73.68% Tycoon Actor in Hollywood / Chapter 238: Big Shots at the party

章 238: Big Shots at the party

Lucas shifted uncomfortably in his plush hotel chair, a frown creasing his brow as he glanced at Neil. "I mean, I'm excited about Tom Cruise's birthday party and all, but why me? He invited me out of the blue."

Neil chuckled, leaning back on the bed. "I'm stumped too, but it might have something to do with that viral video of yours. You know, the one where you're practically Bruce Lee?"

Lucas chuckled self-consciously. "You think he's a fan of my martial arts?"

Shawn, sipping his drink, chimed in, "Well, Tom is known for doing his own stunts. Maybe he appreciates your skills."

"Well..." Lucas's mind drifted to Tom's well-known affiliation with Scientology. He couldn't help but wonder if that was the real reason for the invite.

Neil's eyes darted over Lucas's casual attire, a concerned expression creasing his brow. "Lucas, this won't do. This party's got A-listers and studio heads. We need to get you suited up, pronto."

Lucas ran a hand through his messy hair, grinning. "It's just a birthday party, Neil, not the Met Gala or the Oscars. I'll be fine."

Neil sighed, relenting. "I guess you're right. But hey, maybe this could lead to some unique film projects for you. Fingers crossed."


July 3, 2011, Los Angeles. The sun beat down relentlessly on the windshield of the sleek, black rented car as it wound its way through the affluent streets of Beverly Hills. Inside, Lucas sat in the backseat, accompanied by his manager, Neil, and burly bodyguard, Jack. Shawn, their driver, expertly navigated the winding roads, guiding them to their destination.

Lucas's gaze drifted lazily out the tinted window, taking in the opulent mansions that lined the palm-tree-lined boulevards. It was easy to see why the rich and famous flocked to this part of LA—the privacy, the exclusivity, and the illusion of being above it all.

Finally, they arrived at their destination, a sprawling mansion perched atop a hill, its gated entrance camouflaged by lush foliage. Shawn pulled the car into the driveway, maneuvering it expertly into the already crowded parking lot. Lucas's eyes widened as he took in the sea of luxury and excess around him. Bentleys, Ferraris, and even a rare Lamborghini or two vied for space, their glossy paintwork reflecting the harsh afternoon light.

Neil nudged him gently, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "This is it, kid. Remember, keep your cool and don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Lucas managed a weak grin in response, his stomach doing somersaults. This was it. A low-key, high-profile birthday party for none other than Tom Cruise. The invitation had come as a surprise, but Neil had insisted it was an opportunity they couldn't pass up. "Networking," he'd said, as if that single word held the key to unlocking the pearly gates of Hollywood.

The mansion was actually rented for this specific party. Rather than risking the swarm of paparazzi and prying eyes at Tom's actual residence, this discreet location promised a modicum of privacy for the A-listers in attendance.

Lucas followed Neil up the grandiose staircase, flanked by burly security guards who scrutinized each invitation with hawk-like precision. Neil flashed their cards, and they were ushered inside without incident—all except for Jack, who received a polite but firm denial.

"I'm sorry, sir," one of the guards said, his expression apologetic but unyielding. "This is a private event. We can't make exceptions."

Neil placed a reassuring hand on Jack's shoulder. "It's alright. This place is as secure as it gets. We'll be fine."

Reluctantly, Jack nodded and stepped back, his eyes never leaving Lucas's back until the doors closed behind them.

The moment they stepped inside, the bass from the speakers hit them like a wave, the music pulsing through the very walls of the mansion. Lucas turned to Neil, eyebrows raised in surprise. "Wow, this party's already in full swing."

Neil chuckled, sensing his client's unease. "You ain't seen nothing yet, kiddo. Celebrity parties in Hollywood are a whole different ballgame compared to those stuffy award shows you've been to."

"What do you mean?" Lucas asked, craning his neck to take in the lavish surroundings.

"You'll see," Neil said cryptically, leading the way through the throng of people.

As they ventured deeper into the heart of the party, Lucas's eyes scanning at the sea of familiar faces. Actors, musicians, and even a few politicians mingled effortlessly, glasses of champagne in hand. The air was thick with the heady scent of expensive cologne and perfume, and the buzz of conversation was almost deafening.

