66.66% SCP Multiverse System / Chapter 2: World of Anomalies

章 2: World of Anomalies

-- recap

Percy is subject to his grandfathers cruel experiments for 5 years, when he escapes and blows himself up in order to finally rest.

He wakes up in a void of nothingness with a bluescreen in front of him.

He is shown a list of unclaimed universes that he can claim and thinks he can end up back in his universe([723,293 - Z] - [Unknown] [Claimed]) and get revenge.


[+] Which Universe would you like to Claim? [+]

[13,393-B] - [Dangerous] [Unclaimed]

[85,393-A] - [Unknown] [Unclaimed]

[9123,2432,3434 - A] - [Unknown] [Unclaimed]

[49 - D] - [Extremely Dangerous] [Unclaimed]

[7 - A] - [Unknown] [Unclaimed]

[-] Available Options : 5


*If I want to make it back to my world, going with the safest bet would be the best choice. Let's get rid of all the ones that are marked 'Dangerous'*

[+] Processing Command [+]

[+] Which Universe would you like to Claim? [+]

[85,393-A] - [Unknown] [Unclaimed]

[9123,2432,3434 - A] - [Unknown] [Unclaimed]

[7 - A] - [Unknown] [Unclaimed]

[-] Available Options : 3


[+] You have successfully gained a Title [+]

[-] Wise Choices [-]

[-] : Stats are now more in depth, the stat 'Intelligence' has been added.


[-] Strength: 16 (Average = 3)

[-] Stamina: 23 (Average = 5)

[-] Vitality: 43 (Average = 4)

[-] Intelligence: 24 (Average = 18)


[+] Time limit for choosing has run out, choosing randomly... [+]

*Wait! Wait! What do you mean time limit? It's only been like 2 minutes!*

[+] Chosen World: [7 - A] - [Unknown] [Unclaimed] [+]

A huge wormhole appears in the vast space of nothingness, sucking Percy inside of it, while he can't do anything to stop it. It closes as soon as Percy passes through it.

While Percy was going through this wormhole, time worked differently, time was no longer linear. He saw entire planets be formed and destroyed in a matter of seconds, as he neared the other side of the wormhole he saw what looked to be earth.

The next thing he knows is that he is freefalling out of the sky, 20,000 feet from ground.


Percy, in a skydiving position with his arms and legs spread out to slow his descent starts thinking on how he can survive this.

*Nada, nothing, I'm dead. This stupid system is about to kill me!*

Perhaps it was because Percy had been killed and revived repeatedly, but he didn't feel fear, he felt disappointed. That's when a flashback appeared in the back of his mind, all the way back from when he was taking his first step as a baby.

His mother held him in her arms and, with the softest tone, spoke a few words that would echo in Percy's mind all the way down.

--"It's okay Percy, just breathe, in and out"--

Fierce determination quickly floods Percy, and destroys his thoughts of giving up. He observes his surroundings and finds himself falling into a bunch of thick trees.

[+] New Skill Unlocked : Concentration [+]

[-] : You have found a strong determination, and have manifested your first skill.

[//] Disclaimer : This skill will only be used automatically in times of need.

[//] Ability : Calm your nerves, and Concentrate. Even the impossible can become possible with a rational mind and total focus.


[+] Concentration Activated [+]

Suddenly, just a few seconds away from his impending doom, the sound of crashing wind infiltrating Percy's brain vanishes and his vision becomes focused on the tree's below him.

Percy positions himself in between 2 branches, and as he is falling down with extreme speed he quickly sacrifices both of his arms to grab onto them.


It slowed him down, but both of his arms were ripped off from the shoulder down. For the next set of branches he sacrifices his legs, quickly kicking himself away from the tree into the next branch breaking several ribs. He lands on the floor with immense pain while the effects of Concentration turn off.


Percy screams in agony, the affects of Concentration seemed to block off pain. So when it wore off all of it came to Percy at once.

[+] An Amazing Feat [+]

[-] : Surviving thousands of feet in the air with nothing but your wits? That's impressive.

[//] : Recovering Body...


Green light surrounds Percy as both of his arms grow back, visible shock is shown on Percy's face, and he quickly gathers his composure.

*I have to focus, I need to get back to my world*

Percy walks through the tall and thick tree's until he hears a plea for help, and monstrous screeches.





Percy's survival instincts are telling him to run, but it's to late, a ghastly skinny white figure about 8 feet tall is starting at him in the distance and shortly starts crying.

Only one thing was going through Percy's mind, 'Run'.

*Go go go, that thing will tear me apart!*

Percy runs through the woods, with his exceptional athletic ability, and about a minute later when he thinks he is safe he hears a terrifying screech in the distance. Following the screech are heavy and fast footsteps running straight in his direction.

