

[L.A. America]

"Shit ! We're gonna lose ! Sean stop going solo we need help with the Orisa here !" Charles told Sean.

"Don't worry i'm capturing the flag !" Sean responded.

"Raaaa shit. They're gonna kill us !!!" Karim said annoyed.

[Five minutes later]

"We lost ! SHIT !!!" Sean shouted.

"Don't worry, even if we can't get first place we can still be third place if we win the next match !" I said.

"But if Sean didn't do as he pleased we could have won !" Charles complained.

A girl named Toru tryed to stop him from strangling Sean "Hey stop ! It's not important okay ?! It was a miracle that we got that far in the tournament !"

"Yeah ! And we still can be third place so stay calm until we won this match and then you can kill Sean Hahahaha" i joked.

Toru and Karim laughed with me and that seemed to calm Charles a little bit.

But as we laughed we heard the announcer asking the teams to get ready before the match start.

[10 minutes later]

"What the fuck is going on with this pc ? It doesn't stop lagging! Hey guys you got that too ?" I asked my teammates.

"No only yours as that problem !" Toru responded me.

"I don't care let me concentrate !" Charles complained.

"Bro your PC is on fire !" Sean told me after he turned to see what was going on.

"Huh ?..." "Oh shit !!!" I panicked but before i could do anything the PC exploded and part of it got into my stomach and electrocuted me.

The explosion also injured Toru's right arm who was right next to me.

When i regained consciousness i was in a completly white space and i didn't have a body i was like a cloud and there was a queue going towards what I believe was the horizon.

After i don't know how many years i was in front of a giant old man who asked me "let's see number 406792365118 what's your name ?"

Nervous in front of who i think is king Enma i responded "Kuruma Lenaerts sir !"

He then looked at me and said "Kuruma Lenaerts. Mother Nelly Raiki and father Michael Lenaerts. You died at 18 because of an explosion of a PC and got electrocuted and got a part of the PC in your stomach."

'I am dead ? Well i did wait for years without eating or sleeping but still. Well can't really do anything about it now !' i thought before replying to king Enma.

"Ok now you got 3 choice. Since you didn't do anything bad apart from insulting people in vidéo games you can either go to heaven, get reincarnated or work as a gardian of hell for me ! You get paid really well and can retire after 10 thousand years with a VIP place to heaven..."

I didn't care about being a gardian of hell so i let him talk while i thought about either going to heaven or getting reincarnated.

'Going to heaven sound boring ! I could be in peace for ever or i can get reincarnated and have all the fun i want in another life !' "i will take reincarnation !" I told king Enma who was still going about a gardian of hell job.

"Hmm....cough cough ! I shouldn't have mentioned getting reincarnated..." He mumbled before telling me "Okay then i'll let the roulette decide your powers and the world you'll live in !"

Then 3 roulette appeared at my right and the first one had name of games, movies and other work of fiction on it.

The second one had list of power like fire control, telekinesis, and other bunch of powers with levels going from 1 to 10 next to it.

The third one had name of different item on it like the Noï-boï from Dragon ball or the magic potion from Asterix and Obelix.

King Enma snapped his finger and the first roulette started moving and after a minute or so it got onto Overwatch.

"YES !!" I said out loud.

"Good one ! More advanced technology than in your world and only a little bit more dangerous." King enma said before snapping his finger again to start the second roulette.

When it stopped it landed on power over electricity level 7

"That's a good one too ! It's powerfull enough to kill dozen of people and with training you could destroy an entire city in second !"

I was overjoyed to have a power that strong from the start.

"But don't get too exited you will start at level 1 the power being level 7 only mean the most powerful your power will be is 7 it doesn't mean you'll start at level 7 !" King Enma explained to me.

My joy lessened a bit after knowing that but i would still need training to master it so it doesn't change much.

Then king Enma snapped his finger for the last time and the third roulette landed on Titans and how to use/make them.

"Oh... You really are lucky kid ! You get a custom Titan that only you can use from Titanfall and you get a training on how to use/make it."

I was shocked at how easy my life would be in Overwatch with a titan and my new powers seriously i could conquer the world (with a little difficulty) with that !

"Okay then now you will get reincarnated but do you want to train before since you can with what you obtained ?" Enma asked me.

Getting out of my thoughts i replied yes and he snapped his finger again and i was transported into a room with many weapon that i reconised being from the Titanfall universe and a shooting range.

[That's the end of this chapter. I don't know everything about Overwatch and it's characters so tere will be sometimes i will need to make things up or watch vidéos or read document of the game as to not make mistake.

For those wondering i still don't have ideas for my Dragon ball fan fic so it's still on hiatus]

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


