

After some time, they arrived at a remote place outside the city, and Tang Xiao saw Xing Xing entering a slump area. The place was very rundown and filled with delinquents, some of whom were heavily drunk, and some of whom were on drugs.

Even so, it was just a small matter for Tang Xiao, and he used his true eyes to find the location of Xing Xing's house. However, he was surprised to see that her house was too small with only one bedroom, so she had to share a room with her mother, and some parts of the house looked damaged.

After that, Tang Xiao used his dragon void steps and moved to the top of Xing Xing's house, but he gulped hard as soon as he saw her naked, so he deactivated his true eyes directly. "Sigh! Her living conditions were truly miserable, and her mother was also seriously ill."

[Are you interested in Xing Xing, Master? Do you want to do something for her?] Suddenly, Xiao Ai asked him in a teasing tone.

"Haha." Tang Xiao laughed when he heard that, especially since Xiao Ai's main chip was integrated with his brain, so she could know his thoughts. "I am indeed attracted to her, especially since the current Xing Xing is quite pretty, and she also has cultivator veins. However, my relationship with her in the past wasn't that close, but she was indeed kind-hearted, and people like her very much. Moreover, she seems to like me so much, and she completely believes that I am innocent, so I will do something for her, starting with healing her mother."

[Chu Lingxi's illness wasn't that serious, and she got sick like that due to too much stress and exhaustion when she was young, especially since she had to fight hard to raise Xing Xing. Even so, she will die if her condition continues to decline like this, so you can bring her here, and I will restore her condition.

"That's good; I will bring Aunt Lingxi to you after Xing Xing leaves this house." Tang Xiao thought about doing something else for her, but he dropped the idea because it was too unusual, and she would definitely be in deep shock.

[Master, I think you can do something else for Xing Xing without shocking her.]

"What's your idea, Xiao Ai?"

[Hehe, the mistress will soon set up her company, so I will give Xing Xing's data to her, and she can invite her to work in her company. That way, you can see her often, and you can get close to her more easily.]

"En, your idea is indeed good, so you can tell my big sister about this and tell her to take care of it immediately."

[All right, I will inform the mistress directly about this matter.]




Sometime later, Xing Xing was dressed neatly, but she looked a little tomboyish in a white t-shirt combined with mini jeans, and a black beanie covering her head. "Mom, I'm going to see my friend first, and I want to ask her about job vacancies, but I'll be back soon to accompany you."

After Xing Xing left, Tang Xiao immediately sneaked into the house. Although Chu Lingxi looked sickly and haggard, none of that dimmed her natural beauty. She has long and straight black hair that is elegantly captivating, an egg-shaped mature face, a bright and clean forehead, and exotic tan skin. She had long eyebrows, a sharp nose, and lips with a gentle curve that was so tender, which made people want to take a bite on it. Even her body was releasing an inherent sexiness that was more impactful than her beautiful looks, especially her D-Cup breasts, which made Tang Xiao completely mesmerized by the sight of her.

Tang Xiao then let out a soft sigh as he shook his head, and he lifted Chu Lingxi before carrying her into the ark.




Upon their arrival at the lab, Tang Xiao placed Chu Lingxi in one of the capsules, and Xiao Ai began to treat her. Apart from recovering her condition, she also strengthened her body, and she would not be susceptible to any diseases.

At first, Xiao Ai wanted to help her absorb qi, so Chu Lingxi would become a beginner cultivator, and it would be quite beneficial for her.

However, Tang Xiao rejected Xiao Ai's idea, especially since the life of a cultivator was not easy, and he did not know whether Chu Lingxi would be able to face such a life.

Half an hour later, Xiao Ai had finished everything, so Tang Xiao immediately sent Chu Lingxi back and put her to bed again. "Aunt Lingxi, you are a great mother, and you have raised an excellent daughter. From now on, Xing Xing no longer needs to worry about you, and you two will have a better life in the future."

After that, Tang Xiao immediately left the house, and he went to a jewelry store to buy wedding rings for him and Tang Yin.




