81.87% Uchiha Giyu / Chapter 139: Chapter 139 Resurrection, Giyu! Ame-no-Ohabari

章 139: Chapter 139 Resurrection, Giyu! Ame-no-Ohabari

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Chapter 139 Resurrection, Giyu! Ame-no-Ohabari

Not long ago.

At the critical moment when every family was preparing dinner, the entire Konoha suddenly lost power.

The gas stove cannot be turned on, the rice steaming in the rice cooker is destined to be half-cooked, and some unprepared people cannot even boil hot water for instant noodles.

In order to find out what was going on and to kill some time, the residents of Konoha left their homes one after another and went to the streets to chat or complain to each other.

People gathered in the streets, like mosquitoes waiting for the sunset to be swallowed up by the horizon.

But the darkness did not last long.

Since the Uchiha police force responsible for maintaining order did not go to work this afternoon, many shops saw the opportunity and boldly lit up lanterns, candles and bright torches that were only available during the New Year festival, and set up their stalls outside at lightning speed.

Some people also arranged activities such as fishing for goldfish and tying rings, making an ordinary night without power look like a summer festival celebration. The excitement was no less than when the delegation was welcomed in the morning. Many even forgot that not so long ago they had feared that war was coming.

People were having a lot of fun under the lights. Even the Kumogakure Ninja Mission couldn't help but come out and walk around. They complained that this place looked like a resort while shopping for souvenirs. They had no idea that a group of their companions were already at Naka Shrine and prepared an ambush for uchiha.

After about ten minutes, the lights on the Hokage Building were first turned on and returned to normal. But other areas of Konoha were still lit only by candlelight.

As the administrative area, the Hokage Building naturally has an independent power supply system to deal with special situations, but it still takes a certain amount of time to start.

When the headlights on the ceiling came back on, replacing the battery-powered lighting system, Danzo, who was sitting at the end of the table, immediately asked the technician: "Have you found out the cause of the power outage? What's going on?"

[ Should I ask you first? ]

All the participants around the table had the same idea.

They all thought that the blackout was caused by Danzo.

It is unreasonable for conspirators to create darkness before committing evil acts.

Uchiha Fugaku, who had been facing tit-for-tat before, was particularly wary. He clenched his fists tightly, but his short nails carved marks on his palms like irons.

Shimura Danzo has always been a reclusive person, but now that the Hokage is gone, he has come out from underground to take over the power. The first thing he does is to cause trouble for Uchiha, and he has also been blamed for big things that he cannot defend. Thinking about it carefully, Fugaku believed that the other party was definitely preparing for a deeper plan.

[So he dragged me here, but he actually wanted to take advantage of the power outage to do something to Uchiha? ]

But Fugaku then thought about it, among all the humans in the ninja world, there is probably no one more suitable to fight in the dark than Uchiha.

The Sharingan increases vision in all aspects, including night vision. If there is a power outage, it will be more beneficial to Uchiha.

[So, what exactly is he planning on...]

Fugaku didn't care about the suspicious glances occasionally cast by some of the jounin representatives, and thought rapidly.

As everyone knows, Danzo also feels baffled.

Naka Shrine is located in a remote location and has no electricity.

So he thought it was the Iwagakure Ninja Kumogakure Ninja who should have begun to besiege Uchiha who expanded the battlefield and accidentally damaged wires and the like.

In the name of monitoring the Kumogakure Ninja, he transferred all the jounin of the Hyuga clan, just because he didn't want anyone to discover what was going on there.

If the battle of those people destroyed the circuit, once it aroused the vigilance of other ninjas in Konoha, his arrangement would definitely go awry.

Danzo's original plan was to let the Kumogakure and Iwagakure Ninjas destroy the Uchiha, and the root was only responsible for secretly assisting.

When they leave Konoha, the person behind the White Zetsu monsters will take action and secretly kill all the ninjas of the two countries without even leaving their bodies behind.

In this way, after this matter is over, he can not only share all the Sharingan with the mysterious man, but also directly blame the other two ninja villages for the Uchiha genocide.

As for how the other party entered Konoha?

You must know that many years ago, the Kumogakure Ninja broke into Konoha and kidnapped the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki Uzumaki Kushina, which shows that they have their own way of breaking the barrier.

When the time comes, there will be no evidence of death. Although Konoha lost Uchiha and was seriously injured, the other two countries also lost a group of elite jounin. In order to stop the loss, the Kumogakure Ninja will only choose the weaker Iwagakure Ninja to attack, while Konoha can slowly recover.

