66.66% Mistaken Identity || Star Wars Fic / Chapter 20: Where Now?

章 20: Where Now?

Scout felt slightly embarrassed, and by slightly she meant extremely. She bawled like a baby when Master Katarn had found her. In truth she didn't even think he was real when she first saw him jump down into the hole; she thought she'd finally died and had joined everyone else wherever they go next. It was all too much to handle when she realised she was going to live, though if she was honest with how she acted a small part of her wished to climb back in that hole.

She hadn't known Master Katarn for long, barely a day, but from what she saw he was quite amazing. He'd saved her from Alro Stratus and even nearly killed him, then he'd managed to rally their forces and hold the enemy in one place while they evacuated the civilians. And now he was going around healing everyone, showing no sights of tiring. Though she did find that strange as from what she knew about force healing it drew on the vitality of the user, so how he was able to do it she didn't know.

She watched him as he casually issued orders to clones, it was like being a general came naturally to him. As much as she liked to think she was, she wasn't a good commander. Most of the time she just winged it and hoped for the best, or hoped that she could overcome the obstacle with her skill. It was her foolish idea that led her unit out of the shields to confront Stratus, they all survived on luck... luck and Master Katarn. She felt so useless at the moment, she could've ended the war if she'd been good enough.

She curled her legs into her chest as she sat down in the corner of the ruined building. Master Norcuna was dead, she felt the bond formed between Master and Apprentice severe; she did feel sad, but in all honesty, they were never that close. She couldn't help but feel he wasn't that interested in training her, that he only did what he as expected of him and nothing more. Scout didn't mind that much, it stopped her from going to the Corps. Now though? Well, it was a good thing none of them would probably leave this planet.


"Keep scavenging the area we need to find anything that'll help us," Jaden commanded.

"Yes General," The Clone Sergeant replied before nodding to his squad. "Alright boys let's go."

Jaden stumbled slightly as he walked over to where the injured were being kept, a lot of them had grievous injuries when he'd found them; amputated limps, crushed bodies, he couldn't heal them all at the time. After talking to one of the medics he finally found out why the woman he'd tried to heal died. Her leg at been pinned underneath that rock for who knows how long, blood circulation had been cut off and it caused the build of of toxins as the muscle died. When Jaden freed that rock and healed her leg it allowed the blood to recirculate and carry those toxins straight to the heart.

As much as it pained him he was glad as it made him realise his healing wasn't as versatile as he believed. It only accelerated the body's healing, in cases like that women it could make injuries worse. 'I need to start reading medical pads...' Jaden thought to himself as he sat next to an injured girl. She'd lost one of her arms and was covered in second-degree plasma burns across her body. They had to put her to sleep as all she could do when she was awake was scream and cry.

Using his healing so much, as well as a conversation with Aubrie had allowed him greater insight into it. Shatterpoints, they were essentially fault lines linked to the force and could be perceived in a multitude of ways. When Jaden focused immensely he could perceive them on a person's body and when he looked closer he'd see the event that caused the injury. What Jaden discovered was that by using his healing combined with the Shatterpoint he was able to restore their body to the condition it was before the injury. It was difficult to do, especially the further back the injury went, everyone here had injuries stretching back nearly a week.

He put his hand over the girl slipping halfway into a trance. Sweat started to build up on his face as he looked into the shatter point around her body; it almost made him throw up, her arm was pinned under a speeder bike, but the bike had exploded and was burning her. She had to tear off her arm to get away from it. 'I wish I could take the memory away from you as well,' Jaden thought as the force washed over her and began to restore her body to its original state before her injury. His arms began to shake and blood started pouring out of his nose, but he held out until her arm had regrown and her skin was as good as new.

"Master, perhaps you should take a moment to rest," Aubrie said with slight concern as she crouched down next to Jaden offering a rag for his nose.

"You don't have to call me that anymore you know," Jaden said as he took the offered rag to wipe the blood away.

"I think perhaps it's for the best people don't know of your true identity," Aubrie commented as she looked around for anyone eavesdropping.

Jaden chuckled humourlessly "It's not like it matters at this point."

"Perhaps not, but will the clones still listen to you if they know you're just a civilian?" Aubrie asked.

Jaden shrugged "Probably not, but they'd still listen to you."

"I'd rather not be placed in that position if at all possible," Aubrie commented. She couldn't lead, she wasn't like Jaden, she didn't have it in her.

"One day you might not have a choice, I think you'd make a good leader if you tried," Jaden said patting her shoulder before standing up.

"Master I really think you should rest, you've been healing people nonstop!" She said more desperately as she stood up with Jaden.

"I'll be fine," he said before he doubled over throwing up on the ground. Aubrie rushed to his side helping him up, but he was heavier than he looked and she had to channel the force to help him over to a seat. "I'm not sure what's wrong with me,' Jaden said as his nose started bleeding again.