The interior of the mansion was a kaleidoscope of color and sound, with every surface bathed in the warm glow of strategically placed lights. The music pulsed through the air, inviting revellers to the dance floor where a sea of people moved in time to the beat. Lucas's eyes darted from face to face, recognizing some of the most famous names in Hollywood: Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Will Smith with his son and wife, and even Justin Bieber, Sean Combs, stood in one corner, surrounded by admirers.

Neil nudged him, drawing his attention away from the glitterati. "Not them, Lucas. We're here for those guys." He nodded discreetly towards a group of older, more reserved-looking individuals who were deep in conversation.

"That's Barry Meyer, CEO of Warner Bros," Neil said, pointing out a silver-haired man with a warm smile. "And that one over there, the one with the British actress on his arm? That's Kevin Tsujihara, President of Warner Bros. Home Entertainment." His finger moved to a man who exuded an air of quiet power. "And over there, the one schmoozing with the senator? That's Ron Meyer of Universal Pictures."

Lucas was a bit overwhelmed, taking in the roomful of Hollywood royalty. "This party is full of big shots."

Neil clapped him on the back. "It's just another day in the life of Tom Cruise. Now, let's mingle."

Lucas and Neil mingled with the crowd, shaking hands and exchanging small talk with the who's who of Hollywood. Lucas felt like a fish out of water, but Neil's confidence seemed to rub off on him, and soon enough, they found themselves making their way towards the VIP section of the party.

"Lucas, stay close," Neil whispered in his ear. "We're about to meet the big leagues."

Lucas nodded, he followed Neil's lead, reminding himself that this was why they were here in the first place.

Barry Meyer, CEO of Warner Bros., stood in the center of a semi-circle of admirers, his silver hair catching the light as he laughed at a joke. Neil expertly maneuvered them through the throng, and before Lucas knew it, they were face-to-face with one of the most powerful men in Tinseltown.

"Mr. Barry, good to see you again," Neil said, extending his hand. "I'd like you to meet my client, Lucas."

Barry's eyes widened with recognition as he shook Lucas's hand. "Well, well, aren't we honored tonight? It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Lucas. I've been following your career closely."

Lucas smiled, unsure of what to say. "Thank you, Mr. Meyer, it's an honor to meet you too."

Ron Meyer, Universal Pictures' head honcho, overheard their conversation and joined in. "Don't leave me out of this lovefest, Barry!" he joked, extending his hand. "It's an honor to meet you too..." he trailed off, catching himself just in time.

"Oh, I apologize," Lucas said with a grin. "I didn't realize there were two Mr. Meyers here tonight. It seems I've already met two legends in one go."

The trio shared a hearty laugh, and Neil couldn't help but beam with pride. "My client has quite the sense of humor, as you can see, gentlemen."

Kevin Tsujihara, the British actress still clinging to his arm, chimed in. "Not only funny, but a rising star we haven't seen since the last decade. I have a feeling, Lucas, that your name will be on everyone's lips soon enough."

Lucas laughed, unsure of how to respond to such high praise.

Neil watched the exchange with a glint in his eye, his plan falling into place. He knew these industry heavyweights would be interested in his client, and he wasn't wrong. The attention Lucas was receiving was exactly what they'd come for.

Barry Meyer clapped him on the back. "You've got a bright future ahead of you, kid. Don't let it go to your head, alright?"

"Thank you, sir," Lucas said, shaking their hands before they were whisked away by other well-wishers.

Lucas found himself at the center of attention, with industry heavyweights like Barry Meyer and others vying for his time.

Neil watched with a satisfied smirk, his plan unfolding exactly as he'd envisioned. He knew they'd be interested in his client, and he was right.

Their eyes never left Lucas, their interest piqued by the young actor's talent and potential. They could see the value in him, and they weren't about to let this opportunity slip through their fingers.

"Lucas, I've seen your work in '127 Hours,' and I must say, you're a remarkable talent for someone so young," Barry Meyer said, offering him a glass of wine. While he hadn't seen all of Lucas's films, the critical acclaim and buzz surrounding the young actor was enough to pique his interest.

Lucas blushed, accepting the compliment and the glass of wine. "Thank you, Mr. Barry."

"Barry will do just fine, kiddo," he said, adjusting his glasses with a smile.