At that time, the "balance" that Danzo wanted will be achieved.

But to achieve this goal, what happened over there must not be discovered.

"That's it."

Hearing Danzo's question, the technician wiped the sweat from his forehead: "The switches at the main power supply are all burned out. We estimate that it may be those large switches used by the barrier class or other departments. There is something wrong with the power electronics, and everyone is slowly investigating."

As soon as these words came out, Danzo felt relieved, so that no one would pay attention to the matters at Naka Shrine.

"Then let's continue talking about business, Uchiha Fugaku."

He glanced at the clock on the wall, and his exposed left eye was like a vulture biting its prey.

"Where is Uchiha Shisui?"

Everyone was quiet, even their heartbeats slowed down, waiting for Fugaku's answer.

The current situation is complicated and confusing, and Uchiha Shisui is probably the only one who truly knows the truth, and is also the key to whether the war will break out. As long as he is found, all the mysteries will be solved, and the dark clouds hanging over Konoha will slowly dissipate.

"I don't know."

Fugaku remained calm, turning a blind eye to the scrutiny around him, but he did not act rude and simply answered the question.

"After Shisui got your order and left the village, he never contacted us again."

"Do you not know or don't want to tell?"

Danzo knocked his cane hard. The sonorous sound echoed in the empty conference room.

"As far as I know, your eldest son Uchiha Itachi has a close relationship with him. After he left Konoha, Uchiha Itachi would go in and out of his home every day to feed the crows that could deliver messages. If there is anyone in Konoha who most likely knows, it is you and Itachi, who have received the news about Uchiha Shisui!"

"Elder Danzo." Nara Shikaku, who had been listening carefully, interrupted: "The news about Uchiha Shisui's attack on Earth Country was this morning. It was just reported back, but according to you, the surveillance on Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui has already started? Why is this?"

The implication is, have you been preparing for what happened today?

Faced with questioning glances from people at the table, Danzo remained unmoved, obviously having a countermeasure in mind.

"There's nothing surprising about this. Ever since Uchiha Itachi claimed to have survived Orochimaru, I have been suspicious of them."

Danzo twisted his crutch and stood up.

"Uchiha Itachi claimed that Uchiha Shisui saved him. With the speed of Shisui, who could instantly turn around, if he really met Orochimaru and controlled him with illusions, how could he let him go? After thinking about it, the most logical conclusion is that they colluded to put on a show and wanted to use this incident as an excuse to return to Konoha in the name of reporting. So after they returned from the Kingdom of Water, the Roots began to monitor ."

Uchiha Fugaku's eyebrows twitched inadvertently. The old man was giving him eye drops again.

Although there is no evidence, the root has always been an "act on suspicion" style, so Nara Shikaku can't find anything wrong for the time being.

To be honest, although the jonins of Uchiha have been very well-behaved in recent years, their ambitions in previous years were as obvious as the writing on the paper, so Nara Shikaku did not trust Uchiha.

But as a ninja of Konoha, he distrusted Danzo even more.

The daimyo's son was assassinated, the Hokage was absent, and the Iwagakure Ninja launched an attack. After adding up one by one, it seemed that a perfect stage was set up for Danzo's appearance. One of the consultant elders was sick, so there was no one to check and balance him.

[Everything is too coincidental.]

After thinking for a while, Nara Shikaku pushed away the chair and stood up.

"Please allow me to take leave for the time being."

He covered his stomach with his hand, looking ashamed, "There are some things that need to be dealt with."

"Do it yourself."

Danzo was not suspicious, and was even a little happy. After all, without one person who is specifically looking for trouble, the other jounin will be more susceptible to his influence.

But what he didn't know was that after Nara Shikaku turned around, he immediately made a gesture to Akimichi Choza and Yamanaka Inoichi with his upper hand on his stomach: "Just wait and see what happens."

Both of them pretended to have seen nothing, but they didn't. He blinked imperceptibly.

After Nara Shikaku left the conference room, he went to the bathroom of the Hokage Building and separated a shadow clone to stay there. However, the main body used the transformation technique to leave from the bathroom window and headed towards the embassy.

As soon as this smart man left, Shimura Danzo immediately seized the opportunity and launched a general attack on Uchiha Fugaku.

"On the night of the Nine-Tails ten years ago, such a big Sharingan hung in the eyes of the Nine-Tails. Chief Fugaku said he didn't know."

"Now that Uchiha Shisui attacks the Earth Country, the control of the Jinchuuriki is very similar to that of the past. Chief Fugaku also said he didn't know."

