

After she took care of everything, and the doctor also confirmed that Tang Yin was completely healthy, Tang Yuan took them back to their parents' house.

However, Tang Xiao and Tang Yin looked sad when they arrived there, especially after they remembered their parents, and Tang Yuan embraced them. "For seven years, I have always asked people to clean this house, so you two can live in it again."

"En, we do plan to stay here again, Aunt Yuan."

"That's good." Tang Yuan then pushed Tang Yin's wheelchair into the living room. "We have to talk now, and you two have to explain everything to me, especially you, Xiao'er."

Tang Xiao smiled wryly when he heard that because he felt confused about how to explain everything to his aunt, but Xiao Ai suddenly told him. [Master, Tang Yuan is a cultivator, and she is quite strong.]

'Huh?' Tang Xiao was shocked to hear that. 'Show her status, Xiao Ai.'



Name: Tang Yuan

Age: 40

Cultivation: King level (peak rank)


- Wind Veins


- Human Physique






> Wind (Level 5)


'I didn't expect that Aunt Yuan was a cultivator; does that mean my grandfather is also a cultivator?' Tang Xiao was in complete shock after learning the truth. 'Hey, does that mean there are many other cultivators in this world, Xiao Ai?'

[Since your aunt was a cultivator, I thought your grandfather was also a cultivator, Master. Anyway, there are many other cultivators on this planet; it's just that they live separately from ordinary people. If I remember correctly, my old master called that place Earth-II, and they lived there.] However, Xiao Ai herself didn't have much information about that place, especially since the Old Tang Xiao was already in the upper realm when he created her.

'Earth-II?' Tang Xiao raised his eyebrows. 'Do you mean the Earth-II is like a dimensional pocket of this earth?'

[Yes, Master! In order to go to Earth-II, you have to pass through a special portal, and there are several portals spread across this world, so you can use one of them to go there.]

'Can you find the location of those portals? What about ordinary people?'

[I've saved the data of several nearby portals, and you can go there whenever you want, Master. As for ordinary people, my old master called them martial artists. Even though they are not cultivators, some of them are very strong, and they can also defeat some cultivators.]

'I know, my martial master is strong.' Tang Xiao said with a smile, thinking about Tantai Lingyan, who has trained him in martial arts since he was five years old. 'I think I should go to Earth-II.'

[Master, I don't recommend you go to Earth-II anytime soon, especially since your cultivation is still at rock bottom, and you should go there after you reach Xiantian Realm.]

Tang Xiao smiled when he heard that. 'I know you are saying that for my own good, but you are wrong, Xiao Ai. Those who were born in Earth-II or other cultivation worlds have been used to living in a harsh environment since their childhood. As for me? I was born in this modern world full of technology, and I used to depend on it. If I don't start to get used to the harsh environment early on, then how am I supposed to deal with them in the future?'

Xiao Ai pondered for a while after hearing that, especially since the old Tang Xiao also liked to go out and do dangerous things, but he was very careful and cautious whenever he acted.

'Relax; I will be very careful, Xiao Ai. I don't want to throw my life away just like that, and I still have a lot of goals in the future. Besides, I will prepare myself first before I go to that place, and I will meet my master to train with her again.'

'The master is still the master; neither the young master nor the old, they are exactly the same.' Xiao Ai then warned him. [You must be very careful, and your safety is the number one priority, Master.]

"Xiao'er? Why are you just standing there?" Tang Yuan then patted the empty side next to her. "Sit here and tell me everything."

Tang Xiao immediately sat beside Tang Yuan and told her many things, starting with the arrival of those people into the prison, and he also told her the appearance of the man with the white tiger tattoo. However, he didn't tell his aunt about Xiao Ai, her old master, and the primordial divine ark, especially since everything was too unbelievable.

Tang Yuan was completely furious after she listened to Tang Xiao's explanation. "I didn't expect that Ouyang Qing was so vicious, and she was much more vicious than her father. She had framed you so that you were imprisoned for seven years, but she was still not satisfied with that, and she still wanted to kill you."

