29.16% Kingdom: The Path Of A General / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Graduation Gift 2

章 7: Chapter 7: Graduation Gift 2

Chou Sha pov:


To think they predicted this and then had a whole 30 thousand attack our main camp that was defended with only 10 thousand.... It was my mistake.....


Considering the numerical difference.... We cannot lose too many troops... I will need to think of another trap.


"Have everyone retreat to the mountains first thing in the morning!" I ordered





7 Days later....



Kyou En's Pov:



This war which showed an incredible display of tactics on the first day was met with a whole different approach the day after, as the Zhao decided to retreat to the mountains....

During the first day.... The Qin was ordered to only stay since their purpose is to defend Qin from getting invaded by Zhao and they have no reason to fall for baits.... However we were first to go to the mountains the next day when the Zhao started raiding us during night on the second day.


However there have been nothing but small skirmishes since we've come here which tells me there is a big trap coming....


"Shi En and Shuu Ki!!! You two are to station your troops close to the supreme commander.... Use the mountains to your advantage to not get caught by using your small numbers as well...." I ordered which they accepted and took off fast.


If there is a trap that they are plotting then it would probably be to try take our supreme commanders head again....


It was only later that I would see the ruthlessness of Chou Sha of Zhao's three great heavens and what his plot truly was ....





I bring my unit of 100 to go around the mountains trying to see if i can get information on the enemy.... However I surprisingly see the Enemy Leader Chou Sha fighting against Ga Rin sama Of Ko Shou's army.... It seems that something will happen today. I thought while watching the two beats fight each other... Although it looks like Ga Rin sama is losing even though it could be seen that it was that ambushed Chou Sha's army.


"I doubt there is much that we can do to help Ga Rin sama if we were to come to their aid... Rather we shall see if we could take some important heads during the confusion" I said to my unit which they all agreed while trying to hide.

"Who's there!" Said a Zhao soldier as he got his bow ready to shoot.... However my spear already pierced him.... Although his voice was already heard by a few which meant that we had almost no time....


So i use the same tactic as i used once before and get my unit to grab their armor... I then walk openly only to see a few soldiers coming to us and shouting "Oi who war you?? Which army are you from!"


"Huh ? I'm part of Chou Sha sama's army of course!" I said while making a convincing tone.


"Cut the crap... We are part of the Great Generals army and we know all of the people that are stationed here... Yet none of your faces ring a bell for us.... If you really thought that by wearing the same armors as us is enough to fool us... Then your gravely mistaken brats!" Said the man grinning.


Damn it!!!


"Shuu Ki retreat with your unit... I'll be joining you as well while Shi En... You cover our retreat!!!" I shout before retreating with Shuu Ki... To which The few Zhao units that were here instead of the actual fight with Ga Rin sama who was grabbing most of their attention started chasing us....


However we weren't actually retreating and went around while having half of the unit still going forward to trick them before we flanked them and killed them all.


We then went to Shi En's aid and saved him before wasting no time to get close to the fighting.... However before we were able to.... We were caught by a large built man who had a strong presence.


"Oi you bastards.... The blood i see on your swords... They're from the Zhao soldiers I saw on the ground just now weren't they?!!!" Said the man before he got his spear and pierced over 5 of us in an instant to which he surprised us and showed that he was no ordinary soldier...


"Who are you!" I muttered.


"Hmph, I am General Bai Gou.... The man who shall one day also become a great general!! Remember my name and be proud that it was someone like me that ended you!!!" Said the man before he tried attacking me however i was ready this time and parried his thrusts before attacking him "Dragon's talon!" I shouted to which he was surprised a little before using his own Dragon's talon to stop mine....


"Hoh... To think that someone as young as you is nearly as skilled as me in the spear...

However it is a shame you won't be able to live up to your potenti-" The man was about to say before i thrusted my spear though he dodged fast and quickly did a fury of thrusts which a few managed to hit me although no vital places were stabbed so im fine...


