
What Have I Become?

Now, the third stage – the one shrouded in mystery even to me. It's dominion. Imagine the very essence of the underworld woven into the fabric of existence, and me, Hades, no longer just the god, but the underworld itself. Not a ruler, not an embodiment, but the very law. A terrifying prospect, even for a god. The thought sent shivers down my spine, a strange mix of trepidation and exhilaration.


[Hades POV]

The world dissolved into a dizzying blur as I tore a hole in reality. With a final surge of power, I stepped through, the suffocating presence of the prison realm fading behind me. I reappeared in a desolate wasteland, a barren landscape devoid of life or warmth – perfect.

This was it. Here, far from the sight and influence of my siblings, I could focus on the true purpose of my arrival. Carefully, I wove layers of intricate barriers around my chosen spot. These weren't meant for brute force, but for subtle deflection, a shield against any stray prying eyes, divine or otherwise. With a satisfied rumble, I settled into a meditative pose, drawing my power inwards.

This wasn't going to be easy. I closed my eyes, focusing on the essence of my being, the raw power that pulsed within me – the very embodiment of death and riches. Tentatively, I reached out, picturing myself not just wielding this power, but becoming one with it. It was like trying to grasp a swirling storm, an entity with a will of its own. The concept of death, vast and ancient, pushed back with an unyielding resistance.

A jolt of pain ripped through me, a searing agony that threatened to tear me apart. I gritted my teeth, a low growl escaping my throat. This wasn't something I hadn't anticipated. The path to true mastery was paved with hardship, and I was determined to walk it. Hour bled into hour, the pain a relentless tide threatening to drown me. Yet, with each agonizing push, I felt a sliver of progress. The resistance, though still formidable, wasn't absolute. A faint connection, a tentative merging began to form between me and the concept I sought to dominate.

Days turned into what felt like weeks, the boundaries of time blurring in this isolated world. I lost track of the countless attempts, the excruciating failures. Each time, the pain threatened to overwhelm me, but I persevered, fueled by an unwavering determination. Slowly, ever so slowly, the connection grew stronger. I could feel the vast power not just beside me, but within me, a part of my very being. The lines separating us were beginning to blur.

It wasn't complete dominion yet, not by a long shot. But the progress, however minuscule, filled me with a sense of accomplishment that transcended the constant agony. This wasn't just about power; it was about becoming something more, something fundamental to the very fabric of existence. The God of the Dead, not just wielding death, but being death itself. The thought sent a tremor through me, a mix of awe and trepidation. The path ahead was long and arduous, but for the first time, I felt a flicker of genuine hope. I was on the right track.


The lines had blurred. Time became a meaningless concept, a forgotten melody in the symphony of pain and progress. I pushed, I strained, the act of merging with my divinity ingrained in my very being. How many attempts had I made? Hundreds? Thousands? It didn't matter anymore. The answer remained the same – agonizingly slow advancement.

The pain, once a fearsome beast, was now a dull ache, a constant companion on this arduous journey. My control had improved, yes. I felt a deeper connection, a subtle understanding of the vast power I wielded. But the true dominion, the merging I craved, remained frustratingly out of reach.

Frustration gnawed at me. At this pace, it would take… centuries? Five hundred years? The thought was maddening. I needed a faster way, a shortcut to bypass this agonizingly slow process. But how? I delved into my memories, searching for inspiration, for a forgotten legend, a whispered rumor of a faster path.

Just then, a warmth, a familiar flicker of energy washed over me. The very fabric of reality hummed in response. A voice, ancient and powerful, echoed in the chambers of my mind. It spoke not with words, but with a sense of vast knowledge and boundless existence.

Images flooded my consciousness – the void, its chilling emptiness, and the strain it had placed upon you. A sense of satisfaction, like a sigh of relief, washed over me. It seemed you had managed to mend the erosion the void inflicted.

The essence continued. This message served as both an acknowledgment and a farewell. You, Hades, had reached a significant turning point, a peak in your journey. The grueling experience in the void, though unpleasant, wasn't meant to be erased. It was a trial you had overcome, and the knowledge and resilience you gained there would serve you well in the times ahead.

A final image flickered – a being of pure energy, a source of all creation. Then, silence. The warmth faded, leaving behind a single word resonating in the emptiness – "The Source."

Then, a spark ignited in my mind. My meditation, my entire approach, was based on a passive resistance, a mirroring of the void's relentless pressure. What if… what if I reversed it? The void had eroded, chipped away at my being. What if I became the eroder, actively tearing down the barriers between me and my divinity?

It was a radical idea, a desperate gamble. But at this point, I had nothing to lose. With a surge of determination, I ripped apart the carefully constructed method of meditation, the one that had brought me this far. In its place, I envisioned myself as a storm, a relentless onslaught, tearing down the walls that separated me from the essence of death and riches.

But instead, a new thought struck me. In the void, I existed, unchanging, a constant presence. It was the void itself that warped and shifted around me, accommodating my alien presence. But as I persisted, as my defiance grew, the void retaliated, eroding at my being, attempting to consume me.

A horrifying memory, but also… a revelation. The void wasn't an enemy, not truly. It was a canvas, a vast emptiness that held everything within it. Stars, planets, even gods – all existed within the void's embrace. And when their existence withered, they simply returned to its source.

This was the key. I wasn't meant to fight, to conquer. I had to become the void itself, or rather, a reflection of it. I envisioned myself as a vast emptiness, a limitless space. My divinity, the essence of death and riches, became existence itself, swirling within me, accommodated by my being.

Doubt gnawed at me, but I pushed it aside. I immersed myself in this feeling, this strange state of being both the container and the contained. Instead of forcing myself upon my power, I opened myself to it, embracing it.

Time lost all meaning. I forgot pain, forgot frustration, forgot even the purpose of my meditation. All that remained was this vast emptiness, this swirling vortex of existence within me. Slowly, ever so slowly, I felt a shift. The concept of death and riches, once separate, began to approach, drawn towards the welcoming emptiness I had become.

This wasn't the forceful merging I had attempted before. It was a gentle dance, a natural progression. My divinity flowed into me, no longer resisting, but seeking its place within my being. Unknowingly, I had stumbled upon a form of meditation rarely achieved – not one of harmony with nature, but one that forced nature itself to bend to my will.

This unnatural state continued for an eternity, or perhaps only a moment. Finally, a blinding light erupted from within me, bathing the once desolate wasteland in a golden glow. When the light faded, I opened my eyes, blinking away the afterimage.

The world seemed different, sharper, somehow imbued with a deeper meaning. I looked down at my hands, half expecting to see some physical change, but they appeared the same. However, if one were to look into my eyes now, they wouldn't see the usual fiery glow of the God of the Underworld. No, these held a newfound depth, an aura of wisdom and serenity.

Confusion warred with a strange sense of accomplishment. This wasn't what I had expected, yet somehow, it felt exactly right. A single question hung heavy in the air: what had I just become?


Chapter Length- 1,370 Words

Author's Message: Hello everyone! I have made some changes to my writing style, let me know how was your reading experience and also a lot of time has passed on the outside world and Hades will meet two new faces once he gets back and our boy will soon be free!

Author's Question: Could you guys recommend me some fights that I can watch to get some inspiration for the upcoming Titanomachy arc?

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