"Your youngest son went on a killing spree in Yugakure Village to eliminate dissidents for the Mizukage. Chief Fugaku also said he didn't know."

He stared at the silent and stern Uchiha chief with his one eye, and suddenly asked sharply: "Now we are talking about a war between Konohagakure and Iwagakure & Kumogakure Village might break out without Uchiha Shisui. Chief Fugaku still claimed that he didn't know. Uchiha Fugaku, do you really regard yourself as a ninja of konoha?!"

This is no longer an ordinary accusation.

Combined with the previous accusations, the dirty water Danzo poured on Fugaku and Uchiha has become an ink stain that cannot be washed away.

However, facing Danzo's questioning and the accusing looks from most of the Jonin representatives, Uchiha Fugaku's lips curled up.


Then, under the incredible gazes of everyone, the face that had always been stern and unsmiling changed into something they had never seen before. Uchiha Fugaku suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed as if he was a different person, laughing so hard that tears came from the corners of his eyes. It seeped out everywhere.

"Hahaha! Hahahaha! Hahahahahahahahaha!"

The rampant laughter, a bit like that of the villain in a movie, bounced back and forth against the walls of the conference room and lasted for half a minute before stopping.

Fugaku's raised neck returned to normal, but when he opened his eyes and looked at Danzo again, except for two tomoe in the scarlet, there was no smile at all.

He stood up, and all the Jonin representatives and the Kumogakure Ninja envoys also stood up nervously, subconsciously touching their weapons with their hands.

"Shimura Danzo, and everyone here,"

Fugaku's voice was as clear and loud as a whip hitting the ground.

"You ask me, have I ever regarded Myself as a ninja of Konoha? Then let me ask you, have you ever regarded Uchiha as a ninja of Konoha?"

His two tiger eyes scanned the slightly nervous faces of everyone.

"Slander, abuse, isolation, relocation, and endless surveillance..."

He turned his head sharply, his gaze shot towards Shimura Danzo like a knife, and asked with a low voice, "And the current frame-up and false accusations, Is this how you treat ninjas from the same village?!"

"The things I said are things that you Uchiha are very likely to do. It is also what you want to do."

Danzo was unmoved, "If you don't agree, just come up with evidence and explain it clearly. There is no need to beat the odds here."

"I have only heard that evidence is needed to prove what a person has done, but I have never heard that evidence is needed to prove what a person has not done!"

Uchiha Fugaku shook his head mockingly, "Okay! Let's Stop talking about these high-sounding words. Shimura Danzo, you have laid the groundwork for so much and for so long, what exactly do you want to do, now you can show your true face."

Seeing that the two sides were about to quarrel, Mitokado Homura quickly stretched out his hands and planned to say something sweet, but was ruthlessly stopped by Danzo.

"It's not what I wanted to do."

Danzo shook his head pretending to be regretful, "It was your Uchiha clan who tried to provoke a war and forced us to do this. You have to keep this in mind."

After that, He suddenly raised his head and raised his chest and said loudly: "Everyone, I suggest that all the Uchiha clan members be temporarily imprisoned to force Uchiha Shisui to show up!"

"Danzo!" Mitokado Homura's forehead was dripping with sweat, "You can't do this..."

This is basically starting a war!

If you capture a civilian from an Uchiha, you might set off a barrel of explosives, and now you want to imprison the entire Uchiha?

How could they possibly cooperate?

"For Konoha, there is nothing I can't do!"

Danzo said categorically, without even looking at Mitokado Homura, but looked around at the other jounin representatives: "Uchiha Fugaku, as the leader of the Uchiha clan, He is here now. If he is willing to surrender and cooperate with us, that is good. But if he is unwilling, you need to..."

"Wait a minute."

Among the Jonin representatives, Akimichi Choza interrupted and asked: "You are talking about imprisonment, Where are you going to imprison these Uchiha people?"

"Of course the roots."

Danzo said matter-of-factly, "We are the most professional and we will definitely be able to investigate the ins and outs of the matter."

"This is not appropriate. There is no evidence. How can you control people in a place like that with no evidence and just suspicion? What's more, you want to interrogate these people according to your wishes?"

Yamanaka Inoichi still remembered Nara Shikaku's gesture just now, "How about that? Wait until the Hokage comes back before making a decision."

Uchiha Fugaku was not surprised, nor did he feel grateful.

Because these two people are not supporting Uchiha, but avoiding the internal strife that is likely to break out.

