20.83% Kingdom: The Path Of A General / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: A Great General

章 5: Chapter 5: A Great General

253 B.C.

Kyou En's Pov:

It's been a few months since my first war and it has been hectic ever since.

Me becoming a 100 commander also made me realize that I'll need to start getting some elite troops for my unit as my aim is to become a Great General.... Of course I can't have some random disposable people for the army I will have in the future.....

Therefore I tasked Advisor Rai Ki to look for talented People that can join my elite core unit that I aim to make in the future.... Advisor Rai Ki agreed to my request although he was reluctant saying that it would be hard to find some since most would already be people of renown, However he stopped when I told him it's fine if the talents are from Commoners which although would probably still take you a while to find a certain amount.... It should be much easier since most Of the big armies only look for Soldiers with social standings.

Since I don't have any hope of him finding talents any time soon, I guess I'll have to make up with the troops I'll get by choosing in the battlefield....

"Kyou En sama... you should rest a bit while you still have time..." Said Advisor Rai Ki looking at me concerned

"Nonsense, how can I be called the Lord Of Sai if I don't help its Citizens when I have the time" I said while doing some paperwork

"Speaking of the Citizens of Sai.... Advisor Rai... I'm planning on opening some businesses that would give some of the lower class in Sai an opportunity to better their lifes.... I'd like you to take care of it.... Also when you reach a certain Quote for the amount of talented people you get, I want you to have them considered as Guards of Sai until I get in a position to have more troops under my command. I also want you to regularly update me about them as I will be coming back to personally train with them so we can have better unity." I said while looking at my Advisor who's been incredibly busy lately.

"Yes Sir, It shall be done" Said Advisor.... He really is a rare person to find... He never complains and always does his task properly, even when I give him outrageous tasks.... Maybe it's because he knows it's for Sai... But still.... I'll have to thank him somehow later.....

"Urgent Report!!!" Said someone while rushing to my office...

Well seems like I won't have any rest. I thought of while having an idea of what it is...



Of course it's for war... I smacked my head while riding my horse to the location I was told to go to.

Horses were part of my training as a noble so I didn't have much trouble riding them....

Damn what a long line. I thought as I saw thousands of people going to war... Though most were commoners without even armor...

Anyways, Time to look for my Unit....



"Shuu Ki, Rai Gen, Ryuu Yen, Shi En... It's been awhile, how have you been?" I said with a smile looking at my unit that were with me in the war a few weeks ago... These people definitely aren't your run of the mill people...

"Haha I've been good but I didn't expect another war to happen so soon... My wife was worried but I managed to calm her down when I told her my captain is a 5 Thousand man Commander slayer hehe" Said Ryuu Yen who is the tallest of the group with a smile before he grinned and teased

"Haha you don't need to brag about me so much, the plan only worked due to the commander being so focused on our general, What about you guys? Have you been keeping up in your training? I said as I chuckled.


Shuu Ki laughed before saying "You bet we did hahaha, I even got a new weapon and Armor with the gold we got last war... I can even tell it's not just me who got new equipment right guys?" Said Shuu Ki as he showed everyone Mace and new Armor while looking at the other's new Equipment.

It seems all of them were smart enough to get armor, which is good... Ryuu Yen also seems to have a Mace now while Rai Gen seems to have a Spear instead of his previous weapon.

"Oi, do you not have anything to say?" Said Shi En who looked pissed as he drew his New Sword which seemed to be of higher quality than before.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" I said looking confused.

"Did you forget? You agreed to spar with me" Shi En said with a glare while getting his stance ready which made me smile widely as this guy wasn't nervous about the war at all.

"Hahaha, don't worry I haven't forgotten... However not now... We'll fight when we get there.... Right now we need to get our unit of 100" I said after laughing which made Shi En walk back surprisingly before he said

"Don't forget those words" 

"Don't worry Shi En hehe, anyways do you guys have any suggestions on who to get for our unit?" I said as I looked at my group to which Shuu Ki replied

"Don't worry captain, We've been to quite a bit of wars so we know who to get, just wait here for a bit" Said Shuu Ki before he walked off with Ryuu Yen and Rai Gen... Which honestly made me smile a bit as I saw how trustworthy they are...



"So this is our captain? I heard he was strong but why is a kid all I see?" Said an aged man with grey hair.

"Don't think of him as a kid, I saw him fighting during our invasion On Fu Ka and he was a monster with the spear... He instantly killed all of the enemies that got into his range with crazy speed... I even saw him kill one of the enemy commanders" Said another.

"Seriously?" Said a young man in his early twenties.

'So these are the people that they introduced hmm.. they certainly seem to be stronger than normal... Heh.' I thought before walking Infront of them all.

