2.5% Don't Let Tobi Out! / Chapter 1: Obito Uchiha
Don't Let Tobi Out! Don't Let Tobi Out! original

Don't Let Tobi Out!

作者: Alfir

© WebNovel

章 1: Obito Uchiha

The sun casts a warm glow over the bustling streets of Konohagakure. Little Obito, with his black hair tousled and his blue shorts flapping in the wind, dashes around the village, his laughter echoing through the air. His pure smile seems to light up the surroundings.

"Obito! Obito, dear!" calls out Grandma from the doorstep of their small house. Obito turns around, his eyes sparkling with innocence, and races towards her.

"Grandma, when will Dad and Mom return?" he chirps, his voice full of hope.

The wrinkles on Grandma's face deepen as she sports a bitter smile. She crouches down, pulling Obito into a tender embrace. Her voice, laden with sorrow, cuts through the air. "Oh, sweetheart, they won't be coming back. They... they won't be returning, Obito."

His eyes widen in confusion, the innocence in them unable to grasp the weight of her words. "But why, Grandma? Where are they?"

Tears well up in Grandma's eyes as she struggles to find the right words. "They're gone, Obito. They won't be with us anymore. They've left us."

The little boy's face contorts in disbelief, and he takes a step back. "Gone? But... but they promised to come back! Mom said she'd make my favorite curry!"

Grandma's voice trembles as she utters the painful truth. "I know, dear. But sometimes, things don't go the way we want them to. Your mom and dad... they gave everything for the village. They're heroes, Obito."

The reality sinks in, and Obito's eyes well up with tears. "No, Grandma! I want them back! I want them to tuck me in at night and tell me bedtime stories!"

Grandma, with an almost heart-wrenching cry, holds Obito tighter. "I wish they could, my love. I wish they could. But they'll always be in our hearts, watching over us. Remember the love they had for you, and let that guide you, Obito."

Obito buries his face in Grandma's embrace, the weight of loss settling over him. The vibrant streets of Konohagakure seem to dim as the reality of his parents' sacrifice begins to shape his understanding of the world.

That's the first time Obito learns of the meaning of war.

The first rays of sunlight filter through the window, waking Obito from his restless sleep. His eyes open to the familiar scene—a vivid memory etched in his mind. It's that dream again—the day he learned of his parents' demise. The day everything changed.

The boy sits up, his expression carrying the weight of that revelation, though his smile, as always, remains ready to surface. He glances at the timepiece by his bedside and realizes the significance of the day—it's the Graduation Ceremony at the Ninja Academy. Today marks a pivotal moment in his journey.

"I can't be late," he mutters to himself, determination flickering in his eyes as he prepares for the day ahead. He can still roughly recall the Ninja Entrance Ceremony when he, like now, woke up quite late.

Dressing swiftly in his Ninja attire, Obito checks his clothes, ensuring everything is in place. The determination he feels is palpable, a stark contrast to his carefree demeanor of the past. "Oh man, I really cannot screw up this time…"

Obito glances at the sun looming over the village. Its light evidently spreads to the village. He curses under his breath. "Come on, come on," Obito mutters to himself, urging his legs to move faster. The sensei is not going to be pleased.

As he dashes through the narrow alleyways, a stray cat hisses at him. Obito sidesteps it skillfully.

"Out of the way!" he scolds the feline, not slowing down for a second.

Obito leaps over a low fence, his heart pounding in his chest. He spots the Academy in the distance.

"No, no, no," he chants like a mantra, pushing his body to its limits. His mind races with excuses he could use.

Just as he reaches the Academy grounds, Obito's eyes widen. The entrance gate is closed, and he skids to a stop.

"What now?" Obito groans, panic etched on his face. He scans the area for an alternative route.

With a determined look, he spots a tall tree near the gate. Obito's eyes narrow as he assesses the situation. "Guess I have no choice," he mutters, preparing for a daring move.

Obito sprints towards the tree, channeling chakra to his feet. He propels himself upwards, landing gracefully on a branch. Balancing carefully, he contemplates the distance between him and the gate.

"Here goes nothing," Obito whispers, taking a deep breath. He springs from the tree, soaring through the air.

As he descends, time seems to slow down. The ground approaches rapidly. Obito braces for impact, hoping to land without attracting too much attention.