"Before Hiruzen left, he had given me the power to handle Konoha's affairs. By the time he comes back, Uchiha may have completed the arrangements, and it will be too late. I cannot let the village take such a risk."

Danzo Shimura asked in a cold voice: "Can it be said that you Jonin are so afraid of Uchiha?"

A clumsy way to provoke generals, but it often has miraculous effects.

"Elder Danzo is right, this is the only way to force Uchiha Shisui to show up."

A Jonin representative gritted his teeth and said: "In order to prevent the war, please ask Chief Fugaku to be a little aggrieved. Wait until the matter is found out. If we do, we will naturally let you out."

Many people expressed their agreement in unison.

But Fugaku curled his lips grimly: "Aggrieved?"

He looked at the faces of those people, feeling sick in his heart, and then shouted loudly: "Haven't Uchiha been wronged enough after all these years?!"

"Fugaku , Calm down—"

Yamanaka Inoichi quickly comforted him when he saw the tomoe in the other person's Sharingan eyes turning faster and faster.

"Okay. Those who don't want to participate should not stay here."

Uchiha Fugaku jumped directly to the table.

"As for those who want to catch me, who want to make Uchiha feel wronged again..."

The two tomoe in his eyes suddenly changed their shapes and turned into three curved tomoe-shaped claws that were pressed against the boy's hole. Above, the ferocious gaze swept around like a real sharp blade.

"Who comes first?!"

Many people didn't know that the Sharingan had levels above three tomoe, and were immediately frightened by this change.

"Mangekyo Sharingan. The next level of evolution of the three tomoe Sharingan. Uchiha Shisui's eyes are also at this level."

Seeing the doubts on the other people's faces, Danzo immediately explained: "My teacher once said that once Mangekyo Sharingan is awakened, Uchiha people will become extremely evil and paranoid, and can easily control tailed beasts. Uchiha Fugaku, since you have these eyes, it seems that you were the one responsible for the Nine-Tails Rebellion."

"That's right!"

Iwagakure Ninja added loudly: "The Sharingan of Uchiha Shisui is not an ordinary three tomoe, but a shape similar to a shuriken! He easily controlled Master Roshi! Let him attack us in turn!"

Roshi is the name of the Four-Tailed Jinchuriki, which is a top secret of the Iwagakure Village.

But since the death of the jinchuriki has been exposed by Danzo, there is no problem in speaking out at this moment. Iwagakure Ninja just wants to add fuel to the fire of these people.

However, this made him the first target.

"Why do you losers haven't learned a lesson..."

Uchiha Fugaku's blood-red eyes glared at Iwagakure Ninja, "but you still dare to stand in front of these eyes and speak?"

[Tsukuyomi. ]

The Mangekyo Sharingan turned slightly, and Iwagakure Ninja's body froze like a coffin board. His eyes widened, but his eyes shrank to an astonishing point in fear, as if he had seen his own ghost.

The next moment, all the strength in his body seemed to have been taken away from him, and he fell down like mud. He fell into a coma but was still mumbling to himself, as if he was possessed by an evil spirit.

"What? Just one glance?" Many people couldn't believe it.

You know, This Iwagakure Ninja is not an unknown ninja, but an elite among the Iwagakure Ninja Jonin.

If Uchiha Fugaku could put him down for a second, he could put down any of them in an instant. People who were just ready to take action immediately became timid.

In addition, Danzo also made it very clear -

The giant Uchiha Shisui summoned, Uchiha Fugaku in front of them can also summon it.

They were afraid to move forward, but they were not cowards. If they rushed forward when the information was insufficient. What was the difference between that and death? Who knows how many times that technique can be activated.

On the other side, it was obviously a single blow, but Uchiha Fugaku frowned slightly, as if he was the one who had been affected by the illusion.

"Do you feel it? Uchiha Fugaku..."

Danzo narrowed his eyes proudly, holding the cane in front of him with both hands.

"If you think you can do whatever you want with these eyes, that's just wishful thinking."

"What did you do?" Uchiha Fugaku stared at him coldly.

For some reason, even though he only used Tsukuyomi once, his Mangekyo Power was consumed so much that he felt obvious pain in his eyes. Something that has never happened before this time.

"The Second Hokage has long known that Uchiha would betray the village one day, so he prepared some means to limit Uchiha's strength."

Danzo said this not only to Fugaku, but also to those jonin who are afraid of Fugaku.