Kevin Tsujihara, not one to be outdone, chimed in with more praise. "I couldn't agree more, Lucas. You've got a bright future ahead of you."

Ron Meyer, sensing he was at a disadvantage, excused himself and mingled with other guests. In his mind, Lucas was just another up-and-coming actor, a one-hit wonder perhaps. There was no need to woo him so aggressively when there were plenty of other fish in the sea.

As Lucas and Neil conversed with Barry and Kevin, the British actress named Charlotte, seated beside Kevin, couldn't help but notice the young actor. She observed how the two studio executives engaged with him as equals, piquing her interest.

Barry initiated the conversation, "Lucas, are you interested in acting in superhero films?"

Lucas casually sipped his drink before responding, "You mean, like Batman?"

Barry and Kevin exchanged amused glances, chuckling softly. Barry thought to himself, "This kid knows where this is going."

Lucas continued, "It would be intriguing to step into Batman's shoes, but..."

Kevin prompted, "But?"

"I don't think I'm quite ready to play a superhero just yet," Lucas admitted.

Barry's expression betrayed his disappointment.

However, Lucas added, "I am open to playing a villain role."

Barry's eyebrows shot up, "A villain? Most aspiring actors dream of portraying heroes like Batman, Superman, or Spiderman. Your choice is... unconventional, Lucas."

Lucas shrugged, "I believe even villains deserve their time in the spotlight, don't you think? I think a movie about a villain will be interesting."

Barry was taken aback, "A movie about a villain?"

Lucas chuckled to himself, recalling a successful villain-centric film from his past life that had grossed over a billion dollars at the box office.

Kevin was intrigued, "Why do you think a villain deserves their own movie, Lucas? What draws you to them more than superheroes?"

Barry and Charlotte's curiosity piqued as well, along with Neil, who was just as interested in his client's perspective.

Lucas smiled, momentarily forgetting that the idea of a villain-focused film being appealing was still quite unconventional in this era, save for a few exceptions like "Fight Club."

He took a deep breath before explaining, "Well, don't get me wrong, superheroes are great. They represent hope and justice, but..." Lucas elaborated, "Take 'The Dark Knight' for example. The one who stole the show was a villain, the Joker played by Heath Ledger." He looked at their faces for signs of recognition. "If it weren't for the Joker, that movie wouldn't have been as successful."

Barry and Kevin exchanged glances, nodding in agreement.

Barry mused aloud, "I see… so Heath Ledger's Joker is your inspiration?" A tinge of sadness crept into his voice as he remembered the talented actor's untimely passing, robbing them of the chance to make another film together.

Lucas nodded, "Exactly. Imagine a movie dedicated solely to a villain, like the Joker. Wouldn't it be fascinating to explore his backstory and motivations?"

Barry and Kevin exchanged glances, intrigued by the novel concept.

Lucas's mind raced ahead, thinking about the possibility of adapting the Joker's storyline ahead of time with Todd Phillips and Scott Silver, the scriptwriters of the Joker 2019 film.

"That's quite an intriguing idea, Lucas," Barry said, impressed. "You have a unique perspective."

Lucas grinned, "I've even thought of potential collaborators for the project – writers and a director I have in mind."

Barry raised an eyebrow, "You're serious?"

Lucas nodded, "Why not? Besides acting and composing, I'm also interested in the creative process behind the camera."

Kevin chuckled, "I see. You're full of surprises, aren't you?"

Barry handed Lucas his business card, "Here, Lucas. You've piqued my interest. I'd love to discuss this further with you. Who knows, maybe we can work together on one of our projects."

Lucas shook Barry's hand and asked, "Barry, what do you really think of my idea? A movie focused on a villain?"

Barry considered it for a moment before replying, "It's certainly an intriguing concept."

Lucas pressed on, "If I manage to get my hands on a script for a Joker-centric film, would you be interested in reading it?"

Barry and Kevin exchanged glances, amused by the young actor's audacity.

"Sure, why not?" Barry said with a smile. "If it's good, who knows? The studio might just fund it." He was joking, but Lucas took it seriously.

As they parted ways, Neil nudged Lucas, "You know you just pitched a villain movie to the heads of Warner Bros, right? You're either brave or crazy."

Lucas chuckled, "Maybe a bit of both."

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  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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