"Everyone! I am Kyou En, Although I am a noble... I ask that you treat me the same as any normal person here." I said which surprised some people who realised I was a noble to which others got a bit afraid before I reassured them it was fine. I then yelled out," Although you guys are planning to join me during this war... I am actually looking for people who will be joining me permanently and not just for this war... I promise that you guys will be treated like family and look after you guys as we spread our wings across all of china and try to attain heights that none of you could have imagined before!!!" I shouted before showing everyone my determination which shocked everyone and I even heard some asking if i was crazy before they stopped after looking at my face which showed them that I was serious.... There was silence for a bit before one of them laughed

"Hahahaha... A crazy dream you have... Hahahaha ... However it's because you have a grand ambition like this that I'm even more willing to join now... Can I call you captain?" Said a young adult who laughed as if he were mocking me before he looked at me and acknowledged me. 

"Mhm, I'd be happy if you did" I replied while smiling with my eyes closed.... The others that were hesitating before decided to also accept thinking it was better to have a grand ambition than nothing. ..... I was incredibly surprised when I saw that noone left which made me feel more thankful to Shuu Ki and the others.

"Alright My peopl- no... My family!!!... Now I will be picking my two Liteunants. Shuu Ki and Shi En come forward!" I shouted which surprised Shuu Ki although Shi En remained calm.

"These two are people who I have trust in their skills.... From now on... These two are 50 man Commanders!!!" I shouted



Shi En's Pov:

"Yo, Shi En"

I looked at the one called Kyou En who said that.... It was a person that looked alot taller than what his actual age was .... With short straight black hair and creepy Grey eyes that seemed to frighten anyone.

I first realised him when people were forming groups... The pressure he gave me showed me he was the real deal... Although I learned that it was his first war later which shocked me... However... When we were fighting the army of Wei.... I finally realized what that feeling was.... It was the feeling of death that felt like he could kill me instantly whenever he wanted... The speed and techniques he showed were monstrous... It was only for that reason that I continued to stay in this group....

After all I only went to war because I wanted to fight strong people. I thought of while looking at him and grabbing my sword before speaking.

"Are you ready now?" I said coldly watching to see what his reaction would be which he calmly replied with a smile.

"Of course, that's why I'm here.... I also want to see the full extent of your skills" He said before grabbing his spear and quickly thrusting it at my face.

!!!! Fast!!!! I unconsciously dodged however it managed to scratch me a bit. I thought of while seeing the blood dripping from my face.

This guy is the real deal!!! I thought of while smiling feriously. 

I quickly roll to the side and jump while having my sword slice backwards which had him step back a bit to dodge... But I quickly stop my slash and rush at him to which he answered by thrusting with a speed far beyond imagination but... I've already seen it once.... It's possible to dodge if you know it's coming..... I thought before instantly regretting my words as I saw another thrust coming to my shoulders at the same time to which I parried but then there was another at my stomach which made me try to dodge quickly.... But alas.... He stabbed me although not too deep..... 

My only question was how.... How can he be so fast that he basically attacked in 3 different positions at the same time

"Your stronger than I thought but it's over now... Do you give up?" He said while still calmy smiling which made pissed me off even more....

"Of course not!!! We're just getting started" I shouted while deciding to go all out which made his smile fade away and instead turn more seriously

We both stood still for about a few seconds before I decides to initiate the attack and quickly slash my sword at him to which he parried and thrusted at me again.... But I already knew he was going to do that as I then slide on the ground and jump before going backwards to dodge another thrust again.... I then quickly use the opening i created by that to swing my sword at him with a speed that seemed to alarm even him.... Which worked as I saw blood coming from his shoulders....

Hehe, I can do this. I was about to launch another attack before he opened his mouth...

"Your definitely exceeded my expectations.... To think that you would make me go serious.... Honestly makes me happy.... Dragon's Talon!" He said before laughing and then thrust his spear in an even faster speed than before which made me try to deflect it... But he then curved his spear in a weird way that made the Spear rotate in a way that left me no opening to deflect it.....

That hit would seriously injure me.... There's no need to go this far when it's just a spar.... I sighed.

"You win" I gave up.... This was the first time I've ever lost.....

"No it's not really a loss for you... Although you didn't beat me... You still managed to injure me... Something you should be proud of... You also learnt quite a bit during these fights... I'd like it if we spar more often." he said while smiling before he came closer to me and wiped the blood of my face.

True!! I have lost this time but I can keep challenging him.... I will surpass you one day Kyou En..... I thought to myself before leaving 


The next day

Kyou En's Pov:

"It seems the Unit's doing well together" I said as I watched many of them laughing together while some eating Jerkies and meat buns.... while others drank wine....