"It's force fatigue Master, using the force is straining on both the body and mind, I am surprised that it took this long for you to reach your limit," Aubrie explained. "Though I don't understand why you're still suffering the more severe symptoms." She reached up and wiped the blood away from his nose again.

She extended her senses with the force and inspected Jaden's body. Immediately her eyes widened. "Master stop channeling the force through your body," she said chidingly.

Jaden had been running the force through his body continuously, it was the only way he could keep standing without having to rest. He was about to decline however the expression on her face seemed to leave no room for arguing. "And you say you don't want to lead," he said with a chuckle.

"Fine I'll rest, but only for a bit," he said as he stopped channeling the force through his body. However, as soon as he did that, like a marionette with its strings cut, he collapsed on the ground passing out immediately.


The skies were dark on Sorenno the sun having just set and the night chill setting upon the planet. Count Dooku stood on the balcony of his cliffside fortress, now was one of the few moments he had to himself. Where he didn't need to speak and reassure the ingrates of the Trade Federation that the war was going exactly to plan. Not that they had any knowledge of his Master's true goals. He hoped he'd be the one to separate their heads from their bodies once the war was over.

"Count Dooku, you have someone waiting on the holoprojector," One of his service droids informed him.

Taking one last look at the ocean he walked back into his fortress and with a gesture of his hand answered the call.

"Darth Tyranus."

"I am here Master," Count Dooku said as he went to one knee.

"Tell me of the status of Jabiim," Darth Sidious said cutting to the main point of his call.

"Our forces control a majority of the planet, it won't be long before we've conquered it entirely," Count Dooku replied.

"I sense doubt in you Darth Tyranus," Darth Sidious commented.

"It is nothing, the Republic forces were able to somewhat reinforce their ground troops, I've also heard another Jedi has joined them as well, but it matters not they will lose regardless," Count Dooku said confidently.

"I hope I do not need to remind you of the importance of the planet, the Ore the crust contains is vital to our future plans," Darth Sidious stated, his voice becoming sharper.

"I will not fail you, Master," Count Dooku reassured him.

"You have yet to fail me Darth Tyranus, however, I think it prudent to have a plan in case you do fail." On the Holoprojector an object flashed into life, Count Dooku was not sure what it was, but from what he could see it looked to be an engine of some kind.

"What is this Master?" Count Dooku asked.

"Tell me Darth Tyranus, are you aware of the events that occurred on Malachor V?" He asked.

Count Dooku's eyes widened "You mean to say this is?"

"Not quite, I'm afraid this is only a prototype of the Mass Shadow generator, the original was destroyed long ago."

"What do you need me to do?" Count Dooku asked.

"Break the planet if you need to, I don't want there to be any failure Darth Tyranus, you know I do not condone failure," Darth Sidious said and for a moment Count Dooku felt the force tightening around his neck.

"I will not fail..." he struggled out. His master did not reply after that and instead ended the transmission. Count Dooku felt his neck loosen and the air filled his lungs once more.

"Inform Tol Skorr that I require his presence immediately," Count Dooku instructed the droid that stood awaiting orders.


Jaden stood in the middle of a muddy plain, the storm raging around him worse than any he had ever seen. The wind howled, driving sheets of rain that stung his skin. Lightning flashed, illuminating the landscape, and the ground beneath him began to tremble. Cracks formed in the earth, spreading rapidly across the plain. Suddenly, he heard screams. He looked around and saw thousands of people falling into the widening cracks, their faces twisted in terror. He felt a surge of horror, wanting to move to help them, but his feet seemed rooted to the spot.

Before he could take a step, a flash of red entered his vision. He looked down and saw a red lightsaber impaled through his chest. The searing pain was overwhelming, and he tried to scream, but no sound came out. His vision blurred, the screams of the falling people mingling with his own silent agony.

In an instant, everything went black.

Jaden jolted awake, screaming. His body was drenched in sweat, and his heart pounded in his chest. Aubrie rushed to his side, her eyes wide with concern.

"Master!" she exclaimed, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright?"

Jaden's breathing was ragged, his mind struggling to separate the nightmare from reality. He nodded slowly, trying to calm himself, but the vivid images of the storm and the red lightsaber lingered in his mind.

"I'm... I'm fine," he managed to say, though his voice was shaky. "It was just a nightmare."

Aubrie squeezed his shoulder reassuringly, though if she was honest it concerned her. When a Jedi dreamed it often had a deeper meaning and could even hint at events to come. To have such a strong reaction concerned her. Jaden took a deep breath before moving off the cot they had placed him on. He brushed his hair out of his face and behind his ears. "How long have I been out?" he asked Aubrie, his voice still a bit shaky.

"Three days," Aubrie replied, sitting down on the cot next to him.

Jaden's eyes widened. "Why didn't you wake me?"

"You needed to rest," Aubrie said, her tone firm but gentle. "Don't worry, Lieutenant Lock and I made sure your orders were carried out."