"Aunt Yuan, those men who tried to violate me also came from those families, and one of them was Ouyang Ming." Tang Yuan turned to Tang Yin as she nodded in understanding, as she herself had long suspected that they were the culprits, but she couldn't do anything to put them in prison. "Anyway, we already have some plans to take revenge on them, but we won't do it anytime soon, and we will prepare everything more neatly before starting our revenge."

"Hmm? What are you two planning?" Tang Yuan asked with a frown, especially since she knew the strength of their enemies very well, so she didn't want his nephew and niece to make any rash moves against them.

Tang Yin smiled at her reaction. "Hehe, you don't need to react like this, Aunt Yuan. For now, our plans are still in outline, so we will finalize everything first, and we will tell you later."

However, Tang Yin's answer made Tang Yuan frown even more, as she didn't like them playing secrets with her, but she then sighed softly. "I don't know what you two are planning, but I hope you two don't do anything dangerous."

"Don't worry, we won't do anything dangerous." Tang Xiao and Tang Yin answered seriously.


Suddenly, Tang Yuan's cell phone rang, and she read the incoming message before getting up from her seat. "I have to meet one of my clients, so I have to go now. You two must tell me when your plans are final, and I will help you take revenge on them. Do you understand?"

"Yes." After their aunt left, Tang Xiao pulled Tang Yin onto his lap. "Anyway, Aunt Yuan is also a cultivator like us, but she doesn't seem to realize that we are already one."

"Is that true? Does that mean our grandfather is also a cultivator?" Tang Yin asked in disbelief.

Tang Xiao nodded to her. "I think so."

Tang Yin thought for a moment before speaking again. "If they are cultivators, why did they never teach our parents to become ones? Why did they hide it from us?"

"I don't know, but we can ask our grandpa about that when he visits us later." Tang Xiao then asked his big sister. "Do you think we should tell Aunt Yuan about Xiao Ai and the ark?"

"Yes." Tang Yin unhesitatingly agreed with that. "Aunt Yuan loves us very much, and she also took good care of us after our parents died, so we have to tell her the truth. Besides, we also have to tell her about our relationship, but I'm afraid that she will be disappointed in us."

"You're right." Tang Xiao nodded and spoke to her. "I know our relationship will disappoint Aunt Yuan and our grandpa, but you are my wife now, so I won't hide it from them, and we will wait for the right time to tell them everything."

Tang Xiao then picked up Tang Yin and took her into the ark again, but he left his big sister with Xiao Ai, and he himself went to the training ground to learn some things first.




Upon their arrival at the treasury vault, Tang Yin chose several weapons for herself, and one of them was the three-section staff, which is often called the San Jie Gun. In addition, she also took two handguns, which she immediately put in her storage ring.

Unlike Tang Xiao, who mastered many martial arts and weapons, Tang Yin was more focused on Wushu, and her favorite weapon was the San Jie Gun. As for her marksmanship, Tang Ye taught her how to use guns when she was seven years old, and she continued to hone it after their parents died.

Xiao Ai suddenly handed Tang Yin a light dress and shoes. "Mistress, this is a boot of speed, and it can make you move very fast, but you have to familiarize yourself with the speed first. As for the light dress, it is made from silk produced by metal silkworms. Even though it is only Epic Grade, it is enough to protect you for now, and no modern weapons can harm you."

"That's good." Tang Yin then put on the light dress and shoes, but she felt like she wasn't wearing anything, especially since both of them were very light. "Anyway, I will learn the calamity of darkness first, and we will go to Hong Kong after."

"Yes, Mistress."




A few hours later, as they had previously planned, Tang Xiao went straight to prison after they left the ark, and Xiao Ai accompanied Tang Yin to Hong Kong.

Meanwhile, Tang Xiao was already standing not far from the prison, and he rushed there after he used his transformation technique to transform into Ouyang Hong, and he could enter the prison easily because of that.

Before long, Tang Xiao had arrived in front of Du Zhong's room, and he used his true eyes to peek inside, but he was making love with He Yu. "Tsk! This damn pig! You can have fun now, but you will meet King Yama soon."

- To Be Continued -

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C17
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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