
First Killing


The two people were shocked when the door to the room was kicked open from outside, but they were even more shocked when Tang Xiao, in the form of Ouyang Hong, came in.

Du Zhong immediately got out of bed and hurriedly got dressed. "Boss, why did you come without telling me first?"

On the other hand, He Yu looked at Tang Xiao with a flirtatious smile, but she trembled when she saw his cold gaze. 'Damn it! Why did this old man suddenly become so scary?'

Tang Xiao didn't respond to them and used his true eyes to search for the CCTVs in the room, and he destroyed them after he found them.

"Boss, what- Ugh!" Du Zhong had not yet completed his inquiry when Tang Xiao moved in front of him and strangled his neck, and he used the red dagger in his hand to cut his dick, eliciting an agonizing scream. "Argh!"

Even He Yu was truly horrified to see Tang Xiao's vile actions, and she vomited on the bed after he kicked Du Zhong's dick at her. 'Fuck! Has this old man gone mad? Isn't he his subordinate?'

He Yu immediately took her cell phone to call for help, but Tang Xiao saw that and changed his red dagger into a gun, and he shot her directly.



"Argh!" He Yu screamed in pain as her right palm exploded along with her cell phone, causing blood to flow profusely from her right wrist, and she became even more horrified towards Tang Xiao.

That shocked Tang Xiao, and he didn't expect that combining Atropos Glory with his fire element would result in such an explosive force. However, he immediately turned it into a dagger again and pressed it against Du Zhong's neck, causing his neck to bleed. "Tell me the hiding location of the man with the white tiger tattoo and his subordinates."

"You... you are not my boss." Du Zhong stammered as he endured the excruciating pain in his lower body, and his eyes became increasingly blurry as blood continued to flow out. "Who... who are you?"

Tang Xiao gave a faint smirk before canceling his transformation technique, which caused Du Zhong and He Yu to tremble in fear. "Are you surprised to see me still alive, fatty?"

"Tang... Tang Xiao!" Du Zhong exclaimed in horror as his face turned deathly pale. "How... how did you manage to save yourself from that ravine?"

"I don't want to waste time answering your useless questions." Tang Xiao then pressed his dagger harder against Du Zhong's neck. "If you want to live, you better give me their hiding location, or I will dismember your body before killing you."

Du Zhong raised his hand and pointed at his desk. "My cell phone! Their names and how to contact them are all there."

Tang Xiao threw him on the bed, hitting He Yu, who was still groaning in pain, causing both of them to be in even more pain. Then he took Du Zhong's cell phone and read the stored messages, and he turned to him. "Bai Huang?"

"Yes... yes, he's the man with the white tiger tattoo." Du Zhong replied in fear.

"I've finally found you." Tang Xiao muttered with satisfaction, and he transformed his dagger into a gun again before pointing it at them.

"What... what are you going to do? I... I already told you their identities, so please spare us." Du Zhong pleaded with a trembling voice.

Tang Xiao shook his head. "Your mistake was collaborating with Ouyang Qing to kill me, and I will never spare my enemies, so you can lament your actions in front of King Yama."

*Swoosh... swoosh*

Without hesitation, Tang Xiao shot them right in the chest with fire bullets, causing their bodies to explode into small pieces, and their blood splashed into every corner of the room, but he protected his body with qi.

"Two are dead, and I'll take care of those guys soon." Tang Xiao transofrmed into Ouyang Hong again and left the prison directly, and he went straight into the ark to practice while waiting for Tang Yin and Xiao Ai to return.




Meanwhile, the two women had arrived in front of a large house, and Xiao Ai asked Tang Yin. "What exactly are you going to do with this woman, Mistress?"

"What do you think I will do to her, Xiao Ai?" Tang Yin asked back with a faint smirk. "Yu Xiaoling had conspired with Ouyang Qing to frame Xiao'er and make him suffer in prison for seven years, and he would have died at the bottom of that ravine if not for the rescue of you and your old master, so I must give her equal retribution for her crimes, right?"

"Are you really going to spread that video to the public?"

"Yes." Tang Yin nodded to Xiao Ai. "However, it was just my first revenge for Xiao'er's suffering, and I will make Yu Xiaoling suffer for the rest of her life. Anyway, let's go in, and I can't wait to see her expression."

