
*Extra Story 3/Status and Classes 2*

-Da Vinci POV-


well this has become quite troublesome, a normal servant being summoned to Chaldea was already a blessing but being able to summon two Grand Class servants is absolutely absurd. 

And especially when they were summoned by the one person who had absolutely no affinity for being a master.

Perhaps the Divine Throne was so desperate to fix the singularities that it sent two Grand Class servants?

After all the only times Grand Servants are summoned is when there's a great threat to humanity or the world, like the Beasts.

If that's truly the case then these singularities will be more complicated than i had initially predicted.

And what's with these stats?! 

Otto is a Grand Cater but none are below A Rank, including his strength, he has multiple EX Rank Noble Phnatasms and they are classified as Anti-Verse and Anti-Multiverse which I have never heard of in my time as a servant, and it's quite a lot of time.

And it gets even more absurd with his titles, Greatest Villain? how terrible must he be under that handsome face...now that I look at him better, I'm begining to have the itch to draw him.

Wait that's not the problem right now, there's also the No°1 Pendrigger Hater.

Didn't even know they had a slur word for the Pendragons, seems like he also hates them by a lot.

But atleast I got a clue about him form his titles.

Original Herrsher, the word Herrsher or Ruler derives from the German language.

Perhaps he was the founder and first/Original ruler of Germany? That would make sense since the furthest recorded ruler of Germany was Ludwig II der Deutsche, not the first king but the oldest and recorded about.

Fufu~ it seems like I'm getting closer and closer to finding out the truth, as expected of me!

But now we have another variable, the word Herrsher is also in their race.

If the race of his is Herrshers then what does it connect with his title as the first Herrshers?

That alone threw out the hypothesis of him being Germany's first ruler out the window.

Yes he's human, but he's also a Herrshers and herrsher is in German but doesn't generally mean that he's German

Herrsher, that is his greatest mystery.

"Da Vinci" Olga who seems to have woken up from her small coma tugged my shirt, snapping me out of my thought's.

Oh yeah, we still have the other two...wait where's the other one?

Hmm never mind I'll scan Cao and then I'll look for her.

Cao Cao, I would have guessed him to be Cao Cao, the great Chinese warlord but it isn't in his titles and the skills and noble Phantasm don't match up with his history.

The only theory I have is that he's from an alternate universe.

Oh? Maybe they all are, thus why...I don't remember anything about Otto Apocalypse!

They are a whole other proper human History!

Hahahaha I solved the case!

As expected of me~

Cao Cao placed his hand on the device, scanning his Saint Graph.

[True Name: Cao Cao Apocalypse

-Class: Grand Lancer

-Type: Divine Spirit

-Species: Human/Herrsher

-Source: ???

-Titles: Bro-Con, Wielders of the True Longinus, Herrshers of Domination, Battle Maniac.


-Strength: S++






=Noble Phantasm=

-True Longinus/{EX}/(Anti-World)

-Herrsher Core: Domination/{EX}/(Anti-Verse)

-Warlords Call/{A+}/(Anti-Army)


...Grand Lancer.

Of course he is.

And it seems like both Vali and Cao like their brother quite a lot to have the *pft~* Bro-con title.


Now there's only one left to check.


3rd POV-

"Now where's the other lady? I don't see her anywhere?" Da Vinci asked, Olga nodded as she also didn't see her or feel her at all despite being connected to her through their servant to master contract.

"I am here" spoke a monotone voice behind both Da Vinci and Olga, startling them.

"Geez don't scare me like that" Spoke Da Vinci, with a deep sigh.

"Apologies, that wasn't my intention"

"It's fine, just place your hand on the device" Da Vinci instructed.

'Wait, what's her name?' Da Vinci suddenly realized that she didn't even hear her name during introductions.

Rita nodded as she had already gotten permission from Otto to do so, she placed her hand on the device.

[True Name: Rita Gremory (Rossweisse)

-Class: Grand Maid

-Type: Divine Spirit

-Species: Devil/Herrsher

-Source: ???

-Titles: Worlds No° 1 Maid, Otto's most Faithful Maid, Throw away Princess, Otto's Left hand.


-Strength: A+++






=Noble Phantasm=

-Dimension Lost/{EX}/(Anti-World)


-Maid's Sense/{EX+}/(Anti-Unit)


Four Grand Servants, and a new class they had never seen before.

Both Olga and Da Vinci were stunned once again as they finally took in the information.

Olga looked at the back of her hand, the Command Spell shine brightly.