Thud! He lands near the entrance, stumbling slightly but managing to maintain his composure.

"Phew," Obito sighs in relief. He straightens himself, adjusting his goggles.

Just as he regains his balance, the academy door creaks open. Obito freezes as the guard peers out, a stern look on his face.

"This is intolerable, Obito? You again… tsk, tsk, tsk. The graduation ceremony just ended and you missed it." The guard raises an eyebrow.

Obito gulps, his eyes darting for the right words. "Uh, well, you see, I was, um... caught in a... time-space jutsu? Yeah, that's it."

The guard narrows his eyes, unimpressed. "Save the excuses for next year, Obito. Now get out."

Obito is then kicked out from the Academy grounds.

As Obito stands just outside the Ninja Academy, the emptiness of the surroundings amplifies his sense of failure. The once bustling place is now silent, and the weight of disappointment hangs heavy in the air. Obito runs a hand through his unruly hair, frustration evident on his face.

"Ah shit, I screwed up big time," he murmurs to himself, a mixture of regret and frustration in his voice. The reality of his missed opportunity settles in, and Obito's shoulders slump. His mind races with thoughts of what could have been.

Obito's gaze wanders around the deserted academy grounds. The wind rustles through the trees, carrying the echoes of his own self-critical thoughts. It feels terrible for him to know that the chance he had to prove himself has slipped away. But Obito is not one to dwell for too long.

But who is Obito? He is the master of self-deception. With a surprising resilience, he lets out an optimistic laughter, as if trying to convince himself that everything is not lost.

"Hah! It's not like I cannot graduate again next time!" he declares, his tone carrying a hint of self-defeat. Obito straightens himself, adopting a carefree attitude, though his eyes betray the disappointment he feels deep down.

The way he speaks, and self-justify himself suggests just how truly ignorant Obito is of the system of the Ninja Academy. It will make another person sigh as to how irresponsible and easygoing Obito can be.

He begins to walk away from the academy, hands on his waist, his steps echoing in the empty courtyard. Obito's spirit, though momentarily crushed, starts to rise again, fueled by his determination to try again.

Obito looks up at the imposing Hokages sculpted in the mountain, their stern faces gazing down at the village. His eyes trace their features, and then, in a moment of whimsy, he can't help but envy the vast blue sky above.

Abruptly, a tap on his shoulder startles him, and his heart skips a beat. Obito whirls around, and there she is – Rin Nohara, his crush. His cheeks flush, and his mind races.

"Uuuh… Hmmm… Hi, Rin-chan," Obito stammers, a nervous smile playing on his lips. "How are you doing?"

Rin smirks, her eyes dancing with amusement. With a proud grin, she reveals a document to Obito, who squints at it, still processing the situation. The document confirms what he couldn't believe – his graduation.

"Surprise, surprise, Obito! Looks like you made it after all," Rin says, teasingly. "I guess you're not as hopeless as everyone thinks."

Obito's eyes widen, disbelief painted on his face. "Wait, what? But the guard kicked me out, said I missed the ceremony! I am done for!"

Rin chuckles, shaking her head. "Well, he might have been a bit too hasty. The results came in late, but you did pass. Congratulations!"

Obito's initial shock transforms into pure joy. "I… I passed? I can't believe it!" He takes the document from Rin, staring at it as if it might vanish.

Rin pats him on the back. "Believe it, Obito. You're officially a ninja now!"

Obito, teary-eyed with a mix of relief and gratitude, looks at Rin with a heartfelt expression. "Thanks, Rin-chan. You're a lifesaver!" He approaches her with an almost worshipful demeanor and extends his arms for a hug.

Rin, caught off guard by Obito's emotional display, blushes at the unexpected gesture. "You idiot, what are you doing!?" she exclaims, pushing against Obito's jaw with her palm, creating a small gap between them.

As usual, Obito, seemingly oblivious to the atmosphere, doesn't realize he overstepped. He earns a whack at the back of his head from Rin, who seems both embarrassed and annoyed. "Sorry, Rin," he demurely apologizes, rubbing the back of his head. "I just got a bit carried away. But seriously, thank you."

Rin rolls her eyes, a faint smile playing on her lips. "You're hopeless, Obito-kun, but you're welcome. Just... be less dramatic next time, okay?"