'Could this be because my mistress awakened the darkness element? I feel that she is much crueler than the old master, and her character is also quite twisted.' Xiao Ai muttered as she pushed Tang Yin's wheelchair to the door of the house before pressing the bell.


Instantly, Yu Xiaoling froze as soon as she saw them, and she wanted to go back in while closing the door, but Tang Yin blocked it with her hand. "What's the matter, Teacher Yu? Why do you want to hide from me?"

"How... how did you manage to find me?" Yu Xiaoling asked back stammeringly, but she was also shocked to see that Tang Yin had recovered, especially since she remembered for sure that she had been in a coma for the past seven years.

Tang Yin smiled faintly and asked her back. "How about we talk inside, Teacher Yu? After all, we haven't seen each other for seven years, right?"

'What happened? How can she be this strong?' Yu Xiaoling wondered in her heart because she couldn't push the door, especially since Tang Yun kept blocking it firmly. In the end, she sighed in resignation and invited them in. "Let's talk inside."

"That's good."

Xiao Ai then pushed Tang Yin's wheelchair to follow her into the living room, and Yu Xiaoling sat directly in front of them while asking. "Since when have you recovered? Why do you want to see me?"

Before she answered Yu Xiaoling's question, Tang Yin whispered to Xiao Ai first, who immediately carried out her orders. "I woke up from my coma not long ago, so my body is still stiff, and I can't move freely yet. As for the reason I came here, I think you should already know about it, right?"

"What do you mean?" Yu Xiaoling asked with a frown.

"Teacher Yu, you don't need to pretend to be ignorant in front of me, and you surely still remember your betrayal of my little brother seven years ago, right?" Yu Xiaoling instantly froze after hearing that, and Xiao Ai whispered to Tang Yin, making her smile widen. "Anyway, turn on your TV, and you'll be surprised to see the news that the television stations are broadcasting."

Yu Xiaoling looked at Tang Yin in confusion, but she had a bad feeling after seeing her strange smile, so she immediately turned on the TV. However, her face turned deathly pale, and her expression was filled with horror as she kept changing TV channels, but they were broadcasting the same news, which was the news of her husband's affair, and they even broadcast the video of his affair without any blurring. "How... how did you get that video? Why... why did you do this to me?"

"Do you still need to ask me why, Yu Xiaoling?" Tang Yin asked her back with an angry look. "Back then, Xiao'er trusted you wholeheartedly, but you betrayed him by giving him a sleeping pill, and he had to experience the same thing that our mother experienced in the past. Besides, he was a smart and accomplished child, but your actions destroyed his future."

"But, I-"

"For your information, Xiao'er almost died in prison two days ago, and it happened because Ouyang Qing sent her father's subordination to kill him. Fortunately, the goddess of luck was still by his side, and she sent two saviors to save him, so he managed to escape death." Yu Xiaoling was completely shocked after hearing that, and Tang Yin spoke to her again. "I know that you did that because that bitch threatened you, but I will never forgive anyone who dares to hurt my little brother, so I decided to spread that video to the public."

"Why... why are you so cruel, Tang Yin?" Yu Xiaoling asked in a loud voice as she got up from her seat, and tears were already flowing freely from her eyes.

"As for your husband and daughter, I couldn't care less about their fate, and you were the one who brought destruction to them." Tang Yin then stretched her hand forward and used her technique, and Yu Xiaoling's body was instantly enveloped by a darkness aura, causing her to panic and struggle to escape. "Your efforts are useless because you will not be able to escape from me, and this is only the beginning of your endless suffering."

"Ugh! Let me go!" Yu Xiaoling shouted hysterically. "Please! Let me go, Tang Yin! I have to accompany my husband and daughter to get through this problem."

However, Tang Yin shook her head at Yu Xiaoling. "You can forget your husband and daughter; I assure you that you will never see them again, and they will think you are dead after this."

"No! Please! Don't do this to me!"

Tang Yin ignored Yu Xiaoling's screams, and she enveloped her with her darkness aura, causing her to lose consciousness. "Xiao Ai, you can remove all the evidence in this house, and we will take this woman into the ark."

"Yes, Mistress."

- To Be Continued -

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C18
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