Jaden looked over to a corner of the building that now resembled a scrapyard. A few days ago, he had commanded the clones to start scavenging for anything they could find; power cells, small engines, refrigeration units. They had over a hundred civilians to keep warm and feed. Water wouldn't be much of a problem; Jaden could set up a water purification machine to collect rainwater. However, food was an issue, as was the temperature. The building they were in was freezing, with limited dry blankets. They wouldn't last long if they needed to travel.

He stood up with some difficulty, his legs unsteady. Aubrie shot up to help him, putting his arm over her shoulder. "Master, maybe you should rest some more," she suggested, worry evident in her voice.

Jaden shook his head. "I need to get to work," he stated firmly.

Aubrie tightened her grip on his arm. "You need to pace yourself. We can't afford to lose you."

Jaden looked at her, seeing the concern etched on her face. He knew she was right, but he also knew that there was no time to waste. "I appreciate it, Aubrie, but there's too much to be done." She sighed but nodded. Together, they moved toward the makeshift scrap yard. Jaden began examining the collected items, his mind already racing with ideas. He could see potential in the piles of debris; parts that could be repurposed into heaters, and water purification units.

As Jaden looked over the scavenged equipment, his gaze drifted to Zule, who sat quietly on a piece of rubble in the corner. While he was glad she had woken up, it was strange to see her so quiet and docile.

"Did something happen to Zule?" Jaden asked Aubrie, who still stood next to him.

"Her prosthetic arm is broken, and she was forced to disconnect it," Aubrie replied. "She has a strange complex when it comes to her arm. After every battle, she meticulously cleans and maintains it."

Jaden hummed thoughtfully as he looked at Zule. He could try to fix her arm, but it would have to wait. There were more pressing concerns at the moment. "We need to prioritize," Jaden said. "I'll see what I can do for her arm later, but right now, we have to focus on survival."

Aubrie nodded in agreement. "She'll understand. Zule is strong, this situation is testing all of us."

Before Jaden got to work, he asked Aubrie, "How are the injured?"

"They're all stable," Aubrie replied, "but there's only so much I can do. I'm not as skilled as you in Force Healing."

Jaden frowned before leaving the scrap pile and heading off from the small side room they'd made their command centre to the main room that housed everyone. His stomach tightened as he saw the grievously injured Jabiimi. None had life-threatening injuries, but many had charred flesh, missing limbs, or were unable to walk.

Jaden rubbed his eyes before approaching the first of them and getting to work. He'd start with the children before focusing on the adults and the more severely debilitated. Despite Aubrie's protests, he moved to the first girl, who had two stumps just below the knee where her legs once were. One side of her face was scarred over, and she was missing an eye. She was curled in on herself as she lay on a cot, shivering.

Jaden placed his hand just above her body and attempted to restore it using a shatter point. Aubrie watched, always in awe when she saw him heal such serious injuries. She wondered if she could ever learn to do it if Jaden would be willing to teach her. However, her eyes soon widened and worry flooded her as blood started pouring out of Jaden's nose and ears. He stumbled back before falling to the ground and throwing up, though he hadn't eaten in days, so his bile was thin and coloured red.

"Master!" Aubrie moved to his side, reaching out with the Force, ready to heal him.

"I can't do it..." Jaden said with a low, shaky voice. "It happened too long ago. I'm too late. I can't heal any of them." His fists clenched, and his heart twisted with frustration and anger. Aubrie could feel the negative emotions pouring off him, something that would be unseemly for a Jedi, but then again, Jaden wasn't a Jedi.

Jaden moved onto his knees, looking at all the people he couldn't help. He stood up, stumbling as he did, moving past the rows of injured Jabiimi. He rushed outside into the rain, yelling as the Force exploded out of him, blasting away all the rubble in a ten-meter radius.

Aubrie moved out after him, watching as he took out his anger on the surrounding area. "Master!" she shouted as she approached him, pushing down her fear as she embraced him.

Jaden returned Aubrie's embrace as he let out tears of frustration. "I could've helped more," Jaden stuttered out as he looked at Aubrie. He should've pushed himself further instead of spending these three days sleeping.

"They are all alive because of you. That is already more than enough," Aubrie tried to reassure him.

Aubrie continued to stroke his hair as Jaden broke down for the second time since he'd been on this planet. The storm raged on around them, but in that moment, it was just the two of them, sharing grief and frustration. Jaden's tears mingled with the rain, his sobs shaking his entire body as Aubrie held him tight, offering the only comfort she could.

(AN: I don't really like writing edgy stuff but sometimes it's a bit unavoidable. I try to make it less edgy and more emotional, but idk. Jaden has been used to being able to bring people back from near death with his abilities, this is a wake up call for him that he can't save everyone. Sometimes you have to accept life as it is, even if it's painful. Mass shadow generator will be making an appearance I plan to change canon to when it comes to how Jabiim ends cause if you read my stuff you'll know I hate canon rehashes. This is a prototype mass shadow generator so it'll work differently than the original. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C20
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