In a study, a short and fat middle-aged man seemed to panic after he couldn't contact his son, and he then contacted several of his friends. However, none of them knew his son's whereabouts, so he ordered his subordinates to look for him. "What exactly happened to Shao'er? Where did he actually go? Even his two bodyguards couldn't be contacted."

The man was none other than Yao Wei, the head of the Yao family. He then left the study to look for his wife, and he found her in the backyard, tidying up her small plants. "Do you know where my son went, Meng Xin?"

Although Meng Xin was already in her early forties, she was no less beautiful than women in their late twenties or early thirties, and her heart-shaped face looked youthful without any wrinkles. She has dark brown short hair cut in a bob, and her eyes are crystal clear with brown pupils decorated with thin but straight eyebrows. She has a straight but slender nose, and her full lips look charming in red lipstick. Her figure is quite tall and slender like a model, and she looks graceful in a purple one-step dress with breasts that are not too big but not small either.

Meng Xin turned to Yao Wei, but her eyes looked like they were loathing him. "Do you think your son will tell me where he went? You know your son's behavior towards me, and he never thought of me as his mother."

"Meng Xin, you know that Shao'er loves Xiang Ning very much, so he can't accept you as his stepmother yet. However, he will definitely be able to accept you someday, so I hope you can be patient with him." After he said that, Yao Wei wanted to hug her.

However, Meng Xin pushed Yao Wei away, causing him to almost fall backwards, and she shouted at him with great anger. "Patience? We've been married for five years, but he never appreciates all my efforts! He even repeatedly abused me, like what he did to that bitch! As for you, you never even thought about my feelings; you don't even want to have a child with me, and you always blame me every time I complain about his behavior! I'm completely fed up with all of this, and I truly regret my decision to marry you."

After she vented her anger, Meng Xin ran into the house to get her car keys, and she immediately left the house, causing Yao Wei to feel helpless.

*Tap... Tap...*

"We've found the young master's car, sir. However, we can't find him anywhere, nor his two bodyguards." An old man in butler clothes respectfully said.

"Where did they find his car?" Yao Wei asked with a frown.

"Not far from the Hawker area."

Yao Wei frowned even more; he then turned around and walked out. "Take me to that place, and you can order people to check all the CCTVs in that area."




Before long, Yao Wei and his subordinates had arrived at the place and checked Yao Shao's car, but there were no signs of violence or anything else on it, so he ordered them to interrogate the people around the hawker area. Unfortunately, no one saw his son, and the people who checked all the CCTV in the area also couldn't find any clues about his whereabouts, especially since Xiao Ai had deleted all the footage.

"Useless!" Yao Wei shouted angrily at his subordinates. "There are so many of you, but you guys are incompetent to find my son!"

"Sir, I feel there is something strange about all this." Yao Wei immediately turned to the old butler. "If young master really went to this place, the CCTV in the parking lot would definitely have footage of him, but they couldn't find anything."

"Are you saying someone deliberately deleted the CCTV footage?" The old butler nodded to him, but Yao Wei looked hard to believe. "Who do you think did it? Only a few people have access to do such a thing, but they are my allies. Moreover, my relationship with them has always been good for the past two decades, so I think it's impossible for any of them to attack my son."

The old butler certainly knows about that. "How about you contact Ouyang Hong? I'm sure that he can help us investigate the matter, so we don't need to waste much time. I'm afraid that someone is deliberately doing all this in secret, and the young master might be in that person's hands now, so we have to hurry and save him, or we'll be too late."

But alas, they didn't know yet that Yao Shao had fallen into Tang Xiao's hands, and there was no way they could find the whereabouts of the primordial divine ark, let alone save him.

Yao Wei agreed with his idea. "Let's go back. I'll contact Ouyang Hong on the way back, and you can order a few of them to take Shao'er's car back."

"Yes, sir."

- To Be Continued -

JosieGan JosieGan

I will bring my family back to my hometown to celebrate Chinese New Year tomorrow morning, and I will be even busier until February 11th. Perhaps I won't update this novel for the time being, and I will update it again after I return home.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C35
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