"In this area, the fire release power you use is only one-tenth of the normal state, and the energy consumption of using Sharingan is six to seven times that of normal conditions. Even if you can use Susanoo like Uchiha Shisui, how many seconds can you hold on using that giant-like Susanoo?"

After saying that, seeing the worries in the eyes of the jounin fade away, Danzo no longer hesitated and said loudly: "Do it -"


An earth-shattering dragon roar came from outside the Hokage Building, covering up all other sounds. Even the largest building in Konoha Village shook cooperatively.

"What happened?!"

The movement stopped, and people in the room asked, "Is this the sound of a water dragon? How could there be such a big movement?"

The conference room is a confidential room, located in the middle of the top floor of the Hokage Building, so naturally there aren't any windows so they can't see what's going on outside.

Danzo noticed that the direction of the sound's source was exactly where the Uchiha clan was, and felt annoyed.

[I told you not to make a big fuss!]

Because he had not considered the possibility that Uchiha Giyu was alive, Danzo subconsciously thought that the movement was so huge that it should be a water dragon bomb collectively used by the Iwagakure Ninjas who like to stick together.

Water attribute chakra is the most common and best to cultivate among the five basic attributes. It is not surprising that this group of Iwagakure Ninjas mastered it.

Just making such a big noise will definitely attract the attention of other ninjas in the village!

[We must subdue Uchiha Fugaku before Kumogakure Ninja and Iwagakure Ninja are discovered! ]

So Danzo pointed at Fugaku with a walking stick and shouted loudly: "The sound came from the direction of Uchiha! They should have launched an attack! Take advantage now and catch Uchiha Fugaku! Uchiha will not succeed if they have no leader!"

But no one moved. They all looked behind Danzo with confusion.

Danzo immediately turned around, only to find that the hands of the clock on the wall were spinning crazily.

Not only that, everyone felt that their ninja bag was trembling slightly. The kunai and shuriken contained in it moved in the direction of Danzo as if they were being called by some kind of call.

[What's going on?]

Huge doubts spread among the jonins, and the same was true for Uchiha Fugaku.

But immediately, their doubts were answered.

The ANBU guarding the roof made a noise: "Who dares to attack the Hokage Building?"

[Attack the Hokage Building? Have Uchiha already reached here? ]

The shock on everyone's faces has not disappeared, the building shook violently again.

A majestic crash sounded above people's heads, and then, an unforgettable scene appeared before their eyes - a huge golden sword wrapped with thunder and lightning, sweeping horizontally into the room from the outside, like an eraser wiping the traces of a pencil, passing over their heads.

The roof with the headlights on just now disappeared, and the light source that replaced it was a golden-armored samurai with the same height as the Hokage Building - This was not an entity like Uchiha Shisui Susanoo, but a completely different person, a giant made of massive amounts of metal.

The conference room looked like a box without a lid against the backdrop of the giant in golden armor.

Everyone in the box looked pale and could not understand what they saw, including Danzo Shimura and Fugaku Uchiha who had similar expressions.

As soon as the sword swung in the giant's hand was struck, it turned into countless sand-like charged particles and poured into the room. Everyone had to temporarily close their eyes to prevent the intrusion of these metal particles.

But when they opened their eyes again, almost everyone except Uchiha Fugaku had an extremely sharp golden kunai on their throats. And all the metal materials on his body - forehead protector, kunai, senbon, shuriken and even the zipper on his pocket are the source of the material of this golden kunai.

The kunai vibrated at a small amplitude but at a high frequency, with shining arcs flashing on it. It could definitely penetrate steel without any hindrance, let alone the fragile human body.

But the knight in golden armor didn't care about them.

The giant turned his gaze, and terrible pressure fell on this lonely old man who looked old and disabled.

"Shimura Danzo!"

Uchiha Fugaku was slightly startled. The voice of this golden-armored giant was very familiar. Who could this voice belong other than his wife who he had been with for decades?

Many people also showed surprise, and then they looked at Fugaku with a look that was no longer suspicious, but confirmed - you Uchiha are indeed rebelling.

Outside, people who noticed that the roof of the Hokage Building was cut off by a blow were in a mess, but ninjas from all over the village rushed here.

"Uchiha really took action?"

Hyuga Hiashi stood on the roof and was about to lead his clan members to rush over to help, but he was held back by Nara Shikaku.

"Faced with that kind of thing, your soft fists will have no effect."

Although Nara Shikaku was also in a cold sweat, he still calmly analyzed: "If the Uchiha is really calling, instead of going over there, you, the Hyuga clan, should go back and defend your clan territory. Don't get involved casually with these things."