"Indeed captain, it's kind of nice to see them all doing good even though we've been sent to a big war..." Shuu Ki said....

I can't blame his surprise though.... Even im surprised that they can be like normal even when they heard we're going to be attacking the big city Bayou Of Zhao... not only that... But we also have two Great Generals leading us.....

Kyou as supreme commander while Ouki as Vice commander.... It seems we're going to be under Ouki for this war I Thought as I remembered when I first saw him.... His presence alone was able to increase the morale of all of use and he has this Incredible Charisma..... King Sho was the only one that I've seen that had a Charisma comparable to Ouki....

Anyways... It seems like we're going to be seiging that massive city....

No wonder they brought an army of 100 thousand.... Although there is an estimate that they have around 60 thousand people, if you also count the civilians fighting with them.... I honestly don't think it's going to be easy to beat them even with our additional 40 thousand.... Seige battles are alot harder for the invaders.... Not to mention a city of this scale....



"Captain It's our turn soon!!!" Shouted one of the people in my units telling me to get ready since it'll be our turn to get in the ladder soon.....

Damn that's gonna be dangerous since the impact would injure us and might even blow us away.... Not to mention we'd be easy targets for the Zhao.... However... I was prepared to face something like this a long time ago!. I internally screamed.

"Alright Men!!! I hope you don't take any half measures and give this all you've got.... Just because we're easy targets doesn't mean we'll let ourselves get killed just like that!!! Rather... We're gonna be the ones to get all the glory!!! You hear me Men!!!!!" I said trying to increase morale 

"Ohhhh!!!!!!" They shouted before waiting for the units above us to fully get in the ladder.....

All of us started to tremble a bit as the soldiers down started pushing the ladder and slamming it down.... Which did indeed knock some of the people that were part of the unit above us..... However this was no time for that as I quickly grabbed my spear while going up trying to stop the Zhao soldiers above me from slicing me to mince..... 

After a few minutes.... I found me and my unit to be the ones at the top as the others above us mostly all died or were blasted off... I quickly jump and thrust my spear at them which initially didn't work due to their tight defence and Shields but I knew I couldn't give them a chance when I was at the edge and all they needed was one hit and I would fall off... So I quickly used a spear technique that I've trained and shouted " Dragon's Nest!!!" 

This was a technique that relied on doing a massive amount of thrusts with incredible speed at the sides to restrict someone or deal an incredible amount of strikes at once... It's very useful in a situation like this.... As it allows me to take on many enemies at once.... Which it did succeed and allowed me to get a small opening for more of my units to get up.

However our situation was still bad and us getting up just made the Zhao put more focus on us.... However we weren't just any unit that could be killed randomly. I thought of while smiling as I watched Shuu Ki and Ryuu Yen smashing and blasting the people with their Mace's with incredible strength.... They created a bigger opening with each strike they did.... I could also see Rai Gen and Shi En quickly killing multiple of the enemies at once.... Which increased my units morale by a lot... However.... It didn't last long as the Zhao decided to get serious and put more heavy units on our side..... Which halted our progress and killed a few of my men....

I then decided to quickly attack the biggest guy there who looked like the leader to stop them from slaughtering my unit any more but he noticed me and got his Glaive and swung it at me with incredible strength.....

"Hahaha, don't underestimate my strength.... I am the strongest Man alive!!!! The name's Ga Kui... Commander of 300 soldiers... Remember me in the afterlife." He said trying to brag about himself....

However i managed to avoid it im time which surprised him a bit... Something I didn't miss on and quickly thrusted trying not to miss the chance.... He quickly reacted but it was too late as I stabbed his face and created a small hole there....

"Yeah... you remember me im the afterlife that is..." I replied though he wouldn't be able to listen as he already died.

"Ga Kui Sama!!!" Shouted some of the soldiers which increased my sides cheering.... I decided to order an all out attack instead of just defending our area and waiting for more people to get up since it looks like we'll be able to do some heavy damage with this morale..... However just before I was about to give the order... I heard a loud gong sound realizing it was the signal for us to retreat.

"Everyone quickly retreat now while they're still confused!!!" I roared



1 Day later

Kyou En's pov:

It seems like we'll be positioned in the back this time unlike yesterday which is good for us since we can recover. I thought of while looking at the Seige going on... It seems to still be standing strong as whenever there is a risk of an area being taken over by us, they bring in heavy units with a high ranking commander..... Guess we were lucky they didn't deem us to be a big threat to waste their strong cards yet and only sent us a small heavy unit with a 300 man Commander leading them.



