Tylor dashed across the forest with Fiona flung over his shoulder as he tried to get as far away from the monster behind them as possible. He paused as he felt the entire forest shake from a massive force, and he wanted to look around him to see what that was, but he felt the aura of the monster again and he forgot about that force as he started to run again! Things could not have gone any more wrong than they did just now! Tylor knew that it was impossible for this mission to be any more fucked up than it was at this fucking moment! There was only one question constantly running through Tylor's mind.
What sort of monster did they run into?
Tylor would have abandoned anyone eother than Fiona in thsi situation. The reason Tylor carried her is because there are still residual effects of her blessing on him making him want to protect her at all cost.
My sister's uni has this thing called open campus where anyone can come aorund to see what the school is like and enjoy the classes and sights. My sister didn't want to tell me about it because she's afraid I'm going to embarass her, but I found out anyway and I'm going to go dressed as a delinquint playboy gang member.
I'm going to make it my sworn duty to embarass her to death!
P.S. I'm calling it off. She thretened to poison me and I'm not going to test her.