Clenching her fist into a ball she falt a surge of happiness, becuase the four Grand Servants were contracted with her.


"How are you all able to make a contract with me?" Olga asked, Da Vinci still with her thoughts.

Usually it would be burdensome to supply one servant with Mana but to do multiple servants at the same time and not feeling drained made her confused, not forgetting the fact that they are all Grand Servants.

"That because we all have independent Action" Otto Replied, he was a servant at the core but he still could do everything he could do before without the need of Olga.

He just made up the independent action as ana excuse to cover up that they weren't exactly full "Servants"

"Is that so? That's good" Olga smiled as that meant that they could all fight at full potential without wearing her out.

"Fufu~ Indeed it is Master" Otto chuckled lightly as he drank some Tea(Has alcohol in it like always) that was given to him by Rita.

Otto's eyes swayed to the side as he looked at the new system panel.

[Congratulations! Rewards for your first multiverse mission have been given.

<[For all That's Beautiful in The World{EX+}(Anti-Multiverse)

Description:This noble Phantasm has the ability to alter fate and the world itself, The manifestation of Hope and dreams. When activated, it can cause a single great miracle, it's effect can very depending on the situation. It has a cool down time of one year and it requires the user to say a chant to activate.

Chant: I solemnly ask you, World

Why does the world suffer?.

Why does every living being close their eyes, only to never wake up?.

You may be unfair but even so we MUST keep moving.

Sadness, hunger, anger, they are all just parts of what we live in so as happiness, laughter and love.

And so, I once again ask you

O, World.

Give me thy blessings to protect ALL THATS BEAUTIFUL IN THE WORLD!!!

{A/N: Cao Cao's True Longinus can also create miracles through his [Truth Idea] but it isn't as grand scale as Otto can go to. Cao Cao's [Truth Idea] is also a double sided blade since the miracle is it creates depends on the user and on the will of God which is imbuded into the spear. In the anime and LN Cao Cao used it only to make Issei stronger because God recognized Issei's dream instead of Cao Cao's ambition. Just wanted to throw that out there}]


Description: This skill allows you to use to use the concept of subtraction. For example, you can subtract a portion of an enemies power, how much you subtract depends on your strength and the targets strength. You can also subtract a persons body parts or subtracts an attack out of existence.

{A/N: It's kind of like Valis "Divide" but subtraction, they work similarly but fundamentaly they can be usefull in many ways.}

<[Maid's Sense/{EX+}/(Anti-Unit)

Description: No matter if her master is half way across the multiverse, in hell, or in the bottom of the deepest pits of the universe, she will always find him to be able to serve. Can also know his location of allowed, and can sometimes even know what he needs or want before he even knows it himself. It gives the user all the skills needed to serve her master even better]

<[Warlords Call{/A+}/(Anti-Army)

Description: The noble Phantasm takes shape as a banner with the Schicksal loggi wrapped around [True Longinus]. Once activated it will boost the users and all allies stats by one rank. (For example, it can raise someone's B rank strength to A rank)]


'Well that something' Otto grinned wickedly as he saw everyone's new skills. They were all quite overpowered.

Although Rita's skill was quite concerning as she would basically know his location whenever she was needed or wanted. It could interfere with some plans in the future but he was sure he could work around it.

But for now, it was a great skill. Who knows, maybe he'll be eaten up by a wormhole and get thrown into some random universe.

One call and he would be able to get Rita to his location.

'By the way, Rita. Did you find who I asked you to look for?' Otto suddenly asked Rita through [Fenghuang Down].

Earlier she was missing a bit becuase he had her do a quick mission.

'Yes, Master. I already have the locations of Mash Kreylight, Lev Lainur, Ritsuka Fujimaru, and Romani Archaman. The drawings you had provided earlier helped a lot' Responded Rita, proud that she could serve her master.

'Thank you Rita, by the way is Ritsuka Fujimaru a girl or boy?'

'It's a girl master'

'Oh no...I will meet Gudako, the Lord of the Gacha soon!' Otto thought grimly, he already knew what meth fueled crazy would happen around her.

'Lord of...Gacha?' Rita thought in confusion

'Nothing Sweetheart, just some random thoughts'

'O-Ok master' Rita was fustered she Otto called her "Sweetheart".

She wouldn't have been so happy of she knew that Otto said it so that she wouldn't ask any more questions about the Lord of chaos, Gudako.

It was best if she didn't know of the destruction to come soon from the Gacha all mighty.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C67
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