Hyuga Hiashi looked at Nara Shikaku in surprise. He originally thought that the other party would definitely side with the village.

"That voice is very familiar to me. It must be Uchiha Mikoto. She and I are classmates, and I know her character very well. If she hadn't been pushed to the extreme, she wouldn't have done such an extreme thing."

Nara Shikaku Instead of explaining more, he said quickly: "First lend me a clan member, and then send someone to find a ninja from the Inuzuka clan, and ask him to go directly to Elder Koharu's house and ask her to find me."

"I understand. "

Hyuga Hiashi has always admired the smartest man in Konoha, and immediately asked a clansman to follow him without any further questions.

After arranging the rest of the clan members to return to the clan's territory to garrison, veins popped up near his temples. He looked in the direction of Naruto's house and found that his daughter had actually grabbed Naruto's hand and started running towards the Hyuga clan's clan territory.

Hyuga Tokuma was guarding not far away and had no intention of stopping him.

"...'' If it weren't for a critical situation, Hyuga Hiashi really didn't want Naruto to enter with Hinata and cause misunderstanding in the village, but with the current chaos, this was the only way.

But when he changed his direction and looked towards the Naka Shrine where he could see nothing before - the majestic patriarch opened his mouth in disbelief, as if he saw a god.

His eyes returned to the Hokage Building.

"Mikoto?" Uchiha Fugaku asked tentatively to the golden-armored giant.

However, the latter seemed to selectively isolate her voice, and just stared at Danzo, who was held up in mid-air by a ball of metal particles.

The huge body rises and falls like a real person, and everyone can clearly feel the monstrous anger lurking in the armor.

"Let go of Danzo-sama!"

Although the jonin were unable to move with the kunai at their throats, the ANBU who had been blown by the sword wind rushed back.

The Hokage left with only two ANBU, Kakashi and Tenzo. The remaining 15 ANBU directly under Hokage were under the command of Danzo, and the 17 ANBU under Koharu who transferred to his dormitory were naturally at the disposal of Danzo.

(I was wrong when I said that the standard number of ANBU was 12. It should be 17.)

Thirty two flesh and blood bodies seem very small in front of this giant in golden armor. But a powerful ninjutsu can often make up for this gap.

"Earth Release: Falling Clay!"

A huge hole opened in the space above the head of the golden-armored giant, and countless magma-like clay poured out of it. The intense high temperature distorted the surrounding air.

If that thing falls on the head of the golden-armored giant, it will definitely melt it instantly; even if it doesn't, the terrifying size can still fix the giant in place and prevent him from moving.

"It has nothing to do with you guys, everyone get out of my way."

The golden-armored giant calmly raised itd palms. Part of the helmet cracked into countless tiny metal particles, and part of it flew to the clay above its head like a wasp, like a sandstorm, Shrouded it; the other part directly passed Shimura Danzo and rushed towards the ANBU.

As the metal helmet cracked, Uchiha Mikoto's true body was finally revealed - her black hair was flying like a madman, and there were still traces of blood and tears on her cheeks. Her expression looked a little dull, obviously She had just experienced an emotional shock.

But the most eye-catching thing is the bright scarlet eyes.

Like Uchiha Fugaku's Mangekyo, Mikoto's Sharingan is not a simple three tomoe, but has a shape similar to the schematic diagram of atoms and electrons in a textbook.

And her Mangekyo technique, the ability to build the God of Thunder, is also related to these particles - She can use electromagnetic force to manipulate any metal substance, she can decompose the metal into pure particles at will, and she can also re-aggregate it into a new whole.

Metal is everywhere. For example, the metal in the clay above her head was directly decomposed the moment it encountered the particle storm. The clay itself could no longer become a whole without these metals, and immediately turned into useless fly ash.

The iron, calcium and various trace elements that maintain the vitality of the human body were also deprived of a large amount of iron, calcium and various trace elements in the bodies of those ANBU ninjas, and they all fell to the ground helplessly. Due to the lack of necessary iron, the skin under their masks became extremely pale and almost transparent, making it difficult to maintain breathing.

Those Jonin secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, they only had their weapons and forehead protectors dismantled. If they had done something before, they would be the ones who fell here.

Danzo noticed that the metal armband he had been using to seal his right arm had also been disintegrated in the particle storm just now.

Now that there was no one else to disturb him, a metal arm pinched Danzo's neck from the air and pulled him in front of Uchiha Mikoto, directly into those stern eyes.

However, she threw it away with a genjutsu, and the confusion in Danzo's eyes disappeared in an instant.