Obito nods, grinning through his teary eyes. "Got it, Rin!"

Obito's face lights up with a wide, ear-to-ear smile as he checks the document that officially declares him a Genin. The weight of anxiety and uncertainty lifts off his shoulders, replaced by a sense of accomplishment.

Turning to Rin with excitement, Obito asks, "Hey, Rin, where do I get the head protector? I mean, I need that cool thing to complete the whole Genin look, right?"

Rin chuckles at his enthusiasm, "You'll have to get it from the instructor, Obito. It's a symbol of your new status as a Genin, after all."

Obito's eyes gleam with eagerness. "The head protector, huh? Can't wait to get my hands on it. It's like the proof that I'm officially a ninja now!"

Rin grins at Obito's excitement, recognizing the genuine enthusiasm in his voice. "Just make sure you don't trip over your own feet on the way there, okay?"

Obito playfully rolls his eyes, "Ha, ha, very funny, Rin. I'll be the most graceful ninja ever when I go get it."

Obito can't help but giggle as he looks at the name embedded at the bottom of the document—Obito Uchiha. His own name written in the document is an affirmation of his identity as a Genin.

The sense of accomplishment lingers, and for a moment, everything feels right.

However, as his eyes trail upward on the document, Obito's expression shifts to a frown. A particular name catches his attention, and he mutters to himself, "Huh? Kakashi? I don't mesh well with this guy!"

His gaze fixates on Kakashi Hatake's name, and a tinge of annoyance creeps into his voice. "Moreover, Kakashi's name is on the topmost. Seriously? That somehow pisses me off."

Obito grumbles, feeling a surge of rivalry or perhaps frustration. The dynamics of their uniquely awkward relationship seem to bother him, even if just on paper. He adjusts his goggles perched on his head with a huff.

Rin sighs, glancing at Obito, and then calls out to a nearby tree. "Kakashi-san, please come here and don't leave this guy hanging…"

Kakashi, hanging upside down from a tree branch, looks unfazed. His feet are firmly attached, and he raises an eyebrow at Rin's call. "What do you want?"

Obito, ever the playful troublemaker, remarks childishly, "What a showoff."

The three of them, a peculiar trio, start to bicker with a familiarity that suggests it's a routine. Rin shakes her head at their antics. "Can't you two behave for a moment?"

Kakashi coolly remarks, "I don't like him either, but I have no choice. We're in the same unit, and I have to pick up his slack."

Obito, indignant and childishly defiant, crosses his arms. "I'll surpass you soon enough, Kakashi! Just you wait for my Sharingan! I'm going to be the next Hokage, just watch!!"

Kakashi raises an eyebrow, seemingly unimpressed. "Sure, dumbass."

"What?! Who are you calling dumbass?" Obito flexes his muscles by folding the sleeves of his clothes, "Oi, I am talking to you, dumbass."

Rin, caught in the middle of their banter, rubs her forehead. "This is seriously getting on my nerves.

For what seems like the nth time, Rin lets out an exaggerated sigh. To a casual bystander, the three of them might appear as just a bunch of kids hanging around, trading banter and bickering. Yet, the reality is far different – these young individuals are shinobi, destined for a life of conflict and strife.

In the eyes of those who understand, they are not just children; they are ninjas, soon to be thrust into the harsh reality of war. Rin looks at Obito and Kakashi, her gaze filled with a mixture of weariness and concern. The weight of their training and future responsibilities lingers in the air.

From the shadows, overlooking the three is a young man with blonde yellow hair. He has beautiful blue eyes and an amicable smile. He is none other than Minato Namikaze of the Yellow Flash, someone who knows war quite well, and the three kids soon to be in his charge will learn of the meaning of war too, just like the way he did.

"If not now, then soon," He muses, his voice carrying a somber tone. "This is what it means to be a ninja."

At the tender age of nine, these young Ninjas will be exposed to violence and taught the skills needed for survival in a world filled with danger. Sabotage, espionage, combat, and even the art of taking a life – these are the harsh lessons that await them on their path as a ninja.

Despite the innocence in their interactions now, the path they're on will soon lead them to confront the harsh truths of the ninja world, where their skills will be put to the test in ways they can't yet fully comprehend.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