I then decide aim for his arm instead of his face which got him by surprise but he was able to react in time... However that was my aim all along as I used dragon talon to which he did the same again....but I then goty spear and twirled it to the other side and used a second Dragon talon in the sharp snake part of the handle which added more force this time due to quickly changed the positions.... Not to mention he was caught off guard... So i was able to quickly kill him... Although before I ended his life.... He decided to stop defending and just stabbed my stomach with what remaining strength he had so I was forced to fall on the floor for a bit after.


"Captain... Huff Huff.... Lean on me for a bit..." He Ya who is my wine man said....


"Keke thanks.... maybe I should be the one to treat you for a drink next time" I said while chuckling although he took that seriously....


"Seriously?!!! Hahaha then since your paying... I'll bring my friends as well.... You can't go back on your word captain!!!" Said He Ya who forgot about the situation we're in while laughing....


I said ill treat you.... Why are you bringing more people..... I tried to convey with my eyes as I was too tired to talk... However he didn't seem to understand what I was saying as he continued laughing while talking about wanting expensive wine.....


"Everyone!!! Let's all get back safely.... I'll treat you all to drinks if we survive this!!! Of course with captains money that is...." He Ya said loudly attracting the attention of the group who started to feel more motivated.... However what did this bastard just say??? Is he really treating others for drinks with my money? I thought angrily as I smacked him hard which caused him to tear up"Ow!"



However we soon all laughed due to the way He Ya broke the tense tension.


However not long after..... We encountered a monster we never thought we'd face so close 


"What's this? There's some more Qin apes all the way here?!!!" Said a man with an incredibly ferocious aura comparable to Ouki and Kyou.... The man was wearing a giant helmet... With scars on his face... Short gray hair indicating his old age... However he had piercing green eyes that sent shivers to anyone that looked directly... The man was one of Zhao's three great heavens Chou Sha!!!!


"Th- That's Chou Sa of Zhao's three Great Heavens!!!!!!!" Said one of my men as he fell on the floor about to give up since not only did Chou Sha come... But he even has a unit of over 500 elites with him.... Each soldier looking stronger than all of them....


"You bastards Get up!!!!! Do you not know what will happen to you if you stay like that?!!!!" I shouted trying to get them back up... However it was of no use as they seemed to accept their situation.....

Instead of shouting... I instead calmly told them.... "Did you guys all forget what our goal was???? Are you seriously humiliating yourself over just a great heaven? Did you forget the path we aimed for? If that was all the determination you had.... Then you should've stayed back home.... Now tell me guys.... Are you really going to give up everything here?" I said while looking at my troops who seemed to be on the verge of death from the earlier fightings... However they made no sound as they stoop up while getting their weapons ready.... Their eyes alone told me the answer.


I'm indeed lucky to find men like this. I thought to myself


"Hmph... I think it's time for you guys to die now!" Said Chou Sha as he got his creepy black glaive that had a bigger than normal sharp edge. 


However I wanted to end him fast to stop his unit of 500 that would definitely annihilate us if they come towards us.... So I thrusted with my top speed at his face... However.... He blocked it right away with speed that deceived even my eyes.... Even though he's using a weapon as heavy as that....


"Hmm? Fast... Your really fast for a spear user.... Your skills are also definitely top notch... however too bad.... For I shall kill you " He commented as he swung his glave with full force which quickly made me put my spear upwards to block.... However it still knocked me down to the ground... However I still managed to survive. I thought of while putting all of my strength on raising my spear upwards as he currently had his glaive pressed against my shoulders with only spear blocking its path...


However to my relief... It seems Ga Rin sama managed to come in time which took Chou Sha's attention....


"Tch... There isn't much time left...." Muttered Chou Sha.


"Time? Is that you were in such a hurry that you even left most of your troops to stall me while you left alone... Although I was able to do the same while bringing 200 cavalry with me.... I'm really curious as to what you mean by there isn't much time left"

Said Ga Rin who was smiling although he was currently injured with blood coming from everywhere on his body.... It seems like he had a deadly fight with Chou Sha... I thought while looking at Chou Sha who also looked to be bleeding in his right arm a bit.