It can be seen that ordinary illusions have no effect on him at all, so he must have undergone special training.


Mikoto read out the name: "You have always been in contact with him. Where is he now?"

"I don't know, what on earth are you talking about..."

Being choked, Danzo spoke intermittently, but refused to admit it. The connection between him and Orochimaru was broken.


Fugaku looked at Mangekyo in his wife's eyes and asked with a drum in his heart: "Why are you asking him about Orochimaru? Could it be."

[The last place Orochimaru appeared was the Kingdom of Water. Could it be that...]

" He has done something to Giyu."

The metal arm gave a fierce squeeze, and Danzo's old face was filled with purple, but there was no fluctuation in Uchiha Mikoto's voice.

At this moment, she seemed to be wearing Giyu's face on her own, and she said a few words without expression that stirred up waves in Fugaku's heart: "He ordered Orochimaru to kill Giyu."

At least judging from Orochimaru's reply, that's what he meant.

At this time, Shimura Danzo, who was almost unconscious, finally understood why Uchiha Mikoto was like this.

Originally, he thought that when his men captured her, they hurt the brat named Sasuke, which triggered the woman's Mangekyō Sharingan.

But now it seems...

[Those losers can't even do this little thing!]

He has clearly given numerous instructions not to let any Uchiha know that Uchiha Giyu is dead!

All the jounin representatives who knew Giyu, such as Yamanaka Inoichi and Akimichi Chōza, looked at Mikoto in disbelief. However, considering that it was impossible for the other party to make fun of their children's lives, their eyes invariably revealed a hint of something. They looked sadly and sympathetically at the frozen Uchiha Fugaku over there.

They can't even imagine what it would be like to lose their child.

Uchiha Fugaku's first reaction was not grief or anger, but disbelief, or he couldn't believe it.


He took a step back and asked his wife suspiciously.

"Absolutely impossible. Where did you get the news? Could it be false?"

"Danzo's people took me and Sasuke to the root."

Uchiha Mikoto threw down a ball of paper, The fact that she was arrested was only mentioned casually. "I found Orochimaru's signature letter there."

Uchiha Fugaku did not receive the letter, but waited blankly for the thing to fall at his feet, then reluctantly picked it up slowly. He opened it with hesitation on his face.

This process is very short and very long. It is short because it is just a piece of ordinary-sized letter paper and it does not take long to unfold.

It was long because, like a television, his brain began to play the voice and smiley face of Giyu - without a smile.

Since the child was born, Fugaku has never seen the child smile.

Before, he just thought it was not good that the child didn't like to talk. Regarding the fact that Giyu didn't smile, he only thought that it was probably inherited from him, and he didn't find it strange at all.

But when he opened the paper and saw the life and death sentence on it, Fugaku remembered that when he was a child, at least there were times when he was happy.

[But Giyu, have you ever? Have you ever?]


Silently reading the words on the paper with Orochimaru's unique carefreeness, Fugaku's memory flashed back to what his father looked like when his brother died in battle.

["As expected of my son."]

At that time, my father was in front of the whole clan. He forcefully took the document confirming the death of Brother Fugaku and said to the clan members with a smile.

["He sacrificed himself after killing twelve enemies. He is worthy of being my son."]

Now, facing the same thing, can Uchiha Fugaku be as tough as the father he admired and imitated his whole life?

Uchiha Fugaku couldn't do it.

He couldn't laugh because the cold flames filled his limbs and caused blood to seep out of his eyes.

He just wanted to kill the one of the two enemies who was still alive in front of him immediately.

"Kagutsuchi! " (See it as the combination of Amaterasu and Kagutsuchi-mei)

He knew that using the Sharingan in this building would increase the burden, but Fugaku had lost his rationality at this moment. Only the one who wanted to destroy everything The rage turned into a black fireball that could burn everything, and shot towards Danzo in mid-air.

While Danzo was breathing hard, his freed hands quickly formed seals, as if he wanted to fight back, but unexpectedly, Uchiha Mikoto, the mother who lost her son, actually protected him.

The metal particles reorganized into a shield, blocking the blow for him.

"This is too cheap for him."

Uchiha Mikoto explained to Fugaku's angry and puzzled eyes: "I will use his life to resurrect Giyu!"

As she said that, she stretched out her hand and pushed the metal particles around Danzo's body. They gathered into a huge golden arc hanging in the air, and a metal wedge was inserted from Danzo's chest, pinning him to the arc.