Percy knows he'll die if he keeps running, and the idea of that monster ripping him apart is flooding his brain.

[+] Concentration Activated [+]

Percy calms down and observes his surroundings, and instead of running away, he runs straight towards the monster. With one big swipe the monster tries grabbing Percy, but Percy slides under in-between his feet.

Instead of jumping on his back, Percy moves clockwise, keeping him out of the monsters sight. But despite that the monsters huge arms still manage to grab Percy. And the monster squeezes and squeezes until gushing sounds can be heard.

It opens it's enormous mouth and prepares to eat Percy whole, Percy puts both of his thumbs in each of it's eyes as a last ditch effort. The monster remains unfazed.



[+] An early death has been detected [+]

[-] : Calculation Achie--error-ErrOr


[+] An error has been detected in the system, turning back time for troubleshooting... [+]

Time reverses to the moment Percy hears that screech, as if instinct he quickly looks down at the floor.

*Error? Reverse Time? Am I lucky or unlucky?!*

Percy is to shocked to move, but despite that, the monster keeps crying and doesn't even pay attention to Percy.

*W-what is that?*

[+] Query Detected [+]

[-] : SCP-096 also known as "The Shy Guy", is an anomaly that will chase you with it's psychic ability and kill you if you look at it's face. It has an extremely durable exoskeleton.


After reading the system message, Percy closes his eyes tightly and walks in the opposite direction. And slowly transitions to walking to running.

Pant, Pant

*I died, I definitely died.*

Percy runs until he ends up in a small village, It's already past-dark and he needs a place to rest.

*I need to rest, but I don't feel tired?*

[+] Information [+]

[-] : As a god your human needs are gone, but now your godly needs have to be met. Devour divinity to stay alive.

[-] : Divinity is a type of energy that can be required by worship, killing enemies, or by other means.


Percy's stomach starts to grumble.

*What is this bullshit? Worship?! Where am I going to get people to worship me?*

Percy walks through the village, unknowing to him, his body is emitting divinity everywhere he walks, villagers who witnessed this started getting on their knees unknowingly to Percy.

[+] Divinity is Increasing in small Increments [+]

*Huh? How?*

Percy looks around to see several men, children and woman bowing to him. Percy walks up to one of them.

"Excuse me, do you have a place I can stay? And why are you bowing?"

The villager doesn't say anything and simply points to his house with trembling fingers, upon entering the villager didn't seem to go after him. And a large amount of talking can be overheard outside.

30 minutes later, a knock can be heard at the door.

"Who is it?"

Percy opens the door and is met with several soldiers dressed in black gear pointing their guns at him, and they open fire on Percy. Pumping him with dozens of bullets filled with anesthetics, they drag Percy to a helicopter a kilometer away from the village and turn on their radio.

"SCP-096 has been secured, we have also found a new anomaly"

The very awake Percy, who has built a strong immunity to anesthetics, listens into the conversation.

#"New anomaly? Report back to base immediately."#

As soon as Percy gets on the helicopter he takes the initiative, since there were so many soldiers they had to come in several different helicopters. Only 10 fully geared soldiers rode with him.

A female soldier intently stares at Percy and tries touching his face.

"HEY! What do you think your doing? We have no information whatsoever on this anomaly, your putting yourself in danger!"

The female soldier blushes and retaliates.

"What are you talking about? We pumped him with dozens of shots of anesthetics, even an elephant wouldn't wake up for at least a few days!"

Percy chuckles, and the whole room of soldiers goes quiet.

"Well, unlucky for you, I'm not an elephant"

Percy quickly disarms each soldier, kicking each of their weapons out of the helicopter, he quickly grabs the female soldier and holds her hostage.

"If anybody moves, her neck gets snapped. Lucky for her it's an instant death, unlucky for you guys is that you all might be next."

The female soldier blushes and is visibly shy, another soldier comments on this.

"A-are you seriously getting a kick out of getting taken hostage?"

"I-I'm sorry, he's really good looking!"

What Percy didn't know is Divinity doesn't only make people see you as someone with great power, it also modifies the appearance of a person.

"Hey! Pilot, land the helicopter now!"

When the helicopter neared the ground, Percy let go of his hostage and jumped off the helicopter, and in a flash was gone within the deep forest.

While running, a thought pierced his mind, making him blush.



Thanks for reading chapter 2, I want to give my thanks to everyone who left a collection or used their power stones. Expect a lot more chapters!

If you have any suggestions for which anomaly Percy should encounter next, let me know in the comments!

Also these first 2 chapters are focusing on WORLD BUILDING! So expect more OP MC stuff later.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