"Hmph... That's none of your business.... Should you stop me... Then I shall slaughter you!" Yelled Chou Sha....


Chou Sha then grabbed his glaive and started fighting Ga Rin although it didn't take long for Chou Sha to show his superiority against Ga Rin.....


"This is bad" I muttered while looking at Chou Sha's units slaughtering Ga Rins elites one by one.... 


"Everyone, we've gotta help Ga Rin sama.... Try to stop the enemies right now.... I want you guys to use Wall Formation now!!!" I said to my men...


Wall Formation is a formation of everyone getting into groups of seven while two of the people having shields Infront with the others surrounding it with spears.... Everyone is to continue walking slowly in a pattern similar to the linear formation ... It's real ability is shown when there's more people to do it with... However I used this formation because it has another great thing it can do....


Isolate the enemies from Chou Sha.... Although it'll only give us a few minutes left since the raw power of Chou Sha's elites would quickly destroy us.


I then grab my spear and Thrust my spear while trying to surpass my best speed..... However Chou Sha seems to have noticed me and even managed to deflect my attacks while fighting Ga Rin.... He was even about to slice me... Were it not for Ga Rin who tried to take advantage of the situation to cut his head off.


"Tsk Pests" Chou Sha said angered before he got his glaive to attack Ga Rin.... Although Ga Rin countered by attacking..... Chou Sha showed an attack like none before smashed Ga Rin's Glaive before going in for the kill.... However I quickly interfered and although he parried it again fast... I didn't let go and continued thrusting trying to corner him..... Which seemed to irritate him as he changed targets to me who was more threatening than the weaponless Ga Rin.


Chou Sha then did a wide swing at me with glaive which i barely dodged it however he then slashed at me using his glaive which made me react to it... however it was a feint as he then thrusted his glaive using a spear like way before slashing my body which caused blood to splurt...


I might really die hehe... I thought to myself as I heard Chou Sha say


"Kid... You did well to hang on this long... However this is the end!" He roared


I then quickly stop focusing on other things and thrust at him which he parried... I then used the momentum I gained from him parrying my spear to use Dragon Talon on his injured arm which he caught on and sent and turn his glaive the other side to block and send me flying. However... I quickly use serpeants rush which lets my spear flow peoplerly and makes it easier to use with its flexibility... I quickly stab his Hand which lets him spew blood in his mouth as he dropped his glaive.... I then try to kill him.... However he quickly smashes me with his fist which causes me to nearly go unconscious.


As he was about to punch me again .... Rai Gen who was part of my unit since my time as a 5 man commander quickly appeared behind him and stabbed him with his spear to which made Chou Sha scream in anger... When Rai Gen tried to thrust again... The monster grabbed the bladed part of the spear with his bare hands and grabbed it from Rai Gen before stabbing him which caused me to widen my eyes as I saw him about to die.



"Well damn.... Sorry captain... seems like this is it for me... You better accomplish your goal!" Said Rai Gen crying while looking at me with a smile even though tears were coming out of his eyes....


... No... This can't be happening right? This is all my fault... No!!!... This is not the time for doubting myself... Will I really let Rai Gen just die like this? I tried to grab my spear however it was impossible.... I couldn't grab it with my injuries.... I then had to helplessly watch as Chou Sha stabbed Rai Gen in the face....




!!! Rai Gen.... I'm so sorry... But don't worry I will avenge you. I mentally said as blood was coming from my eyes.... If I can't use a spear... Then I'll use my sword... I grabbed the sword on my back and quickly jumped at him at a speed faster than ever.... I didn't think about anything else... Other than cutting him up....




However what instead happened... Was my left arm getting stabbed by his spear.... But I ignored it.... And continued with my sword which caused him to quickly try to dodge... However it was too late as I managed to cut two of his fingers although he then was about to end me.... It seems I was once again saved by Ga Rin who was nearly dead..... 


However before anything else could happen....

