Reviews of Twins of Light and Dark by asparincris - Webnovel


  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



Pretty good in my opinion, the writing is decent, the conversation lines are labled as to not confuse who's talking in the story, but the story is still in its early stages so I still don't know who will be my favorite characte. Overall its pretty good.

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I'll say it's pretty decent for a beginner, but I hope you won't rely on chat gpt too much and ruin the story, I liked the detail when you wrote the dialogue of the child MC's they talk like actual children a good touch, I somehow like the brother too he's quite obsessive with his sister saying hell kill anyone if they hurt her quite charming and psychotic at the same time. And when the brother gets reincarnated he got a realistic reaction from that saying it's absurd I too will be confused about being reincarnated with my memories intact not all Isekai stories do that tbh, most of them act as if it's normal and at last part that was so emotional, deprived of motherly affection and experiencing it at his second life, very touching . Cant wait for the next chapter, I really want to see the reaction of the sister

1 の返信を表示する

if I rate it myself I think it deserve this rating my writing is a little bit inconsistent, but I'm working on it and I'm pretty satisfied with my charactera

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Pretty good in my opinion, the writing is decent, the conversation lines are labled as to not confuse who's talking in the story, but the story is still in its early stages so I still don't know who will be my favorite characte. Overall its pretty good.

1 の返信を表示する

I'll say it's pretty decent for a beginner, but I hope you won't rely on chat gpt too much and ruin the story, I liked the detail when you wrote the dialogue of the child MC's they talk like actual children a good touch, I somehow like the brother too he's quite obsessive with his sister saying hell kill anyone if they hurt her quite charming and psychotic at the same time. And when the brother gets reincarnated he got a realistic reaction from that saying it's absurd I too will be confused about being reincarnated with my memories intact not all Isekai stories do that tbh, most of them act as if it's normal and at last part that was so emotional, deprived of motherly affection and experiencing it at his second life, very touching . Cant wait for the next chapter, I really want to see the reaction of the sister

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if I rate it myself I think it deserve this rating my writing is a little bit inconsistent, but I'm working on it and I'm pretty satisfied with my charactera

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