a unique mystic art , it has a lot of requirements before one can use it. As such, it has always been ignored by the sorcerers." Master Wong explained the origin of the book.

"However, given that you also trained in Ta Lo and your exceptional lightning attribute, I believe that you can learn this special mystic art." Master Wong expressed his belief in me that I would be able to learn this unique mystic art.

'Thunderclap and Flash', I wonder just what kind of mystic art it was.

After returned to my lodging, I could not control my curiosity and sat down to read what this book was about.

'Thunderclap and Flash' was written by Master Zenitsu Agatsuma. He was a master sorcerer of Kamar Taj in the early 1600s.

Before he joined Kamar Taj, he was a samurai in Japan. As a samurai, he was master of Iaijutsu aka quickdraw.

He used his experience as a swordsman to create this mystic art. The reason this mystic art was so difficult was because it required quite a high lightning affinity to use.

Master Zenitsu Agatsuma had a lightning attribute because he was struck down by lightning when he was a child. However, it was difficult for any other sorcerer to have such a lightning affinity so no one else could use it until now.

No wonder, Master Wong gave it to me. With my lightning powers, it would be easy for me to fulfil the requirements of 'Thunderclap and Flash'.


Yes, that's right. Peter will now be using 'Thunderclap and Flash' soon. From now, I will be inserting several elements from various fictions if possible.

So, all my readers are welcome to give any suggestions. I will be waiting for your comments!

As I have said before, for the rest of this month, you can read a total of 8 advance chapters as well as 5 advance chapters on Wyvern tier on my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C21
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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