There was fire that started to spread to us fast which shocked both me and Ga Rin....


"You Bastard could you have!!!" Ga Rin said to Chou Sha who replied back fast.


"It's finally here haha.... Although you bastards truly defied my expectations.... Especially you boy.... You managed to injure me.... Even if i was not at my peak... You still injured me... However it is too late for you all as the fire has spread already hahahaha.... Yes... I wouldn't have been able to use this tactic normally if it were in my lands... However it's fine since this is Qin.... This entire forest in the mountain shall burn alongside you and your great general hahaha.... This is the real reason why I lured you guys here..... Now then, I shall take my leave now since I don't want to get caught in that...." Said Chou Sha as he went back to his unit.


"N-No Teacher!!" I called out before losing my conscious






"Bwarf" I regained conscious and threw up....


"Captain!!!, Your fine!!!!" Said one of my soldiers which made me remember what happened.


"What happened to Our Supreme Commander!!!!" I shouted.


"Uh... We were going there to check on our Main army however... everything was burned and the fire was starting to even affect us so we quickly got out of the forest... It's been around an hour since you passed out... and we still haven't managed to walk much due to our injuries...." Said the man who looked down.


"Nooo impossible... What about Ga Rin sama?" I asked wondering if he would know anything....


"Ga Rin Sama rushed to the fire there by Horseback....I don't think he was able to make it out alive...." Which caused me great shock....

However i quickly calmed down and told my group...


"Ko Shou sama wouldn't die in a place like this!!! I want the injured ones to check the nearby locations ... While the ones that can still walk fine to follow me...." I said while dragging my injured feet.


My unit that saw me like this started to tear up a little before listening to my orders.



It's been another hour and we still haven't gotten anything.....did you all really die there.... Teacher.... 


Is this really it..... I thought before seeing the ground shake a bit which made me look back.


"What's this rumbling?!!" I said loudly before looking at a few thousand cavalry and a bit of infantry which made me extremely happy as I saw our commanding general Ko Shou sama!!!.... However when I got closer.... I saw arrow wounds all over and burn marks on his face and body which made me feel scared since he looked like a corpse alre-


"En... Huff huff" Ko Shou said while panting 

"... To think that I would meet you here before I draw my last breath.... I must thank the gods for blessing me with this opportunity haha" Ko Shou said while bleeding...


"It seems that I lost this war.... I never expected him to do something on this scale.... Also... I must thank you for having your men help us a bit... Most died but it was because of their sacrifice that we managed to get out.... I'm able to at least have a proper death now huff huff...." Ko Shou said, ashamed of himself.


"Teacher..." I said as I looked up


"En... Everyone has their own time... It is only a matter for someone to die.... that's right En.... I still haven't given you a gift for graduating right...?" Ko Shou said while smiling


"Come here for a second..." Ko Shou motioned to get closer to him to which I followed.


"... Close your eyes" He said...


"B-but!" I tried to refuse not knowing what nonsense he was doing In a situation like this however he spoke again.


"Close your eyes En." ... I then followed his words and closed them.


"Now open them slowly again... However I want you to take note of everything you see.... The earth that we stand on.... The faces of our allies.... The forest that is burning.... The sky above us.....and yourself... Hehe this is the View a general sees.... Being able to command tens of thousands at once... While being able to see everything waiting for a chance to take advantage of..... Do you not get what I'm saying En?" Ko Shou spoke while lightly laughing.


.... I took not into everything he said which caused me to look at things differently... Just for a moment... I saw the sight that a general sees.... I saw the view that the people I aspire to become see.


"I saw it... It was just for a little bit but I was able to see it...." I then look up facing my teacher to thank him for showing me this opportunity when he was about to die.. however he was already dead....

"Teacher!!!" I cried loudly with the few others that still lived.....





Authors Note: Heya there 😎..... This chapter was rlly long that I had to do two parts lol... Wasn't able to do timeskips but it'll be next chapter... I promise.

Last few chapters will be edited tomorrow as well 🙏 I swear 



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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