2 Days later

Kyou En's Pov: 

During the past two days... We've been making a better result than the first two days and have started managing to take control of some of the areas.... Me and My unit also got to go back up yesterday and we also did goos and got quite a bit of kills.... Although some of my troops have been killed.... However everything changed when the Zhao used a different and ruthless tactic..... They started throwing some incredibly hot water above the ladders causing some of the Qin soldiers to get burned a bit and even fall which caused the others in the ladder to also fall.

This managed to halt our progress as a whole which started to decrease our morale since they should be getting reinforcements soon and we can't even do anything to them alone so how much worse would it be when their reinforcements arrived.



"Boss do you want me to pour you a drink?" Said one of the soldiers bringing in some wine

"Nah, give me the whole bottle hehe" I asked and looked at him in a way that he can't refuse.

"Uh... Are you sure you can drink that much???? Your still young Captain!" The man tried to persuade me to not drink all of it... Afraid that he wouldn't get a sip.

However it did not work hehe

"Hehe.... Do you think I'm stupid He Ya? I know that you have a lot more than this.... You should be glad that I'm drinking this" I said while feeling a bit weird.... I'm definitely not drunk....

"Capt- Huh??? What's this sound??? Are we getting raided?" He Ya was about to complain before noticing some disturbance.... I also stopped drinking and told everyone to maintain defensive formations before deciding to head to the sound with my horse.

Hmm!!??.... Isn't that Great General Kyou's main camp? What's happening... I rush there only to see a massive person with a giant glaive wearing a red cloak demolishing the entire army meant to protect General Kyou!

I then hear him shout " Soldiers, Armies, Zhao, Qin...You are all insignificant. The only thing important is that right here, there are two beings which the Heavens fear, apart from me...there is one more. Even if the heavens were to split and the earth were to be destroyed.... that cannot be allowed!! I AM THE BUSHIN, HOU KEN. COME OUT AND FACE ME, O'ENEMY OF MINE."

Which creeped me out since although he looked like he had some mental issues.... He definitely meant those words... And his strength speaks for himself. I thought while looking at my arm that has been shaking.

Everyone then began to surround two people... There I can see Kyou sama fighting against the man named Houken who gave off a strange presence that screamed danger and that I would die if I got anywhere close to him.

Great General Kyou was putting a good fight and was taking advantage of her less heavier sword to deal fast attacks that injured the person which greatly made the people watching happy.... Most of them seem to be from Kyou's army while only a few are from other armies that came to look at the disturbance.

The good fight that Kyou sama was putting ended fast.... Just after she got a good opening and was about to deal the finishing blow... The invader countered with a Vertical Slash and ended her life which shocked not only me but also everyone there. 

"There is only one on Earth whom the Heavens Fear, Only me!" Said Houken as he looked back after sensing something.

I then looked at the direction he was looking at and shouted "General Ouki!" However i was surprised to see General Ouki who was always showing a smile to suddenly show an incredible amount of rage and bloodlust.

However... If even Kyou sama failed to kill him... Then would General Ouki be able to kill Houken?? 

I was worried because losing a Great General is enough to impact the entire state... But losing two at once? ... However my worries were useless as I saw Ouki sama showcasing his Martial Prowess and superiority over Houken who fell on the cliff.



The Fifth day

Kyou En's Pov:

The death of Kyou sama was announced as a death of Sickness.... Ouki and ShoubunKun also banned everyone at the scene from mentioning anything or they would have to deal with them....

However the death of our supreme commander lessened our Morale even more.... However it seems Ouki sama had something else in mind as I saw him mobilizing his main army as well as the other armies for the seige with an angry expression.

His army however.... Was simply monstrous.... Even when they had Hot water thrown at them or were getting stabbed... They all continued climbing with faces similar to Ouki sama and continued going on despite their injuries.... Caring for nothing other than taking the lives of the Zhao!!!

Surprisingly, The Ouki army managed to take over their side and even open the gate from below in less than 4 hours.... And the Kyou army who now joined under Ouki were already waiting at the front and showed an onslaught like no other and easily took over the castle.

This battle showed me a lot of new things.... And showed me the true might of a Great General.... It showed me that I was still far from reaching that place... However, It didn't discourage me... Rather it made me want to put even more effort and work harder with my unit towards that path.


1 year later...

 252 B.C.

Authors Note: Heya everyone 😎 how ya doing? This chapter was rlly long ngl... Over 4k words 💀💀 I never even tried that hard in school lol. Anyways, Next chapter will have quite a bit of timeskips at the second half.... Might only take 2-3 chapters till we get to main story ngl

(This is a rushed chapter and will be edited when I wake up)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


