18.42% Spider-Man 0X / Chapter 34: FLASH

章 34: FLASH

Target: 540/1500

Reward: 2 extra chs


Since the school was closed due to the winter holiday, I had to improvise my approach and take my revenge on Flash. I know where he lives. I can easily sneak into his room and beat him up and leave. But that won't satisfy my thirst for vengeance. Instead, I chose a different approach. I know more or less everything about him, but still, I have to see it with my own eyes. With the changed reality, anything is possible. So, every day when I am out there swinging around the city, helping people here and there while practicing my skills, I always spend a few hours, following Flash Thompson.

I have to know everything before I can strike.

So, here's what I have found out after almost a week of stalking Flash... Well, the word 'Stalking' doesn't sit well with me since I am avenging Peter Parker's misery. So let's call it gathering intel. Yes! Gathering Intel.

Flash lives with his parents and a sister. Flash works at a gas station earning minimum wages. His father is an alcoholic retired military officer who works at a shooting range while his mother works at a nearby restaurant. Harrison, Flash's dad, often beats up Flash for no reason and his sister, Jessie, tries to save him every time and gets hurt. Yet, that fucker never once stood up to his fucking dad. He only runs away... What a pathetic loser!! Harrison abuses alcohol and often mistreats his wife Rose and her daughter. Jessie's only 18 and Flash never protects her... That piece of shit!!

I knew about his situation, but this... Reading comics is a different thing, but seeing it with my own eyes... Makes me sick!! That fucker acts all tough and all in school bullying people weaker than him all the time and at home, he's like a fucking pussy bastard who can't even stand up to save his own sister and mother. I was like wtf!? Seriously... WTF!? How could he act all tough in school and turn into a coward at home... Bullying Peter Parker and making his school life miserable all the time when he's living in hell... Pathetic!!

I feel sorry for his mom and sister.

Moving on, Flash works part-time for his aunt as her errand boy. Well, his aunt is a famous hot actress, Lea Thompson. She earns millions every year acting in popular Hollywood movies. Flash takes care of her dog, brings her coffee, drives her car sometimes, and even helps with grocery shopping. Lea is quite nice to him and she's the one who always bails him out whenever he is arrested or pays his medical bills whenever he gets injured. But Flash's dad always steals the wages he earns from his aunt and wastes it on gambling and alcohol. I can see his resemblance with MJ's dad who might die anytime.

I wonder why Lea doesn't take any steps to stop Harrison? Maybe she is afraid? Or maybe because Flash doesn't tell her what happens at home? Who knows... There must be some kind of skirmish between them that I don't know of.

Flash often goes out to meet his girlfriend Liz Allan. Liz is a beautiful blond girl. She's in the same class as us. They go out on dates to restaurants, movies, etc... Sometimes they go clubbing, drink, and dance, but the funny thing is that she never allows him to kiss or even touch her boobs... Flash often complains about that, but Liz is firm about her decision. It's fun to see how he suffers every time Liz rejects him.

Well, she opened a Spiderman fan club on her social media along with her few friends... They post photos of Spiderman wherever he appears and also create videos supporting him and even write blog posts encouraging him not to give up... Those girls are awesome!! Ah! It's so satisfying to see her talk about Spiderman nonstop before Flash... Seeing his jealousy makes my day!!

Now that I have enough information about their lives, it's time to move. I could have looked the other way, but since he went as far as to nearly get me killed during that lab tour day, I will take that last shred of happiness he has slowly and painfully. My first target is Liz Allan.

My plan's simple. Tonight Flash is going to meet her at a party. Well, Liz will be there, but not Flash. Someone is going to beat him up on the streets and throw him in a garbage container. And as you know in parties like these, there's always booze involved... Lots of booze!! And Liz loves drinking. So tonight she will be drunk... So, after the party, she will be walking home alone, maybe with a friend or two if lucky...

Crimes in New York City have been rising daily. There are no shorts of muggers who lurk in alleys and corners at night. So, what if Liz falls into their hands? Would they just let go after robbing such a beautiful girl? Of course not!! They would definitely take advantage of the situation, and when they do, I, Spiderman, will be there to save the day!! Then, I will change in my car parked a few blocks behind, and will drive by them... Well, why not give her a lift?

Or, if nothing happens, they would definitely be drunk tried, so I will offer them a ride back home. Then we will see...


[3rd person POV]

Flash's dad was out today, probably drinking in a bar, so there's no one to stop him from going to the party. He dressed up in casual clothes and left his house. Today he has planned to atleast get a kiss from Liz after getting her a bit wasted. That way she's less likely to refuse and more likely to agree. Maybe if he's lucky he'll finally get to touch her boobs or so what he was dreaming with a lecherous grin on his face as he grabbed his bike keys and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Rose from behind startling Flash.

"I'll be late, don't wait up for me," He said without turning back and walked out of the door.

Rose sighed as she shook her head helplessly as Flash rode off on his bike.

While driving the bike he bought from a second-hand store for one-third of its original price using Aunt Lea's money Flash wondered whether Liz will let him touch her boobs today or not. He wanted to touch those soft and jiggling globes ever since he laid his eyes on her. His phone rang, it was from Jake.

"Hey, man, where the hell are you?" Jake's voice echoed through his earphones.

"Coming now, is Liz there?" Flash asked.

"Yeah, dude hurry up, she's here and so many others. I saw some new dude hitting on her," Jake replied.

"New dude? Who's he?" Flash asked worriedly.

"How the hell will I know man? Just come fast..." Jake said before cutting the call leaving Flash frustrated.

He sped up his bike to reach the party as soon as possible. "I'm gonna fuck up that motherfucker!!" Flash cursed under his breath as he drove furiously, taking a shortcut.

[Baaam!] The tires exploded suddenly as Flash lost control of his bike and fell onto the street, unable to control the high speed. He felt pain everywhere as he lay on the road. "What the fuck!?" He shouted in pain as blood oozed out from multiple cuts on his body. His bike was lying a few feet away all damaged up.

Flash tried to get up and check himself. His right leg and arm were swollen and bruised. He couldn't move them. Flash gritted his teeth as he used his left hand to pick himself up. He took out his phone but it was broken. "Fuck!!" He cursed loudly as he threw his useless phone on the ground, but then picked it up realizing it would cost more to buy a new phone than repairing it. He stuffed the broken phone inside his pocket.

Then he dragged his legs toward his bike, grunting in pain.

As he reached the bike, he noticed something white sticking out on the blasted rubber tire. It was like a dart of some kind. He pulled one out and looked carefully under the street light. It was pure white, around 3-4 inches, sticky and sharp, "The fuck is this?? Dart gun? Who did this!?" Flash mumbled angrily trying to figure out who did this. But there was no one on the street.

It was already dark and he was miles away from the party. Flash realized he needed to call someone to pick him up, but where would he get a phone in this deserted place? He limped towards his bike again planning to grab the handle and walk or drag it all the way to the open road because staying in these parts in his condition meant trouble. There could be thugs waiting around anywhere or a group of homeless people ready to rob him. And in his condition, he can't do anything, let alone run away if such a situation occurs... Flash shuddered at the thought.


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Ch: 35: Sweet revenge


Xcalibur_Xc Xcalibur_Xc

Some are calling it psycho behavior, I call it revenge. Bro, almost got killed after years of bullying and beating, I didn't get any comments calling Flash or his friends psycho, for what they did. LOL<> You wanted to see them suffer, I'll make them suffer, like it or not.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C34
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