"The Underworld Technique that exchanges the soul of the enemy for the soul of the deceased..."

Uchiha Mikoto was clearly outside the Hokage Building, but her right eye was bleeding like Fugaku, which shows that this art consumes a lot of energy and can be used a few times.

If she didn't want to waste the opportunity, She would save this precious technique for Orochimaru who killed Giyu himself.

But she couldn't wait that long, because she wanted to see her child alive now!

"Ame no Ohabari!" (Ama-no-Ohabari is a legendary Japanese blade that roughly translates to "Heavenly sword sharpened on both sides of the tip" or "Tail Feathers of Heaven." It is primarily found in the Izumo mythology. It is a kind of sword known as a Totsuka-no-Tsurugi or a "Sword of Length of Ten Fists" which seems to be distinguished by its length and having a double-sided blade.)

There were no fancy special effects, but Mikoto's voice finally had some expectant emotion.

A seemingly ancient flame-shaped sword appeared out of thin air in her hand.

She solemnly handed the sword forward and stabbed it into Danzo's heart bit by bit. But in the eyes of this old man, there was no fear that a dying person should have, only bottomless disgust and hostility.

Danzo died in severe pain with his one eye open, while Uchiha Mikoto took a step back, staring at his body motionlessly, like a person who hadn't drank water for a year staring at a dark cloud above his head.

"Totsuka-no-Tsurugi" is the sword of the god Izanagi.

Inzanami, the wife of Izanagi, gave birth to the god of fire- Kagutsuchi, so she was burned and died in pain.

In order to avenge his wife, Izanagi used this "Ame-no-Ohabari" to kill the God of Fire, but also opened up a way to the Underworld to meet his dead wife.

Therefore, this is a veritable "sword of revenge."

Uchiha Mikoto waited nervously, waiting for a miracle to happen.

Although Danzo Shimura was not Giyu's direct murderer, he was the culprit, and he was much easier to find than Orochimaru, who was notoriously difficult to kill.

The Uchiha couple didn't blink, but they saw Danzo's body disappearing like a faded pattern.

[Success? ]

It was different from what I imagined, it was silent.

But if this technique fails, there should be no changes at all.


Mikoto's face gradually turned red. She looked around anxiously, like an ordinary mother who was shopping in a big city and turned around to find that her child was missing.

"Where's Giyu?"

Her longing gaze swept over every face in the conference room, and then over the faces of the ninjas who dared to come from outside who gradually surrounded the place, but she didn't see the one she wanted to see.

She failed after all.

Killing Danzo will not bring back Giyu.

She had squandered an opportunity.

But if you want to find Orochimaru, who knows how many years it will take.


He muttered softly at first.

Then there was a tearful, uncontrollable howl: "Giyu!"

Inside the wall, all the steel bars supporting the Hokage Building instantly turned into dense particles, causing the building to lose its skeleton, swaying and collapsing.

Also collapsed was the metal giant that Uchiha Mikoto was standing on. Uchiha Fugaku, with quick eyesight and quick hands, intercepted his wife in mid-air, hugged her and landed on the opposite roof. A huge black skeleton grew around his body, isolating the dust that spread everywhere when the building collapsed.

"Maybe we are destined..."

The couple hugged each other and knelt down. Fugaku said with trembling lips: "I don't deserve to have a child like that."


Uchiha Mikoto raised her head and spoke firmly, "I must find that Orochimaru. I must get justice for Giyu..."

Before she could finish saying the word "resurrection", she saw Danzo's figure emerging from the smoke and dust again.

The old man took off the clothes on his right shoulder with a quick stride, and pressed his left hand on it - a huge sharp wooden bud grew out of the pale arm and went straight to Fugaku's back.

The reminder is too late. No one expected that Danzo was still alive. It's hard to say whether Susanoo's simple ribs can withstand Wood Style's blow.

Just when Uchiha Mikoto widened her eyes and tried her best to mobilize metal particles to help Fugaku block the blow, a faint purple slash mixed with dozens of blue rock-colored crescents fell from the sky - a purple slash cut Danzo's body directly in half, and then the remaining part of his body was cut by the piranha-like little crescent moons slashes, and turned into a ball of blood in the blink of an eye.

"I'm sorry, mom, and dad."

Uchiha Mikoto and Fugaku were slightly stunned.

They saw disbelief in each other's eyes, and at the same time they turned sharply towards the midair where the sound came from.

Among the water dragon bullets all over the sky, Giyu was standing on top of the largest one among them, saying apologetically.

"I came back too late."

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C139
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


